VAR-SOM-AM62 Release Notes

From Variscite Wiki

VAR-SOM-AM62 Release Notes

Android am62-android-13_09.00.00-v1.0

Release Notes

Based on release Google: android-13.0.0_r62 TI BSP: Android 13-09.00.00
Release tag am62-android-13_09.00.00-v1.0
Release date 12/28/2023
Supported platforms VAR-SOM-AM62
SOM revision v1.0 and higher
Variscite BSP git
Variscite BSP branch android13-release-var01
Kernel git
Kernel branch ti-android-linux-6.1.y_var01
U-Boot git
U-Boot branch ti-u-boot-2023.04_var02
File System build system Android
Recovery SD card link am62__yocto-dunfell-5.10.168_08.06.00.42-v1.4__android-13_09.00.00-v1.0.wic.zst
Recovery SD card SHA256 ee99bb308024921f925b12ec84686b7a5729d878c1a24ed83dd95e11b716b383

After downloading the image, visit our Recovery SD card guide to learn how to program a recovery SD card.

Note: For SOMs that have the GP Variant of the SOC (shipped before July 18, 2023), the boot partition on SD card and eMMC must be manually updated. See: AM62 GP SOC Migration

Change Log

Change List Description
Release 1.0
Initial release based on TI's android-13 09.00.00 for the AM62 Note: this release LPM mode
Known Issues
eth0 is not working It will be fixed in the near future
WiFi P2P mode is not supported
Reboot sometimes results in an exception
Mcasp: Buffer underflow console messages seen TI issue SITSW-1387
AM62x: Android: LPM Not functional TI issue SITSW-2774
Some commands don't work from native console, but works via adb shell TI issue SITSW-1386
OTA update requires 'setenforce 0' to be able to successfully apply OTA update.