Wifi SystemdNetworkd

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DART-MX95 Overview

The DART-MX95 supports the following WiFi modules:

Module Chipset Features Network Interface(s)
Sterling LWB Cypress CYW4343W 802.11 b/g/n wlan0
Sterling LWB5 Cypress CYW43353 802.11 ac/a/b/g/n, wlan0
Murata LBEE5PL2DL NXP IW611 802.11 a/ac/ax/b/g/n wlan0, uap0, wfd0
Murata LBES5PL2EL NXP IW612 802.11 a/ac/ax/b/g/n, 802.15.4 wlan0, uap0, wfd0

This guide demonstrates how to configure WiFi using systemd-networkd. It is important to use the correct network interface for the module assembled on your DART-MX95.

Managing WiFi using systemd-networkd

systemd-networkd is a system daemon that manages network configurations. It detects and configures network devices as they appear.
systemd-networkd's functionality can be useful for both wireless and wired networks.
This guide describes how to use systemd-networkd to configure wireless networks.

Enabling and disabling WiFi

To enable WiFi run

# networkctl up wlan0

To disable WiFi run

# networkctl down wlan0

Configuring WiFi Client

Scanning for available WiFi APs

If WiFi is enabled you can get the list of available APs by running

# iw dev wlan0 scan | grep SSID

Connecting to a protected WiFi network

Create /etc/systemd/network/80-wifi-station.network as following:

# cp /lib/systemd/network/80-wifi-station.network.example /etc/systemd/network/80-wifi-station.network

Append the following content to /etc/systemd/network/80-wifi-station.network:


Create /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant-wlan0.conf with the following content:


To set your network's SSID and password:

# wpa_passphrase <SSID> <PASSWORD> >> /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant-wlan0.conf

Enable Wi-Fi interface:

# networkctl up wlan0

Restart the services:

# systemctl restart systemd-networkd.service
# systemctl restart wpa_supplicant@wlan0.service

Wait a few seconds and then check if wlan0 is up and has an assigned IP:

# ifconfig wlan0

Check if the gateway and the DNS server are reachable:

# ping -I wlan0
# ping -I wlan0

If wlan0 fails to connect, the following commands may be helpful for debugging:

# journalctl -u wpa_supplicant@wlan0.service
# journalctl -u systemd-networkd.service
# wpa_cli

Configuring WiFi Access Point with Hostapd

hostapd is a versatile option for setting up a WiFi access point. It offers more options and flexibility compared to other tools.
For instance, hostapd can even enable the creation of a WiFi 6 access point.

udhcpd is a suitable option for providing DHCP services alongside hostapd. It's a lightweight DHCP server that can be easily integrated with hostapd.

The following steps describe how to create an access point using hostapd and udhcpd.

Create /etc/hostapd.conf

The next step is to create /etc/hostapd.conf. The following table shows how to configure 802.11bgn, 802.11ac, and 802.11ax access points:

Wi-Fi 2.4GHz (802.11bgn)
Wi-Fi 5 (802.11ac)
Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax)
# /etc/hostapd.conf for 2.4 GHz (802.11b/g/n)
# AP Net Interface

# 2.4 GHz

# Enable 802.11n (Wi-Fi 4) standard

# Demo was run in the US

# Our SSID

# Automatically select the best channel
# Notes about the LWB/LWB5 modules:
#  - For AP+STA, the channel must match the STA channel
#  - The LWB does not support auto channel selection.
#    We recommend using channel 1
# /etc/hostapd.conf for Wi-Fi 5 (802.11ac)​
# AP Net Interface​

# 5 GHz​
# Enable 802.11ac (Wi-Fi 5) standard​

# Demo was run in the US​

# Our SSID​

# Automatically select the best channel​
# Notes about the LWB/LWB5 modules:
#  - For AP+STA, the channel must match the STA channel
#  - The LWB5 does not support auto channel selection.
#    For LWB5, we recommend using channel 36.
# /etc/hostapd.conf for Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax)​
# AP Net Interface​

# 5 GHz​
# Enable 802.11ax (Wi-Fi 6) standard​

# Demo was run in the US​
# Our SSID​

# Automatically select the best channel​

Add the Control interface directory and group to /etc/hostapd.conf:

# Control interface directory and group

Note: When copying the text above, your file may contain zero width spaces at the end of each line (appearing as `^^k` in nano or hex `e2 80 8b` in hexdump). This will cause hostapd to fail. You can fix it by running:

# sed 's/\xe2\x80\x8b//g' /etc/hostapd.conf > /etc/hostapd_cleaned.conf && mv /etc/hostapd_cleaned.conf /etc/hostapd.conf

Configure DHCP server

# Sample udhcpd configuration file (/etc/udhcpd.conf)
# The start and end of the IP lease block
start #default:
end #default:
# The interface that udhcpd will use
interface uap0

opt dns # public google dns servers
option subnet
opt router
option lease 864000 # 10 days of seconds

Then, assign uap0 an ip and start hostapd and udhcpd:

ifconfig uap0
sleep 1
systemctl restart hostapd
sleep 1
udhcpd /etc/udhcpd.conf

At this point, devices can connect and dhcp an ip address using the access point on uap0.

Optionally configure NAT between uap0 and eth0:

# iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE
# iptables -A FORWARD -m conntrack --ctstate RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
# iptables -A FORWARD -i uap0 -o eth0 -j ACCEPT

and allow ip forwarding:

echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/all/forwarding

Now, devices connecting to the access point on uap0 will have network access through eth0.

Sterling LWB/LWB5 WiFi STA/AP concurrency

To get the WiFi module to work in concurrent AP-STA mode on the Sterling LWB/LWB5, a virtual wireless interface is required.

This can be achieved creating a virtual uap0 interface, running

# iw dev wlan0 interface add uap0 type __ap

STA setup can be managed simply following the steps described in Configuring WiFi Client section.

AP setup can be managed following the steps described in Configuring WiFi Access Point section, but when creating the access point, be careful to use uap0 instead of wlan0.


The iw command (used to create the virtual uap0 interface) does not create permanent changes: we suggest to introduce it in the variscite-wifi script (located in /etc/wifi for latest releases), when checking for the wlan0 existance, something like

if [ -d /sys/class/net/wlan0 ]; then
	# create uap0 interface
	iw dev wlan0 interface add uap0 type __ap
	return 0

Also, in the same file, just before shutting down wlan0, you may want to delete this virtual interface, something like

# delete uap0 interface
iw dev uap0 del
# Down WIFI


By HW design, Sterling-LWB/LWB5 WiFi modules provide a single channel tuner.

AP-STA operations are possible, but the local AP channel is actually the one negotiated between the local client and the remote AP.

WiFi Direct

Wi-Fi Direct is a standard that allows devices to connect with each other without a wireless access point or network infrastructure. It facilitates a direct, peer-to-peer connection between two devices using Wi-Fi for data transfer, media sharing, and other communication types.

Variscite SOMs with the Murata LBES5PL2xx (NXP IW61x) modules support WiFi Direct. Verify if your SOM supports WiFi Direct by checking for the wfd0 interface:

# ifconfig wfd0
wfd0: flags=4099<UP,BROADCAST,MULTICAST>  mtu 1500
        ether f6:b2:ba:f8:49:59  txqueuelen 1000  (Ethernet)
        RX packets 0  bytes 0 (0.0 B)
        RX errors 0  dropped 0  overruns 0  frame 0
        TX packets 0  bytes 0 (0.0 B)
        TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0

The following process describes how to connect two Variscite SOMs (Device A and Device B) using WiFi Direct:

Device A (WiFi Direct)  <================>  Device B (WiFi Direct)

Device A Configuration:

Create the wpa supplicant folder:

# mkdir -p /etc/wpa_supplicant/

Create a configuration file for device A, e.g., /etc/wpa_supplicant/wfd0_A.conf, with the following content:

 ctrl_interface=/var/run/wpa_supplicant             # Control interface directory
 driver_param=use_p2p_group_interface=1             # Enable dedicated P2P group interface
 update_config=1                                    # Allow configuration updates
 device_name=Device_A                               # Set device name
 device_type=1-0050F204-1                           # Define device type (e.g., computer)
 p2p_go_intent=1                                    # Set group owner intent (0-15)
 p2p_listen_reg_class=81                            # Regulatory class for listen channel
 p2p_listen_channel=11                              # Listen channel number for discovery
 p2p_oper_reg_class=81                              # Regulatory class for operating channel
 p2p_oper_channel=11                                # Operating channel number as group owner

Start wpa_supplicant on device A for the wfd0 interface:

 # wpa_supplicant -i wfd0 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant/wfd0_A.conf -D nl80211,wext -B

Device B Configuration:

Create a configuration file for device B, e.g., /etc/wpa_supplicant/wfd0_B.conf, with similar content but different device name:

 ctrl_interface=/var/run/wpa_supplicant              # Control interface directory
 driver_param=use_p2p_group_interface=1              # Enable dedicated P2P group interface
 update_config=1                                    # Allow configuration updates
 device_name=Device_B                               # Set device name
 device_type=1-0050F204-1                           # Define device type (e.g., computer)
 p2p_go_intent=9                                    # Set group owner intent (0-15)
 p2p_listen_reg_class=81                            # Regulatory class for listen channel
 p2p_listen_channel=11                              # Listen channel number for discovery
 p2p_oper_reg_class=81                              # Regulatory class for operating channel
 p2p_oper_channel=11                                # Operating channel number as group owner

Start wpa_supplicant on device B for the wfd0 interface:

 # wpa_supplicant -i wfd0 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant/wfd0_B.conf -D nl80211,wext -B

Connecting the Devices:

Find peers from device A:

 # wpa_cli -i wfd0 p2p_find

From device B, do the same to find peers:

 # wpa_cli -i wfd0 p2p_find

After a few moments, list the peers from device A to find the device B's P2P Device Address:

 # wpa_cli -i wfd0 p2p_peers

Connect to device B from device A using the P2P Device Address you found (replace XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX with the actual address):

 # wpa_cli -i wfd0 p2p_connect XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX pbc go_intent=0

Verify Connection on Device B: Run a similar p2p_connect command with PBC (Push Button Connect) on Device B, like:

 # wpa_cli -i wfd0 p2p_connect <Device_A_MAC_Address> pbc

Verify the Connection on Both Devices, look for wpa_state=COMPLETED in the output.:

 # wpa_cli -i wfd0 status

Assign IP Addresses (use ifconfig to determine the dynamically-created P2P interface. Run "ifconfig" to check the interfaces names. Examples: like p2p-wfd0-1 and p2p-wfd0-0:

 # ifconfig p2p-wfd0-1 (On Device A)
 # ifconfig p2p-wfd0-0 (On Device B)

Try pinging:

 # ping # From Device A
 # ping # From Device B

Testing WiFi throughput

Establish connection to WiFi network and use iperf3 tool on target and another host:

iperf3 server (on Target/Host):

# iperf3 -s

iperf3 client (on Host/Target):

Run UDP test for 30 seconds
# iperf3 -c <IP_ADDRESS_OF_IPERF_SERVER> -t 30 -u -b 0
Run TCP test for 30 seconds
# iperf3 -c <IP_ADDRESS_OF_IPERF_SERVER> -t 30

Configuring WiFi Regulatory Domain

According the mounting option of the SoM in use, the kernel loads dedicated firmware files from the folder /lib/firmware/brcm:

mounting option WiFi chip firmware files
WB Sterling LWB brcmfmac43430-sdio.bin / brcmfmac43430-sdio.txt
WBD Sterling LWB5 brcmfmac4339-sdio.bin / brcmfmac4339-sdio.txt

Each txt file contains the ccode parameter selecting the regulatory domain.

Additionally, for Sterling LWB5 only, the regrev parameter must change according the ccode (it's always zero for Sterling LWB).

By default, the BSP ships firmware configurations matching FCC Regulatory Domain, one of the most restrictive in terms of available channels.

For Sterling LWB5 and FCC you can read


The following table reports the valid options for ccode / regrev parameter.

Sterling LWB Sterling LWB5
ccode regrev ccode regrev
FCC US 0 US 911
ETSI EU 0 EU 116
ISED US* 0 CA 938
MIC JP 0 JP 101

* ISED for Sterling LWB is managed using ccode=US, it's not a typo.

Note on DART-MX95 WiFi Initialization

WiFi is initialized by /etc/wifi/variscite-wifi. During initialization, the Linux device tree model property is read from /sys/devices/soc0/machine and is used to determine the Variscite SOM model and configure the SoM GPIO pins.

Therefore, customers who choose to modify the Linux device tree model property should only append to the string provided by Variscite.