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Supporting the i.MX 6 QuadPlus/Quad/Dual/DualLite/Solo SOC, the VAR-SOM-MX6 allows designers to use a single System on Module in a broad range of applications to achieve short time-to-market for their current innovations, while still accommodating potential R&D directions and marketing opportunities. This versatile solution’s -40 to 85 °C temperature range and Dual CAN support is ideal for industrial applications, while 1080p video and graphics accelerations make it equally suitable for intensive multimedia applications.

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Specs summary
CPUNXP i.MX6 QuadPlus/ Quad/ Dual/ DualLite/ Solo:
Cortex™-A9 MPCore®, 800-1200 MHz, 1/2/4 cores
Memory256MB - 2048MB DDR3
GPUVivante™ GC2000 + GC320 Accelerated 3D and 2D
DisplayHDMI v1.4 1080p, 2x LVDS
StorageSD card, SATA II interface, 512MB SLC NAND, eMMC up to 128GB
NetworkEthernet: 10/100/1000 Mbps,
WiLink8 802.11 a/b/g/n + MIMO,
Bluetooth: 5.1 + CSA2 support, BLE
RTCOn carrier
One-Wire1 Wire/HDQ
UARTsx5, up to 5Mbps
USBUSB 2.0: 1x Host, 1x OTG
AudioHeadphone, Digital Microphone, S/PDIF, Line In/Out
Temperature Range-40 to 85°C
Dimensions51.5mm x 67.8mm