VAR-SOM-MX6 Yocto Fido R4 Customizing kernel and uboot
From Variscite Wiki
Once completed developing your own kernel and U-Boot, create your own github account, and upload your proprietary kernel and U-Boot to a new repository
Replace Variscite's Kernel and U-Boot yocto links, to point to your newly created github branches. i.e. replace kernel link:
SRCBRANCH = "imx_3.14.38_6qp_ga_var01" SRCREV = "8740b9f64e7aa2bf40f29f39d3ada243c933a33c" KERNEL_SRC ?= "git://;protocol=git"
with your own. For example:
SRCBRANCH = "imx_3.14.38_6qp_ga_01" SRCREV = "00001111" (replace with your specific kernel commit id) KERNEL_SRC ?= "git://;protocol=git"
Also replace:
SRCREV = "9c28e2fd310f17efc9b12f19772a732a68372c90" SRCBRANCH = "imx_v2015.04_3.14.52_1.1.0_ga_var01" SRC_URI = "git://;protocol=git;branch=${SRCBRANCH}"
to replace Variscite's U-Boot with your own.