From Variscite Wiki

DART-MX8M-PLUS Debian Bookworm 12.5

Debian GNU/Linux is a renowned Linux distribution known for its robustness and simplified software management through the Advanced Package Tool (APT). Its long-standing reputation makes it a trusted choice for many developers across various applications. As it provides a diverse selection of pre-built packages and offers ease of customization, Debian GNU/Linux facilitates rapid prototyping with minimal effort. In this context, please also look at our blog entry, which discusses some pros and cons of Debian compared to others here.

This release is based on the NXP BSP from Yocto and the Debian 12.5 core libraries. Variscite has added packages and configuration to support its i.MX8M-PLUS System On Module products: DART-MX8M-PLUS and VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS (both are under the DART-MX8M-PLUS category of this Wiki).

Release version: mx8mp-debian-bookworm-6.1.36_2.1.0-v1.1