VAR-SOM-AM33 Bluetooth

From Variscite Wiki


  • Bring BT device up:
$ rmmod btwilink
$ modprobe btwilink
$ hciconfig hci0 up
  • Scan for BT devices and ping:
$ hcitool scan 
$ l2ping 98:03:D8:C7:1A:96
  • Scan for BLE devices:
$ hcitool lescan 
  • Connect to BLE device
$ gatttool [-t random] -b 7B:43:66:3D:D9:5D -I
[   ][7B:43:66:3D:D9:5D][LE]> connect
Indication   handle = 0x0003 value: 01 00 ff ff 

Then work with any other standard bluetooth API and commands.