Yocto Toolchain installation
A full Yocto build environment is required for the toolchain generation.
To setup a Yocto build environment follow steps 1 & 3 of the Build Yocto from source code guide and then proceed to either the toolchain or complete SDK steps below:
Build a toolchain
TI SDK v8.x has a dedicated target for generating a toolchain.
$ MACHINE=am62x-var-som bitbake meta-toolchain-arago-tisdk
Build a complete SDK
To compile applications that require libraries other than glibc you should build an SDK which contains development versions of all libraries in the rootfs image, and not just the basic toolchain.
E.g. when using the var-default-image image:
$ MACHINE=am62x-var-som bitbake -c populate_sdk var-default-image
To fix it, dedicated patches have been introduced in Variscite BSP and are available only in the latest source code. For more information, please see FAQ: AM6x/AM335x/AM437x: Using a Yocto-internal toolchain for target image builds and cross-development SDK installer generation with Yocto Dunfell-based v8.x SDKs for Sitara MPUs.
Starting in Yocto Kirkstone, populate_sdk will be supported.
To fix it, the expected paths can be manually added to the list of the include paths (either in the Makefile or in the target build environment), with
-I/opt/arago-2021.09/sysroots/aarch64-linux/usr/include/c++/9.2.1 -I/opt/arago-2021.09/sysroots/aarch64-linux/usr/include/c++/9.2.1/aarch64-none-linux-gnu
Install the toolchain/SDK
Install the tools by running the resulted script in arago-tmp-external-arm-glibc/deploy/sdk.
$ arago-tmp-external-arm-glibc/deploy/sdk/arago-2021.09-aarch64-linux-tisdk.sh
Note: The toolchain/script name depends on your build machine and the bitbaked image/recipe, and may change.
Accept all the default options, and at the end of the installation you should see the following:
SDK has been successfully set up and is ready to be used.
Use the toolchain/SDK
Each time you wish to use the toolchain in a new shell session, you need to source the environment setup script:
$ source /opt/arago-2021.09/environment-setup-aarch64-linux