Android UUU IMX8

From Variscite Wiki
Booting from USB and Flashing Android using UUU (Universal Update Utility)


UUU (Universal Update Utility) is an open source utility by NXP that allows downloading and executing code on i.MX SoCs through the Serial Download Protocol (SDP).
It is the next generation of NXP's MFGTOOL used to load SPL and U-Boot via the USB OTG port and optionally program the internal storage of the SOM.
For more details please visit

All Variscite SOMs are shipped with U-Boot pre-programmed on the internal storage.
In addition, all Variscite carrier boards have an SD card slot, and even in the unlikely event of the U-Boot being erased from the internal storage, the SOM can always be booted from an SD card (like our recovery SD card, for example).

Step by step usage instructions

Download and build uuu:

$ sudo apt-get install libusb-1.0-0-dev libzip-dev libbz2-dev pkg-config cmake
$ cd ~
$ git clone
$ cd mfgtools
$ git checkout uuu_1.4.240
$ cmake .
$ make

Preparing UUU for Android flashing:

  • Android build outputs the U-Boot using the defconfig for SD card/eMMC by default.
  • Copy the uuu binary to the Android build output folder:
$ cp ~/mfgtools/uuu/uuu ~/var_imx-p9.0.0_1.0.0-ga/android_build/out/target/product/dart_mx8mm

Boot the board into serial download mode:

  • Set the board boot mode to SD card, while not having an actual card inserted in its slot.

Alternatively, set the board boot mode to eMMC/NAND flash, when the eMMC/NAND flash does not contain a bootloader.
Connect the board to your host PC via the USB OTG port, and power on the board.
The board should be recognized on the host as a "NXP Semiconductors SE Blank M850" (or something similar).

If your board only has a regular USB type-A connector and doesn't have a USB Micro-AB or Type-C receptacle, you can use a "male USB type-A to male USB type-A" cable.

Use UUU to program Android to the eMMC:


Supported hardware and features

SOM support
Carrier Board support

i.MX6 Quad Plus
i.MX6 Quad
i.MX6 Dual
i.MX6 Dual lite
i.MX6 Solo

NAND flash size support
128MB and up
up to 64GB
DDR size support configuration
Solo:up to 1GB. DualLite, Dual, Quad: up to 4GB
SD card
Wired Network
10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet
Wireless Network
Support for Wilink8, 802.11abgn STA, AP, & Wi-Fi Direct Mode SmartConfig Wilink8 page
USB host
Host and Device
x3, up to 3.6 Mbps.
Display HDMI: 720P,1080P
LVDS0 (On board LVDS-to-RGB bridge, 800x480 resolution), LVDS1 external display
Audio Line IN/ Line out and Audio over HDMI
Camera OV5640 camera sensor (VAR-EXT-CB402 camera board can be ordered separately)

SD card image file tree

├── Android
│   ├── SPL-mmc
│   ├── SPL-nand
│   ├── boot-imx6q-var-dart.img
│   ├── boot-som-mx6dl-c.img
│   ├── boot-som-mx6dl-r.img
│   ├── boot-som-mx6q-c.img
│   ├── boot-som-mx6q-r.img
│   ├── boot-som-mx6q-vsc.img
│   ├── boot-som-solo-c.img
│   ├── boot-som-solo-r.img
│   ├── boot-som-solo-vsc.img
│   ├── boot-som-solo-vsc.img
│   ├── recovery-imx6q-var-dart.img
│   ├── recovery-som-mx6dl-c.img
│   ├── recovery-som-mx6dl-r.img
│   ├── recovery-som-mx6q-c.img
│   ├── recovery-som-mx6q-r.img
│   ├── recovery-som-mx6q-vsc.img
│   ├── recovery-som-solo-c.img
│   ├── recovery-som-solo-r.img
│   ├── recovery-som-solo-vsc.img
│   ├── system.img
│   ├── u-boot-var-imx6-mmc.img
│   └── u-boot-var-imx6-nand.img
└── Yocto
    ├── SPL-nand
    ├── SPL-sd
    ├── imx6dl-var-som-cap.dtb
    ├── imx6dl-var-som-res.dtb
    ├── imx6dl-var-som-solo-cap.dtb
    ├── imx6dl-var-som-solo-res.dtb
    ├── imx6dl-var-som-solo-vsc.dtb
    ├── imx6dl-var-som-vsc.dtb
    ├── imx6q-var-dart.dtb
    ├── imx6q-var-som-cap.dtb
    ├── imx6q-var-som-res.dtb
    ├── imx6q-var-som-vsc.dtb
    ├── rootfs.tar.bz2
    ├── rootfs_128kbpeb.ubi
    ├── rootfs_256kbpeb.ubi
    ├── u-boot.img-nand
    ├── u-boot.img-sd
    └── uImage

Flash Recovery SD from GUI

VAR-SOM-MX6 Android Recovery

Click on the appropriate icon:

  • Install Android SOLOCustomBoard: Install Android on eMMC, on VAR-SOLOCustomBoard
  • Install Android MX6CB Cap: Install Android with Capacitive touch panel support on eMMC, on VAR-MX6CustomBoard
  • Install Android MX6CB Res: Install Android with Resistive touch panel support on eMMC, on VAR-MX6CustomBoard
  • Install Android DART: Install Android on eMMC, on VAR-DT6CustomBoard

  • Install Yocto SOLOCB NAND: Install Yocto on NAND flash, on VAR-SOLOCustomBoard
  • Install Yocto SOLOCB eMMC: Install Yocto on eMMC, on VAR-SOLOCustomBoard
  • Install Yocto MX6CB Res NAND: Install Yocto with Resistive touch panel support on NAND flash, on VAR-MX6CustomBoard
  • Install Yocto MX6CB Cap NAND: Install Yocto with Capacitive touch panel support on NAND flash, on VAR-MX6CustomBoard
  • Install Yocto MX6CB Res eMMC: Install Yocto with Resistive touch panel support on eMMC, on VAR-MX6CustomBoard
  • Install Yocto MX6CB Cap eMMC: Install Yocto with Capacitive touch panel support on eMMC, on VAR-MX6CustomBoard.
  • Install Yocto DART (eMMC): Install Yocto on eMMC, on VAR-DT6CustomBoard


Supported hardware and features

SOM support
Carrier Board support


up to 64GB
DDR size support configuration
up to 4GB
SD card
Wired Network
10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet
Wireless Network
Support for LWB5, 802.11 ac/a/b/g/n STA, AP, & Wi-Fi Direct Mode SmartConfig
4.2 / BLE
USB host
Host and Device
x4, up to 4 Mbps.
Display HDMI: V2.0a up to 4Kp60
LVDS Dual 1920×1080 24-bit
MIPI-DSI 1920×1080 24-bit
Audio Line IN / HP
Camera 2x MIPI-CSI2

SD card image file tree Morty

├── Android
│   ├── boot-imx8m-var-dart-emmc-wifi-dcss-lvds.img
│   ├── boot-imx8m-var-dart-emmc-wifi-dual-display.img
│   ├── boot-imx8m-var-dart-emmc-wifi-hdmi-4k.img
│   ├── boot-imx8m-var-dart-emmc-wifi-hdmi.img
│   ├── boot-imx8m-var-dart-emmc-wifi-lcdif-lvds.img
│   ├── boot-imx8m-var-dart-sd-emmc-dcss-lvds.img
│   ├── boot-imx8m-var-dart-sd-emmc-dual-display.img
│   ├── boot-imx8m-var-dart-sd-emmc-hdmi-4k.img
│   ├── boot-imx8m-var-dart-sd-emmc-hdmi.img
│   ├── boot-imx8m-var-dart-sd-emmc-lcdif-lvds.img
│   ├── system_raw.img
│   ├── u-boot-imx8m-var-dart.imx
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8m-var-dart-emmc-wifi-dcss-lvds.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8m-var-dart-emmc-wifi-dual-display.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8m-var-dart-emmc-wifi-hdmi-4k.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8m-var-dart-emmc-wifi-hdmi.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8m-var-dart-emmc-wifi-lcdif-lvds.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8m-var-dart-sd-emmc-dcss-lvds.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8m-var-dart-sd-emmc-dual-display.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8m-var-dart-sd-emmc-hdmi-4k.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8m-var-dart-sd-emmc-hdmi.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8m-var-dart-sd-emmc-lcdif-lvds.img
│   └── vendor_raw.img
└── Yocto
    ├── rootfs.tar.bz2
    └── imx-boot-sd.bin

Android 8 images

u-boot-imx8m-var-dart.imx U-Boot for eMMC/SD card boot.
SOM agnostics.
system.img Android system image file.
SOM agnostics.
vendor.img Android vendor image file.
SOM agnostics.
configuration dependent
<name> is one of: imx8m-var-dart-emmc-wifi-dcss-lvds - Supports LVDS (via DCSS) / WiFi
imx8m-var-dart-emmc-wifi-dual-display - Supports HDMI (via DCSS) / LVDS (via LCDIF) / WiFi
imx8m-var-dart-emmc-wifi-hdmi-4k - Supports HDMI-4k / WiFi
imx8m-var-dart-emmc-wifi-hdmi - Supports HDMI / WiFi
imx8m-var-dart-emmc-wifi-lcdif-lvds - Supports LVDS (via LCDIF) / WiFi
imx8m-var-dart-sd-emmc-dcss-lvds - Supports LVDS (via DCSS) / SD
imx8m-var-dart-sd-emmc-dual-display - Supports HDMI (via DCSS) / LVDS (via LCDIF) / SD
imx8m-var-dart-sd-emmc-hdmi-4k - Supports HDMI-4k (via DCSS) / SD
imx8m-var-dart-sd-emmc-hdmi - Supports HDMI (via DCSS) / SD
imx8m-var-dart-sd-emmc-lcdif-lvds - Supports LVDS (via LCDIF) / SD

Android 8 fastboot

$ sudo `which fastboot` flash boot_a out/target/product/dart_mx8m/boot-<name>.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash boot_b out/target/product/dart_mx8m/boot-<name>.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash system_a out/target/product/dart_mx8m/system.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash system_b out/target/product/dart_mx8m/system.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vendor_a out/target/product/dart_mx8m/vendor.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vendor_b out/target/product/dart_mx8m/vendor.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vbmeta_a out/target/product/dart_mx8m/vbmeta-<name>.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vbmeta_b out/target/product/dart_mx8m/vbmeta-<name>.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` reboot

SD card image file tree Sumo

├── Android
│   ├── boot.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-emmc-wifi-lvds.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-emmc-wifi-dual-display.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-emmc-wifi-hdmi.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-emmc-lvds.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-emmc-dual-display.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-emmc-hdmi.img
│   ├── system.img
│   ├── u-boot-imx8mq-var-dart.imx
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-emmc-wifi-lvds.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-emmc-wifi-dual-display.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-emmc-wifi-hdmi.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-emmc-lvds.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-emmc-dual-display.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-emmc-hdmi.img
│   └── vendor.img
└── Yocto
    ├── rootfs.tar.bz2
    └── imx-boot-sd.bin

Android 9 images

u-boot-imx8mq-var-dart.imx U-Boot for eMMC/SD card boot.
SOM agnostics.
boot.img Android kernel image file.
SOM agnostics.
system.img Android system image file.
SOM agnostics.
vendor.img Android vendor image file.
SOM agnostics.
configuration dependent
<name> is one of: imx8mq-var-dart-emmc-wifi-lvds - Supports LVDS (via DCSS) / WiFi
imx8mq-var-dart-emmc-wifi-dual-display - Supports HDMI (via DCSS) / LVDS (via LCDIF) / WiFi
imx8mq-var-dart-emmc-wifi-hdmi - Supports HDMI / WiFi
imx8mq-var-dart-sd-emmc-lvds - Supports LVDS (via DCSS) / SD
imx8mq-var-dart-sd-emmc-dual-display - Supports HDMI (via DCSS) / LVDS (via LCDIF) / SD
imx8mq-var-dart-sd-emmc-hdmi - Supports HDMI (via DCSS) / SD

SD card image file tree Sumo v2

├── Android
│   ├── boot.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-lvds-cb12.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-lvds-hdmi-cb12.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-hdmi-cb12.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-lvds-cb12.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-lvds-hdmi-cb12.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-hdmi-cb12.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-lvds.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-lvds-hdmi.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-lvds-dp.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-hdmi.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-dp.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-lvds.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-lvds-hdmi.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-lvds-dp.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-hdmi.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-dp.img
│   ├── system.img
│   ├── u-boot-imx8mq-var-dart.imx
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-lvds-cb12.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-lvds-hdmi-cb12.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-hdmi-cb12.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-lvds-cb12.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-lvds-hdmi-cb12.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-hdmi-cb12.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-lvds.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-lvds-hdmi.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-lvds-dp.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-hdmi.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-dp.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-lvds.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-lvds-hdmi.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-lvds-dp.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-hdmi.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-dp.img
│   └── vendor.img
└── Yocto
    ├── rootfs.tar.bz2
    └── imx-boot-sd.bin

SD card image file tree Warrior

├── Android
│   ├── boot.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-dp.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-hdmi-cb12.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-hdmi.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-lvds-cb12.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-lvds-dp.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-lvds-hdmi-cb12.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-lvds-hdmi.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-lvds.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-dp.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-hdmi-cb12.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-hdmi.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-lvds-cb12.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-lvds-dp.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-lvds-hdmi-cb12.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-lvds-hdmi.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-lvds.img
│   ├── product.img
│   ├── system.img
│   ├── u-boot-imx8mq-var-dart-dp.imx
│   ├── u-boot-imx8mq-var-dart.imx
│   ├── u-boot-imx8mq-var-dart-uuu-dp.imx
│   ├── u-boot-imx8mq-var-dart-uuu.imx
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-dp.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-hdmi-cb12.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-hdmi.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-lvds-cb12.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-lvds-dp.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-lvds-hdmi-cb12.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-lvds-hdmi.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-lvds.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-dp.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-hdmi-cb12.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-hdmi.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-lvds-cb12.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-lvds-dp.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-lvds-hdmi-cb12.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-lvds-hdmi.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-lvds.img
│   └── vendor.img
└── Yocto
    ├── imx-boot-imx8mq-var-dart-sd.bin-flash_dp_evk
    ├── imx-boot-imx8mq-var-dart-sd.bin-flash_evk
    ├── imx-boot-imx8mq-var-dart-sd.bin-flash_evk_no_hdmi
    ├── imx-boot-sd.bin -> imx-boot-imx8mq-var-dart-sd.bin-flash_evk
    └── rootfs.tar.gz

SD card image file tree ZEUS With Super Image

├── Android
│   ├── boot.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-dp.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-hdmi-cb12.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-hdmi.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-lvds-cb12.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-lvds-dp.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-lvds-hdmi-cb12.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-lvds-hdmi.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-lvds.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-dp.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-hdmi-cb12.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-hdmi.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-lvds-cb12.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-lvds-dp.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-lvds-hdmi-cb12.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-lvds-hdmi.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-lvds.img
│   ├── super.img
│   ├── u-boot-imx8mq-var-dart-dp.imx
│   ├── u-boot-imx8mq-var-dart.imx
│   ├── u-boot-imx8mq-var-dart-uuu-dp.imx
│   ├── u-boot-imx8mq-var-dart-uuu.imx
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-dp.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-hdmi-cb12.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-hdmi.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-lvds-cb12.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-lvds-dp.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-lvds-hdmi-cb12.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-lvds-hdmi.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-lvds.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-dp.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-hdmi-cb12.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-hdmi.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-lvds-cb12.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-lvds-dp.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-lvds-hdmi-cb12.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-lvds-hdmi.img
│   └── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-lvds.img
└── Yocto
   ├── imx-boot-imx8mq-var-dart-sd.bin-flash_dp_evk
   ├── imx-boot-imx8mq-var-dart-sd.bin-flash_evk
   ├── imx-boot-imx8mq-var-dart-sd.bin-flash_evk_no_hdmi
   ├── imx-boot-sd.bin -> imx-boot-imx8mq-var-dart-sd.bin-flash_evk
   └── rootfs.tar.gz

SD card image file tree DUNFELL V1.2

├── Android
│   ├── boot.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-sd-dp.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-sd-hdmi.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-sd-lvds-dp.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-sd-lvds-hdmi.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-sd-lvds.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-wifi-dp.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-wifi-hdmi.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-wifi-lvds-dp.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-wifi-lvds-hdmi.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-wifi-lvds.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-sd-hdmi.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-sd-lvds-hdmi.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-sd-lvds.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-wifi-hdmi.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-wifi-lvds-hdmi.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-wifi-lvds.img
│   ├── super.img
│   ├── u-boot-imx8mq-var-dart-dp.imx
│   ├── u-boot-imx8mq-var-dart.imx
│   ├── u-boot-imx8mq-var-dart-uuu-dp.imx
│   ├── u-boot-imx8mq-var-dart-uuu.imx
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-sd-dp.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-sd-hdmi.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-sd-lvds-dp.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-sd-lvds-hdmi.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-sd-lvds.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-wifi-dp.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-wifi-hdmi.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-wifi-lvds-dp.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-wifi-lvds-hdmi.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-wifi-lvds.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-sd-hdmi.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-sd-lvds-hdmi.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-sd-lvds.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-wifi-hdmi.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-wifi-lvds-hdmi.img
│   └── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-wifi-lvds.img
└── Yocto
   ├── imx-boot-imx8mq-var-dart-sd.bin-flash_dp_evk
   ├── imx-boot-imx8mq-var-dart-sd.bin-flash_evk
   ├── imx-boot-imx8mq-var-dart-sd.bin-flash_evk_no_hdmi
   ├── imx-boot-sd.bin -> imx-boot-imx8mq-var-dart-sd.bin-flash_evk
   └── rootfs.tar.gz

SD card image file tree DUNFELL V1.3

├── Android
│   ├── boot.img
│   ├── cm_rpmsg_lite_pingpong_rtos_linux_remote.bin
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4-sd-dp.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4-sd-hdmi.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4-sd-lvds-dp.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4-sd-lvds-hdmi.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4-sd-lvds.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4-wifi-dp.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4-wifi-hdmi.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4-wifi-lvds-dp.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4-wifi-lvds-hdmi.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4-wifi-lvds.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-sd-dp.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-sd-hdmi.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-sd-lvds-dp.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-sd-lvds-hdmi.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-sd-lvds.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-wifi-dp.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-wifi-hdmi.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-wifi-lvds-dp.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-wifi-lvds-hdmi.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-wifi-lvds.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4-sd-hdmi.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4-sd-lvds-hdmi.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4-sd-lvds.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4-wifi-hdmi.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4-wifi-lvds-hdmi.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4-wifi-lvds.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-sd-hdmi.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-sd-lvds-hdmi.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-sd-lvds.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-wifi-hdmi.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-wifi-lvds-hdmi.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-wifi-lvds.img
│   ├── rpmsg_lite_pingpong_rtos_linux_remote.elf
│   ├── super.img
│   ├── u-boot-imx8mq-var-dart-dp.imx
│   ├── u-boot-imx8mq-var-dart.imx
│   ├── u-boot-imx8mq-var-dart-uuu-dp.imx
│   ├── u-boot-imx8mq-var-dart-uuu.imx
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4-sd-dp.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4-sd-hdmi.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4-sd-lvds-dp.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4-sd-lvds-hdmi.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4-sd-lvds.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4-wifi-dp.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4-wifi-hdmi.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4-wifi-lvds-dp.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4-wifi-lvds-hdmi.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4-wifi-lvds.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-sd-dp.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-sd-hdmi.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-sd-lvds-dp.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-sd-lvds-hdmi.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-sd-lvds.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-wifi-dp.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-wifi-hdmi.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-wifi-lvds-dp.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-wifi-lvds-hdmi.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-wifi-lvds.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4-sd-hdmi.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4-sd-lvds-hdmi.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4-sd-lvds.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4-wifi-hdmi.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4-wifi-lvds-hdmi.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4-wifi-lvds.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-sd-hdmi.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-sd-lvds-hdmi.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-sd-lvds.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-wifi-hdmi.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-wifi-lvds-hdmi.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-wifi-lvds.img
│   └── vendor_boot.img
└── Yocto
   ├── imx-boot-imx8mq-var-dart-sd.bin-flash_dp_evk
   ├── imx-boot-imx8mq-var-dart-sd.bin-flash_evk
   ├── imx-boot-imx8mq-var-dart-sd.bin-flash_evk_no_hdmi
   ├── imx-boot-sd.bin -> imx-boot-imx8mq-var-dart-sd.bin-flash_evk
   └── rootfs.tar.gz

SD card image file tree Android 13 V1.0

├── Android
│   ├── boot.img
│   ├── cm_rpmsg_lite_pingpong_rtos_linux_remote.bin
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4-sd-dp.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4-sd-hdmi.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4-sd-lvds-dp.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4-sd-lvds-hdmi.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4-sd-lvds.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4-wifi-dp.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4-wifi-hdmi.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4-wifi-lvds-dp.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4-wifi-lvds-hdmi.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4-wifi-lvds.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-sd-dp.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-sd-hdmi.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-sd-lvds-dp.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-sd-lvds-hdmi.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-sd-lvds.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-wifi-dp.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-wifi-hdmi.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-wifi-lvds-dp.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-wifi-lvds-hdmi.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-wifi-lvds.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4-sd-hdmi.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4-sd-lvds-hdmi.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4-sd-lvds.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4-wifi-hdmi.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4-wifi-lvds-hdmi.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4-wifi-lvds.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-sd-hdmi.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-sd-lvds-hdmi.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-sd-lvds.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-wifi-hdmi.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-wifi-lvds-hdmi.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-wifi-lvds.img
│   ├── rpmsg_lite_pingpong_rtos_linux_remote.elf
│   ├── init_boot.img
│   ├── super.img
│   ├── u-boot-imx8mq-var-dart-dp.imx
│   ├── u-boot-imx8mq-var-dart.imx
│   ├── u-boot-imx8mq-var-dart-uuu-dp.imx
│   ├── u-boot-imx8mq-var-dart-uuu.imx
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4-sd-dp.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4-sd-hdmi.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4-sd-lvds-dp.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4-sd-lvds-hdmi.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4-sd-lvds.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4-wifi-dp.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4-wifi-hdmi.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4-wifi-lvds-dp.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4-wifi-lvds-hdmi.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4-wifi-lvds.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-sd-dp.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-sd-hdmi.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-sd-lvds-dp.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-sd-lvds-hdmi.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-sd-lvds.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-wifi-dp.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-wifi-hdmi.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-wifi-lvds-dp.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-wifi-lvds-hdmi.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-wifi-lvds.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4-sd-hdmi.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4-sd-lvds-hdmi.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4-sd-lvds.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4-wifi-hdmi.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4-wifi-lvds-hdmi.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4-wifi-lvds.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-sd-hdmi.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-sd-lvds-hdmi.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-sd-lvds.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-wifi-hdmi.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-wifi-lvds-hdmi.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-wifi-lvds.img
│   └── vendor_boot.img
└── Yocto
   ├── imx-boot-imx8mq-var-dart-sd.bin-flash_dp_evk
   ├── imx-boot-imx8mq-var-dart-sd.bin-flash_evk
   ├── imx-boot-imx8mq-var-dart-sd.bin-flash_evk_no_hdmi
   ├── imx-boot-sd.bin -> imx-boot-imx8mq-var-dart-sd.bin-flash_evk
   └── rootfs.tar.gz

Android 9 v2 images

u-boot-imx8mq-var-dart.imx U-Boot for eMMC/SD card boot.
SOM agnostics.
boot.img Android kernel image file.
SOM agnostics.
system.img Android system image file.
SOM agnostics.
vendor.img Android vendor image file.
SOM agnostics.
configuration dependent
<name> is one of: imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-lvds-cb12 - Supports LVDS (via DCSS) / WiFi for boards rev <= 1.2
imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-lvds-hdmi-cb12 - Supports HDMI (via DCSS) / LVDS (via LCDIF) / WiFi for boards rev <= 1.2
imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-hdmi-cb12 - Supports HDMI / WiFi for boards rev <= 1.2
imx8mq-var-dart-sd-lvds-cb12 - Supports LVDS (via DCSS) / SD for boards rev <= 1.2
imx8mq-var-dart-sd-lvds-hdmi-cb12 - Supports HDMI (via DCSS) / LVDS (via LCDIF) / SD for boards rev <= 1.2
imx8mq-var-dart-sd-hdmi-cb12 - Supports HDMI (via DCSS) / SD for boards rev <= 1.2
imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-lvds - Supports LVDS (via DCSS) / WiFi for boards rev > 1.2
imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-lvds-hdmi - Supports HDMI (via DCSS) / LVDS (via LCDIF) / WiFi for boards rev > 1.2
imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-lvds-dp - Supports DP (via DCSS) / LVDS (via LCDIF) / WiFi for boards rev > 1.2
imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-hdmi - Supports HDMI / WiFi for boards rev > 1.2
imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-dp - Supports DP / WiFi for boards rev > 1.2
imx8mq-var-dart-sd-lvds - Supports LVDS (via DCSS) / SD for boards rev > 1.2
imx8mq-var-dart-sd-lvds-hdmi - Supports HDMI (via DCSS) / LVDS (via LCDIF) / SD for boards rev > 1.2
imx8mq-var-dart-sd-lvds-dp - Supports DP (via DCSS) / LVDS (via LCDIF) / SD for boards rev > 1.2
imx8mq-var-dart-sd-hdmi - Supports HDMI (via DCSS) / SD for boards rev > 1.2
imx8mq-var-dart-sd-dp - Supports DP (via DCSS) / SD for boards rev > 1.2

Android 10 images

u-boot-imx8mq-var-dart.imx U-Boot for eMMC/SD card boot.
SOM agnostics.
boot.img Android kernel image file.
SOM agnostics.
system.img Android system image file.
SOM agnostics.
vendor.img Android vendor image file.
SOM agnostics.
product.img Android product image file.
SOM agnostics.
configuration dependent
<name> is one of: imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-lvds-cb12 - Supports LVDS (via DCSS) / WiFi for boards rev <= 1.2
imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-lvds-hdmi-cb12 - Supports HDMI (via DCSS) / LVDS (via LCDIF) / WiFi for boards rev <= 1.2
imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-hdmi-cb12 - Supports HDMI / WiFi for boards rev <= 1.2
imx8mq-var-dart-sd-lvds-cb12 - Supports LVDS (via DCSS) / SD for boards rev <= 1.2
imx8mq-var-dart-sd-lvds-hdmi-cb12 - Supports HDMI (via DCSS) / LVDS (via LCDIF) / SD for boards rev <= 1.2
imx8mq-var-dart-sd-hdmi-cb12 - Supports HDMI (via DCSS) / SD for boards rev <= 1.2
imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-lvds - Supports LVDS (via DCSS) / WiFi for boards rev > 1.2
imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-lvds-hdmi - Supports HDMI (via DCSS) / LVDS (via LCDIF) / WiFi for boards rev > 1.2
imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-lvds-dp - Supports DP (via DCSS) / LVDS (via LCDIF) / WiFi for boards rev > 1.2
imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-hdmi - Supports HDMI / WiFi for boards rev > 1.2
imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-dp - Supports DP / WiFi for boards rev > 1.2
imx8mq-var-dart-sd-lvds - Supports LVDS (via DCSS) / SD for boards rev > 1.2
imx8mq-var-dart-sd-lvds-hdmi - Supports HDMI (via DCSS) / LVDS (via LCDIF) / SD for boards rev > 1.2
imx8mq-var-dart-sd-lvds-dp - Supports DP (via DCSS) / LVDS (via LCDIF) / SD for boards rev > 1.2
imx8mq-var-dart-sd-hdmi - Supports HDMI (via DCSS) / SD for boards rev > 1.2
imx8mq-var-dart-sd-dp - Supports DP (via DCSS) / SD for boards rev > 1.2

Android 10 V2.3.0 images

u-boot-imx8mq-var-dart.imx U-Boot for eMMC/SD card boot.
SOM agnostics.
boot.img Android kernel image file.
SOM agnostics.
super.img Android system image file.
SOM agnostics.
configuration dependent
<name> is one of: imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-lvds-cb12 - Supports LVDS (via DCSS) / WiFi for boards rev <= 1.2
imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-lvds-hdmi-cb12 - Supports HDMI (via DCSS) / LVDS (via LCDIF) / WiFi for boards rev <= 1.2
imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-hdmi-cb12 - Supports HDMI / WiFi for boards rev <= 1.2
imx8mq-var-dart-sd-lvds-cb12 - Supports LVDS (via DCSS) / SD for boards rev <= 1.2
imx8mq-var-dart-sd-lvds-hdmi-cb12 - Supports HDMI (via DCSS) / LVDS (via LCDIF) / SD for boards rev <= 1.2
imx8mq-var-dart-sd-hdmi-cb12 - Supports HDMI (via DCSS) / SD for boards rev <= 1.2
imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-lvds - Supports LVDS (via DCSS) / WiFi for boards rev > 1.2
imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-lvds-hdmi - Supports HDMI (via DCSS) / LVDS (via LCDIF) / WiFi for boards rev > 1.2
imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-lvds-dp - Supports DP (via DCSS) / LVDS (via LCDIF) / WiFi for boards rev > 1.2
imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-hdmi - Supports HDMI / WiFi for boards rev > 1.2
imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-dp - Supports DP / WiFi for boards rev > 1.2
imx8mq-var-dart-sd-lvds - Supports LVDS (via DCSS) / SD for boards rev > 1.2
imx8mq-var-dart-sd-lvds-hdmi - Supports HDMI (via DCSS) / LVDS (via LCDIF) / SD for boards rev > 1.2
imx8mq-var-dart-sd-lvds-dp - Supports DP (via DCSS) / LVDS (via LCDIF) / SD for boards rev > 1.2
imx8mq-var-dart-sd-hdmi - Supports HDMI (via DCSS) / SD for boards rev > 1.2
imx8mq-var-dart-sd-dp - Supports DP (via DCSS) / SD for boards rev > 1.2

Android 10 V2.3.0 V1.2 images

u-boot-imx8mq-var-dart.imx U-Boot for eMMC/SD card boot.
SOM agnostics.
boot.img Android kernel image file.
SOM agnostics.
super.img Android system image file.
SOM agnostics.
configuration dependent
<name> is one of: imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-sd-hdmi - Supports Variscite DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x SD+HDMI
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-sd-lvds -Supports Variscite DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x SD+LVDS
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-sd-lvds-hdmi - Supports Variscite DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x SD+LVDS+HDMI
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-wifi-lvds-hdmi - Supports Variscite DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x WIFI+LVDS+HDMI
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-wifi-hdmi - Supports Variscite DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x WIFI+HDMI
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-wifi-lvds - Supports Variscite DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x WIFI+LVDS
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-sd-dp - Supports Variscite DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard 1.x SD+DP
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-sd-hdmi - Supports Variscite DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard 1.x SD+HDMI
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-sd-lvds-dp - Supports Variscite DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard 1.x SD+LVDS+DP
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-sd-lvds-hdmi - Supports Variscite DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard 1.x SD+LVDS+HDMI
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-sd-lvds - Supports Variscite DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard 1.x SD+LVDS
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-wifi-dp - Supports Variscite DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard 1.x WIFI+DP
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-wifi-hdmi - Supports Variscite DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard 1.x WIFI+HDMI
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-wifi-lvds-dp - Supports Variscite DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard 1.x WIFI+LVDS
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-wifi-lvds-hdmi - Supports Variscite DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard 1.x WIFI+LVDS+HDMI
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-wifi-lvds - Supports Variscite DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard 1.x WIFI+LVDS

Android 11 V1.0.0 V1.0 images

u-boot-imx8mq-var-dart.imx U-Boot for eMMC/SD card boot.
SOM agnostics.
boot.img Android kernel image file.
SOM agnostics.
vendor_boot.img A composite image, which includes another part of ramdisk and boot parameters. SOM agnostics.
super.img Android system image file.
SOM agnostics.
configuration dependent
<name> is one of: imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-sd-hdmi - Supports Variscite DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x SD+HDMI
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-sd-lvds -Supports Variscite DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x SD+LVDS
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-sd-lvds-hdmi - Supports Variscite DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x SD+LVDS+HDMI
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-wifi-lvds-hdmi - Supports Variscite DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x WIFI+LVDS+HDMI
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-wifi-hdmi - Supports Variscite DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x WIFI+HDMI
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-wifi-lvds - Supports Variscite DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x WIFI+LVDS
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-sd-dp - Supports Variscite DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard 1.x SD+DP
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-sd-hdmi - Supports Variscite DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard 1.x SD+HDMI
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-sd-lvds-dp - Supports Variscite DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard 1.x SD+LVDS+DP
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-sd-lvds-hdmi - Supports Variscite DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard 1.x SD+LVDS+HDMI
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-sd-lvds - Supports Variscite DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard 1.x SD+LVDS
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-wifi-dp - Supports Variscite DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard 1.x WIFI+DP
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-wifi-hdmi - Supports Variscite DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard 1.x WIFI+HDMI
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-wifi-lvds-dp - Supports Variscite DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard 1.x WIFI+LVDS
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-wifi-lvds-hdmi - Supports Variscite DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard 1.x WIFI+LVDS+HDMI
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-wifi-lvds - Supports Variscite DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard 1.x WIFI+LVDS
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4-wifi-dp - Supports Variscite DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard 1.x M4+WIFI+DP
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4-wifi-hdmi - Supports Variscite DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard 1.x M4+WIFI+HDMI
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4-wifi-lvds-dp - Supports Variscite DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard 1.x M4+WIFI+LVDS
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4-wifi-lvds-hdmi - Supports Variscite DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard 1.x M4+WIFI+LVDS+HDMI
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4-wifi-lvds - Supports Variscite DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard 1.x M4+WIFI+LVDS
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4-wifi-hdmi - Supports Variscite DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x M4+WIFI+HDMI
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4-wifi-lvds-hdmi - Supports Variscite DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x M4+WIFI+LVDS+HDMI
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4-wifi-lvds - Supports Variscite DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x M4+WIFI+LVDS

Android 13 V1.0.0 V1.0 images

u-boot-imx8mq-var-dart.imx U-Boot for eMMC/SD card boot.
SOM agnostics.
boot.img Android kernel image file.
SOM agnostics.
vendor_boot.img A composite image, which includes another part of ramdisk and boot parameters. SOM agnostics.
init_boot.img A composite image, which includes init process.
SOM agnostics.
super.img Android system image file.
SOM agnostics.
configuration dependent
<name> is one of: imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-sd-hdmi - Supports Variscite DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x SD+HDMI
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-sd-lvds -Supports Variscite DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x SD+LVDS
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-sd-lvds-hdmi - Supports Variscite DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x SD+LVDS+HDMI
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-wifi-lvds-hdmi - Supports Variscite DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x WIFI+LVDS+HDMI
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-wifi-hdmi - Supports Variscite DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x WIFI+HDMI
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-wifi-lvds - Supports Variscite DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x WIFI+LVDS
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-sd-dp - Supports Variscite DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard 1.x SD+DP
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-sd-hdmi - Supports Variscite DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard 1.x SD+HDMI
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-sd-lvds-dp - Supports Variscite DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard 1.x SD+LVDS+DP
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-sd-lvds-hdmi - Supports Variscite DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard 1.x SD+LVDS+HDMI
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-sd-lvds - Supports Variscite DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard 1.x SD+LVDS
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-wifi-dp - Supports Variscite DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard 1.x WIFI+DP
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-wifi-hdmi - Supports Variscite DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard 1.x WIFI+HDMI
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-wifi-lvds-dp - Supports Variscite DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard 1.x WIFI+LVDS
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-wifi-lvds-hdmi - Supports Variscite DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard 1.x WIFI+LVDS+HDMI
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-wifi-lvds - Supports Variscite DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard 1.x WIFI+LVDS
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4-wifi-dp - Supports Variscite DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard 1.x M4+WIFI+DP
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4-wifi-hdmi - Supports Variscite DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard 1.x M4+WIFI+HDMI
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4-wifi-lvds-dp - Supports Variscite DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard 1.x M4+WIFI+LVDS
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4-wifi-lvds-hdmi - Supports Variscite DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard 1.x M4+WIFI+LVDS+HDMI
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4-wifi-lvds - Supports Variscite DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard 1.x M4+WIFI+LVDS
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4-wifi-hdmi - Supports Variscite DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x M4+WIFI+HDMI
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4-wifi-lvds-hdmi - Supports Variscite DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x M4+WIFI+LVDS+HDMI
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4-wifi-lvds - Supports Variscite DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x M4+WIFI+LVDS

Android 9 fastboot

$ sudo `which fastboot` flash dtbo_a out/target/product/dart_mx8mq/dtbo-<name>.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash dtbo_b out/target/product/dart_mx8mq/dtbo-<name>.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash boot_a out/target/product/dart_mx8mq/boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash boot_b out/target/product/dart_mx8mq/boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash system_a out/target/product/dart_mx8mq/system.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash system_b out/target/product/dart_mx8mq/system.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vendor_a out/target/product/dart_mx8mq/vendor.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vendor_b out/target/product/dart_mx8mq/vendor.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vbmeta_a out/target/product/dart_mx8mq/vbmeta-<name>.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vbmeta_b out/target/product/dart_mx8mq/vbmeta-<name>.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` reboot

Android 10 fastboot

$ sudo `which fastboot` flash dtbo_a out/target/product/dart_mx8mq/dtbo-<name>.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash dtbo_b out/target/product/dart_mx8mq/dtbo-<name>.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash boot_a out/target/product/dart_mx8mq/boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash boot_b out/target/product/dart_mx8mq/boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash system_a out/target/product/dart_mx8mq/system.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash system_b out/target/product/dart_mx8mq/system.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vendor_a out/target/product/dart_mx8mq/vendor.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vendor_b out/target/product/dart_mx8mq/vendor.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash product_a out/target/product/dart_mx8mq/product.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash product_b out/target/product/dart_mx8mq/product.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vbmeta_a out/target/product/dart_mx8mq/vbmeta-<name>.img --disable-verity
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vbmeta_b out/target/product/dart_mx8mq/vbmeta-<name>.img --disable-verity
$ sudo `which fastboot` reboot

Android 10 V2.3.0 fastboot

$ sudo `which fastboot` flash dtbo_a out/target/product/dart_mx8mq/dtbo-<name>.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash dtbo_b out/target/product/dart_mx8mq/dtbo-<name>.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash boot_a out/target/product/dart_mx8mq/boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash boot_b out/target/product/dart_mx8mq/boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash super out/target/product/dart_mx8mq/super.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vbmeta_a out/target/product/dart_mx8mq/vbmeta-<name>.img --disable-verity
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vbmeta_b out/target/product/dart_mx8mq/vbmeta-<name>.img --disable-verity
$ sudo `which fastboot` reboot

Android 10 V2.3.0 V1.0 UUU

Copy Variscite's uuu scripts to the Android build output folder:

$ cp ~/var_imx-p9.0.0_1.0.0-ga/android_build/device/variscite/scripts/uuu_scripts/* out/target/product/dart_mx8mq/

And run uuu to program the eMMC:

$ sudo ./uuu <uuu script>.lst

where <uuu script> should be one of the following:

emmc_burn_android_imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard_sd_hdmi.lst -  Supports Variscite DART_MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x SD+HDMI
emmc_burn_android_imx8mq_var_dart_dt8mcustomboard_sd_lvds.lst - Supports Variscite DART_MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x SD+LVDS
emmc_burn_android_imx8mq_var_dart_dt8mcustomboard_sd_lvds_hdmi.lst -  Supports Variscite DART_MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x SD+LVDS+HDMI
emmc_burn_android_imx8mq_var_dart_dt8mcustomboard_legacy_sd_dp.lst -  Supports Variscite DART_MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard 1.x SD+DP
emmc_burn_android_imx8mq_var_dart_dt8mcustomboard_legacy_sd_hdmi.lst -  Supports Variscite DART_MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard 1.x SD+HDMI
emmc_burn_android_imx8mq_var_dart_dt8mcustomboard_legacy_sd_lvds_dp.lst -  Supports Variscite DART_MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard 1.x SD+LVDS+DP
emmc_burn_android_imx8mq_var_dart_dt8mcustomboard_legacy_sd_lvds_hdmi.lst -  Supports Variscite DART_MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard 1.x SD+LVDS+HDMI
emmc_burn_android_imx8mq_var_dart_dt8mcustomboard_legacy_sd_lvds.lst -  Supports Variscite DART_MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard 1.x SD+LVDS
emmc_burn_android_imx8mq_var_dart_dt8mcustomboard_wifi_lvds_hdmi.lst -  Supports Variscite DART_MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x WIFI+LVDS+HDMI
emmc_burn_android_imx8mq_var_dart_dt8mcustomboard_wifi_hdmi.lst -  Supports Variscite DART_MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x WIFI+HDMI
emmc_burn_android_imx8mq_var_dart_dt8mcustomboard_wifi_lvds.lst -  Supports Variscite DART_MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x WIFI+LVDS
emmc_burn_android_imx8mq_var_dart_dt8mcustomboard_legacy_wifi_dp.lst -  Supports Variscite DART_MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard 1.x WIFI+DP
emmc_burn_android_imx8mq_var_dart_dt8mcustomboard_legacy_wifi_hdmi.lst -  Supports Variscite DART_MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard 1.x WIFI+HDMI
emmc_burn_android_imx8mq_var_dart_dt8mcustomboard_legacy_wifi_lvds_dp.lst -  Supports Variscite DART_MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard 1.x WIFI+LVDS
emmc_burn_android_imx8mq_var_dart_dt8mcustomboard_legacy_wifi_lvds_hdmi.lst -  Supports Variscite DART_MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard 1.x WIFI+LVDS+HDMI
emmc_burn_android_imx8mq_var_dart_dt8mcustomboard_legacy_wifi_lvds.lst -  Supports Variscite DART_MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard 1.x WIFI+LVDS

Android 11 fastboot

$ sudo `which fastboot` flash dtbo_a out/target/product/dart_mx8mq/dtbo-<name>.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash dtbo_b out/target/product/dart_mx8mq/dtbo-<name>.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash boot_a out/target/product/dart_mx8mq/boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash boot_b out/target/product/dart_mx8mq/boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vendor_boot_a out/target/product/dart_mx8mq/vendor_boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vendor_boot_b out/target/product/dart_mx8mq/vendor_boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash super out/target/product/dart_mx8mq/super.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vbmeta_a out/target/product/dart_mx8mm/vbmeta-<name>.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vbmeta_b out/target/product/dart_mx8mm/vbmeta-<name>.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` reboot

Android 13 V1.0 fastboot

$ sudo `which fastboot` flash dtbo_a out/target/product/dart_mx8mq/dtbo-<name>.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash dtbo_b out/target/product/dart_mx8mq/dtbo-<name>.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash boot_a out/target/product/dart_mx8mq/boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash boot_b out/target/product/dart_mx8mq/boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash init_boot_a out/target/product/dart_mx8mq/init_boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash init_boot_b out/target/product/dart_mx8mq/init_boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vendor_boot_a out/target/product/dart_mx8mq/vendor_boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vendor_boot_b out/target/product/dart_mx8mq/vendor_boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash super out/target/product/dart_mx8mq/super.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vbmeta_a out/target/product/dart_mx8mq/vbmeta-<name>.img --disable-verity
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vbmeta_b out/target/product/dart_mx8mq/vbmeta-<name>.img --disable-verity
$ sudo `which fastboot` reboot

Flash Recovery SD from GUI

Currently no GUI is available for flashing, use command line.


Supported hardware and features

SOM support
Carrier Board support
VAR-DT8MCustomBoard Symphony Board (VAR-SOM-MX8-Mini only)

i.MX8M Mini

up to 64GB
LPDDR4 size support configuration
up to 4GB
SD card
Wired Network
10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet
Wireless Network
Support for LWB5, 802.11 ac/a/b/g/n STA, AP, & Wi-Fi Direct Mode SmartConfig
4.2 / BLE
USB host
Host and Device
x4, up to 4 Mbps.
Display LVDS Dual 1920×1080 24-bit
MIPI-DSI 1920×1080 24-bit
Audio Line IN / HP
Camera 1x MIPI-CSI2

SD card image file tree Sumo

├── Android
│   ├── boot.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mm-var-dart.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mm-var-som.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mm-var-som-v10.img
│   ├── system.img
│   ├── u-boot-imx8mm-var-dart.imx
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mm-var-dart.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mm-var-som.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mm-var-som-v10.img
│   └── vendor.img
└── Yocto
    ├── rootfs.tar.bz2
    └── imx-boot-sd.bin

SD card image file tree Warrior

├── Android
│   ├── boot.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mm-var-dart.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mm-var-som.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mm-var-som-v10.img
│   ├── system.img
│   ├── u-boot-imx8mm-var-dart.imx
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mm-var-dart.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mm-var-som.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mm-var-som-v10.img
│   ├── product.img
│   └── vendor.img
└── Yocto
    ├── rootfs.tar.bz2
    └── imx-boot-sd.bin

SD card image file tree DUNFELL V1.5

├── Android
│   ├── boot.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mm-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mm-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mm-var-som.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mm-var-som-legacy.img
│   ├── product.img
│   ├── system.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mm-var-dart-dt8mcustomboardimg
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mm-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mm-var-som.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mm-var-som-legacy.img
│   └── vendor.img
└── Yocto
    ├── rootfs.tar.gz
    └── imx-boot-sd.bin

SD card image file tree DUNFELL V1.6

├── Android
│   ├── boot.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mm-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mm-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mm-var-som.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mm-var-som-legacy.img
│   ├── super.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mm-var-dart-dt8mcustomboardimg
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mm-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mm-var-som.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mm-var-som-legacy.img
└── Yocto
    ├── rootfs.tar.gz
    └── imx-boot-sd.bin

SD card image file tree DUNFELL V6.8

├── Android
│   ├── boot.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mm-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mm-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mm-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mm-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mm-var-som-symphony.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mm-var-som-symphony-legacy.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mm-var-som-symphony-legacy-m4.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mm-var-som-symphony-m4.img
│   ├── hello_world.elf
│   ├── rpmsg_lite_pingpong_rtos_linux_remote.bin
│   ├── rpmsg_lite_pingpong_rtos_linux_remote.elf
│   ├── super.img
│   ├── u-boot-imx8mm-var-dart.imx
│   ├── u-boot-imx8mm-var-dart-uuu.imx
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mm-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mm-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mm-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mm-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mm-var-som-symphony.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mm-var-som-symphony-legacy.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mm-var-som-symphony-legacy-m4.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mm-var-som-symphony-m4.img
│   └── vendor_boot.img
└── Yocto
    ├── rootfs.tar.gz
    └── imx-boot-sd.bin

SD card image file tree HARDKNOTT V1.0

├── Android
│   ├── boot.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mm-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mm-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mm-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mm-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mm-var-som-symphony.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mm-var-som-symphony-legacy.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mm-var-som-symphony-legacy-m4.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mm-var-som-symphony-m4.img
│   ├── rpmsg_lite_pingpong_rtos_linux_remote.bin
│   ├── rpmsg_lite_pingpong_rtos_linux_remote.elf
│   ├── super.img
│   ├── u-boot-imx8mm-var-dart.imx
│   ├── u-boot-imx8mm-var-dart-uuu.imx
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mm-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mm-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mm-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mm-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mm-var-som-symphony.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mm-var-som-symphony-legacy.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mm-var-som-symphony-legacy-m4.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mm-var-som-symphony-m4.img
│   └── vendor_boot.img
└── Yocto
    ├── rootfs.tar.gz
    └── imx-boot-sd.bin

SD card image file tree KIRKSTONE - Android 13 V1.0

├── Android
│   ├── boot.img
│   ├── init_boot.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mm-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mm-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mm-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mm-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mm-var-som-symphony.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mm-var-som-symphony-legacy.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mm-var-som-symphony-legacy-m4.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mm-var-som-symphony-m4.img
│   ├── rpmsg_lite_pingpong_rtos_linux_remote.bin
│   ├── rpmsg_lite_pingpong_rtos_linux_remote.elf
│   ├── super.img
│   ├── u-boot-imx8mm-var-dart.imx
│   ├── u-boot-imx8mm-var-dart-uuu.imx
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mm-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mm-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mm-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mm-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mm-var-som-symphony.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mm-var-som-symphony-m4.img
│   └── vendor_boot.img
└── Yocto
    ├── rootfs.tar.gz
    └── imx-boot-sd.bin

SD card image file tree Mickledore - Android 14

├── Android
│   ├── boot.img
│   ├── bootloader-imx8mm-var-dart-dual.img
│   ├── cm_hello_world.bin
│   ├── cm_rpmsg_lite_pingpong_rtos_linux_remote.bin
│   ├── cm_rpmsg_lite_str_echo_rtos_imxcm4.bin
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mm-var-dart-1.x-dt8mcustomboard-m4.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mm-var-dart-1.x-dt8mcustomboard.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mm-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mm-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mm-var-dart-wbe-dt8mcustomboard-m4.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mm-var-dart-wbe-dt8mcustomboard.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mm-var-som-symphony-m4.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mm-var-som-symphony.img
│   ├── init_boot.img
│   ├── spl-imx8mm-var-dart-dual.bin
│   ├── super.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mm-var-dart-1.x-dt8mcustomboard-m4.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mm-var-dart-1.x-dt8mcustomboard.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mm-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mm-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mm-var-dart-wbe-dt8mcustomboard-m4.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mm-var-dart-wbe-dt8mcustomboard.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mm-var-som-symphony-m4.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mm-var-som-symphony.img
│   └── vendor_boot.img
└── Yocto
    ├── imx-boot-sd.bin
    └── rootfs.tar.zst

Android 9 images

u-boot-imx8mm-var-dart.imx U-Boot for eMMC/SD card boot.
SOM agnostics.
boot.img Android kernel image file.
SOM agnostics.
system.img Android system image file.
SOM agnostics.
vendor.img Android vendor image file.
SOM agnostics.
configuration dependent
<name> is: imx8mm-var-dart - Supports LVDS / SD / WiFi
imx8mm-var-som - Supports LVDS / SD / WiFi

Android 10 images

u-boot-imx8mm-var-dart.imx U-Boot for eMMC/SD card boot.
SOM agnostics.
boot.img Android kernel image file.
SOM agnostics.
system.img Android system image file.
SOM agnostics.
vendor.img Android vendor image file.
SOM agnostics.
product.img Android product image file.
SOM agnostics.
configuration dependent
<name> is: imx8mm-var-dart - Supports LVDS / SD / WiFi
imx8mm-var-som - Supports LVDS / SD / WiFi
imx8mm-var-som-v10 - Supports LVDS / SD / WiFi

Android 10 V1.4 images

u-boot-imx8mm-var-dart.imx U-Boot for eMMC/SD card boot.
SOM agnostics.
boot.img Android kernel image file.
SOM agnostics.
system.img Android system image file.
SOM agnostics.
vendor.img Android vendor image file.
SOM agnostics.
product.img Android product image file.
SOM agnostics.
configuration dependent
<name> is: imx8mm-var-dart - Supports LVDS / SD / WiFi
imx8mm-var-som - Supports LVDS / SD / WiFi (VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI on a Symphony-Board V1.4A and above)
imx8mm-var-som-legacy - Supports LVDS / SD / WiFi (VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI on a Symphony-Board V1.4 and below)

Android 10 V1.5 images

u-boot-imx8mm-var-dart.imx U-Boot for eMMC/SD card boot.
SOM agnostics.
boot.img Android kernel image file.
SOM agnostics.
system.img Android system image file.
SOM agnostics.
vendor.img Android vendor image file.
SOM agnostics.
product.img Android product image file.
SOM agnostics.
configuration dependent
<name> is: imx8mm-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard - Supports LVDS / SD / WiFi (DART-MX8M-MINI on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x)
imx8mm-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy - Supports LVDS / SD / WiFi (DART-MX8M-MINI on DT8MCustomBoard 1.x)
imx8mm-var-som - Supports LVDS / SD / WiFi (VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI on a Symphony-Board V1.4A and above)
imx8mm-var-som-legacy - Supports LVDS / SD / WiFi (VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI on a Symphony-Board V1.4 and below)

Android 10 2.6.0 images

u-boot-imx8mm-var-dart.imx U-Boot for eMMC/SD card boot.
SOM agnostics.
boot.img Android kernel image file.
SOM agnostics.
super.img Android super image file.
SOM agnostics.
configuration dependent
<name> is: imx8mm-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard - Supports LVDS / SD / WiFi (DART-MX8M-MINI on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x)
imx8mm-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy - Supports LVDS / SD / WiFi (DART-MX8M-MINI on DT8MCustomBoard 1.x)
imx8mm-var-som - Supports LVDS / SD / WiFi (VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI on a Symphony-Board V1.4A and above)
imx8mm-var-som-legacy - Supports LVDS / SD / WiFi (VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI on a Symphony-Board V1.4 and below)

Android 11 V1.0 images

u-boot-imx8mm-var-dart.imx U-Boot for eMMC/SD card boot.
SOM agnostics.
boot.img Android kernel image file.
SOM agnostics.
vendor_boot.img A composite image, which includes another part of ramdisk and boot parameters.
SOM agnostics.
super.img Android super image file.
SOM agnostics.
configuration dependent
<name> is: imx8mm-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard - Supports LVDS / SD / WiFi (DART-MX8M-MINI on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x)
imx8mm-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy - Supports LVDS / SD / WiFi (DART-MX8M-MINI on DT8MCustomBoard 1.x)
imx8mm-var-som-symphony - Supports LVDS / SD / WiFi (VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI on a Symphony-Board V1.4A and above)
imx8mm-var-som-symphony-legacy - Supports LVDS / SD / WiFi (VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI on a Symphony-Board V1.4 and below)
imx8mm-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4 - Supports LVDS / SD / WiFi (DART-MX8M-MINI-M4 on DT8MCustomBoard 1.x)
imx8mm-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4 - Supports LVDS / SD / WiFi (DART-MX8M-MINI-M4 on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x)
imx8mm-var-som-symphony-legacy-m4 - Supports LVDS / SD / WiFi (VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI-M4 on a Symphony-Board V1.4 and below)
imx8mm-var-som-symphony-m4 - Supports LVDS / SD / WiFi (VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI-M4 on a Symphony-Board V1.4A and above)

Android 12 V1.0 images

u-boot-imx8mm-var-dart.imx U-Boot for eMMC/SD card boot.
SOM agnostics.
boot.img Android kernel image file.
SOM agnostics.
vendor_boot.img A composite image, which includes another part of ramdisk and boot parameters.
SOM agnostics.
super.img Android super image file.
SOM agnostics.
configuration dependent
<name> is: imx8mm-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard - Supports LVDS / SD / WiFi (DART-MX8M-MINI on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x)
imx8mm-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy - Supports LVDS / SD / WiFi (DART-MX8M-MINI on DT8MCustomBoard 1.x)
imx8mm-var-som-symphony - Supports LVDS / SD / WiFi (VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI on a Symphony-Board V1.4A and above)
imx8mm-var-som-symphony-legacy - Supports LVDS / SD / WiFi (VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI on a Symphony-Board V1.4 and below)
imx8mm-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4 - Supports LVDS / SD / WiFi (DART-MX8M-MINI-M4 on DT8MCustomBoard 1.x)
imx8mm-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4 - Supports LVDS / SD / WiFi (DART-MX8M-MINI-M4 on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x)
imx8mm-var-som-symphony-legacy-m4 - Supports LVDS / SD / WiFi (VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI-M4 on a Symphony-Board V1.4 and below)
imx8mm-var-som-symphony-m4 - Supports LVDS / SD / WiFi (VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI-M4 on a Symphony-Board V1.4A and above)

Android 13 V1.0 images

u-boot-imx8mm-var-dart.imx U-Boot for eMMC/SD card boot.
SOM agnostics.
boot.img Android kernel image file.
SOM agnostics.
vendor_boot.img A composite image, which includes another part of ramdisk and boot parameters.
SOM agnostics.
init_boot.img A composite image, which includes init process.
SOM agnostics.
super.img Android super image file.
SOM agnostics.
configuration dependent
<name> is: imx8mm-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard - Supports LVDS / SD / WiFi (DART-MX8M-MINI on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x)
imx8mm-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy - Supports LVDS / SD / WiFi (DART-MX8M-MINI on DT8MCustomBoard 1.x)
imx8mm-var-som-symphony - Supports LVDS / SD / WiFi (VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI on a Symphony-Board)

Android 14 V 1.0 images

spl-imx8mm-var-dart-dual.bin U-Boot SPL without Trusty OS for eMMC/SD card boot.
SOM agnostics.
bootloader-imx8mm-var-dart-dual.img An image containing U-Boot proper and ATF without Trusty OS for eMMC/SD card boot.
SOM agnostics.
boot.img Android kernel image file.
SOM agnostics.
vendor_boot.img A composite image, which includes vendor RAMDisk and boot parameters.
SOM agnostics.
init_boot.img A composite image, which includes init process.
SOM agnostics.
super.img Android super image file.
SOM agnostics.
configuration dependent
<name> is: imx8mm-var-dart-1.x-dt8mcustomboard - Supports DART-MX8M-MINI V1.x on DT8MCustomBoard V2.x and above
imx8mm-var-dart-1.x-dt8mcustomboard-m4 - Supports DART-MX8M-MINI V1.x with M4 support on DT8MCustomBoard V2.x and above
imx8mm-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4 - Supports DART-MX8M-MINI V2.x with M4 support on DT8MCustomBoard V2.x and above
imx8mm-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard - Supports DART-MX8M-MINI V2.x on DT8MCustomBoard V2.x and above
imx8mm-var-dart-wbe-dt8mcustomboard-m4 - Supports DART-MX8M-MINI V2.x with WBE and M4 support on DT8MCustomBoard V2.x and above
imx8mm-var-dart-wbe-dt8mcustomboard - Supports DART-MX8M-MINI V2.x with WBE support on DT8MCustomBoard V2.x and above
imx8mm-var-som-symphony-m4 - Supports VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI V1.x with M4 support on Symphony-Board
imx8mm-var-som-symphony - Supports VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI V1.x on Symphony-Board

Android 9 fastboot

$ sudo `which fastboot` flash dtbo_a out/target/product/dart_mx8mm/dtbo-<name>.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash dtbo_b out/target/product/dart_mx8mm/dtbo-<name>.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash boot_a out/target/product/dart_mx8mm/boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash boot_b out/target/product/dart_mx8mm/boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash system_a out/target/product/dart_mx8mm/system.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash system_b out/target/product/dart_mx8mm/system.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vendor_a out/target/product/dart_mx8mm/vendor.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vendor_b out/target/product/dart_mx8mm/vendor.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vbmeta_a out/target/product/dart_mx8mm/vbmeta-<name>.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vbmeta_b out/target/product/dart_mx8mm/vbmeta-<name>.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` reboot

Android 10 fastboot

$ sudo `which fastboot` flash dtbo_a out/target/product/dart_mx8mm/dtbo-<name>.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash dtbo_b out/target/product/dart_mx8mm/dtbo-<name>.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash boot_a out/target/product/dart_mx8mm/boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash boot_b out/target/product/dart_mx8mm/boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash system_a out/target/product/dart_mx8mm/system.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash system_b out/target/product/dart_mx8mm/system.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vendor_a out/target/product/dart_mx8mm/vendor.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vendor_b out/target/product/dart_mx8mm/vendor.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash product_a out/target/product/dart_mx8mm/product.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash product_b out/target/product/dart_mx8mm/product.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vbmeta_a out/target/product/dart_mx8mm/vbmeta-<name>.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vbmeta_b out/target/product/dart_mx8mm/vbmeta-<name>.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` reboot

Android 10 2.6.0 fastboot

$ sudo `which fastboot` flash dtbo_a out/target/product/dart_mx8mm/dtbo-<name>.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash dtbo_b out/target/product/dart_mx8mm/dtbo-<name>.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash boot_a out/target/product/dart_mx8mm/boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash boot_b out/target/product/dart_mx8mm/boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash super out/target/product/dart_mx8mm/super.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vbmeta_a out/target/product/dart_mx8mm/vbmeta-<name>.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vbmeta_b out/target/product/dart_mx8mm/vbmeta-<name>.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` reboot

Android 11 fastboot

$ sudo `which fastboot` flash dtbo_a out/target/product/dart_mx8mm/dtbo-<name>.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash dtbo_b out/target/product/dart_mx8mm/dtbo-<name>.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash boot_a out/target/product/dart_mx8mm/boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash boot_b out/target/product/dart_mx8mm/boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vendor_boot_a out/target/product/dart_mx8mm/vendor_boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vendor_boot_b out/target/product/dart_mx8mm/vendor_boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash super out/target/product/dart_mx8mm/super.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vbmeta_a out/target/product/dart_mx8mm/vbmeta-<name>.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vbmeta_b out/target/product/dart_mx8mm/vbmeta-<name>.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` reboot

Android 13 V1.0 fastboot

$ sudo `which fastboot` flash dtbo_a out/target/product/dart_mx8mm/dtbo-<name>.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash dtbo_b out/target/product/dart_mx8mm/dtbo-<name>.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash boot_a out/target/product/dart_mx8mm/boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash boot_b out/target/product/dart_mx8mm/boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash init_boot_a out/target/product/dart_mx8mm/init_boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash init_boot_b out/target/product/dart_mx8mm/init_boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vendor_boot_a out/target/product/dart_mx8mm/vendor_boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vendor_boot_b out/target/product/dart_mx8mm/vendor_boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash super out/target/product/dart_mx8mm/super.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vbmeta_a out/target/product/dart_mx8mm/vbmeta-<name>.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vbmeta_b out/target/product/dart_mx8mm/vbmeta-<name>.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` reboot

Android 14 V1.0 fastboot

$ sudo `which fastboot` flash dtbo_a out/target/product/dart_mx8mm/dtbo-<name>.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash dtbo_b out/target/product/dart_mx8mm/dtbo-<name>.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash boot_a out/target/product/dart_mx8mm/boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash boot_b out/target/product/dart_mx8mm/boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash init_boot_a out/target/product/dart_mx8mm/init_boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash init_boot_b out/target/product/dart_mx8mm/init_boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vendor_boot_a out/target/product/dart_mx8mm/vendor_boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vendor_boot_b out/target/product/dart_mx8mm/vendor_boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash super out/target/product/dart_mx8mm/super.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vbmeta_a out/target/product/dart_mx8mm/vbmeta-<name>.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vbmeta_b out/target/product/dart_mx8mm/vbmeta-<name>.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` reboot

Android 11 UUU

Copy Variscite's uuu scripts to the Android build output folder:

$ cp ~/var_imx-p9.0.0_1.0.0-ga/android_build/device/variscite/scripts/uuu_scripts/* out/target/product/dart_mx8mm/

And run uuu to program the eMMC:

$ sudo ./uuu <uuu script>.lst

where <uuu script> should be one of the following:

emmc_burn_android_imx8mm_var_dart_dt8mcustomboard.lst - Supports LVDS / SD / WiFi (DART-MX8M-MINI on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x)
emmc_burn_android_imx8mm_var_dart_dt8mcustomboard_legacy.lst - Supports LVDS / SD / WiFi (DART-MX8M-MINI on DT8MCustomBoard 1.x)
emmc_burn_android_imx8mm_var_som_symphony.lst - Supports LVDS / SD / WiFi (VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI on a Symphony-Board V1.4A and above)
emmc_burn_android_imx8mm_var_som_symphony_legacy.lst - Supports LVDS / SD / WiFi (VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI on a Symphony-Board V1.4 and below)

Android 13 V1.0 UUU

Copy Variscite's uuu scripts to the Android build output folder:

$ cp ~/var_imx-p9.0.0_1.0.0-ga/android_build/device/variscite/scripts/uuu_scripts/* out/target/product/dart_mx8mm/

And run uuu to program the eMMC:

$ sudo ./uuu <uuu script>.lst

where <uuu script> should be one of the following:

emmc_burn_android_imx8mm_var_dart_dt8mcustomboard.lst - Supports LVDS / SD / WiFi (DART-MX8M-MINI on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x)
emmc_burn_android_imx8mm_var_dart_dt8mcustomboard_legacy.lst - Supports LVDS / SD / WiFi (DART-MX8M-MINI on DT8MCustomBoard 1.x)
emmc_burn_android_imx8mm_var_som_symphony.lst - Supports LVDS / SD / WiFi (VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI on a Symphony-Board)

Android 14 V1.0 UUU

Copy Variscite's uuu scripts to the Android build output folder:

$ cp ~/var_imx-p9.0.0_1.0.0-ga/android_build/device/variscite/scripts/uuu_scripts/* out/target/product/dart_mx8mm/

And run uuu to program the eMMC:

$ sudo ./uuu <uuu script>.lst

where <uuu script> should be one of the following:

emmc_burn_android_imx8mm_var_dart_1.x_dt8mcustomboard.lst - Supports LVDS / SD / WiFi (DART-MX8M-MINI V1.x on DT8MCustomBoard V2.x and above)
emmc_burn_android_imx8mm_var_dart_dt8mcustomboard.lst - Supports LVDS / SD / WiFi (DART-MX8M-MINI V2.x on DT8MCustomBoard V2.x and above)
emmc_burn_android_imx8mm_var_dart_wbe_dt8mcustomboard.lst - Supports LVDS / SD / WiFi / WBE (DART-MX8M-MINI V2.x with WBE support on DT8MCustomBoard V2.x and above)
emmc_burn_android_imx8mm_var_som_symphony.lst - Supports LVDS / SD / WiFi (VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI V1.x on Symphony-Board)


Supported hardware and features

SOM support
Carrier Board support
Symphony Board


up to 64GB
LPDDR4 size support configuration
up to 4GB
SD card
Wired Network
10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet
Wireless Network
Support for LWB5, 802.11 ac/a/b/g/n STA, AP, & Wi-Fi Direct Mode SmartConfig
4.2 / BLE
USB host
Host and Device
x4, up to 4 Mbps.
Display LVDS Dual 1920×1080 24-bit
MIPI-DSI 1920×1080 24-bit
Parallel LCD up to 720p60 24-bit
Audio Line IN / HP
Camera 1x MIPI-CSI2

SD card image file tree Sumo

├── Android
│   ├── boot.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8qx-var-som-sd.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8qx-var-som-wifi.img
│   ├── system.img
│   ├── u-boot-imx8qxp.imx
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8qx-var-som-sd.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8qx-var-som-wifi.img
│   └── vendor.img
└── Yocto
    ├── rootfs.tar.bz2
    └── imx-boot-sd.bin

SD card image file tree Dunfell

├── Android
│   ├── boot.img
│   ├── cm_rpmsg_lite_pingpong_rtos_linux_remote.bin
│   ├── cm_rpmsg_lite_pingpong_rtos_linux_remote.elf
│   ├── dtbo-imx8qxp-var-som-symphony-sd.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8qxp-var-som-symphony-sd-m4.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8qxp-var-som-symphony-wifi.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8qxp-var-som-symphony-wifi-m4.img
│   ├── super.img
│   ├── u-boot-imx8qxp-var-som.imx
│   ├── u-boot-imx8qxp-var-som-uuu.imx
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8qxp-var-som-symphony-sd.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8qxp-var-som-symphony-sd-m4.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8qxp-var-som-symphony-wifi.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8qxp-var-som-symphony-wifi-m4.img
│   └── vendor_boot.img
└── Yocto
   ├── imx-boot-sd.bin
   └── rootfs.tar.gz

Android 9 images

u-boot-imx8qxp.imx U-Boot for eMMC/SD card boot.
SOM agnostics.
boot.img Android kernel image file.
SOM agnostics.
system.img Android system image file.
SOM agnostics.
vendor.img Android vendor image file.
SOM agnostics.
configuration dependent
where <name> can be: imx8qx-var-som-sd - Supports SD
imx8qx-var-som-wifi - Supports WiFi

Android 9 V2.3.4 images



U-Boot for eMMC/SD card boot.
SOM agnostics.
boot.img Android kernel image file.
SOM agnostics.
system.img Android system image file.
SOM agnostics.
vendor.img Android vendor image file.
SOM agnostics.
configuration dependent
where <name> can be: imx8qx-var-som-sd OR imx8qxpb0-var-som-sd - Supports SD
imx8qx-var-som-wifi - Supports WiFi

Android 10 V2.5.0 images

U-Boot for eMMC/SD card boot.
boot.img Android kernel image file.
SOM agnostics.
super.img Android system image file.
SOM agnostics.
configuration dependent
<name> is: imx8qx-var-som-sd - Supports LVDS / SD
imx8qx-var-som-wifi - Supports LVDS / WiFi

Android 11 V1.0.0 images

U-Boot for eMMC/SD card boot.
boot.img Android kernel image file.
SOM agnostics.
vendor_boot.img A composite image, which includes another part of ramdisk and boot parameters.
SOM agnostics.
super.img Android system image file.
SOM agnostics.
configuration dependent
<name> is: imx8qxp-var-som-sd - Supports LVDS / SD
imx8qxp-var-som-wifi - Supports LVDS / WiFi
imx8qxp-var-som-sd-m4 - Supports M4 LVDS / SD
imx8qxp-var-som-wifi-m4 - Supports M4 LVDS / WiFi

Android 13 V1.0.0 images

U-Boot for eMMC/SD card boot.
boot.img Android kernel image file.
SOM agnostics.
vendor_boot.img A composite image, which includes vendor part of ramdisk and ko modules.
SOM agnostics.
init_boot.img A composite image, which includes init process.
SOM agnostics.
super.img Android system image file.
SOM agnostics.
configuration dependent
<name> is: imx8qxp-var-som-sd - Supports LVDS / SD
imx8qxp-var-som-wifi - Supports LVDS / WiFi
imx8qxp-var-som-sd-m4 - Supports M4 LVDS / SD
imx8qxp-var-som-wifi-m4 - Supports M4 LVDS / WiFi

Android 9 fastboot

$ sudo `which fastboot` flash dtbo_a out/target/product/som_mx8q/dtbo-<name>.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash dtbo_b out/target/product/som_mx8q/dtbo-<name>.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash boot_a out/target/product/som_mx8q/boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash boot_b out/target/product/som_mx8q/boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash system_a out/target/product/som_mx8q/system.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash system_b out/target/product/som_mx8q/system.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vendor_a out/target/product/som_mx8q/vendor.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vendor_b out/target/product/som_mx8q/vendor.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vbmeta_a out/target/product/som_mx8q/vbmeta-<name>.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vbmeta_b out/target/product/som_mx8q/vbmeta-<name>.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` reboot

Android 10 V2.5.0 fastboot

$ sudo `which fastboot` flash dtbo_a out/target/product/som_mx8q/dtbo-<name>.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash dtbo_b out/target/product/som_mx8q/dtbo-<name>.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash boot_a out/target/product/som_mx8q/boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash boot_b out/target/product/som_mx8q/boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash super out/target/product/som_mx8q/super.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vbmeta_a out/target/product/som_mx8q/vbmeta-<name>.img --disable-verity
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vbmeta_b out/target/product/som_mx8q/vbmeta-<name>.img --disable-verity
$ sudo `which fastboot` reboot

Android 13.0.0_1.2.0 V1.0 fastboot

$ sudo `which fastboot` flash dtbo_a out/target/product/som_mx8q/dtbo-<name>.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash dtbo_b out/target/product/som_mx8q/dtbo-<name>.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash boot_a out/target/product/som_mx8q/boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash boot_b out/target/product/som_mx8q/boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash init_boot_a out/target/product/som_mx8q/init_boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash init_boot_b out/target/product/som_mx8q/init_boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vendor_boot_a out/target/product/som_mx8q/vendor_boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vendor_boot_b out/target/product/som_mx8q/vendor_boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash super out/target/product/som_mx8q/super.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vbmeta_a out/target/product/som_mx8q/vbmeta-<name>.img --disable-verity
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vbmeta_b out/target/product/som_mx8q/vbmeta-<name>.img --disable-verity
$ sudo `which fastboot` reboot

Android 10 V2.5.0 UUU

Copy Variscite's uuu scripts to the Android build output folder:

$ cp ~/var_imx-p9.0.0_1.0.0-ga/android_build/device/variscite/scripts/uuu_scripts/* out/target/product/som_mx8q/

And run uuu to program the eMMC:

$ sudo ./uuu <uuu script>.lst

where <uuu script> should be one of the following:

emmc_burn_android_var_som_mx8x_b0.lst - VAR-SOM-MX8X with B0 Supports LVDS / WiFi
emmc_burn_android_var_som_mx8x_c0.lst - VAR-SOM-MX8X with C0 Supports LVDS / WiFi

Android 11 V1.0.0 V1.0 fastboot

$ sudo `which fastboot` flash dtbo_a out/target/product/som_mx8q/dtbo-<name>.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash dtbo_b out/target/product/som_mx8q/dtbo-<name>.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash boot_a out/target/product/som_mx8q/boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash boot_b out/target/product/som_mx8q/boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vendor_boot_a out/target/product/som_mx8q/vendor_boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vendor_boot_b out/target/product/som_mx8q/vendor_boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash super out/target/product/som_mx8q/super.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vbmeta_a out/target/product/som_mx8q/vbmeta-<name>.img --disable-verity
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vbmeta_b out/target/product/som_mx8q/vbmeta-<name>.img --disable-verity
$ sudo `which fastboot` reboot

Android 11 V1.0.0 UUU

Copy Variscite's uuu scripts to the Android build output folder:

$ cp ~/var_imx-p9.0.0_1.0.0-ga/android_build/device/variscite/scripts/uuu_scripts/* out/target/product/som_mx8q/

And run uuu to program the eMMC:

$ sudo ./uuu <uuu script>.lst

where <uuu script> should be one of the following:

emmc_burn_android_var_som_mx8x_b0.lst - VAR-SOM-MX8X with B0 Supports LVDS / WiFi
emmc_burn_android_var_som_mx8x_c0.lst - VAR-SOM-MX8X with C0 Supports LVDS / WiFi


Supported hardware and features

SOM support
Carrier Board support
Symphony Board (VAR-SOM-MX8 only) VAR-SP8CustomBoard (SPEAR-MX8 only)


up to 64GB
LPDDR4 size support configuration
up to 8GB
SD card
Wired Network
10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet
Wireless Network
Support for LWB5, 802.11 ac/a/b/g/n STA, AP, & Wi-Fi Direct Mode SmartConfig
4.2 / BLE
USB host
Host and Device
x4, up to 4 Mbps.
Display LVDS Dual 1920×1080 24-bit
MIPI-DSI 1920×1080 24-bit
HDMI V2.0a up to 4Kp60
eDP1.4/DP1.3 up to 4Kp60
Audio Line IN / HP
Camera 2x MIPI-CSI2

SD card image file tree Sumo

├── Android
│   ├── boot.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8qm-var-som-dp.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8qm-var-som-hdmi.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8qm-var-som-lvsd.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8qm-var-spear-dp.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8qm-var-spear-hdmi.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8qm-var-spear-lvsd.img
│   ├── system.img
│   ├── u-boot-imx8qm.imx
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8qm-var-som-dp.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8qm-var-som-hdmi.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8qm-var-som-lvsd.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8qm-var-spear-dp.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8qm-var-spear-hdmi.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8qm-var-spear-lvsd.img
│   └── vendor.img
└── Yocto
    ├── rootfs.tar.bz2
    └── imx-boot-sd.bin

SD card image file tree Dunfell

├── Android
│   ├── boot.img
│   ├── cm_rpmsg_lite_pingpong_rtos_linux_remote_m40.bin
│   ├── cm_rpmsg_lite_pingpong_rtos_linux_remote_m40.elf
│   ├── cm_rpmsg_lite_pingpong_rtos_linux_remote_m41.bin
│   ├── cm_rpmsg_lite_pingpong_rtos_linux_remote_m41.elf
│   ├── dpfw.bin
│   ├── dtbo-imx8qm-var-som-dp.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8qm-var-som-dp-m4.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8qm-var-som-hdmi.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8qm-var-som-hdmi-m4.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8qm-var-som-lvds.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8qm-var-som-lvds-m4.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8qm-var-spear-dp.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8qm-var-spear-dp-m4.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8qm-var-spear-hdmi.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8qm-var-spear-hdmi-m4.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8qm-var-spear-lvds.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8qm-var-spear-lvds-m4.img
│   ├── hdmitxfw.bin
│   ├── super.img
│   ├── u-boot-imx8qm-var-som.imx
│   ├── u-boot-imx8qm-var-som-uuu.imx
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8qm-var-som-dp.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8qm-var-som-dp-m4.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8qm-var-som-hdmi.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8qm-var-som-hdmi-m4.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8qm-var-som-lvds.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8qm-var-som-lvds-m4.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8qm-var-spear-dp.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8qm-var-spear-dp-m4.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8qm-var-spear-hdmi.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8qm-var-spear-hdmi-m4.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8qm-var-spear-lvds.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8qm-var-spear-lvds-m4.img
│   └── vendor_boot.img
└── Yocto
   ├── imx-boot-sd.bin
   └── rootfs.tar.gz

SD card image file tree Dunfell V1.1

├── Android
│   ├── boot.img
│   ├── cm_rpmsg_lite_pingpong_rtos_linux_remote_m40.bin
│   ├── cm_rpmsg_lite_pingpong_rtos_linux_remote_m40.elf
│   ├── cm_rpmsg_lite_pingpong_rtos_linux_remote_m41.bin
│   ├── cm_rpmsg_lite_pingpong_rtos_linux_remote_m41.elf
│   ├── dpfw.bin
│   ├── dtbo-imx8qm-var-som-dp.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8qm-var-som-dp-m4.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8qm-var-som-hdmi.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8qm-var-som-hdmi-m4.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8qm-var-som-lvds.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8qm-var-som-lvds-m4.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8qm-var-spear-dp.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8qm-var-spear-dp-m4.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8qm-var-spear-hdmi.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8qm-var-spear-hdmi-m4.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8qm-var-spear-lvds.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8qm-var-spear-lvds-m4.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8qp-var-som-dp.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8qp-var-som-dp-m4.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8qp-var-som-hdmi.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8qp-var-som-hdmi-m4.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8qp-var-som-lvds.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8qp-var-som-lvds-m4.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8qp-var-spear-dp.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8qp-var-spear-dp-m4.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8qp-var-spear-hdmi.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8qp-var-spear-hdmi-m4.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8qp-var-spear-lvds.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8qp-var-spear-lvds-m4.img
│   ├── hdmitxfw.bin
│   ├── super.img
│   ├── u-boot-imx8qm-var-som.imx
│   ├── u-boot-imx8qm-var-som-uuu.imx
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8qm-var-som-dp.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8qm-var-som-dp-m4.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8qm-var-som-hdmi.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8qm-var-som-hdmi-m4.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8qm-var-som-lvds.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8qm-var-som-lvds-m4.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8qm-var-spear-dp.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8qm-var-spear-dp-m4.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8qm-var-spear-hdmi.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8qm-var-spear-hdmi-m4.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8qm-var-spear-lvds.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8qm-var-spear-lvds-m4.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8qp-var-som-dp.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8qp-var-som-dp-m4.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8qp-var-som-hdmi.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8qp-var-som-hdmi-m4.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8qp-var-som-lvds.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8qp-var-som-lvds-m4.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8qp-var-spear-dp.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8qp-var-spear-dp-m4.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8qp-var-spear-hdmi.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8qp-var-spear-hdmi-m4.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8qp-var-spear-lvds.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8qp-var-spear-lvds-m4.img
│   └── vendor_boot.img
└── Yocto
   ├── imx-boot-sd.bin
   └── rootfs.tar.gz

Android 9 images

u-boot-imx8qm.imx U-Boot for eMMC/SD card boot.
SOM agnostics.
boot.img Android kernel image file.
SOM agnostics.
system.img Android system image file.
SOM agnostics.
vendor.img Android vendor image file.
SOM agnostics.
configuration dependent
where <name> can be: imx8qm-var-som-dp - Supports VAR-SOM-MX8 with DP
imx8qm-var-som-hdmi - Supports VAR-SOM-MX8 with HDMI
imx8qm-var-som-lvds - Supports VAR-SOM-MX8 with LVDS
imx8qm-var-spear-dp - Supports SPEAR-MX8 with DP
imx8qm-var-spear-hdmi - Supports SPEAR-MX8 with HDMI
imx8qm-var-spear-lvds - Supports SPEAR-MX8 with LVDS

Android 10 V2.5.0 images

u-boot-imx8qm.imx U-Boot for eMMC/SD card boot.
SOM agnostics.
boot.img Android kernel image file.
SOM agnostics.
system.img Android system image file.
SOM agnostics.
vendor.img Android vendor image file.
SOM agnostics.
configuration dependent
where <name> can be: imx8qm-var-som-dp - Supports VAR-SOM-MX8 with DP
imx8qm-var-som-hdmi - Supports VAR-SOM-MX8 with HDMI
imx8qm-var-som-lvds - Supports VAR-SOM-MX8 with LVDS
imx8qm-var-spear-dp - Supports SPEAR-MX8 with DP
imx8qm-var-spear-hdmi - Supports SPEAR-MX8 with HDMI
imx8qm-var-spear-lvds - Supports SPEAR-MX8 with LVDS

Android 11 V1.0.0 images

u-boot-imx8qm.imx U-Boot for eMMC/SD card boot.
SOM agnostics.
boot.img Android kernel image file.
SOM agnostics.
system.img Android system image file.
SOM agnostics.
vendor.img Android vendor image file.
SOM agnostics.
vendor_boot.img A composite image, which includes another part of ramdisk and boot parameters.
SOM agnostics.
configuration dependent
where <name> can be: imx8qm-var-som-dp - Supports VAR-SOM-MX8 with DP
imx8qm-var-som-dp-m4 - Supports VAR-SOM-MX8 M4 with DP
imx8qm-var-som-hdmi - Supports VAR-SOM-MX8 with HDMI
imx8qm-var-som-hdmi-m4 - Supports VAR-SOM-MX8 M4 with HDMI
imx8qm-var-som-lvds - Supports VAR-SOM-MX8 with LVDS
imx8qm-var-som-lvds-m4 - Supports VAR-SOM-MX8 M4 with LVDS
imx8qm-var-spear-dp - Supports SPEAR-MX8 with DP
imx8qm-var-spear-dp-m4 - Supports SPEAR-MX8 M4 with DP
imx8qm-var-spear-hdmi - Supports SPEAR-MX8 with HDMI
imx8qm-var-spear-hdmi-m4 - Supports SPEAR-MX8 M4 with HDMI
imx8qm-var-spear-lvds - Supports SPEAR-MX8 with LVDS
imx8qm-var-spear-lvds-m4 - Supports SPEAR-MX8 M4 with LVDS

Android 11 V1.0.0_V1.1 images

u-boot-imx8qm.imx U-Boot for eMMC/SD card boot.
SOM agnostics.
boot.img Android kernel image file.
SOM agnostics.
system.img Android system image file.
SOM agnostics.
vendor.img Android vendor image file.
SOM agnostics.
vendor_boot.img A composite image, which includes another part of ramdisk and boot parameters.
SOM agnostics.
configuration dependent
where <name> can be: imx8qm-var-som-dp - Supports VAR-SOM-MX8QM with DP
imx8qm-var-som-dp-m4 - Supports VAR-SOM-MX8QM M4 with DP
imx8qm-var-som-hdmi - Supports VAR-SOM-MX8QM with HDMI
imx8qm-var-som-hdmi-m4 - Supports VAR-SOM-MX8QM M4 with HDMI
imx8qm-var-som-lvds - Supports VAR-SOM-MX8QM with LVDS
imx8qm-var-som-lvds-m4 - Supports VAR-SOM-MX8QM M4 with LVDS
imx8qm-var-spear-dp - Supports SPEAR-MX8QM with DP
imx8qm-var-spear-dp-m4 - Supports SPEAR-MX8QM M4 with DP
imx8qm-var-spear-hdmi - Supports SPEAR-MX8QM with HDMI
imx8qm-var-spear-hdmi-m4 - Supports SPEAR-MX8QM M4 with HDMI
imx8qm-var-spear-lvds - Supports SPEAR-MX8QM with LVDS
imx8qm-var-spear-lvds-m4 - Supports SPEAR-MX8QM M4 with LVDS
imx8qp-var-som-dp - Supports VAR-SOM-MX8QP with DP
imx8qp-var-som-dp-m4 - Supports VAR-SOM-MX8QP M4 with DP
imx8qp-var-som-hdmi - Supports VAR-SOM-MX8QP with HDMI
imx8qp-var-som-hdmi-m4 - Supports VAR-SOM-MX8QP M4 with HDMI
imx8qp-var-som-lvds - Supports VAR-SOM-MX8QP with LVDS
imx8qp-var-som-lvds-m4 - Supports VAR-SOM-MX8QP M4 with LVDS
imx8qp-var-spear-dp - Supports SPEAR-MX8QP with DP
imx8qp-var-spear-dp-m4 - Supports SPEAR-MX8QP M4 with DP
imx8qp-var-spear-hdmi - Supports SPEAR-MX8QP with HDMI
imx8qp-var-spear-hdmi-m4 - Supports SPEAR-MX8QP M4 with HDMI
imx8qp-var-spear-lvds - Supports SPEAR-MX8QP with LVDS
imx8qp-var-spear-lvds-m4 - Supports SPEAR-MX8QP M4 with LVDS

Android 13.0.0_1.2.0_V1.0 images

u-boot-imx8qm.imx U-Boot for eMMC/SD card boot.
SOM agnostics.
boot.img Android kernel image file.
SOM agnostics.
vendor_boot.img A composite image, which includes vendor part of ramdisk and ko modules.
SOM agnostics.
init_boot.img A composite image, which includes init process.
SOM agnostics.
super.img Android system image file.
SOM agnostics.
configuration dependent
firmware.img HDMI and Display Port firmware for u-boot loading.
where <name> can be: imx8qm-var-som-dp - Supports VAR-SOM-MX8QM with DP
imx8qm-var-som-dp-m4 - Supports VAR-SOM-MX8QM M4 with DP
imx8qm-var-som-hdmi - Supports VAR-SOM-MX8QM with HDMI
imx8qm-var-som-hdmi-m4 - Supports VAR-SOM-MX8QM M4 with HDMI
imx8qm-var-som-lvds - Supports VAR-SOM-MX8QM with LVDS
imx8qm-var-som-lvds-m4 - Supports VAR-SOM-MX8QM M4 with LVDS
imx8qm-var-spear-dp - Supports SPEAR-MX8QM with DP
imx8qm-var-spear-dp-m4 - Supports SPEAR-MX8QM M4 with DP
imx8qm-var-spear-hdmi - Supports SPEAR-MX8QM with HDMI
imx8qm-var-spear-hdmi-m4 - Supports SPEAR-MX8QM M4 with HDMI
imx8qm-var-spear-lvds - Supports SPEAR-MX8QM with LVDS
imx8qm-var-spear-lvds-m4 - Supports SPEAR-MX8QM M4 with LVDS
imx8qp-var-som-dp - Supports VAR-SOM-MX8QP with DP
imx8qp-var-som-dp-m4 - Supports VAR-SOM-MX8QP M4 with DP
imx8qp-var-som-hdmi - Supports VAR-SOM-MX8QP with HDMI
imx8qp-var-som-hdmi-m4 - Supports VAR-SOM-MX8QP M4 with HDMI
imx8qp-var-som-lvds - Supports VAR-SOM-MX8QP with LVDS
imx8qp-var-som-lvds-m4 - Supports VAR-SOM-MX8QP M4 with LVDS
imx8qp-var-spear-dp - Supports SPEAR-MX8QP with DP
imx8qp-var-spear-dp-m4 - Supports SPEAR-MX8QP M4 with DP
imx8qp-var-spear-hdmi - Supports SPEAR-MX8QP with HDMI
imx8qp-var-spear-hdmi-m4 - Supports SPEAR-MX8QP M4 with HDMI
imx8qp-var-spear-lvds - Supports SPEAR-MX8QP with LVDS
imx8qp-var-spear-lvds-m4 - Supports SPEAR-MX8QP M4 with LVDS

Android 9 fastboot

$ sudo `which fastboot` flash dtbo_a out/target/product/som_mx8q/dtbo-<name>.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash dtbo_b out/target/product/som_mx8q/dtbo-<name>.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash boot_a out/target/product/som_mx8q/boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash boot_b out/target/product/som_mx8q/boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash system_a out/target/product/som_mx8q/system.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash system_b out/target/product/som_mx8q/system.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vendor_a out/target/product/som_mx8q/vendor.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vendor_b out/target/product/som_mx8q/vendor.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vbmeta_a out/target/product/som_mx8q/vbmeta-<name>.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vbmeta_b out/target/product/som_mx8q/vbmeta-<name>.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` reboot

Android 10 V2.5.0 fastboot

$ sudo `which fastboot` flash dtbo_a out/target/product/som_mx8q/dtbo-<name>.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash dtbo_b out/target/product/som_mx8q/dtbo-<name>.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash boot_a out/target/product/som_mx8q/boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash boot_b out/target/product/som_mx8q/boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash super out/target/product/som_mx8q/super.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vbmeta_a out/target/product/som_mx8q/vbmeta-<name>.img --disable-verity
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vbmeta_b out/target/product/som_mx8q/vbmeta-<name>.img --disable-verity
$ sudo `which fastboot` reboot

Android 11 V1.0.0 fastboot

$ sudo `which fastboot` flash dtbo_a out/target/product/som_mx8q/dtbo-<name>.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash dtbo_b out/target/product/som_mx8q/dtbo-<name>.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash boot_a out/target/product/som_mx8q/boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash boot_b out/target/product/som_mx8q/boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vendor_boot_a out/target/product/som_mx8q/vendor_boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vendor_boot_b out/target/product/som_mx8q/vendor_boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash super out/target/product/som_mx8q/super.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vbmeta_a out/target/product/som_mx8q/vbmeta-<name>.img --disable-verity
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vbmeta_b out/target/product/som_mx8q/vbmeta-<name>.img --disable-verity
$ sudo `which fastboot` reboot

Android 13 V1.0.0 fastboot

$ sudo `which fastboot` flash dtbo_a out/target/product/som_mx8q/dtbo-<name>.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash dtbo_b out/target/product/som_mx8q/dtbo-<name>.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash boot_a out/target/product/som_mx8q/boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash boot_b out/target/product/som_mx8q/boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash init_boot_a out/target/product/som_mx8q/init_boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash init_boot_b out/target/product/som_mx8q/init_boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vendor_boot_a out/target/product/som_mx8q/vendor_boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vendor_boot_b out/target/product/som_mx8q/vendor_boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash super out/target/product/som_mx8q/super.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vbmeta_a out/target/product/som_mx8q/vbmeta-<name>.img --disable-verity
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vbmeta_b out/target/product/som_mx8q/vbmeta-<name>.img --disable-verity
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash firmware out/target/product/som_mx8q/firmware.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` reboot

Android 10 V2.5.0 UUU

Copy Variscite's uuu scripts to the Android build output folder:

$ cp ~/var_imx-p9.0.0_1.0.0-ga/android_build/device/variscite/scripts/uuu_scripts/* out/target/product/som_mx8q/

And run uuu to program the eMMC:

$ sudo ./uuu <uuu script>.lst

where <uuu script> should be one of the following:

emmc_burn_android_var_som_imx8.lst - Supports VAR-SOM-MX8 with LVDS
emmc_burn_android_spear8.lst - Supports SPEAR-MX8 with LVDS

Android 11 V1.0.0 UUU

Copy Variscite's uuu scripts to the Android build output folder:

$ cp ~/var_imx-p9.0.0_1.0.0-ga/android_build/device/variscite/scripts/uuu_scripts/* out/target/product/som_mx8q/

And run uuu to program the eMMC:

$ sudo ./uuu <uuu script>.lst

where <uuu script> should be one of the following:

emmc_burn_android_spear8.lst - SPEAR-MX8 Supports LVDS.
emmc_burn_android_var_som_imx8.lst - VAR-SOM-MX8 LVDS.

Android 13 V1.0.0 UUU

Copy Variscite's uuu scripts to the Android build output folder:

$ cp ~/var_imx-p9.0.0_1.0.0-ga/android_build/device/variscite/scripts/uuu_scripts/* out/target/product/som_mx8q/

And run uuu to program the eMMC:

$ sudo ./uuu <uuu script>.lst

where <uuu script> should be one of the following:

emmc_burn_android_imx8qm_spear_dp.lst - SPEAR-MX8 Supports Display Port.
emmc_burn_android_imx8qm_spear_hdmi.lst - SPEAR-MX8 Supports HDMI Display.
emmc_burn_android_imx8qm_spear_lvds.lst - SPEAR-MX8 Supports LVDS Display.
emmc_burn_android_imx8qm_var_som_symphony_dp.lst - VAR-SOM-MX8 Supports Display Port.
emmc_burn_android_imx8qm_var_som_symphony_hdmi.lst - VAR-SOM-MX8 Supports HDMI Port. 
emmc_burn_android_imx8qm_var_som_symphony_lvds.lst - VAR-SOM-MX8 Supports LVDS Display.


Supported hardware and features

SOM support
Carrier Board support
Symphony Board


up to 64GB
DDR4 size support configuration
up to 2GB
SD card
Wired Network
10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet
Wireless Network
Support for LWB5, 802.11 ac/a/b/g/n STA, AP, & Wi-Fi Direct Mode SmartConfig
4.2 / BLE
USB host
Host and Device USB2.0: 1x OTG
x4, up to 4 Mbps.
Display LVDS Dual 1920×1080 24-bit
MIPI-DSI 1920×1080 24-bit
Audio Line IN / HP
Camera MIPI-CSI2

SD card image file tree Sumo

├── Android
│   ├── boot.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mn-var-som.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mn-var-som-m7.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mn-var-som-v10.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mn-var-som-v10-m7.img
│   ├── system.img
│   ├── u-boot-imx8mn-var-som.imx
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mn-var-som.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mn-var-som-m7.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mn-var-som-v10.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mn-var-som-v10-m7.img
│   └── vendor.img
└── Yocto
    ├── rootfs.tar.gz
    └── imx-boot-sd.bin

SD card image file tree ZEUS With Super Image

├── Android
│   ├── boot.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mn-var-som.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mn-var-som-v10.img
│   ├── super.img
│   ├── u-boot-imx8mn-var-som.imx
│   ├── u-boot-imx8mn-var-som-uuu.imx
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mn-var-som.img
│   └── vbmeta-imx8mn-var-som-v10.img
└── Yocto
   ├── imx-boot-sd.bin
   └── rootfs.tar.gz

SD card image file tree DUNFELL V1.4

├── Android
│   ├── boot.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mn-var-som.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mn-var-som-legacy.img
│   ├── super.img
│   ├── u-boot-imx8mn-var-som.imx
│   ├── u-boot-imx8mn-var-som-uuu.imx
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mn-var-som.img
│   └── vbmeta-imx8mn-var-som-legacy.img
└── Yocto
   ├── imx-boot-sd.bin
   └── rootfs.tar.gz

SD card image file tree DUNFELL V1.5

├── Android
│   ├── boot.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mn-var-som.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mn-var-som-m7.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mn-var-som-legacy.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mn-var-som-legacy-m7.img
│   ├── super.img
│   ├── u-boot-imx8mn-var-som.imx
│   ├── u-boot-imx8mn-var-som-uuu.imx
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mn-var-som.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mn-var-som-m7.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mn-var-som-legacy.img
│   └── vbmeta-imx8mn-var-som-legacy-m7.img
└── Yocto
   ├── imx-boot-sd.bin
   └── rootfs.tar.gz

SD card image file tree DUNFELL V1.6

├── Android
│   ├── boot.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mn-var-som-symphony.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mn-var-som-symphony-m7.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mn-var-som-symphony-legacy.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mn-var-som-symphony-legacy-m7.img
│   ├── super.img
│   ├── u-boot-imx8mn-var-som.imx
│   ├── u-boot-imx8mn-var-som-uuu.imx
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mn-var-som-symphony.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mn-var-som-symphony-m7.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mn-var-som-symphony-legacy.img
│   └── vbmeta-imx8mn-var-som-symphony-legacy-m7.img
└── Yocto
   ├── imx-boot-sd.bin
   └── rootfs.tar.gz

Android 9 V2.3.4 images

u-boot-imx8mn-var-som.imx U-Boot for eMMC/SD card boot.
SOM agnostics.
boot.img Android kernel image file.
SOM agnostics.
system.img Android system image file.
SOM agnostics.
vendor.img Android vendor image file.
SOM agnostics.
configuration dependent
where <name> can be: imx8mn-var-som - Supports LVDS / SD / WIFI

Android 10 images

u-boot-imx8mn-var-som.imx U-Boot for eMMC/SD card boot.
SOM agnostics.
boot.img Android kernel image file.
SOM agnostics.
super.img Android super image file.
SOM agnostics.
configuration dependent
<name> is: imx8mn-var-som - Supports LVDS / SD / WIFI

Android 10 V 1.3 images

u-boot-imx8mn-var-som.imx U-Boot for eMMC/SD card boot.
SOM agnostics.
boot.img Android kernel image file.
SOM agnostics.
super.img Android super image file.
SOM agnostics.
configuration dependent
<name> is: imx8mn-var-som - Supports LVDS / SD / WIFI (VAR-SOM-MX8M-NANO on a Symphony-Board V1.4A and above)
imx8mn-var-som-legacy - Supports LVDS / SD / WIFI (VAR-SOM-MX8M-NANO on a Symphony-Board V1.4 and below)

Android 11 V 1.0 images

u-boot-imx8mn-var-som.imx U-Boot for eMMC/SD card boot.
SOM agnostics.
u-boot-imx8mn-var-som-uuu.imx U-Boot for uuu USB boot.
SOM agnostics.
boot.img Android kernel image file.
SOM agnostics.
super.img Android super image file.
SOM agnostics.
configuration dependent
<name> is: imx8mn-var-som - Supports LVDS / SD / WIFI (VAR-SOM-MX8M-NANO on a Symphony-Board V1.4A and above)
imx8mn-var-som-legacy - Supports LVDS / SD / WIFI (VAR-SOM-MX8M-NANO on a Symphony-Board V1.4 and below)

imx8mn-var-som-m7 - Supports LVDS / SD / WIFI (VAR-SOM-MX8M-NANO-M7 on a Symphony-Board V1.4A and above) with Cortex M7
imx8mn-var-som-legacy-m7 - Supports LVDS / SD / WIFI (VAR-SOM-MX8M-NANO on a Symphony-Board V1.4 and below) with Cortex M7

Android 11 V 1.1 images

u-boot-imx8mn-var-som.imx U-Boot for eMMC/SD card boot.
SOM agnostics.
u-boot-imx8mn-var-som-uuu.imx U-Boot for uuu USB boot.
SOM agnostics.
boot.img Android kernel image file.
SOM agnostics.
super.img Android super image file.
SOM agnostics.
configuration dependent
<name> is: imx8mn-var-som-symphony - Supports LVDS / SD / WIFI (VAR-SOM-MX8M-NANO on a Symphony-Board V1.4A and above)
imx8mn-var-som-symphony-legacy - Supports LVDS / SD / WIFI (VAR-SOM-MX8M-NANO on a Symphony-Board V1.4 and below)

imx8mn-var-som-symphony-m7 - Supports LVDS / SD / WIFI (VAR-SOM-MX8M-NANO-M7 on a Symphony-Board V1.4A and above) with Cortex M7
imx8mn-var-som-legacy-symphony-m7 - Supports LVDS / SD / WIFI (VAR-SOM-MX8M-NANO on a Symphony-Board V1.4 and below) with Cortex M7

Android 12 V 1.0 images

u-boot-imx8mn-var-som.imx U-Boot for eMMC/SD card boot.
SOM agnostics.
u-boot-imx8mn-var-som-uuu.imx U-Boot for uuu USB boot.
SOM agnostics.
boot.img Android kernel image file.
SOM agnostics.
vendor_boot.img A composite image, which includes another part of ramdisk and boot parameters.
SOM agnostics.
super.img Android super image file.
SOM agnostics.
configuration dependent
<name> is: imx8mn-var-som-symphony - Supports LVDS / SD / WIFI (VAR-SOM-MX8M-NANO on a Symphony-Board)

imx8mn-var-som-symphony-m7 - Supports LVDS / SD / WIFI (VAR-SOM-MX8M-NANO-M7 on a Symphony-Board) with Cortex M7

Android 14 V 1.0 images

u-boot-imx8mn-var-som.imx U-Boot image without Trusty OS integrated for eMMC/SD card boot.
Used for sigle-bootloader condition.
u-boot-imx8mn-var-som-uuu.imx U-Boot image for uuu USB boot.
spl-imx8mn-var-som-dual.bin SPL image without Trusty for eMMC/SD card boot.
Used for dual-bootloader condition.
bootloader-imx8mn-var-som-dual.img Bootloader image without Trusty OS integrated for eMMC/SD card boot.
Used for dual-bootloader condition.
boot.img Android kernel image file.
vendor_boot.img A composite image, which includes another part of ramdisk and boot parameters.
init_boot.img A composite image, which includes init process.
super.img Android super image file.
configuration dependent
<name> is: imx8mn-var-som-symphony - Supports LVDS / SD / WIFI (VAR-SOM-MX8M-NANO on a Symphony-Board)

imx8mn-var-som-symphony-m7 - Supports LVDS / SD / WIFI (VAR-SOM-MX8M-NANO-M7 on a Symphony-Board) with Cortex M7

Android 9 V2.3.4 fastboot

$ sudo `which fastboot` flash dtbo_a out/target/product/som_mx8mn/dtbo-<name>.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash dtbo_b out/target/product/som_mx8mn/dtbo-<name>.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash boot_a out/target/product/som_mx8mn/boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash boot_b out/target/product/som_mx8mn/boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash system_a out/target/product/som_mx8mn/system.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash system_b out/target/product/som_mx8mn/system.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vendor_a out/target/product/som_mx8mn/vendor.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vendor_b out/target/product/som_mx8mn/vendor.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vbmeta_a out/target/product/som_mx8mn/vbmeta-<name>.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vbmeta_b out/target/product/som_mx8mn/vbmeta-<name>.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` reboot

Android 10 fastboot

$ sudo `which fastboot` flash dtbo_a out/target/product/som_mx8mn/dtbo-<name>.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash dtbo_b out/target/product/som_mx8mn/dtbo-<name>.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash boot_a out/target/product/som_mx8mn/boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash boot_b out/target/product/som_mx8mn/boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash super out/target/product/som_mx8mn/super.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vbmeta_a out/target/product/som_mx8mn/vbmeta-<name>.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vbmeta_b out/target/product/som_mx8mn/vbmeta-<name>.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` reboot

Android 11 V1.0 fastboot

$ sudo `which fastboot` flash dtbo_a out/target/product/som_mx8mn/dtbo-<name>.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash dtbo_b out/target/product/som_mx8mn/dtbo-<name>.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash boot_a out/target/product/som_mx8mn/boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash boot_b out/target/product/som_mx8mn/boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vendor_boot_a out/target/product/som_mx8mn/vendor_boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vendor_boot_b out/target/product/som_mx8mn/vendor_boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash super out/target/product/som_mx8mn/super.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vbmeta_a out/target/product/som_mx8mn/vbmeta-<name>.img --disable-verity
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vbmeta_b out/target/product/som_mx8mn/vbmeta-<name>.img --disable-verity
$ sudo `which fastboot` reboot

Android 14 V1.0 fastboot

$ sudo `which fastboot` flash bootloader_a out/target/product/som_mx8mn/bootloader-imx8mn-var-som-dual.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash bootloader_b out/target/product/som_mx8mn/bootloader-imx8mn-var-som-dual.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash dtbo_a out/target/product/som_mx8mn/dtbo-<name>.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash dtbo_b out/target/product/som_mx8mn/dtbo-<name>.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash boot_a out/target/product/som_mx8mn/boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash boot_b out/target/product/som_mx8mn/boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash init_boot_a out/target/product/som_mx8mn/init_boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash init_boot_b out/target/product/som_mx8mn/init_boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vendor_boot_a out/target/product/som_mx8mn/vendor_boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vendor_boot_b out/target/product/som_mx8mn/vendor_boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash super out/target/product/som_mx8mn/super.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vbmeta_a out/target/product/som_mx8mn/vbmeta-<name>.img --disable-verity
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vbmeta_b out/target/product/som_mx8mn/vbmeta-<name>.img --disable-verity
$ sudo `which fastboot` reboot

Android 12 V1.0 UUU

Copy Variscite's uuu scripts to the Android build output folder:

$ cp ~/var_imx-p9.0.0_1.0.0-ga/android_build/device/variscite/scripts/uuu_scripts/* out/target/product/som_mx8mn/

And run uuu to program the eMMC:

$ sudo ./uuu <uuu script>.lst

where <uuu script> should be one of the following:

 emmc_burn_android_imx8mn_var_som_symphony.lst - Supports LVDS / SD / WiFi (VAR-SOM-MX8M-NANO on a Symphony-Board)


Supported hardware and features

SOM support
Carrier Board support
VAR-DT8MCustomBoard Symphony Board (VAR-SOM-IMX8M-Plus only)

i.MX8M Plus

up to 64GB
LPDDR4 size support configuration
up to 4GB
SD card
Wired Network
10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet
1 × Ethernet with TSN support
Wireless Network
Support for LWB5, 802.11 ac/a/b/g/n STA, AP, & Wi-Fi Direct Mode SmartConfig
4.2 / BLE
USB host
Host and Device
x4, up to 5 Mbps.
Display Dual LVDS up to 1080p60
MIPI-DSI 1920×1080p60
HDMI v2.0a up to 4Kp30,
Audio Line IN / HP
Camera 2x MIPI-CSI2

SD card image file tree Zeus

├── Android
│   ├── boot.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-dart.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-som.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-som-ov5640.img
│   ├── super.img
│   ├── u-boot-imx8mp-var-dart.imx
│   ├── u-boot-imx8mp-var-dart-uuu.imx
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-dart.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-som.img
│   └── vendor.img
└── Yocto
    ├── rootfs.tar.bz2
    └── imx-boot-sd.bin

SD card image file tree Zeus

├── Android
│   ├── boot.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-hdmi.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-hdmi.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m7.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m7.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-som-symphony-2nd-ov5640.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-som-symphony-2nd-ov5640-m7.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-som-symphony-hdmi.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-som-symphony.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-som-symphony-m7.img
│   ├── rpmsg_lite_pingpong_rtos_linux_remote.bin
│   ├── rpmsg_lite_pingpong_rtos_linux_remote.bin.tcm.dart
│   ├── rpmsg_lite_pingpong_rtos_linux_remote.bin.tcm.som
│   ├── rpmsg_lite_pingpong_rtos_linux_remote.elf.dart
│   ├── rpmsg_lite_pingpong_rtos_linux_remote.elf.som
│   ├── super.img
│   ├── u-boot-imx8mp-var-dart.imx
│   ├── u-boot-imx8mp-var-dart-uuu.imx
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-hdmi.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-hdmi.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m7.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m7.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-som-symphony-2nd-ov5640.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-som-symphony-2nd-ov5640-m7.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-som-symphony-hdmi.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-som-symphony.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-som-symphony-m7.img
│   └── vendor_boot.img
└── Yocto
    ├── imx-boot-sd.bin
    └── rootfs.tar.gz

SD card image file tree Hardknott

├── Android
│   ├── boot.img
│   ├── cm_rpmsg_lite_pingpong_rtos_linux_remote.bin.debug_dart
│   ├── cm_rpmsg_lite_pingpong_rtos_linux_remote.bin.debug_som
│   ├── cm_rpmsg_lite_pingpong_rtos_linux_remote.elf.debug_dart
│   ├── cm_rpmsg_lite_pingpong_rtos_linux_remote.elf.debug_som
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-basler-isp0.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-hdmi.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-hdmi.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m7.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m7.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-som-symphony-2nd-ov5640.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-som-symphony-2nd-ov5640-m7.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-som-symphony-basler-isp0.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-som-symphony-hdmi.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-som-symphony.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-som-symphony-m7.img
│   ├── rpmsg_lite_pingpong_rtos_linux_remote.bin
│   ├── super.img
│   ├── u-boot-imx8mp-var-dart.imx
│   ├── u-boot-imx8mp-var-dart-uuu.imx
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-basler-isp0.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-hdmi.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-hdmi.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m7.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m7.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-som-symphony-2nd-ov5640.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-som-symphony-2nd-ov5640-m7.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-som-symphony-basler-isp0.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-som-symphony-hdmi.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-som-symphony.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-som-symphony-m7.img
│   └── vendor_boot.img
└── Yocto
    ├── imx-boot-sd.bin
    └── rootfs.tar.gz

SD card image file tree Kirkstone - Android 13

├── Android
│   ├── boot.img
│   ├── cm_rpmsg_lite_pingpong_rtos_linux_remote.bin.ddr_debug_dart
│   ├── cm_rpmsg_lite_pingpong_rtos_linux_remote.bin.ddr_debug_som
│   ├── cm_rpmsg_lite_pingpong_rtos_linux_remote.bin.debug_dart
│   ├── cm_rpmsg_lite_pingpong_rtos_linux_remote.bin.debug_som
│   ├── cm_rpmsg_lite_str_echo_rtos.bin.ddr_debug_dart
│   ├── cm_rpmsg_lite_str_echo_rtos.bin.ddr_debug_som
│   ├── cm_rpmsg_lite_str_echo_rtos.bin.debug_dart
│   ├── cm_rpmsg_lite_str_echo_rtos.bin.debug_som
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-basler-isp0.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-hdmi.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-basler-isp0.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-hdmi.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m7.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m7.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-som-symphony-2nd-ov5640.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-som-symphony-2nd-ov5640-m7.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-som-symphony-basler-isp0.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-som-symphony-hdmi.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-som-symphony.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-som-symphony-m7.img
│   ├── init_boot.img
│   ├── rpmsg_lite_pingpong_rtos_linux_remote.bin
│   ├── super.img
│   ├── u-boot-imx8mp-var-dart.imx
│   ├── u-boot-imx8mp-var-dart-uuu.imx
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-basler-isp0.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-hdmi.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-basler-isp0.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-hdmi.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m7.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m7.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-som-symphony-2nd-ov5640.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-som-symphony-2nd-ov5640-m7.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-som-symphony-basler-isp0.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-som-symphony-hdmi.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-som-symphony.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-som-symphony-m7.img
│   └── vendor_boot.img
└── Yocto
    ├── imx-boot-sd.bin
    └── rootfs.tar.gz

SD card image file tree Mickledore - Android 14

├── Android
│   ├── boot.img
│   ├── bootloader-imx8mp-var-dart-dual.img
│   ├── cm_hello_world.bin.debug_dart
│   ├── cm_hello_world.bin.debug_som
│   ├── cm_rpmsg_lite_pingpong_rtos_linux_remote.bin.debug_dart
│   ├── cm_rpmsg_lite_pingpong_rtos_linux_remote.bin.debug_som
│   ├── cm_rpmsg_lite_str_echo_rtos.bin.debug_dart
│   ├── cm_rpmsg_lite_str_echo_rtos.bin.debug_som
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-basler-isi0-m7.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-basler-isi0.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-basler-isp0-m7.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-basler-isp0.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m7.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-som-1.x-symphony-2nd-ov5640-m7.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-som-1.x-symphony-2nd-ov5640.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-som-1.x-symphony-basler-isi0-m7.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-som-1.x-symphony-basler-isi0.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-som-1.x-symphony-basler-isp0-m7.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-som-1.x-symphony-basler-isp0.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-som-1.x-symphony-m7.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-som-1.x-symphony.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-som-symphony-2nd-ov5640-m7.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-som-symphony-2nd-ov5640.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-som-symphony-basler-isi0-m7.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-som-symphony-basler-isi0.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-som-symphony-basler-isp0-m7.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-som-symphony-basler-isp0.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-som-symphony-m7.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-som-symphony.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-som-wbe-symphony-2nd-ov5640-m7.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-som-wbe-symphony-2nd-ov5640.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-som-wbe-symphony-basler-isi0-m7.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-som-wbe-symphony-basler-isi0.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-som-wbe-symphony-basler-isp0-m7.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-som-wbe-symphony-basler-isp0.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-som-wbe-symphony-m7.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-som-wbe-symphony.img
│   ├── init_boot.img
│   ├── spl-imx8mp-var-dart-dual.bin
│   ├── super.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-basler-isi0-m7.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-basler-isi0.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-basler-isp0-m7.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-basler-isp0.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m7.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-som-1.x-symphony-2nd-ov5640-m7.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-som-1.x-symphony-2nd-ov5640.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-som-1.x-symphony-basler-isi0-m7.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-som-1.x-symphony-basler-isi0.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-som-1.x-symphony-basler-isp0-m7.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-som-1.x-symphony-basler-isp0.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-som-1.x-symphony-m7.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-som-1.x-symphony.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-som-symphony-2nd-ov5640-m7.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-som-symphony-2nd-ov5640.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-som-symphony-basler-isi0-m7.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-som-symphony-basler-isi0.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-som-symphony-basler-isp0-m7.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-som-symphony-basler-isp0.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-som-symphony-m7.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-som-symphony.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-som-wbe-symphony-2nd-ov5640-m7.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-som-wbe-symphony-2nd-ov5640.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-som-wbe-symphony-basler-isi0-m7.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-som-wbe-symphony-basler-isi0.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-som-wbe-symphony-basler-isp0-m7.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-som-wbe-symphony-basler-isp0.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-som-wbe-symphony-m7.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-som-wbe-symphony.img
│   └── vendor_boot.img
└── Yocto
    ├── imx-boot-sd.bin
    └── rootfs.tar.zst

SD card image file tree Mickledore - Android 14

├── Android
│   ├── boot.img
│   ├── bootloader-imx8mp-var-dart-dual.img
│   ├── cm_hello_world.bin.debug_dart
│   ├── cm_hello_world.bin.debug_som
│   ├── cm_rpmsg_lite_pingpong_rtos_linux_remote.bin.debug_dart
│   ├── cm_rpmsg_lite_pingpong_rtos_linux_remote.bin.debug_som
│   ├── cm_rpmsg_lite_str_echo_rtos.bin.debug_dart
│   ├── cm_rpmsg_lite_str_echo_rtos.bin.debug_som
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-basler-isi0-m7.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-basler-isi0.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-basler-isp0-m7.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-basler-isp0.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m7.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-dart-wbe-dt8mcustomboard-basler-isi0-m7.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-dart-wbe-dt8mcustomboard-basler-isi0.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-dart-wbe-dt8mcustomboard-basler-isp0-m7.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-dart-wbe-dt8mcustomboard-basler-isp0.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-dart-wbe-dt8mcustomboard-m7.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-dart-wbe-dt8mcustomboard.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-dart-1.x-dt8mcustomboard.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-dart-1.x-dt8mcustomboard-m7.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-dart-1.x-dt8mcustomboard-basler-isi0-m7.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-dart-1.x-dt8mcustomboard-basler-isi0.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-dart-1.x-dt8mcustomboard-basler-isp0-m7.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-dart-1.x-dt8mcustomboard-basler-isp0.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-som-1.x-symphony-2nd-ov5640-m7.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-som-1.x-symphony-2nd-ov5640.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-som-1.x-symphony-basler-isi0-m7.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-som-1.x-symphony-basler-isi0.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-som-1.x-symphony-basler-isp0-m7.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-som-1.x-symphony-basler-isp0.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-som-1.x-symphony-m7.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-som-1.x-symphony.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-som-symphony-2nd-ov5640-m7.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-som-symphony-2nd-ov5640.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-som-symphony-basler-isi0-m7.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-som-symphony-basler-isi0.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-som-symphony-basler-isp0-m7.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-som-symphony-basler-isp0.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-som-symphony-m7.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-som-symphony.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-som-wbe-symphony-2nd-ov5640-m7.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-som-wbe-symphony-2nd-ov5640.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-som-wbe-symphony-basler-isi0-m7.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-som-wbe-symphony-basler-isi0.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-som-wbe-symphony-basler-isp0-m7.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-som-wbe-symphony-basler-isp0.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-som-wbe-symphony-m7.img
│   ├── dtbo-imx8mp-var-som-wbe-symphony.img
│   ├── init_boot.img
│   ├── spl-imx8mp-var-dart-dual.bin
│   ├── super.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-basler-isi0-m7.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-basler-isi0.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-basler-isp0-m7.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-basler-isp0.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m7.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-dart-wbe-dt8mcustomboard-basler-isi0-m7.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-dart-wbe-dt8mcustomboard-basler-isi0.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-dart-wbe-dt8mcustomboard-basler-isp0-m7.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-dart-wbe-dt8mcustomboard-basler-isp0.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-dart-wbe-dt8mcustomboard-m7.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-dart-wbe-dt8mcustomboard.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-dart-1.x-dt8mcustomboard.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-dart-1.x-dt8mcustomboard-m7.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-dart-1.x-dt8mcustomboard-basler-isi0-m7.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-dart-1.x-dt8mcustomboard-basler-isi0.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-dart-1.x-dt8mcustomboard-basler-isp0-m7.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-dart-1.x-dt8mcustomboard-basler-isp0.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-som-1.x-symphony-2nd-ov5640-m7.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-som-1.x-symphony-2nd-ov5640.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-som-1.x-symphony-basler-isi0-m7.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-som-1.x-symphony-basler-isi0.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-som-1.x-symphony-basler-isp0-m7.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-som-1.x-symphony-basler-isp0.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-som-1.x-symphony-m7.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-som-1.x-symphony.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-som-symphony-2nd-ov5640-m7.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-som-symphony-2nd-ov5640.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-som-symphony-basler-isi0-m7.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-som-symphony-basler-isi0.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-som-symphony-basler-isp0-m7.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-som-symphony-basler-isp0.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-som-symphony-m7.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-som-symphony.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-som-wbe-symphony-2nd-ov5640-m7.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-som-wbe-symphony-2nd-ov5640.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-som-wbe-symphony-basler-isi0-m7.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-som-wbe-symphony-basler-isi0.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-som-wbe-symphony-basler-isp0-m7.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-som-wbe-symphony-basler-isp0.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-som-wbe-symphony-m7.img
│   ├── vbmeta-imx8mp-var-som-wbe-symphony.img
│   └── vendor_boot.img
└── Yocto
    ├── imx-boot-sd.bin
    └── rootfs.tar.zst

Android 10 V2.5.0 images

u-boot-imx8mp-var-dart.imx U-Boot for eMMC/SD card boot.
SOM agnostics.
boot.img Android kernel image file.
SOM agnostics.
super.img Android system image file.
SOM agnostics.
configuration dependent
<name> is: imx8mp-var-dart - Supports LVDS / SD / WiFi
imx8mp-var-som - Supports VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS LVDS / SD / WiFi

Android 10 V2.6.0 V 1.0 images

u-boot-imx8mp-var-dart.imx U-Boot for eMMC/SD card boot.
SOM agnostics.
boot.img Android kernel image file.
SOM agnostics.
super.img Android system image file.
SOM agnostics.
configuration dependent
<name> is: imx8mp-var-som-symphony - Supports Variscite VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS LVDS on Symphony-Board
imx8mp-var-som-symphony-hdmi - Supports Variscite VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS HDMI on Symphony-Board
imx8mp-var-som-symphony-2nd-ov5640 - Supports Variscite VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS with 2nd OV5640 on Symphony-Board
imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard - Supports Variscite DART-MX8M-PLUS LVDS on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x
imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-hdmi - Supports Variscite DART-MX8M-PLUS HDMI on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x
imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy - Supports Variscite DART-MX8M-PLUS LVDS on DT8MCustomBoard 1.x
imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-hdmi - Supports Variscite DART-MX8M-PLUS HDMI on DT8MCustomBoard 1.x

Android 11 V1.2.0 V 1.0 images

u-boot-imx8mp-var-dart.imx U-Boot for eMMC/SD card boot.
SOM agnostics.
boot.img Android kernel image file.
SOM agnostics.
vendor_boot.img A composite image, which includes another part of ramdisk and boot parameters.
SOM agnostics.
super.img Android system image file.
SOM agnostics.
configuration dependent
<name> is: imx8mp-var-som-symphony - Supports Variscite VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS LVDS on Symphony-Board
imx8mp-var-som-symphony-hdmi - Supports Variscite VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS HDMI on Symphony-Board
imx8mp-var-som-symphony-m7 VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS M7 LVDS on Symphony-Board
imx8mp-var-som-symphony-2nd-ov5640 - Supports Variscite VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS with 2nd OV5640 on Symphony-Board
imx8mp-var-som-symphony-2nd-ov5640-m7 - Supports Variscite VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS M7 with 2nd OV5640 on Symphony-Board
imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard - Supports Variscite DART-MX8M-PLUS LVDS on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x
imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m7 - Supports Variscite DART-MX8M-PLUS M7 LVDS on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x
imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-hdmi - Supports Variscite DART-MX8M-PLUS HDMI on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x
imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy - Supports Variscite DART-MX8M-PLUS LVDS on DT8MCustomBoard 1.x
imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m7 - Supports Variscite DART-MX8M-PLUS M7 LVDS on DT8MCustomBoard 1.x
imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-hdmi - Supports Variscite DART-MX8M-PLUS HDMI on DT8MCustomBoard 1.x

Android 11 V2.2.0 V 1.0 images

u-boot-imx8mp-var-dart.imx U-Boot for eMMC/SD card boot.
SOM agnostics.
boot.img Android kernel image file.
SOM agnostics.
vendor_boot.img A composite image, which includes another part of ramdisk and boot parameters.
SOM agnostics.
super.img Android system image file.
SOM agnostics.
configuration dependent
<name> is: imx8mp-var-som-symphony - Supports Variscite VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS LVDS on Symphony-Board
imx8mp-var-som-symphony-hdmi - Supports Variscite VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS HDMI on Symphony-Board
imx8mp-var-som-symphony-m7 VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS M7 LVDS on Symphony-Board
imx8mp-var-som-symphony-2nd-ov5640 - Supports Variscite VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS with 2nd OV5640 on Symphony-Board
imx8mp-var-som-symphony-2nd-ov5640-m7 - Supports Variscite VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS M7 with 2nd OV5640 on Symphony-Board
imx8mp-var-som-symphony-basler-isp0 - Supports Variscite VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS with Basler camera on Symphony-Board
imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard - Supports Variscite DART-MX8M-PLUS LVDS on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x
imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m7 - Supports Variscite DART-MX8M-PLUS M7 LVDS on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x
imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-hdmi - Supports Variscite DART-MX8M-PLUS HDMI on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x
imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy - Supports Variscite DART-MX8M-PLUS LVDS on DT8MCustomBoard 1.x
imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m7 - Supports Variscite DART-MX8M-PLUS M7 LVDS on DT8MCustomBoard 1.x
imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-hdmi - Supports Variscite DART-MX8M-PLUS HDMI on DT8MCustomBoard 1.x
imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-basler-isp0 - Supports Variscite DART-MX8M-PLUS with Basler camera DT8MCustomBoard 2.x

Android 13 V 1.0 images

u-boot-imx8mp-var-dart.imx U-Boot for eMMC/SD card boot.
SOM agnostics.
boot.img Android kernel image file.
SOM agnostics.
vendor_boot.img A composite image, which includes vendor part of ramdisk and ko modules.
SOM agnostics.
init_boot.img A composite image, which includes init process.
SOM agnostics.
super.img Android system image file.
SOM agnostics.
configuration dependent
<name> is: imx8mp-var-som-symphony - Supports Variscite VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS LVDS on Symphony-Board
imx8mp-var-som-symphony-hdmi - Supports Variscite VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS HDMI on Symphony-Board
imx8mp-var-som-symphony-m7 VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS M7 LVDS on Symphony-Board
imx8mp-var-som-symphony-2nd-ov5640 - Supports Variscite VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS with 2nd OV5640 on Symphony-Board
imx8mp-var-som-symphony-2nd-ov5640-m7 - Supports Variscite VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS M7 with 2nd OV5640 on Symphony-Board
imx8mp-var-som-symphony-basler-isp0 - Supports Variscite VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS with Basler camera on Symphony-Board
imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard - Supports Variscite DART-MX8M-PLUS LVDS on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x
imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m7 - Supports Variscite DART-MX8M-PLUS M7 LVDS on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x
imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-hdmi - Supports Variscite DART-MX8M-PLUS HDMI on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x
imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy - Supports Variscite DART-MX8M-PLUS LVDS on DT8MCustomBoard 1.x
imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m7 - Supports Variscite DART-MX8M-PLUS M7 LVDS on DT8MCustomBoard 1.x
imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-hdmi - Supports Variscite DART-MX8M-PLUS HDMI on DT8MCustomBoard 1.x
imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-basler-isp0 - Supports Variscite DART-MX8M-PLUS with Basler camera DT8MCustomBoard 2.x

Android 14 V 1.0 images

spl-imx8mp-var-dart-dual.bin U-Boot SPL without Trusty OS for eMMC/SD card boot.
SOM agnostics.
bootloader-imx8mp-var-dart-dual.img An image containing U-Boot proper and ATF without Trusty OS for eMMC/SD card boot.
SOM agnostics.
boot.img Android kernel image file.
SOM agnostics.
vendor_boot.img A composite image, which includes vendor RAMDisk and boot parameters.
SOM agnostics.
init_boot.img A composite image, which includes init process.
SOM agnostics.
super.img Android super image file.
SOM agnostics.
configuration dependent
<name> is: imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard - Supports DART-MX8M-PLUS on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x and above, with LVDS
imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-basler-isp0 - Supports DART-MX8M-PLUS on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x and above, with LVDS and Basler VCAM-AR0821B camera
imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-basler-isi0 -Supports DART-MX8M-PLUS on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x and above, with LVDS and Basler VCAM-AR1335B camera
imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m7 - Supports DART-MX8M-PLUS on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x and above, with LVDS and Cortex M7
imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-basler-isp0-m7 - Supports DART-MX8M-PLUS on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x and above, with LVDS, Basler VCAM-AR0821B camera and Cortex M7
imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-basler-isi0-m7 - Supports DART-MX8M-PLUS on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x and above, with LVDS, Basler VCAM-AR1335B camera and Cortex M7
imx8mp-var-som-symphony - Supports VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS on Symphony-Board, with LVDS
imx8mp-var-som-symphony-basler-isp0 - Supports VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS on Symphony-Board, with LVDS and Basler VCAM-AR0821B camera
imx8mp-var-som-symphony-basler-isi0 - Supports VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS on Symphony-Board, with LVDS and Basler VCAM-AR1335B camera
imx8mp-var-som-symphony-2nd-ov5640 - Supports VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS on Symphony-Board, with LVDS and 2nd OV5640
imx8mp-var-som-symphony-m7 - Supports VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS on Symphony-Board, with LVDS and Cortex M7
imx8mp-var-som-symphony-basler-isp0-m7 - Supports VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS on Symphony-Board, with LVDS, Basler VCAM-AR0821B camera and Cortex M7
imx8mp-var-som-symphony-basler-isi0-m7 - Supports VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS on Symphony-Board, with LVDS, Basler VCAM-AR1335B camera and Cortex M7
imx8mp-var-som-1.x-symphony - Supports VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V1.x on Symphony-Board, with LVDS
imx8mp-var-som-1.x-symphony-basler-isp0 - Supports VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V1.x on Symphony-Board, with LVDS and Basler VCAM-AR0821B camera
imx8mp-var-som-1.x-symphony-basler-isi0 - Supports VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V1.x on Symphony-Board, with LVDS and Basler VCAM-AR1335B camera
imx8mp-var-som-1.x-symphony-2nd-ov5640 - Supports VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V1.x on Symphony-Board, with LVDS and 2nd OV5640
imx8mp-var-som-1.x-symphony-m7 - Supports VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V1.x on Symphony-Board, with LVDS and Cortex M7
imx8mp-var-som-1.x-symphony-basler-isp0-m7 - Supports VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V1.x on Symphony-Board, with LVDS, Basler VCAM-AR0821B camera and Cortex M7
imx8mp-var-som-1.x-symphony-basler-isi0-m7 - Supports VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V1.x on Symphony-Board, with LVDS, Basler VCAM-AR1335B camera and Cortex M7
imx8mp-var-som-wbe-symphony - Supports VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS on Symphony-Board, with LVDS and WBE
imx8mp-var-som-wbe-symphony-basler-isp0 - Supports VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS on Symphony-Board, with LVDS, WBE and Basler VCAM-AR0821B camera
imx8mp-var-som-wbe-symphony-basler-isi0 - Supports VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS on Symphony-Board, with LVDS, WBE and Basler VCAM-AR1335B camera
imx8mp-var-som-wbe-symphony-2nd-ov5640 - Supports VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS on Symphony-Board, with LVDS, WBE and 2nd OV5640
imx8mp-var-som-wbe-symphony-m7 - Supports VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS on Symphony-Board, with LVDS, WBE and Cortex M7
imx8mp-var-som-wbe-symphony-basler-isp0-m7 - Supports VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS on Symphony-Board, with LVDS, WBE, Basler VCAM-AR0821B camera and Cortex M7
imx8mp-var-som-wbe-symphony-basler-isi0-m7 - Supports VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS on Symphony-Board, with LVDS, WBE, Basler VCAM-AR1335B camera and Cortex M7

Android 14 V 1.1 images

spl-imx8mp-var-dart-dual.bin U-Boot SPL without Trusty OS for eMMC/SD card boot.
SOM agnostics.
bootloader-imx8mp-var-dart-dual.img An image containing U-Boot proper and ATF without Trusty OS for eMMC/SD card boot.
SOM agnostics.
boot.img Android kernel image file.
SOM agnostics.
vendor_boot.img A composite image, which includes vendor RAMDisk and boot parameters.
SOM agnostics.
init_boot.img A composite image, which includes init process.
SOM agnostics.
super.img Android super image file.
SOM agnostics.
configuration dependent
<name> is: imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard - DART-MX8M-PLUS V2.x with LVDS support on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x and above
imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-basler-isp0 - DART-MX8M-PLUS V2.x with LVDS and Basler VCAM-AR0821B camera support on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x and above
imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-basler-isi0 -DART-MX8M-PLUS V2.x with LVDS and Basler VCAM-AR1335B camera support on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x and above
imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m7 - DART-MX8M-PLUS V2.x with LVDS and M7 support on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x and above
imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-basler-isp0-m7 - DART-MX8M-PLUS V2.x with LVDS, Basler VCAM-AR0821B camera and M7 support on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x and above
imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-basler-isi0-m7 - DART-MX8M-PLUS V2.x with LVDS, Basler VCAM-AR1335B camera and M7 support on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x and above
imx8mp-var-dart-wbe-dt8mcustomboard - DART-MX8M-PLUS V2.x with WBE and LVDS support on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x and above
imx8mp-var-dart-wbe-dt8mcustomboard-basler-isi0-m7 - DART-MX8M-PLUS V2.x with WBE, LVDS, Basler VCAM-AR1335B camera and M7 support on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x and above
imx8mp-var-dart-wbe-dt8mcustomboard-basler-isi0 - DART-MX8M-PLUS V2.x with WBE, LVDS and Basler VCAM-AR1335B camera support on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x and above
imx8mp-var-dart-wbe-dt8mcustomboard-basler-isp0-m7 - DART-MX8M-PLUS V2.x with WBE, LVDS, Basler VCAM-AR0821B camera and M7 support on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x and above
imx8mp-var-dart-wbe-dt8mcustomboard-basler-isp0 - DART-MX8M-PLUS V2.x with WBE, LVDS and Basler VCAM-AR0821B camera support on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x and above
imx8mp-var-dart-wbe-dt8mcustomboard-m7 - DART-MX8M-PLUS V2.x with WBE, LVDS and M7 support on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x and above
imx8mp-var-dart-1.x-dt8mcustomboard - DART-MX8M-PLUS V1.x with LVDS support on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x and above
imx8mp-var-dart-1.x-dt8mcustomboard-m7 - DART-MX8M-PLUS V1.x with LVDS and M7 support on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x and above
imx8mp-var-dart-1.x-dt8mcustomboard-basler-isi0 - DART-MX8M-PLUS V1.x with LVDS and Basler VCAM-AR1335B camera support on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x and above
imx8mp-var-dart-1.x-dt8mcustomboard-basler-isi0-m7 - DART-MX8M-PLUS V1.x with LVDS, Basler VCAM-AR1335B camera and M7 support on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x and above
imx8mp-var-dart-1.x-dt8mcustomboard-basler-isp0 - DART-MX8M-PLUS V1.x with LVDS and Basler VCAM-AR0821B camera support on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x and above
imx8mp-var-dart-1.x-dt8mcustomboard-basler-isp0-m7 - DART-MX8M-PLUS V1.x with LVDS, Basler VCAM-AR0821B camera and M7 support on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x and above
imx8mp-var-som-symphony - VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V2.X with LVDS support on Symphony-Board
imx8mp-var-som-symphony-basler-isp0 - VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V2.x with LVDS and Basler VCAM-AR0821B camera support on Symphony-Board
imx8mp-var-som-symphony-basler-isi0 - VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V2.x with LVDS and Basler VCAM-AR1335B camera support on Symphony-Board
imx8mp-var-som-symphony-2nd-ov5640 - VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V2.x with LVDS and 2nd OV5640 support on Symphony-Board
imx8mp-var-som-symphony-m7 - VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V2.X with LVDS and M7 support on Symphony-Board
imx8mp-var-som-symphony-basler-isp0-m7 - VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V2.x with LVDS, Basler VCAM-AR0821B camera and M7 supporton Symphony-Board
imx8mp-var-som-symphony-basler-isi0-m7 - VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS v2.X with LVDS, Basler VCAM-AR1335B camera and M7 support on Symphony-Board
imx8mp-var-som-1.x-symphony - VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V1.x with LVDS support on Symphony-Board
imx8mp-var-som-1.x-symphony-basler-isp0 - VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V1.x with LVDS and Basler VCAM-AR0821B camera support on Symphony-Board
imx8mp-var-som-1.x-symphony-basler-isi0 - VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V1.x with LVDS and Basler VCAM-AR1335B camera support on Symphony-Board
imx8mp-var-som-1.x-symphony-2nd-ov5640 - VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V1.x with LVDS and 2nd OV5640 support on Symphony-Board
imx8mp-var-som-1.x-symphony-m7 - VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V1.x with LVDS and M7 support on Symphony-Board
imx8mp-var-som-1.x-symphony-basler-isp0-m7 - VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V1.x with LVDS, Basler VCAM-AR0821B camera and M7 support on Symphony-Board
imx8mp-var-som-1.x-symphony-basler-isi0-m7 - VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V1.x with LVDS, Basler VCAM-AR1335B camera and M7 support on Symphony-Board
imx8mp-var-som-wbe-symphony - VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V2.x with WBE and LVDS support on Symphony-Board
imx8mp-var-som-wbe-symphony-basler-isp0 - VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V2.x with WBE, LVDS and Basler VCAM-AR0821B camera support on Symphony-Board
imx8mp-var-som-wbe-symphony-basler-isi0 - VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V2.x with WBE, LVDS and Basler VCAM-AR1335B camera support on Symphony-Board
imx8mp-var-som-wbe-symphony-2nd-ov5640 - VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V2.x with WBE, LVDS and 2nd OV5640 support on Symphony-Board
imx8mp-var-som-wbe-symphony-m7 - VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V2.x with WBE, LVDS and M7 support on Symphony-Board
imx8mp-var-som-wbe-symphony-basler-isp0-m7 - VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V2.x with WBE, LVDS, Basler VCAM-AR0821B camera and M7 support on Symphony-Board
imx8mp-var-som-wbe-symphony-basler-isi0-m7 - VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V2.x with WBE, LVDS, Basler VCAM-AR1335B camera and M7 support on Symphony-Board

Android 10 V2.5.0 fastboot

$ sudo `which fastboot` flash dtbo_a out/target/product/dart_mx8mp/dtbo-<name>.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash dtbo_b out/target/product/dart_mx8mp/dtbo-<name>.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash boot_a out/target/product/dart_mx8mp/boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash boot_b out/target/product/dart_mx8mp/boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash super out/target/product/dart_mx8mp/super.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vbmeta_a out/target/product/dart_mx8mp/vbmeta-<name>.img --disable-verity
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vbmeta_b out/target/product/dart_mx8mp/vbmeta-<name>.img --disable-verity
$ sudo `which fastboot` reboot

Android 10 V2.5.0 V1.0 UUU

Copy Variscite's uuu scripts to the Android build output folder:

$ cp ~/var_imx-p9.0.0_1.0.0-ga/android_build/device/variscite/scripts/uuu_scripts/* out/target/product/dart_mx8mp/

And run uuu to program the eMMC:

$ sudo ./uuu <uuu script>.lst

where <uuu script> should be one of the following:

emmc_burn_android_imx8mp_var_som.lst - Supports Variscite VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS LVDS on Symphony-Board
emmc_burn_android_imx8mp_var_dart.lst - Supports Variscite DART-MX8M-PLUS LVDS on DT8MCustomBoard 1.x

Android 10 V2.6.0 V1.0 fastboot

$ sudo `which fastboot` flash dtbo_a out/target/product/dart_mx8mp/dtbo-<name>.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash dtbo_b out/target/product/dart_mx8mp/dtbo-<name>.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash boot_a out/target/product/dart_mx8mp/boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash boot_b out/target/product/dart_mx8mp/boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash super out/target/product/dart_mx8mp/super.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vbmeta_a out/target/product/dart_mx8mp/vbmeta-<name>.img --disable-verity
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vbmeta_b out/target/product/dart_mx8mp/vbmeta-<name>.img --disable-verity
$ sudo `which fastboot` reboot

Android 10 V2.6.0 V1.0 UUU

Copy Variscite's uuu scripts to the Android build output folder:

$ cp ~/var_imx-p9.0.0_1.0.0-ga/android_build/device/variscite/scripts/uuu_scripts/* out/target/product/dart_mx8mp/

And run uuu to program the eMMC:

$ sudo ./uuu <uuu script>.lst

where <uuu script> should be one of the following:

emmc_burn_android_imx8mp_var_som_symphony.lst - Supports Variscite VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS LVDS on Symphony-Board
emmc_burn_android_imx8mp_var_som_symphony_2nd_ov5640.lst  - Supports Variscite VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS with 2nd OV5640 on Symphony-Board
emmc_burn_android_imx8mp_var_dart_dt8mcustomboard.lst - Supports Variscite DART-MX8M-PLUS LVDS on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x
emmc_burn_android_imx8mp_var_dart_dt8mcustomboard_hdmi.lst  - Supports Variscite DART-MX8M-PLUS HDMI on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x
emmc_burn_android_imx8mp_var_dart_dt8mcustomboard_legacy.lst - Supports Variscite DART-MX8M-PLUS LVDS on DT8MCustomBoard 1.x
emmc_burn_android_imx8mp_var_dart_dt8mcustomboard_legacy_hdmi.lst  - Supports Variscite DART-MX8M-PLUS HDMI on DT8MCustomBoard 1.x

Android 14 V1.0 UUU

Copy Variscite's uuu scripts to the Android build output folder:

$ cp ~/var_imx-p9.0.0_1.0.0-ga/android_build/device/variscite/scripts/uuu_scripts/* out/target/product/dart_mx8mp/

And run uuu to program the eMMC:

$ sudo ./uuu <uuu script>.lst

where <uuu script> should be one of the following:

emmc_burn_android_imx8mp_var_dart_dt8mcustomboard_basler_isi0.lst - Supports DART-MX8M-PLUS on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x and above, with LVDS and Basler VCAM-AR1335B camera
emmc_burn_android_imx8mp_var_dart_dt8mcustomboard_basler_isp0.lst - Supports DART-MX8M-PLUS on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x and above, with LVDS and Basler VCAM-AR0821B camera
emmc_burn_android_imx8mp_var_dart_dt8mcustomboard.lst - Supports DART-MX8M-PLUS on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x and above, with LVDS
emmc_burn_android_imx8mp_var_som_1.x_symphony_2nd_ov5640.lst - Supports VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V1.x on Symphony-Board, with LVDS and 2nd OV5640
emmc_burn_android_imx8mp_var_som_1.x_symphony_basler_isi0.lst - Supports VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V1.x on Symphony-Board, with LVDS and Basler VCAM-AR1335B camera
emmc_burn_android_imx8mp_var_som_1.x_symphony_basler_isp0.lst - Supports VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V1.x on Symphony-Board, with LVDS and Basler VCAM-AR0821B camera
emmc_burn_android_imx8mp_var_som_1.x_symphony.lst - Supports VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V1.x on Symphony-Board, with LVDS
emmc_burn_android_imx8mp_var_som_symphony_2nd_ov5640.lst - Supports VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS on Symphony-Board, with LVDS and 2nd OV5640
emmc_burn_android_imx8mp_var_som_symphony_basler_isi0.lst - Supports VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS on Symphony-Board, with LVDS and Basler VCAM-AR1335B camera
emmc_burn_android_imx8mp_var_som_symphony_basler_isp0.lst - Supports VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS on Symphony-Board, with LVDS and Basler VCAM-AR0821B camera
emmc_burn_android_imx8mp_var_som_symphony.lst - Supports VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS on Symphony-Board, with LVDS
emmc_burn_android_imx8mp_var_som_wbe_symphony_2nd_ov5640.lst - Supports VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS on Symphony-Board, with LVDS, WBE and 2nd OV5640
emmc_burn_android_imx8mp_var_som_wbe_symphony_basler_isi0.lst - Supports VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS on Symphony-Board, with LVDS, WBE and Basler VCAM-AR1335B camera
emmc_burn_android_imx8mp_var_som_wbe_symphony_basler_isp0.lst - Supports VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS on Symphony-Board, with LVDS, WBE and Basler VCAM-AR0821B camera
emmc_burn_android_imx8mp_var_som_wbe_symphony.lst - Supports VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS on Symphony-Board, with LVDS and WBE

optional <uuu script> for Android build with Trusty OS support enabled:

emmc_burn_android_imx8mp_var_dart_dt8mcustomboard_trusty.lst - Supports DART-MX8M-PLUS on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x and above, with LVDS and Trusty OS
emmc_burn_android_imx8mp_var_som_1.x_symphony_trusty.lst - Supports VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V1.x on Symphony-Board, with LVDS and Trusty OS
emmc_burn_android_imx8mp_var_som_symphony_trusty.lst - Supports VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS on Symphony-Board, with LVDS and Trusty OS

Android 14 V1.1 UUU

Copy Variscite's uuu scripts to the Android build output folder:

$ cp ~/var_imx-p9.0.0_1.0.0-ga/android_build/device/variscite/scripts/uuu_scripts/* out/target/product/dart_mx8mp/

And run uuu to program the eMMC:

$ sudo ./uuu <uuu script>.lst

where <uuu script> should be one of the following:

emmc_burn_android_imx8mp_var_dart_dt8mcustomboard_basler_isi0.lst - DART-MX8M-PLUS V2.x with LVDS and Basler VCAM-AR1335B camera support on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x and above
emmc_burn_android_imx8mp_var_dart_dt8mcustomboard_basler_isp0.lst - DART-MX8M-PLUS V2.x with LVDS and Basler VCAM-AR0821B camera support on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x and above
emmc_burn_android_imx8mp_var_dart_dt8mcustomboard.lst - DART-MX8M-PLUS V2.x with LVDS support on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x and above
emmc_burn_android_imx8mp_var_dart_wbe_dt8mcustomboard.lst - DART-MX8M-PLUS V2.x with WBE and LVDS support on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x and above
emmc_burn_android_imx8mp_var_dart_wbe_dt8mcustomboard_basler_isi0.lst - DART-MX8M-PLUS V2.x with WBE, LVDS and Basler VCAM-AR1335B camera support on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x and above
emmc_burn_android_imx8mp_var_dart_wbe_dt8mcustomboard_basler_isp0.lst - DART-MX8M-PLUS V2.x with WBE, LVDS and Basler VCAM-AR0821B camera support on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x and above
emmc_burn_android_imx8mp_var_dart_1.x_dt8mcustomboard.lst - DART-MX8M-PLUS V1.x with LVDS support on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x and above
emmc_burn_android_imx8mp_var_dart_1.x_dt8mcustomboard_basler_isi0.lst -  DART-MX8M-PLUS V1.x with LVDS and Basler VCAM-AR1335B camera support on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x and above
emmc_burn_android_imx8mp_var_dart_1.x_dt8mcustomboard_basler_isp0.lst - DART-MX8M-PLUS V1.x with LVDS and Basler VCAM-AR0821B camera support on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x and above
emmc_burn_android_imx8mp_var_som_1.x_symphony_2nd_ov5640.lst - VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V1.x with LVDS and 2nd OV5640 support on Symphony-Board
emmc_burn_android_imx8mp_var_som_1.x_symphony_basler_isi0.lst - VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V1.x with LVDS and Basler VCAM-AR1335B camera support on Symphony-Board
emmc_burn_android_imx8mp_var_som_1.x_symphony_basler_isp0.lst - VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V1.x with LVDS and Basler VCAM-AR0821B camera support on Symphony-Board
emmc_burn_android_imx8mp_var_som_1.x_symphony.lst - VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V1.x with LVDS support on Symphony-Board
emmc_burn_android_imx8mp_var_som_symphony_2nd_ov5640.lst - VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V2.x with LVDS and 2nd OV5640 support on Symphony-Board
emmc_burn_android_imx8mp_var_som_symphony_basler_isi0.lst - VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V2.x with LVDS and Basler VCAM-AR1335B camera support on Symphony-Board
emmc_burn_android_imx8mp_var_som_symphony_basler_isp0.lst - VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V2.x with LVDS and Basler VCAM-AR0821B camera support on Symphony-Board
emmc_burn_android_imx8mp_var_som_symphony.lst - VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V2.X with LVDS support on Symphony-Board
emmc_burn_android_imx8mp_var_som_wbe_symphony_2nd_ov5640.lst -VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V2.x with WBE, LVDS and 2nd OV5640 support on Symphony-Board
emmc_burn_android_imx8mp_var_som_wbe_symphony_basler_isi0.lst - VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V2.x with WBE, LVDS and Basler VCAM-AR1335B camera support on Symphony-Board
emmc_burn_android_imx8mp_var_som_wbe_symphony_basler_isp0.lst - VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V2.x with WBE, LVDS and Basler VCAM-AR0821B camera support on Symphony-Board
emmc_burn_android_imx8mp_var_som_wbe_symphony.lst - VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V2.x with WBE and LVDS support on Symphony-Board

optional <uuu script> for Android build with Trusty OS support enabled:

emmc_burn_android_imx8mp_var_dart_dt8mcustomboard_trusty.lst - DART-MX8M-PLUS V2.x with LVDS and Trusty OS support on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x and above
emmc_burn_android_imx8mp_var_dart_1.x_dt8mcustomboard_trusty.lst - DART-MX8M-PLUS V1.x with LVDS and Trusty OS support on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x and above
emmc_burn_android_imx8mp_var_som_1.x_symphony_trusty.lst - VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V1.x with LVDS and Trusty OS support on Symphony-Board
emmc_burn_android_imx8mp_var_som_symphony_trusty.lst - VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V2.x with LVDS and Trusty OS support on Symphony-Board

Android 11 V1.2.0 V1.0 fastboot

$ sudo `which fastboot` flash dtbo_a out/target/product/dart_mx8mp/dtbo-<name>.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash dtbo_b out/target/product/dart_mx8mp/dtbo-<name>.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash boot_a out/target/product/dart_mx8mp/boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash boot_b out/target/product/dart_mx8mp/boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vendor_boot_a out/target/product/dart_mx8mp/vendor_boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vendor_boot_b out/target/product/dart_mx8mp/vendor_boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash super out/target/product/dart_mx8mp/super.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vbmeta_a out/target/product/dart_mx8mp/vbmeta-<name>.img --disable-verity
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vbmeta_b out/target/product/dart_mx8mp/vbmeta-<name>.img --disable-verity
$ sudo `which fastboot` reboot

Android 11 V2.2.0 V1.0 fastboot

$ sudo `which fastboot` flash dtbo_a out/target/product/dart_mx8mp/dtbo-<name>.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash dtbo_b out/target/product/dart_mx8mp/dtbo-<name>.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash boot_a out/target/product/dart_mx8mp/boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash boot_b out/target/product/dart_mx8mp/boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vendor_boot_a out/target/product/dart_mx8mp/vendor_boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vendor_boot_b out/target/product/dart_mx8mp/vendor_boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash super out/target/product/dart_mx8mp/super.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vbmeta_a out/target/product/dart_mx8mp/vbmeta-<name>.img --disable-verity
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vbmeta_b out/target/product/dart_mx8mp/vbmeta-<name>.img --disable-verity
$ sudo `which fastboot` reboot

Android 13 V1.0 fastboot

$ sudo `which fastboot` flash dtbo_a out/target/product/dart_mx8mp/dtbo-<name>.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash dtbo_b out/target/product/dart_mx8mp/dtbo-<name>.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash boot_a out/target/product/dart_mx8mp/boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash boot_b out/target/product/dart_mx8mp/boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash init_boot_a out/target/product/dart_mx8mp/init_boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash init_boot_b out/target/product/dart_mx8mp/init_boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vendor_boot_a out/target/product/dart_mx8mp/vendor_boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vendor_boot_b out/target/product/dart_mx8mp/vendor_boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash super out/target/product/dart_mx8mp/super.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vbmeta_a out/target/product/dart_mx8mp/vbmeta-<name>.img --disable-verity
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vbmeta_b out/target/product/dart_mx8mp/vbmeta-<name>.img --disable-verity
$ sudo `which fastboot` reboot

Android 14 V1.0 fastboot

$ sudo `which fastboot` flash bootloader_a out/target/product/dart_mx8mp/bootloader-imx8mp-var-dart-dual.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash bootloader_b out/target/product/dart_mx8mp/bootloader-imx8mp-var-dart-dual.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash dtbo_a out/target/product/dart_mx8mp/dtbo-<name>.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash dtbo_b out/target/product/dart_mx8mp/dtbo-<name>.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash boot_a out/target/product/dart_mx8mp/boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash boot_b out/target/product/dart_mx8mp/boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash init_boot_a out/target/product/dart_mx8mp/init_boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash init_boot_b out/target/product/dart_mx8mp/init_boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vendor_boot_a out/target/product/dart_mx8mp/vendor_boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vendor_boot_b out/target/product/dart_mx8mp/vendor_boot.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash super out/target/product/dart_mx8mp/super.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vbmeta_a out/target/product/dart_mx8mp/vbmeta-<name>.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` flash vbmeta_b out/target/product/dart_mx8mp/vbmeta-<name>.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` reboot

Android 14 V1.0 trusty

Building Android with Trusty support enabled

Set PRODUCT_IMX_TRUSTY to true in ~/var_imx-android-14.0.0_1.0.0/android_build/device/variscite/imx8m/dart_mx8mp/
Follow the instructions from "Build Android Images" section

Note: To build Android with Trusty support for the DART-MX8M-PLUS machine you need to set TARGET_TEE_DART to true, e.g. from command line like this below:
TARGET_TEE_DART=true ./ -j4 2>&1 | tee build1-1.log 

The images from "Images created by the Android build" section will only be partially different for the bootloader.

spl-imx8mp-var-dart-trusty-dual.bin U-Boot SPL with Trusty related configurations for eMMC boot
for Android build with Trusty OS support enabled
to burn only to eMMC

DART-MX8M-PLUS needs TARGET_TEE_DART=true passed to the build

bootloader-imx8mp-var-dart-trusty-dual.img An image containing U-Boot proper, ATF and Trusty OS for eMMC boot
for Android build with Trusty OS support enabled
to burn only to eMMC

DART-MX8M-PLUS needs TARGET_TEE_DART=true passed to the build


AM62 Android 14 V 1.0 images

Bootloader images for eMMC/SD card boot.
bootloader.img = (tispl.bin + u-boot.img).
boot.img Kernel Image + dtbs.
vendor_boot.img Vendor modules, vendor ramdisk.
init_boot.img Generic init ramdisk.
dtbo.img dtbo.img or dtbo-unsigned.img (list of overlays).
vbmeta.img With AVB feature or user images.
vbmeta_vendor_dlkm AVB info for vendor_dlkm.
persist.img Used for OP-TEE secure storage.
super.img Android super image file.(Contains system, vendor).

AM62 Android 14 V1.0 fastboot

$ sudo fastboot flash dtbo_a out/target/product/am62x_var_som/dtbo.img
$ sudo fastboot flash dtbo_b out/target/product/am62x_var_som/dtbo.img
$ sudo fastboot flash boot_a out/target/product/am62x_var_som/boot.img
$ sudo fastboot flash boot_b out/target/product/am62x_var_som/boot.img
$ sudo fastboot flash init_boot_a out/target/product/am62x_var_som/init_boot.img
$ sudo fastboot flash init_boot_b out/target/product/am62x_var_som/init_boot.img
$ sudo fastboot flash vendor_boot_a out/target/product/am62x_var_som/vendor_boot.img
$ sudo fastboot flash vendor_boot_b out/target/product/am62x_var_som/vendor_boot.img
$ sudo fastboot flash vbmeta_a out/target/product/am62x_var_som/vbmeta.img
$ sudo fastboot flash vbmeta_b out/target/product/am62x_var_som/vbmeta.img
$ sudo fastboot flash vbmeta_vendor_dlkm_a out/target/product/am62x_var_som/vbmeta_vendor_dlkm.img
$ sudo fastboot flash vbmeta_vendor_dlkm_b out/target/product/am62x_var_som/vbmeta_vendor_dlkm.img
$ sudo fastboot flash super out/target/product/am62x_var_som/super.img
$ sudo `which fastboot` reboot

AM62 Android 14 V1.0 SD Tree

├── Android
│   ├── boot.img
│   ├── bootloader-am62x-sk.img
│   ├── dtbo.img
│   ├── init_boot.img
│   ├── metadata.img
│   ├── persist.img
│   ├── super_raw.img.gz
│   ├── tiboot3-am62x-sk.bin
│   ├── tiboot3-am62x-sk-hsfs.bin
│   ├── vbmeta.img
│   ├── vbmeta_vendor_dlkm.img
│   └── vendor_boot.img
└── Yocto
    ├── boot
    │   ├── tiboot3.bin
    │   ├── tispl.bin
    │   ├── u-boot.img
    │   └── uEnv.txt
    ├── rootfs.tar.zst -> var-default-image-am62x-var-som.tar.zst
    └── var-default-image-am62x-var-som.tar.zst

Release Notes

Based on release Google: [1] NXP BSP: Android P9.0.0_1.0.0
Release tag [2]
Release date
Supported platforms DART-MX8M-MINI / VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI
SOM revision
NXP BSP FTP imx-p9.0.0_1.0.0-ga.tar.gz
Variscite BSP git
Variscite BSP branch p9.0.0_1.0.0-ga-var01
Kernel git
Kernel branch p9.0.0_1.0.0-ga_var01
U-Boot git
U-Boot branch imx_v2018.03_4.14.78_1.0.0_ga_var01
File System build system Android
Recovery SD card link dart-mx8mm-recovery-sd.v16.img.gz

Platform Customizations


  • RELEASE_NAME = o8.0.0_1.0.0-ga-v1.0
  • ANDROID_VERSION = O8.0.0_r25
  • NXP_BSP_VERSION = IMX6_8.0.0_1.0.0_ANDROID
  • RECOVERY_SD_NAME = mx6__yocto-scarthgap-6.6.23_2.0.0-v1.0__android-8.0.0_1.0.0-v1.0.wic.zst
  • MACHINE_NAME = var-som-mx6
  • KERNEL_BRANCH = o8.0.0_1.0.0-ga_var01
  • KERNEL_IMAGE = uImage
  • KERNEL_DEFCONFIG = imx_v7_var_android_defconfig
  • U-BOOT_GIT =
  • U-BOOT_BRANCH = imx_v2017.03_4.9.11_1.0.0_ga_var01
  • U-BOOT_SD_DEFCONFIG = mx6var_som_sd_android_defconfig
  • U-BOOT_NAND_DEFCONFIG = mx6var_som_nand_android_defconfig
  • U-BOOT_SD_IMAGE_NAME = u-boot.img-sd
  • U-BOOT_NAND_IMAGE_NAME = u-boot.img-nand
  • YOCTO_BRANCH = rocko
  • EMMC_ROOTFS_DEV = mmcblk0
  • NAND_ROOTFS_DEV = mtd3
  • RAM_LOAD_ADDRESS = 0x18100000
  • UBOOT_CONFIG_FILE = include/configs/mx6var_som.h
  • UBOOT_PAD_SIZE = 0x1e0000
  • KERNEL_PAD_SIZE = 0x800000
  • DTB_START_ADDRESS = 0x3e0000



  • RELEASE_NAME = morty-imx-4.9.51-v1.0
  • ANDROID_VERSION = Android O8.1.0_r14
  • NXP_BSP_VERSION = imx_8.1.0_1.3.0_8m_ANDROID
  • RECOVERY_SD_NAME = dart-mx8m-recovery-sd.v14.img.gz
  • MACHINE_NAME = imx8m-var-dart
  • KERNEL_BRANCH = o8.1.0_1.3.0_8m-ga_var01
  • KERNEL_IMAGE = zImage
  • KERNEL_DEFCONFIG = imx8m_var_dart_android_defconfig
  • U-BOOT_GIT =
  • U-BOOT_BRANCH = imx_v2017.03_4.9.51_imx8m_ga_var01
  • U-BOOT_SD_DEFCONFIG = imx8m_var_dart_config
  • U-BOOT_SD_IMAGE_NAME = u-boot-imx8m-var-dart.imx
  • EMMC_ROOTFS_DEV = mmcblk0
  • UBOOT_CONFIG_FILE = include/configs/imx8m_var_dart.h
































  • RELEASE_NAME = sumo-imx-4.14.98-v1.0
  • ANDROID_VERSION = Android P9.0.0_r30
  • NXP_BSP_VERSION = imx_9.0.0_2.0.0_ga_ANDROID
  • RECOVERY_SD_NAME = var-som-mx8x-recovery-sd.v15.img.gz
  • MACHINE_NAME = imx8m-var-dart
  • KERNEL_BRANCH = p9.0.0_2.0.0-ga_var01
  • KERNEL_IMAGE = zImage
  • KERNEL_DEFCONFIG = imx8_var_android_defconfig
  • U-BOOT_GIT =
  • U-BOOT_BRANCH = imx_v2018.03_4.14.98_2.0.0_ga_var01
  • U-BOOT_SD_DEFCONFIG = imx8qxp_var_som_android_defconfig
  • U-BOOT_SD_IMAGE_NAME = u-boot-imx8qxp.imx
  • EMMC_ROOTFS_DEV = mmcblk0
  • UBOOT_CONFIG_FILE = include/configs/imx8qxp_var_som_android.h










  • RELEASE_NAME = p9.0.0_2.0.0-ga_var-som-mx8_v21
  • ANDROID_VERSION = Android P9.0.0_r30
  • NXP_BSP_VERSION = imx_9.0.0_2.0.0_ga_ANDROID
  • RECOVERY_SD_NAME = var-som-mx8-recovery-sd.v22.img.gz
  • MACHINE_NAME = imx8m-var-dart
  • KERNEL_BRANCH = p9.0.0_2.0.0-ga_var01
  • KERNEL_IMAGE = zImage
  • KERNEL_DEFCONFIG = imx8_var_android_defconfig
  • U-BOOT_GIT =
  • U-BOOT_BRANCH = imx_v2018.03_4.14.98_2.0.0_ga_var01
  • U-BOOT_SD_DEFCONFIG = imx8qm_var_som_android_defconfig
  • U-BOOT_SD_IMAGE_NAME = u-boot-imx8qm.imx
  • EMMC_ROOTFS_DEV = mmcblk0
  • UBOOT_CONFIG_FILE = include/configs/imx8qm_var_som_android.h
































You can see its output on the console via the debug port, as always.

After flashing is complete without errors, set the DIP switch back to eMMC and power cycle the board.


  • For m7/m4 dtbs change the postfix with -m4/-m7 respectively in the .lst files
  • By default the partition table is specified by partition-table.img, which is for a 16GB eMMC.

       If you wish to use a 32GB eMMC, edit the respective .lst file and replace partition-table.img with partition-table-28GB.img.