Debian Recovery SD card

From Variscite Wiki

VAR-SOM-AM62 - Debian recovery SD card

Variscite provides a recovery SD card image that can be used to install the pre-built Debian images into the internal storage device of the SOM.

Download the recovery SD card image

Download the latest recovery SD card from Variscite: am62-debian-bookworm-5.10.168_08.06.00.42-v1.0.img.zst

The easiest way to download files from the file server using the Linux command line is to use wget:

$ wget 

Write the image to an SD card

During the SD card image writing all files and partitions are erased from target device.
Double check that the device is correct to avoid accidentally overwriting a different device and potentially damaging your existing operating system.

Using a Linux based host

Plug-in the SD card to your Linux host PC, run dmesg and see which device is added (i.e. /dev/sdX or /dev/mmcblkX)

$ sudo umount /dev/sdX?*

# For img.zst files:
$ zstdcat <image name>.img.zst | sudo dd of=/dev/sdX bs=1M && sync

(Replace /dev/sdX with your actual device)

Using a Windows based host

  • Download Win32 Disk Imager from: and install it.
  • Extract the downloaded image:
    • For extracting a .gz file the latest 7-Zip can be used, for example.
    • For extracting a .zst file the latest WinRAR can be used, for example.
  • Insert your SD card into your PC.
    No need to format the SD card before writing the image to it, as the card will be formatted once it will be flashed.
  • Run the file named Win32DiskImager.exe (in Windows 7, 8 and 10 we recommend that you right-click this file and choose “Run as administrator”). 
  • If the SD card (Device) you are using isn’t found automatically. Click on the drop down box and select it.
  • In the Image File box, choose the .img/.wic file you have extracted previously.
  • Click Write.
  • After a few minutes, you receive a notification that your SD has been created successfully.

Using a Mac OS X host

Use the dd Utility for MAC OS X to flash .img/.wic files to your SD card

Recover NAND flash/eMMC

  • Power-off the board.
  • Insert the SD card into the SD card slot of the carrier board (DVK)
  • Make sure the Boot DIP switches are set to SD card: Setting the Boot Mode
  • Power up the board - it will boot into Linux from the SD card

Flash from command line

  • Login as root (password 'root')
  • From Linux command line, type the following
$	- Flash Debian into eMMC

SD card image file tree



Stretch 9

  • Debian 9 - Stretch (released on 06/17/2017)

Documentation is available from

Buster 10

  • Debian 10 - Buster (released on 07/2019/)

Documentation is available from

Bullseye 11

  • Debian 11 - Bullseye (released on 08/14/2021)

Documentation is available from





readonly PROGRAM="$1"

. /home/user/bin/var-sdk.conf

# Use sshpass if TARGET_PASSWORD not empty
if [ ! -z "${TARGET_PASSWORD}" ]; then
    SSH_PASS="sshpass -p ${TARGET_PASSWORD}"

echo "Deploying to target"

# prevent "Host key verification failed"
ssh-keygen -f "${HOME}/.ssh/known_hosts" -R "${TARGET_IP}"

# delete old binary
${SSH_PASS} ssh ${SSH_OPTIONS} root@${TARGET_IP} "sh -c 'rm -rf ${TARGET_DIR}/${PROGRAMNAME}'"

# send the program to the target


readonly PROGRAM="$1"

. /home/user/bin/var-sdk.conf

# Use sshpass if TARGET_PASSWORD not empty
if [ ! -z "${TARGET_PASSWORD}" ]; then
    SSH_PASS="sshpass -p ${TARGET_PASSWORD}"

echo "Starting GDB Server on Target"

# kill gdbserver on target
${SSH_PASS} ssh ${SSH_OPTIONS} root@${TARGET_IP} "sh -c '/usr/bin/killall -q gdbserver'"

# start gdbserver on target and fork
${SSH_PASS} ssh ${SSH_OPTIONS} -t root@${TARGET_IP} "sh -c 'XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/0 gdbserver localhost:${TARGET_PORT} ${TARGET_DIR}/${PROGRAMNAME}'" &


Build Results

The resulted images are located in ~/debian_am62x_var_som/output/.

Image name
How to use
rootfs.tar.gz Root filesystem tarball used for installation on SD card and eMMC
uImage Linux kernel image
SPL.nand SPL built for NAND. The SPL is pre-U-Boot SW component, required for DDR initialization
SPL.emmc SPL built for SD card and eMMC boot. The SPL is pre-U-Boot SW component, required for DDR initialization
u-boot.img.nand U-Boot built for NAND flash
u-boot.img.mmc U-Boot built for SD card or eMMC boot
Device Tree name
imx6dl-var-som-solo-cap.dtb VAR-SOM-SOLO with iMX6S/DL on MX6CustomBoard with capacitive touch
imx6dl-var-som-solo-res.dtb VAR-SOM-SOLO with iMX6S/DL on MX6CustomBoard with resistive touch
imx6dl-var-som-solo-vsc.dtb VAR-SOM-SOLO with iMX6S/DL on SOLOCustomBoard with capacitive touch
imx6dl-var-som-cap.dtb VAR-SOM-MX6 with iMX6S/DL on MX6CustomBoard with capacitive touch
imx6dl-var-som-res.dtb VAR-SOM-MX6 with iMX6S/DL on MX6CustomBoard with resistive touch
imx6dl-var-som-vsc.dtb VAR-SOM-MX6 with iMX6S/DL on SOLOCustomBoard with capacitive touch
imx6q-var-som-cap.dtb VAR-SOM-MX6 with iMX6D/Q on MX6CustomBoard with capacitive touch
imx6q-var-som-res.dtb VAR-SOM-MX6 with iMX6D/Q on MX6CustomBoard with resistive touch
imx6q-var-som-vsc.dtb VAR-SOM-MX6 with iMX6D/Q on SOLOCustomBoard with capacitive touch
imx6qp-var-som-cap.dtb VAR-SOM-MX6 with iMX6DP/QP on MX6CustomBoard with capacitive touch
imx6qp-var-som-res.dtb VAR-SOM-MX6 with iMX6DP/QP on MX6CustomBoard with resistive touch
imx6qp-var-som-vsc.dtb VAR-SOM-MX6 with iMX6DP/QP on SOLOCustomBoard with capacitive touch
imx6q-var-dart.dtb DART-MX6 with iMX6D/Q on DARTCustomBoard with capacitive touch


Build Results

The resulted images are located in ~/debian_am62x_var_som/output/.

Image name
How to use
rootfs.tar.gz Root filesystem tarball used for installation on SD card and eMMC
rootfs.ubi.img Use for flash to NAND
zImage Linux kernel image
SPL.nand SPL built for NAND. The SPL is pre-U-Boot SW component, required for DDR initialization
SPL.emmc SPL built for SD card and eMMC boot. The SPL is pre-U-Boot SW component, required for DDR initialization
u-boot.img.nand U-Boot built for NAND flash
u-boot.img.emmc U-Boot built for SD card or eMMC
Device Tree name
imx6ul-var-dart-emmc_wifi.dtb DART-6UL with eMMC and WiFi enabled. (SD card & NAND disabled)
imx6ul-var-dart-nand_wifi.dtb DART-6UL with l NAND and WiFi enabled. (SD card & eMMC disabled)
imx6ul-var-dart-sd_emmc.dtb DART-6UL with SD card and eMMC enabled (WiFi & NAND disabled). You can boot from eMMC or SD card
imx6ul-var-dart-sd_nand.dtb DART-6UL with SD card and NAND enabled (WiFi & eMMC disabled). You can boot from NAND or SD card
imx6ul-var-dart-5g-emmc_wifi.dtb DART-6UL-5G with eMMC and WiFi enabled. (SD card & NAND disabled)
imx6ul-var-dart-5g-nand_wifi.dtb DART-6UL-5G with l NAND and WiFi enabled. (SD card & eMMC disabled)
imx6ull-var-dart-emmc_wifi.dtb DART-6ULL with eMMC and WiFi enabled. (SD card & NAND disabled)
imx6ull-var-dart-nand_wifi.dtb DART-6ULL with l NAND and WiFi enabled. (SD card & eMMC disabled)
imx6ull-var-dart-sd_emmc.dtb DART-6ULL with SD card and eMMC enabled (WiFi & NAND disabled). You can boot from eMMC or SD card
imx6ull-var-dart-sd_nand.dtb DART-6ULL with SD card and NAND enabled (WiFi & eMMC disabled). You can boot from NAND or SD card
imx6ull-var-dart-5g-emmc_wifi.dtb DART-6ULL-5G with eMMC and WiFi enabled. (SD card & NAND disabled)
imx6ull-var-dart-5g-nand_wifi.dtb DART-6ULL-5G with l NAND and WiFi enabled. (SD card & eMMC disabled)

The resulted images are located in ~/debian_am62x_var_som/output/.

Image name
How to use
rootfs.tar.gz Root filesystem tarball used for installation on SD card and eMMC
rootfs.ubi.img Use for flash to NAND
zImage Linux kernel image
SPL.nand SPL built for NAND. The SPL is pre-U-Boot SW component, required for DDR initialization
SPL.mmc SPL built for SD card and eMMC boot. The SPL is pre-U-Boot SW component, required for DDR initialization
u-boot.img.nand U-Boot built for NAND flash
u-boot.img.mmc U-Boot built for SD card or eMMC
Device Tree name
imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card.dtb Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled)
imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi.dtb Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled)
imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card.dtb Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled)
imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi.dtb Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled)
imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card.dtb Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled)
imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi.dtb Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled)
imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card.dtb Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled)
imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi.dtb Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled)
imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card.dtb Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled)
imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi.dtb Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled)
imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card.dtb Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled)
imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi.dtb Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled)
imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled)
imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled)
imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled)
imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled)
imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled)
imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled)
imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled)
imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled)
imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled)
imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled)
imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled)
imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled)

The resulted images are located in ~/debian_am62x_var_som/output/.

Image name
How to use
rootfs.tar.gz Root filesystem tarball used for installation on SD card and eMMC
rootfs.ubi.img Console only image for installation on NAND flash
zImage Linux kernel image
SPL.nand SPL built for NAND. The SPL is pre-U-Boot SW component, required for DDR initialization
SPL.mmc SPL built for SD card and eMMC boot. The SPL is pre-U-Boot SW component, required for DDR initialization
u-boot.img.nand U-Boot built for NAND flash
u-boot.img.mmc U-Boot built for SD card or eMMC
kernel-headers kernel headers folder for package creation
Device Tree name
imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card.dtb Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled)
imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi.dtb Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled)
imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card.dtb Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled)
imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi.dtb Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled)
imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card.dtb Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled)
imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi.dtb Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled)
imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card.dtb Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled)
imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi.dtb Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled)
imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card.dtb Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled)
imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi.dtb Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled)
imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card.dtb Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled)
imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi.dtb Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled)
imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled)
imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled)
imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled)
imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled)
imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled)
imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled)
imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled)
imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled)
imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled)
imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled)
imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled)
imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled)
imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled)
imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled)
imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled)
imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled)
imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled)
imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled)
imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled)
imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled)
imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled)
imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled)
imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled)
imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled)

The resulted images are located in ~/debian_am62x_var_som/output/.

Image name
How to use
rootfs.tar.gz Root filesystem tarball used for installation on SD card and eMMC
rootfs.ubi.img Console only image for installation on NAND flash
zImage Linux kernel image
SPL.nand SPL built for NAND. The SPL is pre-U-Boot SW component, required for DDR initialization
SPL.mmc SPL built for SD card and eMMC boot. The SPL is pre-U-Boot SW component, required for DDR initialization
u-boot.img.nand U-Boot built for NAND flash
u-boot.img.mmc U-Boot built for SD card or eMMC
kernel-headers kernel headers folder for package creation
Device Tree name
imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card.dtb Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled)
imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled)
imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi.dtb Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled)
imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled)
imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card.dtb Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled)
imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled)
imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi.dtb Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled)
imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled)
imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card.dtb Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled)
imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled)
imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi.dtb Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled)
imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled)
imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card.dtb Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled)
imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled)
imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi.dtb Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled)
imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled)
imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card.dtb Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled)
imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled)
imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi.dtb Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled)
imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled)
imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card.dtb Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled)
imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled)
imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi.dtb Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled)
imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled)
imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled)
imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled)
imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled)
imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled)
imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled)
imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled)
imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled)
imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled)
imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled)
imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled)
imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled)
imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled)
imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled)
imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled)
imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled)
imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled)
imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled)
imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled)
imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled)
imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled)
imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled)
imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled)
imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled)
imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled)
imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled)
imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled)
imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled)
imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled)
imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled)
imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled)
imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled)
imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled)
imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled)
imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled)
imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled)
imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled)
imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled)
imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled)
imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled)
imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled)
imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled)
imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled)
imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled)
imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled)
imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled)
imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled)
imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled)
imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled)

SD card image file tree

└── Debian
    ├── imx6ul-var-dart-5g-emmc_wifi.dtb
    ├── imx6ul-var-dart-5g-nand_wifi.dtb
    ├── imx6ul-var-dart-emmc_wifi.dtb
    ├── imx6ul-var-dart-nand_wifi.dtb
    ├── imx6ul-var-dart-sd_emmc.dtb
    ├── imx6ul-var-dart-sd_nand.dtb
    ├── imx6ull-var-dart-5g-emmc_wifi.dtb
    ├── imx6ull-var-dart-5g-nand_wifi.dtb
    ├── imx6ull-var-dart-emmc_wifi.dtb
    ├── imx6ull-var-dart-nand_wifi.dtb
    ├── imx6ull-var-dart-sd_emmc.dtb
    ├── imx6ull-var-dart-sd_nand.dtb
    ├── rootfs.tar.gz
    ├── rootfs.ubi.img
    ├── SPL.mmc
    ├── SPL.nand
    ├── u-boot.img.mmc
    ├── u-boot.img.nand
    └── zImage

└── Yocto
    ├── imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card.dtb
    ├── imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi.dtb
    ├── imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card.dtb
    ├── imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi.dtb
    ├── imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb
    ├── imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi.dtb
    ├── imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card.dtb
    ├── imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi.dtb
    ├── imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card.dtb
    ├── imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi.dtb
    ├── imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card.dtb
    ├── imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi.dtb
    ├── imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb
    ├── imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi.dtb
    ├── imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card.dtb
    ├── imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi.dtb
    ├── imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card.dtb
    ├── imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi.dtb
    ├── imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card.dtb
    ├── imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi.dtb
    ├── imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb
    ├── imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi.dtb
    ├── imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card.dtb
    ├── imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi.dtb
    ├── rootfs.tar.gz
    ├── rootfs.ubi.img
    ├── SPL.mmc
    ├── SPL.nand
    ├── u-boot.img.mmc
    ├── u-boot.img.nand
    └── zImage

└── Debian
        ├── rootfs.tar.gz
        ├── rootfs.ubi.img
        ├── SPL.mmc
        ├── SPL.nand
        ├── u-boot.img.mmc
        ├── u-boot.img.nand
        └── zImage

└── Debian
        ├── rootfs.tar.gz
        ├── rootfs.ubi.img
        ├── SPL.mmc
        ├── SPL.nand
        ├── u-boot.img.mmc
        ├── u-boot.img.nand
        └── zImage


Build Results

The resulted images are located in ~/debian_am62x_var_som/output/.

Image name
How to use
rootfs.tar.gz Root filesystem tarball used for installation on SD card and eMMC
rootfs.ubi.img Use for flash to nand
zImage Linux kernel image
SPL.nand SPL built for NAND. The SPL is pre-U-Boot SW component, required for DDR initialization
SPL.emmc SPL built for SD card and eMMC boot. The SPL is pre-U-Boot SW component, required for DDR initialization
u-boot.img.nand U-Boot built for NAND flash
u-boot.img.emmc U-Boot built for SD card or eMMC boot
Device Tree name
imx7d-var-som-emmc.dtb Boot from SD or eMMC
imx7d-var-som-nand.dtb Boot from NAND
imx7d-var-som-emmc-m4.dtb Boot from SD or eMMC with M4 support
imx7d-var-som-nand-m4.dtb Boot from NAND with M4 support

The resulted images are located in ~/debian_am62x_var_som/output/.

Image name
How to use
rootfs.tar.gz Root filesystem tarball used for installation on SD card and eMMC
rootfs.ubi.img Use for flash to nand
zImage Linux kernel image
SPL.nand SPL built for NAND. The SPL is pre-U-Boot SW component, required for DDR initialization
SPL.mmc SPL built for SD card and eMMC boot. The SPL is pre-U-Boot SW component, required for DDR initialization
u-boot.img.nand U-Boot built for NAND flash
u-boot.img.mmc U-Boot built for SD card or eMMC boot
Device Tree name
imx7d-var-som-emmc.dtb Boot from SD or eMMC
imx7d-var-som-nand.dtb Boot from NAND
imx7d-var-som-emmc-m4.dtb Boot from SD or eMMC with M4 support
imx7d-var-som-nand-m4.dtb Boot from NAND with M4 support


Build Results

The resulted images are located in ~/debian_am62x_var_som/output/.

Image name
How to use
rootfs.tar.gz Root filesystem tarball used for installation on SD card and eMMC
Image.gz Linux kernel image
imx-boot-sd.bin U-Boot built for SD card and eMMC
Device Tree name
fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-emmc-wifi-dual-display.dtb DART-MX8M with HDMI+LVDS, eMMC and WiFi (SD card disabled)
fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-emmc-wifi-hdmi.dtb DART-MX8M with HDMI, eMMC and WiFi (SD card disabled)
fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-emmc-wifi-lvds.dtb DART-MX8M with LVDS, eMMC and WiFi (SD card disabled)
fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-emmc-dual-display.dtb DART-MX8M with HDMI+LVDS, eMMC and SD (WiFi card disabled)
fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-emmc-hdmi.dtb DART-MX8M with HDMI, eMMC and SD (WiFi card disabled)
fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-emmc-lvds.dtb DART-MX8M with LVDS, eMMC and SD (WiFi card disabled)

The resulted images are located in ~/debian_am62x_var_som/output/.

Image name
How to use
rootfs.tar.gz Root filesystem tarball used for installation on SD card and eMMC
Image.gz Linux kernel image
imx-boot-sd.bin U-Boot built for SD card and eMMC
Device Tree name
fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-emmc-wifi-hdmi.dtb DART-MX8M with eMMC, WIFI and HDMI display configuration on carrier board revisions 1.3 and higher.(SD card disabled)
fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-emmc-wifi-lvds.dtb DART-MX8M with eMMC, WIFI and LVDS display configuration on carrier board revisions 1.3 and higher. (SD card disabled)
fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-emmc-wifi-dual-display.dtb DART-MX8M with eMMC, WIFI and dual LVDS+HDMI display configuration on carrier board revisions 1.3 and higher. (SD card disabled)
fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-emmc-wifi-hdmi-cb12.dtb DART-MX8M with eMMC, WIFI and HDMI display configuration on carrier board revisions 1.1 and 1.2. (SD card disabled)
fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-emmc-wifi-lvds-cb12.dtb DART-MX8M with eMMC, WIFI and LVDS display configuration on carrier board revisions 1.1 and 1.2. (SD card disabled)
fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-emmc-wifi-dual-display-cb12.dtb DART-MX8M with eMMC, WIFI and dual LVDS+HDMI display configuration on carrier board revisions 1.1 and 1.2. (SD card disabled)
fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-emmc-hdmi.dtb DART-MX8M with SD, eMMC and HDMI display configuration on carrier board revisions 1.3 and higher. (WIFI disabled)
fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-emmc-lvds.dtb DART-MX8M with SD, eMMC and LCDIF LVDS display configuration on carrier board revisions 1.3 and higher. (WIFI disabled)
fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-emmc-dual-display.dtb DART-MX8M with SD, eMMC and dual LVDS+HDMI display configuration on carrier board revisions 1.3 and higher. (WIFI disabled)
fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-emmc-hdmi-cb12.dtb DART-MX8M with SD, eMMC and HDMI display configuration on carrier board revisions 1.1 and 1.2. (WIFI disabled)
fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-emmc-lvds-cb12.dtb DART-MX8M with SD, eMMC and LCDIF LVDS display configuration on carrier board revisions 1.1 and 1.2. (WIFI disabled)
fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-emmc-dual-display-cb12.dtb DART-MX8M with SD, eMMC and dual LVDS+HDMI display configuration on carrier board revisions 1.1 and 1.2. (WIFI disabled)
fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-m4-emmc-wifi-hdmi.dtb DART-MX8M with M4 eMMC, WIFI and HDMI display configuration on carrier board revisions 1.3 and higher.(SD card disabled)
fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-m4-emmc-wifi-lvds.dtb DART-MX8M with M4 eMMC, WIFI and LVDS display configuration on carrier board revisions 1.3 and higher. (SD card disabled)
fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-m4-emmc-wifi-dual-display.dtb DART-MX8M with M4 eMMC, WIFI and dual LVDS+HDMI display configuration on carrier board revisions 1.3 and higher. (SD card disabled)
fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-m4-emmc-wifi-hdmi-cb12.dtb DART-MX8M with M4 eMMC, WIFI and HDMI display configuration on carrier board revisions 1.1 and 1.2. (SD card disabled)
fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-m4-emmc-wifi-lvds-cb12.dtb DART-MX8M with M4 eMMC, WIFI and LVDS display configuration on carrier board revisions 1.1 and 1.2. (SD card disabled)
fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-m4-emmc-wifi-dual-display-cb12.dtb DART-MX8M with M4 eMMC, WIFI and dual LVDS+HDMI display configuration on carrier board revisions 1.1 and 1.2. (SD card disabled)
fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-m4-sd-emmc-hdmi.dtb DART-MX8M with M4 SD, eMMC and HDMI display configuration on carrier board revisions 1.3 and higher. (WIFI disabled)
fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-m4-sd-emmc-lvds.dtb DART-MX8M with M4 SD, eMMC and LCDIF LVDS display configuration on carrier board revisions 1.3 and higher. (WIFI disabled)
fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-m4-sd-emmc-dual-display.dtb DART-MX8M with M4 SD, eMMC and dual LVDS+HDMI display configuration on carrier board revisions 1.3 and higher. (WIFI disabled)
fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-m4-sd-emmc-hdmi-cb12.dtb DART-MX8M with M4 SD, eMMC and HDMI display configuration on carrier board revisions 1.1 and 1.2. (WIFI disabled)
fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-m4-sd-emmc-lvds-cb12.dtb DART-MX8M with M4 SD, eMMC and LCDIF LVDS display configuration on carrier board revisions 1.1 and 1.2. (WIFI disabled)
fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-m4-sd-emmc-dual-display-cb12.dtb DART-MX8M with M4 SD, eMMC and dual LVDS+HDMI display configuration on carrier board revisions 1.1 and 1.2. (WIFI disabled)

The resulted images are located in ~/debian_am62x_var_som/output/.

Image name
How to use
rootfs.tar.gz Root filesystem tarball used for installation on SD card and eMMC
Image.gz Linux kernel image
imx-boot-sd.bin U-Boot built for SD card and eMMC
imx-boot-sd-dp.bin U-Boot built for SD card and eMMC with DP firmware
Device Tree name
fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-dp.dtb DTB for eMMC, SD and DP display configuration on carrier board revisions 1.3 and higher.
fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-hdmi.dtb DTB for eMMC, SD and HDMI display configuration on carrier board revisions 1.3 and higher.
fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-lvds.dtb DTB for eMMC, SD and LVDS display configuration on carrier board revisions 1.3 and higher.
fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-lvds-dp.dtb DTB for eMMC, SD and dual LVDS+DP display configuration on carrier board revisions 1.3 and higher.
fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-lvds-hdmi.dtb DTB for eMMC, SD and dual LVDS+HDMI display configuration on carrier board revisions 1.3 and higher.
fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-hdmi-cb12.dtb DTB for eMMC, SD and HDMI display configuration on carrier board revisions 1.1 and 1.2.
fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-lvds-cb12.dtb DTB for eMMC, SD and LVDS display configuration on carrier board revisions 1.1 and 1.2.
fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-lvds-hdmi-cb12.dtb DTB for eMMC, SD and dual LVDS+HDMI display configuration on carrier board revisions 1.1 and 1.2.
fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-dp.dtb DTB for eMMC, WIFI and DP display configuration on carrier board revisions 1.3 and higher.
fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-hdmi.dtb DTB for eMMC, WIFI and HDMI display configuration on carrier board revisions 1.3 and higher.
fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-lvds.dtb DTB for eMMC, WIFI and LVDS display configuration on carrier board revisions 1.3 and higher.
fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-lvds-dp.dtb DTB for eMMC, WIFI and dual LVDS+DP display configuration on carrier board revisions 1.3 and higher.
fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-lvds-hdmi.dtb DTB for eMMC, WIFI and dual LVDS+HDMI display configuration on carrier board revisions 1.3 and higher.
fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-hdmi-cb12.dtb DTB for eMMC, WIFI and HDMI display configuration on carrier board revisions 1.1 and 1.2.
fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-lvds-cb12.dtb DTB for eMMC, WIFI and LVDS display configuration on carrier board revisions 1.1 and 1.2.
fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-lvds-hdmi-cb12.dtb DTB for eMMC, WIFI and dual LVDS+HDMI display configuration on carrier board revisions 1.1 and 1.2.
fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-m4-sd-dp.dtb DTB for M4, eMMC, SD and DP display configuration on carrier board revisions 1.3 and higher.
fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-m4-sd-hdmi.dtb DTB for M4, eMMC, SD and HDMI display configuration on carrier board revisions 1.3 and higher.
fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-m4-sd-lvds.dtb DTB for M4, eMMC, SD and LVDS display configuration on carrier board revisions 1.3 and higher.
fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-m4-sd-lvds-dp.dtb DTB for M4, eMMC, SD and dual LVDS+DP display configuration on carrier board revisions 1.3 and higher.
fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-m4-sd-lvds-hdmi.dtb DTB for M4, eMMC, SD and dual LVDS+HDMI display configuration on carrier board revisions 1.3 and higher.
fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-m4-sd-hdmi-cb12.dtb DTB for M4, eMMC, SD and HDMI display configuration on carrier board revisions 1.1 and 1.2.
fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-m4-sd-lvds-cb12.dtb DTB for M4, eMMC, SD and LVDS display configuration on carrier board revisions 1.1 and 1.2.
fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-m4-sd-lvds-hdmi-cb12.dtb DTB for M4, eMMC, SD and dual LVDS+HDMI display configuration on carrier board revisions 1.1 and 1.2.
fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-m4-wifi-dp.dtb DTB for M4, eMMC, WIFI and DP display configuration on carrier board revisions 1.3 and higher.
fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-m4-wifi-hdmi.dtb DTB for M4, eMMC, WIFI and HDMI display configuration on carrier board revisions 1.3 and higher.
fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-m4-wifi-lvds.dtb DTB for M4, eMMC, WIFI and LVDS display configuration on carrier board revisions 1.3 and higher.
fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-m4-wifi-lvds-dp.dtb DTB for M4, eMMC, WIFI and dual LVDS+DP display configuration on carrier board revisions 1.3 and higher.
fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-m4-wifi-lvds-hdmi.dtb DTB for M4, eMMC, WIFI and dual LVDS+HDMI display configuration on carrier board revisions 1.3 and higher.
fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-m4-wifi-hdmi-cb12.dtb DTB for M4, eMMC, WIFI and HDMI display configuration on carrier board revisions 1.1 and 1.2.
fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-m4-wifi-lvds-cb12.dtb DTB for M4, eMMC, WIFI and LVDS display configuration on carrier board revisions 1.1 and 1.2.
fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-m4-wifi-lvds-hdmi-cb12.dtb DTB for M4, eMMC, WIFI and dual LVDS+HDMI display configuration on carrier board revisions 1.1 and 1.2.

The resulted images are located in ~/debian_am62x_var_som/output/.

Image name
How to use
rootfs.tar.gz Root filesystem tarball used for installation on SD card and eMMC
Image.gz Linux kernel image
imx-boot-sd.bin U-Boot built for SD card and eMMC
imx-boot-sd-dp.bin U-Boot built for SD card and eMMC with DP firmware
kernel-headers kernel headers folder for package creation
Device Tree name
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-sd-hdmi.dtb DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V2.x with SD card and HDMI display.
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-sd-lvds.dtb DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V2.x with SD card and LVDS display.
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-sd-lvds-hdmi.dtb DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V2.x with SD card and dual LVDS+HDMI display.
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-wifi-hdmi.dtb DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V2.x with WIFI and HDMI display.
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-wifi-lvds.dtb DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V2.x with WIFI and LVDS display.
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-wifi-lvds-hdmi.dtb DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V2.x with WIFI and dual LVDS+HDMI display.
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4-sd-hdmi.dtb DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V2.x with M4, SD card and HDMI display.
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4-sd-lvds.dtb DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V2.x with M4, SD card and LVDS display.
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4-sd-lvds-hdmi.dtb DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V2.x with M4, SD card and dual LVDS+HDMI display.
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4-wifi-hdmi.dtb DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V2.x with M4, WIFI and HDMI display.
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4-wifi-lvds.dtb DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V2.x with M4, WIFI and LVDS display.
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4-wifi-lvds-hdmi.dtb DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V2.x with M4, WIFI and dual LVDS+HDMI display.
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-sd-dp.dtb DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V1.3/V1.4 with SD card and DP display.
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-sd-hdmi.dtb DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V1.3/V1.4 with SD card and HDMI display.
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-sd-lvds.dtb DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V1.3/V1.4 with SD card and LVDS display.
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-sd-lvds-dp.dtb DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V1.3/V1.4 with SD card and dual LVDS+DP display.
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-sd-lvds-hdmi.dtb DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V1.3/V1.4 with SD card and dual LVDS+HDMI display.
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-wifi-dp.dtb DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V1.3/V1.4 with WIFI and DP display.
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-wifi-hdmi.dtb DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V1.3/V1.4 with WIFI and HDMI display.
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-wifi-lvds.dtb DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V1.3/V1.4 with WIFI and LVDS display.
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-wifi-lvds-dp.dtb DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V1.3/V1.4 with WIFI and dual LVDS+DP display.
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-wifi-lvds-hdmi.dtb DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V1.3/V1.4 with WIFI and dual LVDS+HDMI display.
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4-sd-dp.dtb DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V1.3/V1.4 with M4, SD card and DP display.
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4-sd-hdmi.dtb DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V1.3/V1.4 with M4, SD card and HDMI display.
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4-sd-lvds.dtb DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V1.3/V1.4 with M4, SD card and LVDS display.
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4-sd-lvds-dp.dtb DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V1.3/V1.4 with M4, SD card and dual LVDS+DP display.
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4-sd-lvds-hdmi.dtb DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V1.3/V1.4 with M4, SD card and dual LVDS+HDMI display.
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4-wifi-dp.dtb DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V1.3/V1.4 with M4, WIFI and DP display.
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4-wifi-hdmi.dtb DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V1.3/V1.4 with M4, WIFI and HDMI display.
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4-wifi-lvds.dtb DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V1.3/V1.4 with M4, WIFI and LVDS display.
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4-wifi-lvds-dp.dtb DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V1.3/V1.4 with M4, WIFI and dual LVDS+DP display.
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4-wifi-lvds-hdmi.dtb DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V1.3/V1.4 with M4, WIFI and dual LVDS+HDMI display.

The resulted images are located in tmp/deploy/images/am62x-var-som.

Image name
How to use
var-default-image-am62x-var-som.wic.zst This image is for SD card boot.
It can be flashed as-is on an SD card that can then be used to boot your system,
according to the relevant startup-guide of your product
(usually requires to press the boot select button, or toggle a DIP switch).
For detailed information refer to the Create a bootable SD card section below.
var-default-image-am62x-var-som.tar.zst Tarball with rootfs files.
Also used to create our extended SD card.
See the Create a bootable SD card section below.
Image Linux kernel image, same binary for SD card and eMMC.
U-Boot built for SD card boot or eMMC boot.
Device Tree name
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-sd-hdmi.dtb DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard with SD card and HDMI display.
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-sd-lvds.dtb DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard with SD card and LVDS display.
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-sd-lvds-hdmi.dtb DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard with SD card and dual LVDS+HDMI display.
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-wifi-hdmi.dtb DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard with WIFI and HDMI display.
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-wifi-lvds.dtb DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard with WIFI and LVDS display.
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-wifi-lvds-hdmi.dtb DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard with WIFI and dual LVDS+HDMI display.
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4-sd-hdmi.dtb DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard with M4, SD card and HDMI display.
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4-sd-lvds.dtb DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard with M4, SD card and LVDS display.
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4-sd-lvds-hdmi.dtb DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard with M4, SD card and dual LVDS+HDMI display.
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4-wifi-hdmi.dtb DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard with M4, WIFI and HDMI display.
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4-wifi-lvds.dtb DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard with M4, WIFI and LVDS display.
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4-wifi-lvds-hdmi.dtb DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard with M4, WIFI and dual LVDS+HDMI display.


Build Results

The resulted images are located in ~/debian_am62x_var_som/output/.

Image name
How to use
rootfs.tar.zst Root filesystem tarball used for installation on SD card and eMMC
U-Boot images
boot/fw_printenv U-Boot env tools for SD card and eMMC

Image name
How to use
tisdk-am62-bookworm-variscite-am62xx-var-som-rootfs.tar.xz Root partition tarball used for installation on SD card and eMMC
tisdk-am62-bookworm-variscite-am62xx-var-som-boot.tar.xz Boot partition tarball that contains U-boot images:
tisdk-debian-bookworm-am62xx-var-som.wic.zst wic image to flash on SD card
tisdk-debian-bookworm-am62xx-var-som-recovery-image.wic.zst Debian Recovery Image to install debian on eMMC
am62-bookworm- update debian using swupdate agent

SD card image file tree AM62

└── Debian
    └── rootfs.tar.zst
    └── boot
        └── tiboot3-am62x-gp-am62x-var-som.bin
        └── tiboot3-am62x-hs-am62x-var-som.bin
        └── tiboot3-am62x-hs-fs-am62x-var-som.bin
        └── tiboot3.bin
        └── uEnv.txt
        └── tispl.bin
        └── u-boot.img


Build Results

The resulted images are located in ~/debian_am62x_var_som/output/.

Image name
How to use
rootfs.tar.gz Root filesystem tarball used for installation on SD card and eMMC
Image.gz Linux kernel image
imx-boot-sd.bin U-Boot built for SD card and eMMC
Device Tree name
fsl-imx8mm-var-dart.dtb Device tree blob for SD, eMMC, WIFI and LVDS display configuration.

The resulted images are located in ~/debian_am62x_var_som/output/.

Image name
How to use
rootfs.tar.gz Root filesystem tarball used for installation on SD card and eMMC
Image.gz Linux kernel image
imx-boot-sd.bin U-Boot built for SD card and eMMC
Device Tree name
fsl-imx8mm-var-dart.dtb Device tree blob for SD, eMMC, WIFI and LVDS display configuration.
fsl-imx8mm-var-som.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI, for SD, eMMC, WIFI and LVDS display configuration.
fsl-imx8mm-var-som-rev10.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI Rev 1.0 , for SD, eMMC, WIFI and LVDS display configuration.
fsl-imx8mm-var-dart-m4.dtb Device tree blob for SD, eMMC, WIFI and LVDS display configuration and m4 support.
fsl-imx8mm-var-som-m4.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI, for SD, eMMC, WIFI and LVDS display configuration and m4 support.
fsl-imx8mm-var-som-rev10.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI Rev 1.0 , for SD, eMMC, WIFI and LVDS display configuration and m4 support.

The resulted images are located in ~/debian_am62x_var_som/output/.

Image name
How to use
rootfs.tar.gz Root filesystem tarball used for installation on SD card and eMMC
Image.gz Linux kernel image
imx-boot-sd.bin U-Boot built for SD card and eMMC
fw_printenv U-Boot env tools for SD card and eMMC
Folder Name
kernel-headers kernel headers folder for package creation
Device Tree name
imx8mm-var-dart.dtb Device tree blob for SD, eMMC, WIFI and LVDS display configuration.
imx8mm-var-som.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI, for SD, eMMC, WIFI and LVDS display configuration.
imx8mm-var-som-rev10.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI Rev 1.0 , for SD, eMMC, WIFI and LVDS display configuration.
imx8mm-var-dart-m4.dtb Device tree blob for SD, eMMC, WIFI and LVDS display configuration and m4 support.
imx8mm-var-som-m4.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI, for SD, eMMC, WIFI and LVDS display configuration and m4 support.
imx8mm-var-som-rev10.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI Rev 1.0 , for SD, eMMC, WIFI and LVDS display configuration and m4 support.

The resulted images are located in ~/debian_am62x_var_som/output/.

Image name
How to use
rootfs.tar.gz Root filesystem tarball used for installation on SD card and eMMC
Image.gz Linux kernel image
imx-boot-sd.bin U-Boot built for SD card and eMMC
fw_printenv U-Boot env tools for SD card and eMMC
Folder Name
kernel-headers kernel headers folder for package creation
Device Tree name
mx8mm-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard.dtb Device tree blob for DART-MX8M-MINI on DT8MCustomBoard V2.x
imx8mm-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4.dtb Device tree blob for DART-MX8M-MINI with Cortex-M4 on DT8MCustomBoard V2.x
imx8mm-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy.dtb Device tree blob for DART-MX8M-MINI on DT8MCustomBoard V1.x
imx8mm-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4.dtb Device tree blob for DART-MX8M-MINI with Cortex-M4 on DT8MCustomBoard V1.x
imx8mm-var-som-symphony.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI on Symphony-Board V1.4A and above
imx8mm-var-som-symphony-m4.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI with Cortex-M4 on Symphony-Board V1.4A and above
imx8mm-var-som-symphony-legacy.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI on Symphony-Board V1.4 and below
imx8mm-var-som-symphony-legacy-m4.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI with Cortex-M4 on Symphony-Board V1.4 and below


Build Results

The resulted images are located in ~/debian_am62x_var_som/output/.

Image name
How to use
rootfs.tar.gz Root filesystem tarball used for installation on SD card and eMMC
Image.gz Linux kernel image
imx-boot-sd.bin U-Boot built for SD card and eMMC
Device Tree name
imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard.dtb Device tree blob for DART-MX8M-PLUS on DT8MCustomBoard V2.x
imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy.dtb Device tree blob for DART-MX8M-PLUS on DT8MCustomBoard V1.x
imx8mp-var-dart-symphony.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS on Symphony-Board
imx8mp-var-dart-symphony-2nd-ov5640.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS on Symphony-Board with a 2nd OV5640 camera

Build Results

The resulted images are located in ~/debian_am62x_var_som/output/.

Image name
How to use
rootfs.tar.gz Root filesystem tarball used for installation on SD card and eMMC
Image.gz Linux kernel image
imx-boot-sd.bin U-Boot built for SD card and eMMC
Device Tree name
imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard.dtb Device tree blob for DART-MX8M-PLUS on DT8MCustomBoard V2.x
imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy.dtb Device tree blob for DART-MX8M-PLUS on DT8MCustomBoard V1.x
imx8mp-var-dart-symphony.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS on Symphony-Board
imx8mp-var-dart-symphony-2nd-ov5640.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS on Symphony-Board with a 2nd OV5640 camera
imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m7.dtb Device tree blob for DART-MX8M-PLUS with Cortex-M7 on DT8MCustomBoard V2.x
imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m7.dtb Device tree blob for DART-MX8M-PLUS with Cortex-M7 on DT8MCustomBoard V1.x
imx8mp-var-dart-symphony-m7.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS with Cortex-M7 on Symphony-Board
imx8mp-var-dart-symphony-2nd-ov5640-m7.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS with Cortex-M7 on Symphony-Board with a 2nd OV5640 camera


Build Results

The resulted images are located in ~/debian_am62x_var_som/output/.

Image name
How to use
rootfs.tar.gz Root filesystem tarball used for installation on SD card and eMMC
Image.gz Linux kernel image
imx-boot-sd.bin U-Boot built for SD card and eMMC
Device Tree name
fsl-imx8qxp-var-som-wifi.dtb Device tree blob for eMMC, WIFI and LVDS display configuration.
fsl-imx8qxp-var-som-sd.dtb Device tree blob for SD, eMMC and LVDS display configuration.

The resulted images are located in ~/debian_am62x_var_som/output/.

Image name
How to use
rootfs.tar.gz Root filesystem tarball used for installation on SD card and eMMC
Image.gz Linux kernel image
imx-boot-sd.bin U-Boot built for SD card and eMMC
imx-boot-sd-b0.bin U-Boot built for Soc Rev B0 SD card and eMMC
Device Tree name
fsl-imx8qxp-var-som-wifi.dtb Device tree blob for eMMC, WIFI and LVDS display configuration.
fsl-imx8qxp-var-som-sd.dtb Device tree blob for SD, eMMC and LVDS display configuration.

The resulted images are located in ~/debian_am62x_var_som/output/.

Image name
How to use
rootfs.tar.gz Root filesystem tarball used for installation on SD card and eMMC
Image.gz Linux kernel image
imx-boot-sd.bin U-Boot built for SD card and eMMC
imx-boot-sd-b0.bin U-Boot built for Soc Rev B0 SD card and eMMC
Device Tree name
imx8qxp-var-som-symphony-wifi.dtb Device tree blob for eMMC, WIFI and LVDS display configuration.
imx8qxp-var-som-symphony-sd.dtb Device tree blob for SD, eMMC and LVDS display configuration.
imx8qxp-var-som-symphony-wifi-m4.dtb Device tree blob for eMMC, WIFI, LVDS display and M4 configuration.
imx8qxp-var-som-symphony-sd-m4.dtb Device tree blob for SD, eMMC, LVDS display and M4 configuration.


Build Results

The resulted images are located in ~/debian_am62x_var_som/output/.

Image name
How to use
rootfs.tar.gz Root filesystem tarball used for installation on SD card and eMMC
Image.gz Linux kernel image
imx-boot-sd.bin U-Boot built for SD card and eMMC
Device Tree name
imx8qm-var-som-dp.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8 with DP display
imx8qm-var-som-hdmi.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8 with HDMI display
imx8qm-var-som-lvds.dtb Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8 with LVDS display
imx8qm-var-spear-dp.dtb Device tree blob for SPEAR-MX8 with DP display
imx8qm-var-spear-hdmi.dtb Device tree blob for SPEAR-MX8 with HDMI display
imx8qm-var-spear-lvds.dtb Device tree blob for SPEAR-MX8 with LVDS display


Build Results

The resulted images are located in ~/debian_am62x_var_som/output/.

Image name
How to use
rootfs.tar.gz Root filesystem tarball used for installation on SD card and eMMC
Image.gz Linux kernel image
imx-boot-sd.bin U-Boot built for SD card and eMMC
Device Tree name
fsl-imx8mn-var-som.dtb Device tree blob for SD, eMMC, WIFI and LVDS display configuration.
fsl-imx8mn-var-som-rev10.dtb Device tree blob for SD, eMMC, WIFI and LVDS display configuration rev 1.0.
fsl-imx8mn-var-som-m7.dtb Device tree blob for M7, SD, eMMC, WIFI and LVDS display configuration.
fsl-imx8mn-var-som-rev10-m7.dtb Device tree blob for M7, SD, eMMC, WIFI and LVDS display configuration rev 1.0.

The resulted images are located in ~/debian_am62x_var_som/output/.

Image name
How to use
rootfs.tar.gz Root filesystem tarball used for installation on SD card and eMMC
Image.gz Linux kernel image
imx-boot-sd.bin U-Boot built for SD card and eMMC
kernel-headers kernel headers folder for package creation
Device Tree name
imx8mn-var-som-symphony.dtb Device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI on Symphony-Board V1.4A and above
imx8mn-var-som-symphony-m7.dtb Device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI with Cortex-M7 on Symphony-Board V1.4A and above
imx8mn-var-som-symphony-legacy.dtb Device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI on Symphony-Board V1.4 and below
imx8mn-var-som-symphony-legacy-m7.dtb Device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI with Cortex-M7 on Symphony-Board V1.4 and below


Build Results

The resulted images are located in ~/debian_am62x_var_som/output/.

Image name
How to use
rootfs.tar.gz Root filesystem tarball used for installation on SD card and eMMC
Image.gz Linux kernel image
imx-boot-sd.bin U-Boot built for SD card and eMMC
Device Tree name
imx93-var-som-symphony.dtb Device tree for VAR-SOM-MX93 on Symphony-Board

Image Name
How to use
var-default-image-am62x-var-som.img.zst This image is for SD card boot.
It can be flashed as-is on an SD card that can then be used to boot your system,
according to the relevant startup-guide of your product
(usually requires to press the boot select button, or toggle a DIP switch).
For detailed information refer to the Create a bootable SD card section below.
var-default-image-am62x-var-som.tar.gz Tarball with rootfs files.
Can be used to create an NFS root file system on the host.
See the Yocto Setup TFTP/NFS section for more info.
Also used to create our extended SD card.
See the Create a bootable SD card section below.
Image Linux kernel image, same binary for SD card and eMMC.
U-Boot built for SD card boot or eMMC boot.
File Name
imx93-var-som-symphony.dtb Device tree for VAR-SOM-MX93 on Symphony-Board
imx93-var-som-symphony-ld.dtb Device tree for VAR-SOM-MX93 with Low Drive mode on Symphony-Board
imx93-var-som-wbe-symphony.dtb Device tree for VAR-SOM-MX93 with WBE support on Symphony-Board
imx93-var-som-wbe-symphony-ld.dtb Device tree for VAR-SOM-MX93 with Low Drive mode, and WBE support on Symphony-Board
imx93-var-som-symphony-m33.dtb Device tree for VAR-SOM-MX93 with Cortex-M33 on Symphony-Board
imx93-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard.dtb Device tree for DART-MX93 on DT8MCustomBoard
imx93-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard.dtb Device tree for DART-MX93 with Low Drive mode, and WBE support on DT8MCustomBoard

SD card image file tree

└── Debian
    ├── imx-boot-sd.bin
    └── rootfs.tar.gz

Release Notes

Based on release Debian: Bookworm 12.1, Linux Kernel: TI ti-linux-5.10.y
Release git
Release branch debian_bookworm_var01
Release tag am62-debian-bookworm-5.10.168_08.06.00.42-v1.0
Date 09/15/2023
Supported platforms VAR-SOM-AM62
SOM revision v1.0 and higher
Embedded Linux Distribution Debian Bookworm
Recovery SD card link am62-debian-bookworm-5.10.168_08.06.00.42-v1.0.img.zst
Recovery SD card SHA256 33127e849cc7d66dd3bf96eaa3f1acfd0a09c0bb12ea0081cbadfd9930bf8985

Relevant git Repositories

Source Repository Branch Commit ID
U-Boot ti-u-boot-2021.01_var01 de651a1b9a229735a841f8bb1774718c7fcf9752
Kernel ti-linux-5.10.y_var01 dd3008efa2ad7ea806c4b9c2fb6ff464ea526eea

Platform Customizations























The script file is located at /usr/sbin/