Docker Guide

From Variscite Wiki

Docker Introduction

<> Docker is an application that simplifies the process of managing application processes in containers.
Containers let you run your applications in resource-isolated processes. They’re similar to virtual machines, but containers
are more portable, more resource-friendly, and more dependent on the host operating system.

For a detailed introduction to the different components of a Docker container, check out The Docker Ecosystem: An Introduction to
Common Components.

You can check SWUpdate's online documentation at:
This Introduction was taken from the SWUpdate at:

Yocto Integration


Before you begin, get familiar with the Varicite Yocto Build Release guide.

Variscite provides the following image recipes:

  • var-image-docker - Based on fsl-image-core with the following differences:
    • xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Create a Docker-ready Image

  • Follow steps 1-3 of the Yocto Build Release page.
  • Build a recovery SD card and the var-image-swupdate image as the recovery image
$ cd 
$ bitbake var-image-docker (for the rootfs to be installed on the eMMC)

Generate a Field Update file (.swu image)

  • Make your changes in
  • Edit the sw-description file
  • Generate .swu file:
$ bitbake var-image-swu

Test SWUpdate

  • Get the target's IP address using ifconfig
  • Open a web browser on the host and connect to the SWUpdate web server on the target by entering the following in the address bar:
  • On the web page, click "Browse..." and open the .swu image which is located at tmp/deploy/images//var-image-swu-.swu