Manipulating a single GPIO via /sys/class/gpio
Using a command line or a script
GPIOs in i.MX are grouped in groups of 32 pins.
For example, GPIO0_3 belongs to the first group, pin 3. Its absolute number will be 3.
GPIO4_21 will be 4*32+21=149.
Assuming this GPIO is defined in your device tree, the following is an example of how to use it from userspace.
To export the GPIO for userspace use:
# echo 149 > /sys/class/gpio/export
To configure as output:
# echo out > /sys/class/gpio/gpio149/direction
Set GPIO high:
# echo 1 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio149/value
Set GPIO low:
# echo 0 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio149/value
To configure as input:
# echo in > /sys/class/gpio/gpio149/direction
Read the current value:
# cat /sys/class/gpio/gpio149/value
To free the GPIO after you're done using it:
# echo 149 > /sys/class/gpio/unexport
Using a C application
All of the command line operations above can be translated to C code:
Reserve (export) the GPIO:
#define IMX_GPIO_NR(port, index) ((port)*32)+((index)&31)) int fd; char buf[MAX_BUF]; int gpio = IMX_GPIO_NR(4, 21); /* Just an example */ fd = open("/sys/class/gpio/export", O_WRONLY); sprintf(buf, "%d", gpio); write(fd, buf, strlen(buf)); close(fd);
Set the GPIO direction:
sprintf(buf, "/sys/class/gpio/gpio%d/direction", gpio); fd = open(buf, O_WRONLY); /* Set out direction */ write(fd, "out", 3); /* Set in direction */ write(fd, "in", 2); close(fd);
In case of out direction set the GPIO value:
sprintf(buf, "/sys/class/gpio/gpio%d/value", gpio); fd = open(buf, O_WRONLY); /* Set GPIO high status */ write(fd, "1", 1); /* Set GPIO low status */ write(fd, "0", 1); close(fd);
In case of in direction get the current GPIO value:
char value; sprintf(buf, "/sys/class/gpio/gpio%d/value", gpio); fd = open(buf, O_RDONLY); read(fd, &value, 1); if (value == '0') { /* Current GPIO status low */ } else { /* Current GPIO status high */ } close(fd);
Once finished, free (unexport) the GPIO:
fd = open("/sys/class/gpio/unexport", O_WRONLY); sprintf(buf, "%d", gpio); write(fd, buf, strlen(buf)); close(fd);
Important notes:
- Remember that after the first read operation, the file pointer will move to the next position in the file, so to get a correct value for each read operation you simply have to set the file pointer at the beginning of the file before reading by using the following command:
lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
- This is only a short example. If you want to use it in your code, remember to add error handling to it.