VAR-SOM-AM62 Release Notes

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VAR-SOM-AM62 Release Notes

Debian am62-debian-bookworm-6.1.83_09.02.01.10-v1.1

Release Notes

Based on release Debian: Bookworm 12.8, Linux Kernel: TI ti-linux-6.1.y
Release git
Release branch bookworm_09.02.01.10_var01
Release tag am62-debian-bookworm-6.1.83_09.02.01.10-v1.1
Date 02/06/2025
Supported platforms VAR-SOM-AM62
SOM revision v1.0 and higher
Embedded Linux Distribution Debian Bookworm
Recovery SD card link am62-debian-bookworm-6.1.83_09.02.01.10-v1.1.img.zst
Recovery SD card SHA256 56cdaf95b1a0b948277ecc691f3794d2bf23db7c5fc611aaca1a2832a679e8a9
Cortex R5 firmwareipc_echo_testb_mcu1_0_release_strip.xer5f
Cortex R5 firmware MD57da122a334775d6b40a1cabedd8b39a3

Relevant git Repositories

Source Repository Branch Commit ID
U-Boot ti-u-boot-2023.04_09.02.01.10_var01 e8b424ab7754be09d56168cd504f29bd430839cb
Kernel ti-linux-6.1.y_09.02.01.10_var01 ef02b21f5d6fe1b1cd5678b0ad50f442a0fe8c8a
TI-Debian bookworm- 18d1862997cd49301cc519ad7a377f5622133fb4
Var-Debian master 660b969d4bab61e561e0b648849db7273844c831

After downloading the image, visit our Recovery SD card guide to learn how to program a recovery SD card.

Note: For SOMs that have the GP Variant of the SOC (shipped before July 18, 2023), the boot partition on SD card and eMMC must be manually updated. See: AM62 GP SOC Migration

Change Log

Change List Description
Release 1.1
Major Updates
Fix Suspend issue
ti-bdebstrap Updates Click here for a full detailed change list
Release 1.0
Initial Bookworm release Based on TI Linux Kernel ti-linux-6.1.y
Known Issues
USB automount is not enabled User needs to manually mount the USB
To enable TI security accelerator Debian Console type this dkms build -m cryptodev-linux -v 1.13 && dkms install -m cryptodev-linux -v 1.13
Camera Failure Post Suspend Following a suspend/resume cycle, the OV5640 camera pipeline fails to run when a gst pipeline is started.
Wi-Fi does not work after suspend As a workaround, you can restore connectivity by running: systemctl restart wpa_supplicant.service