VAR-SOM-OM37 Linux Building Linux Images
Instructions for Linux release no.8 can be found here:
Building Linux images
This section describes how to rebuild the different software images.
Ensure that the toolchain installation has been completed (see section “Installing the Toolchain”).
Some of the makefiles build development host utilities in the process of building the target content. For these steps to complete correctly, the Linux host must be capable of compiling host programs.
Install the following libraries:
# sudo apt-get install build-essential libncurses5-dev mtd-tools
Installing the toolchain
This guide assumes the use of the LITE version of the CodeSourcery toolchain. This version is an unrestricted command line toolchain available free of charge.
The tool chain is included in the VAR-DVK-3x.
The installation file resides at Software/host_tools/linux/arm-2009q1-203-arm-none-linux-gnueabi-i686-pc-linux-gnu.tar.bz2[1]
To install the toolchain, follow the sequence below:
# sudo mkdir –p /opt/toolchain # sudo cp arm-2009q1-203-arm-none-linux-gnueabi-i686-pc-linux-gnu.tar.bz2 /opt/toolchain # cd /opt/toolchain # sudo tar –jxvf arm-2009q1-203-arm-none-linux-gnueabi-i686-pc-linux-gnu.tar.bz2 # sudo rm arm-2009q1-203-arm-none-linux-gnueabi-i686-pc-linux-gnu.tar.bz2
Add the /opt/toolchain/arm-2009q1/bin folder to your path. This is typically done by adding an additional line to your shell resource file (~/.bashrc). For the path given above, add the following line to your .bashrc file:
# export PATH=/opt/toolchain/arm-2009q1/bin:$PATH
This adds the CodeSourcery tools to your path and allows you to execute the tools using
arm-nonelinux-gnueabi-gcc (or other tools in the tool chain) from any directory.
Building kernel
Note: building the kernel requires using mkimage, a host side utility built by the u-boot makefile. You will need to build U-boot and place mkimage in your Path. If you are using a bash shell, add the following in the .bashrc file in your user account.
export PATH=<path to U-boot>/tools:$PATH
After making the modifications to the .bashrc file, make sure you perform the following step for the change to take effect in the current session.
# source ~/.bashrc
Download variscite_2_6_37.patch from Variscite's FTP
To build the kernel, follow the following commands:
git clone git:// cd linux-omap3 git checkout 4d640ae8cb8bb3a51675208caaf45142e7348b08 git apply /path/to/variscite_kernel_2_6_37.patch make ARCH=arm var-som-om3x_defconfig make ARCH=arm menuconfig make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux-gnueabi- uImage
The resulting kernel image uImage will be placed under arch/arm/boot and is ready to be loaded to target.
Building the U-boot
Untar the U-Boot source archive from \VAR-SOM-OM35_VAR-SOM-OM37_VAR-SOM-AM35\Software\Linux\sources folder:
tar xjvf u-boot-2009.11-psp03.00.01.06.sdk.tar.bz2
To build the U-Boot, follow the following commands:
# cd u-boot-2009.11-psp03.00.01.06.sdk # make distclean # make var-om3xxx_config # make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux-gnueabi-
Resulting U-Boot image named u-boot.bin will be in the current directory.
Building the X-Loader
Untar the X-Loader source archive from \VAR-SOM-OM35_VAR-SOM-OM37_VAR-SOM-AM35\Software\Linux\sources folder:
tar xjvf x-load-1.46-psp03.00.01.06.sdk.tar.bz2
To build the X-Loader, follow the following commands:
# cd x-load-1.46-psp03.00.01.06.sdk # make distclean # make var-om35xx_config # make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux-gnueabi- PLATFORM_RELFLAGS+='-DFOUR_BIT_ERROR_CORRECT'
Resulting X-Loader image named x-load.bin will be in created the current directory.
Sign image with TI signGP tool (included in CD)
Open Embedded
VAR-SOM-OM37 uses the Openembedded build system. The "Getting started" set of pages will show you how to set up cross development build environment on your Linux desktop or laptop. It will teach you how to check out the most recent source code , and how to use the build system to create standard images for X-Loader, U-Boot, Kernel and Root filesystem.
The steps for the entire process are summarized in Quick start, but it is recommended that you read through the detailed instructions in Setting up a Build Environment and the following sections for a better understanding of the process
OpenEmbedded setup
Getting Started section of OpenEmbedded User Manual describes the framework installation process.
copy suggested local.conf file to build dir
cp /path/to/var-som-om37/oe/dir/local.conf ${OEBASE}/build/conf
Applying Patches
- Create a branch for VAR-SOM-OM37 development. VAR-SOM-OM37 patches are generated vs. commit 9e1aa4d02aed8ade9bbbc60ccab4aa58fe1bd2fd in branch of the OpenEmbedded git tree.
cd {$OEBASE}/oe/openembedded git branch var-som-om37 9e1aa4d02aed8ade9bbbc60ccab4aa58fe1bd2fd git checkout var-som-om37
- Apply VAR-SOM-OM37 patch
git apply /path/to/var-som-xx.patch
Creating Angstrom Linux images
- Setup environment variables
export OEBASE=/path/to/oe cd $OEBASE export PATH=$OEBASE/bitbake/bin:$PATH export BBPATH=$OEBASE/build:$OEBASE/openembedded export BB_ENV_EXTRAWHITE="OEBASE"
- For building .dev branch, in local.conf file, at least three of the following entries should be present. For building VAR-SOM-OM37:
BBFILES = "/home/oren/oe/openembedded/recipes/*/*.bb" DISTRO = "angstrom-2010.x" MACHINE = "var-som-om37"
Start building
For building x-loader :
$ bitbake -v x-load
For building u-boot for VAR-SOM-OM37:
$ bitbake -v virtual/bootloader
For building the uImage for VAR-SOM-OM37:
$ bitbake -v virtual/kernel
Example: For building a file system with GUI support:
$ bitbake -v x11-gpe-image
The above command will build X-Loader, U-Boot, Kernel and Root filesystem.
This initial build will take time since it needs to download all the sources. When it completes, you will find the MLO, U-boot, Kernel and root filesystem image in
$ ls /stuff/openembedded/tmp/deploy/glibc/images/var-som-om37
uImage-2.6.37-r103-var-som-om37.bin modules-2.6.37-r103-var-som-om37.tgz uImage-var-som-om37.bin -> uImage-2.6.37-r103-var-som-om37.bin config-2.6.37-r103-var-som-om37.config modules-var-som-om37.tgz -> modules-2.6.37-r103-var-som-om37.tgz config-var-som-om37.config -> config-2.6.37-r103-var-som-om37.config u-boot-var-som-om37.bin -> u-boot-var-som-om37-2009.11+r76+gitr7683ca6af43c17cf8214e9a241cd63c0001a59b1-r76.bin u-boot-var-som-om37-2009.11+r76+gitr7683ca6af43c17cf8214e9a241cd63c0001a59b1-r76.bin x-load-var-som-om37-1.46+r24+gitr8aab9f965db7622f89378e7d53b328811dcfd62c-r24.bin.ift x-load-usb-var-som-om37-1.46+r24+gitr8aab9f965db7622f89378e7d53b328811dcfd62c-r24.bin MLO-var-som-om37-1.46+r24+gitr8aab9f965db7622f89378e7d53b328811dcfd62c-r24 x-load-var-som-om37.bin.ift -> x-load-var-som-om37-1.46+r24+gitr8aab9f965db7622f89378e7d53b328811dcfd62c-r24.bin.ift x-load-usb-var-som-om37.bin -> x-load-usb-var-som-om37-1.46+r24+gitr8aab9f965db7622f89378e7d53b328811dcfd62c-r24.bin MLO-var-som-om37 -> MLO-var-som-om37-1.46+r24+gitr8aab9f965db7622f89378e7d53b328811dcfd62c-r24 x11-gpe-image-var-som-om37.jffs2 -> Angstrom-x11-gpe-image-eglibc-ipk-v2011.09-var-som-om37.rootfs.jffs2 Angstrom-x11-gpe-image-eglibc-ipk-v2011.09-var-som-om37.rootfs.jffs2 x11-gpe-image-var-som-om37.tar.bz2 -> Angstrom-x11-gpe-image-eglibc-ipk-v2011.09-var-som-om37.rootfs.tar.bz2 Angstrom-x11-gpe-image-eglibc-ipk-v2011.09-var-som-om37.rootfs.tar.bz2 Angstrom-x11-gpe-image-eglibc-ipk-v2011.09-var-som-om37-testlab