Template:MCUXPRESSO U-Boot Demo
From Variscite Wiki
Running a demo from U-Boot
To allow Cortex-M accessing shared resources without experiencing Linux kernel conflicts, a dedicated device tree must be loaded.
To enable Cortex-M:
=> setenv use_ yes; saveenv
To disable Cortex-M:
=> setenv use_ no; saveenv
Binary demos must be loaded to the memory type used for linking.
To use TCM:
=> setenv _addr 0x7E0000; saveenv
To use DDR:
=> setenv _addr 0x7E000000; saveenv
To set the name of the Cortex-M binary
=> setenv _bin myapp.bin; saveenv
The .bin file is expected in the folder /boot of the booting media.
The U-Boot boot command will handle loading the Cortex-M firmware and start Linux for .
For testing, it is possible to run the firmware manually:
=> run loadbin && run runbin