AM62 GP SOC Migration

From Variscite Wiki
VAR-SOM-AM62 GP SOC Migration


Variscite's VAR-SOM-AM62 System on Module (SOM) is based on the Texas Instruments AM62 System on Chip (SoC). This SoC has two variants: a non-secure variant (GP) and a secure variant (HS). Moving forward, Variscite is shipping only secure variants of the SoC, and as shown in the table below, the default Yocto image will now support the secure variant.

Customers who received one of the early evaluation kits from Variscite with the GP SOC can follow the steps of this guide to boot Yocto am62-yocto-dunfell-5.10.168_08.06.00.42-v1.2 and newer on the GP SOC.

Yocto Version SoC Compatibility
am62-yocto-dunfell-5.10.168_08.06.00.42-v1.0 and newer Non-Secure (GP)
am62-yocto-dunfell-5.10.168_08.06.00.42-v1.1 and newer Non-Secure (GP)
am62-yocto-dunfell-5.10.168_08.06.00.42-v1.2 and newer Secure (HS) and Non-Secure (GP) with manual migration

For more information, see the following from TI:


The migration steps below assume you have followed Yocto Build Release to build and program a recovery SD card.

Migrating SD Card to GP SoC

After building a recovery SD card, replace the 'tiboot3.bin' with the GP variant 'tiboot3-am62x-gp-evm.bin' on the boot partition. The process is outlined as follows:

Mount the SD card on your system:

$ sudo mkdir sdcard; mount /dev/<deviceid>1 sdcard

(Replace /dev/<deviceid> with your actual device)

Overwrite 'tiboot3.bin' with the GP variant:

$ sudo cp sdcard/tiboot3-am62x-gp-evm.bin sdcard/tiboot3.bin

Safely unmount the SD card:

$ sudo umount sdcard

Migrating eMMC to GP SoC

The process of migrating the eMMC to support the GP SoC variant is very similar to that of the SD card. Here are the steps to do it:

Boot the recovery SD card and install Yocto to eMMC


Mount the SD card on your system

root@am62x-var-som:~# mkdir sdcard; mount /dev/mmcblk1p1 sdcard

Mount the eMMC on your system:

root@am62x-var-som:~# mkdir emmc; mount /dev/mmcblk0p1 emmc

Overwrite 'tiboot3.bin' with the GP variant:

root@am62x-var-som:~# cp sdcard/tiboot3-am62x-gp-evm.bin emmc/tiboot3.bin

Safely unmount the eMMC and SD card:

root@am62x-var-som:~# umount emmc sdcard