DART-MX95 Display

From Variscite Wiki

DART-MX95 Display


Display Interfaces

  • MIPI (4kp30 or 3840x1440p60)
  • LVDS Bridge (LDB) (Dual 1920×1080 24-bit)

Adding custom LVDS panel

DART-MX95 evaluation kit comes with 800x480 LCD panel. DART-MX95 DTS file was created with this panel in mind. To support your custom LVDS panel, you should make several modifications

Referencing custom panel in the DTS file

The following code references Variscite panel in arch/arm64/boot/dts/freescale/imx95-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard.dts under kernel source tree

	lvds_panel {
		compatible = "sgd,gktw70sdae4se", "panel-lvds";
		backlight = <&backlight>;
		width-mm = <153>;
		height-mm = <87>;
		label = "gktw70sdae4se";
		data-mapping = "jeida-24";
		status = "okay";

		panel-timing {
			clock-frequency = <74250000>;
			hactive = <800>;
			vactive = <480>;
			hback-porch = <40>;
			hfront-porch = <40>;
			vback-porch = <29>;
			vfront-porch = <13>;
			hsync-len = <48>;
			vsync-len = <3>;
			hsync-active = <0>;
			vsync-active = <0>;
			de-active = <1>;

You should modify the "data-mapping" and "panel-timings" properties to match your panel specification and rebuild the DTB file..