VAR-SOM-AM33 Linux SDK 7

From Variscite Wiki
VAR-SOM-AM33 SDK 7.0 User's Guide

About this Manual

This document describes how to install Variscite's Linux Support Package (LSP) for the VAR-SOM-AM33 based on TI's SDK 7.0

This LSP provides a fundamental software platform for development, deployment and execution on VAR-SOM-AM33. It abstracts the functionality provided by the hardware.

In this context, the document contains instructions to:

  • Install the release on a developmant machine.
  • Build the sources included in this release.
  • Instaling the binaries on the VAR-SOM-AM33.
  • Booting the VAR-SOM-AM33.



Before starting the installation of the package, make sure below system requirements are met:

  • Host machine running a version of Windows OS such as Windows XP / 7 or a Linux such as Ubuntu.
  • VAR-SOM-AM33 Evaluation Kit + sources and binaries. Please refer to for obtaining FTP credentials.

The Linux host is used for the following:

  • Recompiling U-Boot / kernel.
  • Hosting the NFS server to boot the EVM with NFS as root filesystem.

Either of Windows or Linux host can be used for:

  • Hosting the TFTP server required for downloading the kernel and file-system images from U-Boot using Ethernet.
  • Running a serial console terminal application

Install LSP packages

Variscite's LSP is based on TI's SDK 7.0 release. Follow TI's SDK installation guide step by step. After completing the initial SDK installation, patch the kernel and u-boot with supplied patches from FTP /VAR-SOM-AM33/Software/Linux/SDK_7_0_v30_beta and continue the process.

Patch kernel:

cd /home/user/ti-sdk-am335x-evm-
git apply kernel.patch

Patch uboot:

git apply u-boot.patch

Compile u-boot:

cd <sdk install dir>
make u-boot

Compile linux:

make linux
  • Extract pre-built file system:
  • Install kernel modules to filesystem folder (targetNFS) :
make linux_install

Create bootable SD-Card


NAND Recovery

As an easy and fast way to recover the VAR-SOM-AM33 NAND flash, Variscite provides a recovery SD card image that can be used to install the pre-built Linux and Android systems.
This SD card image includes a script ( that installs all the boot images and root file-system.

Preparing rescue SD-Card

  • Plug your SD card to your Linux machine, run dmesg and see what device is added (i.e. /dev/sdX)
  • gunzip am33-som-nand-recovery-sd_SDK_7_0_v30.img.gz
  • dd if=am33-som-nand-recovery-sd_SDK_7_0_v30.img of=/dev/sdX bs=128k

Recover Nand Flash

  • Insert the SD-card into the SD/MMC slot of the custom board
  • Press and hold the boot select switch while powering ON the board
  • Login as root (no password)
  • From Linux command line, type: "". (This will install Linux on the NAND)
  • Unplug the SD card and reboot

NAND recovery script usage:

usage: /sbin/ options

This script install Linux/Android binaries in VAR-SOM-AM33 NAND.

  -h Show this message
  -o <Linux|Android> OS type (defualt: Linux).

Reference Documentation