VAR-SOM-AM62 Release Notes

From Variscite Wiki

VAR-SOM-AM62 Release Notes

Android am62-android-14_09.02.00-v1.0

Release Notes

Based on release Google: android-14.0.0_r19 TI BSP: Android 14-09.02.00
Release tag am62-android-14_09.02.00-v1.0
Release date 05/24/2024
Supported platforms VAR-SOM-AM62
SOM revision v1.0 and higher
Variscite BSP git
Variscite BSP branch android14-release-var01
Kernel git
Kernel branch ti-android-linux-6.1.y_09.02.00.009_var01
U-Boot git
U-Boot branch ti-u-boot-2023.04_android_09.02.00.009_var01
File System build system Android
Recovery SD card link am62__yocto-kirkstone-6.1.83_09.02.01.10-v1.0__android-14_09.02.00-v1.0.wic.zst
Recovery SD card SHA256 c452983b83178b3c1c6b83d7cb7c7a9ee5bf345a1bdc5b87e169c4baf501b24e
Cortex R5 firmwareipc_echo_testb_mcu1_0_release_strip.xer5f
Cortex R5 firmware MD57da122a334775d6b40a1cabedd8b39a3

After downloading the image, visit our Recovery SD card guide to learn how to program a recovery SD card.

Note: For SOMs that have the GP Variant of the SOC (shipped before July 18, 2023), the boot partition on SD card and eMMC must be manually updated. See: AM62 GP SOC Migration

Change Log

Change List Description
Release 1.0
Initial release based on TI's android-14 09.02.00 for the AM62
Known Issues
Camera app in video mode breaks TI Internal Team is investigating this on SK-AM62.
The brightness regulation from GUI does not work. TI Internal Team is investigating this on SK-AM62.
Suspend / Resume fails with the error: (CPU1/2/3: failed to come online) TI Internal Team is investigating this on SK-AM62.
Hardware Requirements
At least 2 GB of RAM For a nice user-experience running Android 14 release, minimum 2GB of RAM is strongly suggested.
Lower RAM size may lead to unexpected behaviors due to lack of memory resources.