Yocto Build U-Boot TI
This guide walks through the process for manually building and installing the U-Boot images from source. It is derived from TI's Build U-Boot guide
Installing required packages
Install the required packages documented in the Build Yocto from source code guide.
Fetch source code and install dependencies
This section describes the one time process to install the toolchains and fetch the necessary source code for building U-Boot.
Install Toolchains to home directory
$ cd ~ $ wget https://developer.arm.com/-/media/Files/downloads/gnu-a/9.2-2019.12/binrel/gcc-arm-9.2-2019.12-x86_64-arm-none-linux-gnueabihf.tar.xz && \ tar -Jxvf gcc-arm-9.2-2019.12-x86_64-arm-none-linux-gnueabihf.tar.xz -C $HOME && \ wget https://developer.arm.com/-/media/Files/downloads/gnu-a/9.2-2019.12/binrel/gcc-arm-9.2-2019.12-x86_64-aarch64-none-linux-gnu.tar.xz && \ tar -Jxvf gcc-arm-9.2-2019.12-x86_64-aarch64-none-linux-gnu.tar.xz -C $HOME
Fetch Source Code
Setup a working directory
$ export WORKDIR=~/am62x-var-som-u-boot $ mkdir $WORKDIR
Fetch the U-Boot source:
$ cd $WORKDIR $ git clone https://github.com/varigit/ti-u-boot -b ti-u-boot-2021.01_var01 ti-u-boot
Fetch the core-secdev-k3 Security Dev Tool:
$ cd $WORKDIR $ git clone https://git.ti.com/git/security-development-tools/core-secdev-k3 -b master core-secdev-k3 $ cd core-secdev-k3 && \ git checkout bba9cabaeee96f7f287385188ff289b46769a4bf && \ cd ../
Fetch ti-k3-image-gen:
$ cd $WORKDIR $ git clone https://git.ti.com/git/k3-image-gen/k3-image-gen -b master k3-image-gen $ cd k3-image-gen && \ git checkout ffae8800a5c81c149835ed1aa5e2fbbe65a49c0d && \ cd ../
Fetch ti-linux-firmware:
$ cd $WORKDIR $ git clone https://git.ti.com/git/processor-firmware/ti-linux-firmware -b master ti-linux-firmware $ cd ti-linux-firmware && \ git checkout 2944354aca1f95525c30d625cb17672930e72572 && \ cd ../
Fetch arm-trusted-firmware:
$ cd $WORKDIR $ git clone https://git.trustedfirmware.org/TF-A/trusted-firmware-a -b master trusted-firmware-a $ cd trusted-firmware-a && \ git checkout 2fcd408bb3a6756767a43c073c597cef06e7f2d5 && \ cd ../
Fetch optee-os:
$ cd $WORKDIR $ git clone https://github.com/OP-TEE/optee_os -b master optee_os $ cd optee_os && \ git checkout 8e74d47616a20eaa23ca692f4bbbf917a236ed94 && \ cd ../
Build U-Boot out of Yocto tree
After fetching the source code and installing dependencies, you may return to $WORKDIR anytime and follow these steps to build U-Boot:
Setup the environment
Export the working directory
$ export WORKDIR=~/am62x-var-som-u-boot
Export variables for building U-Boot
$ export PATH=$HOME/gcc-arm-9.2-2019.12-x86_64-arm-none-linux-gnueabihf/bin:$PATH && export PATH=$HOME/gcc-arm-9.2-2019.12-x86_64-aarch64-none-linux-gnu/bin:$PATH && export TI_SECURE_DEV_PKG=$WORKDIR/core-secdev-k3 && export K3IG_DIR=$WORKDIR/k3-image-gen && export SYSFW_DIR=$WORKDIR/ti-linux-firmware/ti-sysfw && export DMFW_DIR=$WORKDIR/ti-linux-firmware/ti-dm/am62xx && export UBOOT_DIR=$WORKDIR/ti-u-boot && export TFA_DIR=$WORKDIR/trusted-firmware-a && export OPTEE_DIR=$WORKDIR/optee_os
Build Images
$ cd $TFA_DIR $ make -j$(nproc) ARCH=aarch64 CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-none-linux-gnu- PLAT=k3 TARGET_BOARD=lite SPD=opteed
$ cd $OPTEE_DIR $ make -j$(nproc) CROSS_COMPILE64=aarch64-none-linux-gnu- CROSS_COMPILE32=arm-none-linux-gnueabihf- PLATFORM=k3-am62x CFG_ARM64_core=y CFG_TEE_CORE_LOG_LEVEL=1
U-Boot R5 Images
Optional - Modify am62x_var_som_r5_defconfig:
$ cd $WORKDIR/ti-u-boot $ make -j$(nproc) ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux-gnueabihf- am62x_var_som_r5_defconfig O=$UBOOT_DIR/out/r5 $ make -j$(nproc) ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux-gnueabihf- O=$UBOOT_DIR/out/r5 menuconfig ... make and save some changes ... $ make -j$(nproc) ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux-gnueabihf- O=$UBOOT_DIR/out/r5 savedefconfig $ cp out/r5/defconfig configs/am62x_var_som_r5_defconfig
Build u-boot-spl.bin for tiboot3.bin. Saved in $UBOOT_DIR/out/r5:
$ cd $WORKDIR/ti-u-boot $ make -j$(nproc) ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux-gnueabihf- am62x_var_som_r5_defconfig O=$UBOOT_DIR/out/r5 $ make -j$(nproc) ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux-gnueabihf- O=$UBOOT_DIR/out/r5
Build tiboot3-am62x-hs-fs-evm.bin. Saved in $K3IG_DIR. Requires u-boot-spl.bin and ti-fs-firmware-am62x-hs-fs.bin.
$ cd $K3IG_DIR $ make -j$(nproc) ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux-gnueabihf- SOC=am62x SOC_TYPE=hs-fs SBL=$UBOOT_DIR/out/r5/spl/u-boot-spl.bin SYSFW_DIR=$SYSFW_DIR
The AM62 SOC has multiple variants (GP, HS-FS, HS-SE). For more information, see: Device types Early Variscite VAR-SOM-AM62 samples were shipped with the GP variant.
To build U-Boot for the GP variant, replaces 'hs-fs' with 'gp' above.U-Boot A53 Images
Optional - Modify am62x_var_som_a53_defconfig:
$ cd $WORKDIR/ti-u-boot $ make -j$(nproc) ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-none-linux-gnu- am62x_var_som_a53_defconfig O=$UBOOT_DIR/out/a53 $ make -j$(nproc) ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-none-linux-gnu- O=$UBOOT_DIR/out/a53 menuconfig ... make and save some changes ... $ make -j$(nproc) ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-none-linux-gnu- O=$UBOOT_DIR/out/a53 savedefconfig $ cp out/a53/defconfig configs/am62x_var_som_a53_defconfig
Build tispl.bin and u-boot.img. Saved in $UBOOT_DIR/out/a53. Requires bl31.bin, tee-pager_v2.bin, and ipc_echo_testb_mcu1_0_release_strip.xer5f.
$ cd $WORKDIR/ti-u-boot $ make -j$(nproc) ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-none-linux-gnu- am62x_var_som_a53_defconfig O=$UBOOT_DIR/out/a53 $ make -j$(nproc) ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-none-linux-gnu- \ ATF=$TFA_DIR/build/k3/lite/release/bl31.bin \ TEE=$OPTEE_DIR/out/arm-plat-k3/core/tee-pager_v2.bin \ DM=$DMFW_DIR/ipc_echo_testb_mcu1_0_release_strip.xer5f \ O=$UBOOT_DIR/out/a53
Update U-Boot on running system
To update U-Boot on an existing system, the following SPL and U-Boot images need to be installed to the boot partition of the boot media (eMMC or SD):
$K3IG_DIR/tiboot3.bin $UBOOT_DIR/out/a53/tispl.bin $UBOOT_DIR/out/a53/u-boot.img
After updating the boot media, boot U-Boot and verify the commit ids of the R5 SPL, A53 SPL, and A53 U-Boot match the output of git rev-parse HEAD. For example:
$ cd $UBOOT_DIR && git rev-parse HEAD 84a6ade02763e79ec6e7286e8024ab87de320f0f
Verify this matches the versions printed by U-Boot:
U-Boot SPL -g84a6ade027 (Mar 23 2023 - 22:04:15 +0000) <--- R5 U-Boot SPL -g84a6ade027 (Mar 23 2023 - 22:04:15 +0000) <--- A53 U-Boot -g84a6ade027 (Mar 24 2023 - 16:25:35 -0500) <--- A53
Update U-Boot on an SD Card
To update U-Boot on an SD Card, copy the files to the sd card.
- Mount the SD card boot partition on your host computer and verify the previous U-Boot files are installed:
$ mkdir ~/.sdcard $ sudo mount /dev/sdX ~/.sdcard $ ls ~/.sdcard tiboot3.bin tispl.bin u-boot.img uEnv.txt
- Copy the new files and umount the SD card:
$ sudo cp $K3IG_DIR/tiboot3.bin $UBOOT_DIR/out/a53/tispl.bin $UBOOT_DIR/out/a53/u-boot.img ~/.sdcard $ sudo umount ~/.sdcard && sync
- Boot the SD card and verify the R5 SPL, A53 SPL, and A53 U-Boot match the output of git rev-parse HEAD
Update U-Boot using UMS
U-Boot can be updated by using the USB Mass Storage gadget to mount the eMMC or SD card on your host computer.
- Connect the USB OTG port to host computer.
- Start the VAR-SOM-AM62 and interrupt U-Boot
- Start UMS on eMMC:
u-boot> ums 0 mmc 1
- Or...start UMS on SD card:
u-boot> ums 0 mmc 2
- Or...start UMS on the current boot device:
u-boot> ums 0 mmc $mmcdev
- Mount the SD card boot partition and verify the previous U-Boot files are installed:
$ mkdir ~/.sdcard $ sudo mount /dev/sdX ~/.sdcard $ ls ~/.sdcard tiboot3.bin tispl.bin u-boot.img uEnv.txt
- Copy the new files and umount the SD card:
$ sudo cp $K3IG_DIR/tiboot3.bin $UBOOT_DIR/out/a53/tispl.bin $UBOOT_DIR/out/a53/u-boot.img ~/.sdcard $ sudo umount ~/.sdcard && sync
- Boot the SD card and verify the R5 SPL, A53 SPL, and A53 U-Boot match the output of git rev-parse HEAD
Update U-Boot using Ethernet
U-Boot can be updated on a running system by using scp to transfer the files:
- Mount the eMMC boot partition and verify the previous U-Boot files are installed:
# mount /dev/mmcblk0p1 /mnt/ # ls /mnt tiboot3.bin tispl.bin u-boot.img uEnv.txt
- Transfer the new files:
$ scp $K3IG_DIR/tiboot3.bin $UBOOT_DIR/out/a53/tispl.bin $UBOOT_DIR/out/a53/u-boot.img root@<ip address>:/mnt/
- Reboot the VAR-SOM-AM62 and verify the R5 SPL, A53 SPL, and A53 U-Boot match the output of git rev-parse HEAD