VAR-SOM-AM43 Yocto Fido R1 Build u-boot out of tree
From Variscite Wiki
In AM437x the ROM code serves as the 1st stage bootloader. The 2nd and the 3rd stage bootloaders are based on U-Boot.
The binary for the 2nd stage is referred to as SPL (MLO) and the binary for the 3rd stage as simply U-Boot. SPL is a non-interactive loader and is a built from the u-boot tree.
The ROM code can load the SPL image from the NAND or SDMMC devices.
Building U-Boot out-of-tree
Downloading source code
- U-Boot sources can be downloaded from
- U-boot is built automatically by bitbake.
- This directory already includes Variscite's patches (already applied) to support the VAR-SOM-AM33.
First, clone the git repositories to a local directory, as follows:
$ mkdir ~/varsomam43 $ cd ~/varsomam43 $ git clone
Setup Toolchain path
$ export PATH=/opt/gcc-linaro-4.9-2015.05-x86_64_arm-linux-gnueabihf/bin/:$PATH
Building U-boot
- U-boot variant to boot from NAND flash:
$ cd u-boot-VAR-SOM-AMxx $ make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf- var-som-am43
- U-boot variant to boot from SD-Card:
$ make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf- var-som-am43-sd
U-Boot Environment Settings
The VAR-SOM-AM43 U-Boot has default environment settings that boot from NAND, SD/MMC card and Ethernet.