VAR-SOM-AM62 Release Notes

From Variscite Wiki

VAR-SOM-AM62 Release Notes

Debian am62-debian-bookworm-5.10.168_08.06.00.42-v1.0

Release Notes

Based on release Debian: Bookworm 12.1, Linux Kernel: TI ti-linux-5.10.y
Release git
Release branch debian_bookworm_var01
Release tag am62-debian-bookworm-5.10.168_08.06.00.42-v1.0
Date 09/15/2023
Supported platforms VAR-SOM-AM62
SOM revision v1.0 and higher
Embedded Linux Distribution Debian Bookworm
Recovery SD card link am62-debian-bookworm-5.10.168_08.06.00.42-v1.0.img.zst
Recovery SD card SHA256 33127e849cc7d66dd3bf96eaa3f1acfd0a09c0bb12ea0081cbadfd9930bf8985

Relevant git Repositories

Source Repository Branch Commit ID
U-Boot ti-u-boot-2021.01_var01 de651a1b9a229735a841f8bb1774718c7fcf9752
Kernel ti-linux-5.10.y_var01 dd3008efa2ad7ea806c4b9c2fb6ff464ea526eea

After downloading the image, visit our Recovery SD card guide to learn how to program a recovery SD card.

Note: For SOMs that have the GP Variant of the SOC (shipped before July 18, 2023), the boot partition on SD card and eMMC must be manually updated. See: AM62 GP SOC Migration

Change Log

Change List Description
Release 1.0
Initial Bookworm release Based on TI Linux Kernel ti-linux-5.10.y
Debian packages mirror The snapshots apt server is currently experiencing apt timeout problems.
For more information, see: Re: not getting updates
For the time being, Variscite is using the mirror.
This release is based on snapshot 20230915T024208Z.
Known Issues
Several features are not yet supported by the TI BSP:

- CPU frequency scaling
- Encrypted FS
- Suspend / Resume