VAR-SOM-MX6 Yocto Krogoth Build Linux out of tree
Toolchain installation for out of Yocto builds
As an example of X11 build, Build the toolchain by:
$ cd ~/var-imx-yocto-krogoth $ MACHINE=var-som-mx6 DISTRO=fsl-imx-x11 source -b build_x11 $ bitbake meta-ide-support $ bitbake meta-toolchain
The output will be located at tmp/deploy/sdk/. On a 64 bit Ubuntu you will get:
Install the tools by running:
$ tmp/deploy/sdk/
Reply to all defaults 'y'
The toolchain name depend on your build machine and may change.
Build Linux out of Yocto tree
Get the Linux source code:
$ cd ~/var-imx-yocto-jethro $ git clone -b imx-rel_imx_4.1.15_2.0.0_ga-var01
Build the Linux kernel:
$ source /opt/fsl-imx-x11/4.1.15-2.0.1/environment-setup-cortexa9hf-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi
$ cd ~/var-imx-yocto-jethro/linux-2.6-imx/ $ make mrproper $ make imx_v7_var_defconfig Build uImage and modules: $ make -j4 LOADADDR=0x10008000 uImage $ make -j4 LOADADDR=0x10008000 modules Build all device trees: $ make -j4 dtbs or Build device tree for a specific device: Build the device tree for Dualite/Solo on VAR-MX6CustomBoard with capacitive touchscreen: $ make -j4 imx6dl-var-som-cap.dtb Build the device tree for Dualite/Solo on VAR-MX6CustomBoard with resistive touchscreen: $ make -j4 imx6dl-var-som-res.dtb Build the device tree for Dualite/Solo on VAR-SOLOCustomBoard: $ make -j4 imx6dl-var-som-vsc.dtb Build the device tree for Quad/Dual on VAR-MX6CustomBoard with capacitive touchscreen: $ make -j4 imx6q-var-som-cap.dtb Build the device tree for Quad/Dual on VAR-MX6CustomBoard with resistive touchscreen: $ make -j4 imx6q-var-som-res.dtb Build the device tree for Quad/Dual on VAR-SOLOCustomBoard: $ make -j4 imx6q-var-som-vsc.dtb Build the device tree for VAR-SOM-SOLO on VAR-MX6CustomBoard with capacitive touchscreen: $ make -j4 imx6dl-var-som-solo-cap.dtb Build the device tree for VAR-SOM-SOLO on VAR-MX6CustomBoard with resistive touchscreen: $ make -j4 imx6dl-var-som-solo-res.dtb Build the device tree for VAR-SOM-SOLO on VAR-SOLOCustomBoard: $ make -j4 imx6dl-var-som-solo-vsc.dtb Build the device tree for DART-MX6: $ make -j4 imx6q-var-dart.dtb
- If you replace the kernel image (uImage) on your system, you also need to reinstall the kernel modules, and vice versa.
- If you just want to make a change in the device tree, you can compile and replace it without replacing the kernel image and modules.
Install the built kernel on an SD card
Copy the uImage and device trees to the SD card boot partition, and install the modules in the SD card rootfs partition.
Assuming the boot partition is mounted on /media/BOOT-VARSOM and the rootfs partition is mounted on /media/rootfs/:
Install the kernel image and modules: $ cp arch/arm/boot/uImage /media/BOOT-VARSOM $ sudo make ARCH=arm modules_install INSTALL_MOD_PATH=/media/rootfs/ Install the device trees: $ cp arch/arm/boot/dts/*var*.dtb /media/BOOT-VARSOM
If you are using our Recovery SD card, and you want the NAND flash/eMMC installation to update as well as the SD card boot itself, you need to also update the /opt/images/Yocto directory.