VAR-SOM-MX6 Android Ethernet

From Variscite Wiki
VAR-SOM-MX6 - Android Nougat - Ethernet

Ethernet Manager is part of the system image by default.
Simply plug in the Ethernet cable and it will connect using DHCP by default.

Ethernet configuration tool

In your desktop menu, you should have an application called Ethernet, as shown in the below image:
Ethernet Home Screen.png

Click on it and you will see the below screen:
Ethernet App Home Screen.png

Ethernet DHCP configuration

As written before, the default connection type is DHCP.
You can change it to static IP, using the Ethernet app:
Eth DHCP Screen.png

Ethernet static IP configuration

Click on Static IP, and enter the following parameters:

IP Address		e.g.
Netmask			e.g.
Default Gateway		e.g.
DNS1			e.g. (Google DNS)
DNS2			e.g. (Google DNS)

Click on "Confirm" to apply the settings.


Click on WebView Browser Test and browse the Internet normally.