From Variscite Wiki

VAR-SOM-MX6 Yocto Thud

Yocto project is a framework for creating a Linux distributions for embedded devices. Its layering mechanism makes it easy to add Linux to new target devices highly customized for a particular platform; it can include custom start-up scripts, software packages built with a high degree of optimization for a particular architecture, and different user interfaces from full Gnome desktop to a simple a serial console. This release is based on Freescale/NXP Community BSP layer for Yocto framework.

Variscite extends this layer to support its i.MX6 System On Module products: VAR-SOM-MX6, VAR-SOM-SOLO/DUAL and DART-MX6 (all of which are under the VAR-SOM-MX6 category of this wiki).

Release version: thud-fslc-4.14.78-mx6-v1.0