DART-MX8M-MINI Release Notes

From Variscite Wiki


Debian mx8mm-debian-bullseye-5.4-2.1.x-v1.3

Release Notes

Based on release Debian: Bullseye 11, Linux Kernel: NXP 5.4-2.1.x-imx
Release git https://github.com/varigit/debian-var
Release branch debian_bullseye_var01
Release tag mx8mm-debian-bullseye-5.4-2.1.x-v1.3
Date 04/12/2022
Supported platforms DART-MX8M-MINI / VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI
SOM revision v1.0 and higher
Embedded Linux Distribution Debian Bullseye
Cortex M4 U-Boot supportMCUXPRESSO_2.9.0_V1.0_DART-MX8M-MINI
Cortex M4 Linux remoteproc supportMCUXPRESSO_2.9.0_V1.0_DART-MX8M-MINI
Recovery SD card link mx8mm-debian-bullseye-5.4-2.1.x-v1.3.img.gz

Relevant git Repositories

Source Repository Branch Commit ID
U-Boot https://github.com/varigit/uboot-imx imx_v2020.04_5.4.24_2.1.0_var02 9458fd59dd6d69230438350c3aeb8ac803ff1b1c
Kernel https://github.com/varigit/linux-imx 5.4-2.1.x-imx_var01 489e299ef3e932d6fb685911d810ef0fecbc3839

After downloading the image, visit our Recovery SD card guide to learn how to program a recovery SD card.

Change Log

Change List Description
Release 1.3
U-Boot updates
variscite: eth: ADIN1300: Disable RGMII RX clock delay
Linux kernel updates
imx8_var_defconfig: enable docker requirements
Revert "imx8_var_defconfig: add full docker support"

Release 1.2
U-Boot updates
Add ADIN PHY Moved delay to driver tree node
Linux kernel updates
Enable driver for ADIN PHY
Release 1.1
U-Boot updates
imx8mm-var-som: Use default DDR4 QoS settings This fixes USB performance issues
Linux kernel updates
Updated to version 5.4.142 Merge remote-tracking branch 'fslc/5.4-2.1.x-imx' into 5.4-2.1.x-imx_var01
imx8_var_defconfig: add full docker support
imx8mm-var-dart: Introduce support for pcal6408 pcal6408 replaces tca6408 on DT8MCustomBoard rev. >= 2.1A
gpio: pca953x: Introduce standard-regs-fallback property
gpio: pca953x: Introduce support for nxp,pcal6408
Revert "Revert "gpio: pca953x: Disable PM routines""
Revert "MLK-14801 input: touch: ads7846: fix the pressure_max setting"
sn65dsi83: Add device tree property to swap LVDS Channel A/B
imx8mm-var-som: Disable usbotg1 hnp, srp, and adp
imx8mm-var-dart: Disable usbotg1 hnp, srp, and adp
Debian updates:
pulesaudio: Fix pulseaudio system-wide mode
systemd: set HandlePowerKey to ignore
freertos-variscite: Add initial support for imx8mm
deb: Add bluez-alsa 3.0.0 aligned to Dunfell release
bluez-alsa: ported bluez-alsa support from yocto-dunfell
weston_rootfs: Add libgpiod and libgpiod tools
imx8: libgbm1 updated to 20.3.4-1 required by latest weston update
Release 1.0
Linux kernel updates:
Upgraded to kernel version 5.4.85
Added support for DART-MX8M-MINI on DT8MCustomBoard V2.0
Added support for VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI revision 1.3
Older VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI revisions need DTS adjustments for correct CAN operation See: VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI/NANO rev. 1.0/1.1/1.2 CAN bus support
U-Boot updates:
Upgraded to the imx_v2020.04_5.4.24_2.1.0_var02 branch
Debian build updates:
Fix package dependencies and clean up
Clean-up /tmp in the rootfs after building the Linux kernel headers package
Refactored Debian package installation to three groups: base, graphics & gstreamer-multimedia
Updated imx-firmware version to 8.8
Updated Wi-Fi and BT firmware to Laird release
imx-atf: Build atf bl31.bin from source code from imx_5.4.24_2.1.0_var01 branch
imx-mkimage: Update patch to align to Yocto Dunfell