VAR-SOM-AM33 Linux SDK 7 installing graphics SDK

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Revision as of 12:15, 11 June 2014 by Admin (talk | contribs)

About Graphics SDK

TI Linux Graphics SDK is a single stop solution to get graphics drivers and OpenGLES1.1,2.0 and OpenVG demos running on all TI platforms.

Build and install instructions

This section describes how to build and install Graphics SDK demos for a specific device.

Components that require installation onto the target

Kernel Modules

omaplfb, pvrsrvkm, and bufferclass_ti are the modules that need to be inserted at runtime. omaplfb is responsible for interfacing to the platform specific FrameBuffer driver. pvrsrvkm is responsible for interfacing the user-side PVR services layer. Bufferclass_ti is responsible for enabling a proprietary extension that allows streaming playback through SGX.

Graphics SDK - examples, headers

This component allows users to build Graphics applications using the provided binaries. GLES11/2.0/VG headers are provided by this component.

Install steps

Graphics SDK installer supports both typical(complete) and custom installation.
Install the graphics SDK by running the Graphics SDK installer(.bin) on the linux PC as -

cd ~/ti-sdk-am335x-evm-
  • In GUI mode, installation is intuitive. Follow the instructions shown on screen and complete the installation. This will install the complete graphics SDK package by default.
  • Choose --es8.x option and sdk for var-som-am33 when prompt
  • install into /home/<user>/Graphics_SDK_5_01_01_01

Modify Rules.make

Download sample Rules.make from
Modify the home root directory


################# FIELDS MODIFIABLE BY THE USER ###############################
############### All the fields below are MANDATORY ############################

#By default all below variables have been initialized with equivalent AMSDK variables
# Change them to appropriate paths as per your machine/build environment paths.
# Set home area (ex /home/user/)


Make command line usage

cd ~/Graphics_SDK_5_01_01_01
make BUILD=release OMAPES=8.x all - This command will build the complete graphics SDK for AM335x

after build is complete:

make BUILD=release OMAPES=8.x install - This command will install the complete graphics SDK to target file system as mentioned in Rules.make.