Yocto Build Release
Installing required packages
Follow the link below and install all required packages on your machine.
Please make sure you host PC is running Ubuntu 16.04 64-bit and install the following packages:
sudo apt-get install gawk wget git-core diffstat unzip texinfo gcc-multilib build-essential chrpath socat libsdl1.2-dev sudo apt-get install autoconf libtool libglib2.0-dev libarchive-dev sudo apt-get install python-git xterm sed cvs subversion coreutils texi2html sudo apt-get install docbook-utils python-pysqlite2 help2man make gcc g++ desktop-file-utils libgl1-mesa-dev sudo apt-get install libglu1-mesa-dev mercurial automake groff curl lzop asciidoc u-boot-tools dos2unix mtd-utils sudo apt-get install pv
Download Yocto Morty based on Freescale Community BSP
$ git config --global user.name "Your Name" $ git config --global user.email "Your Email" $ mkdir ~/bin (this step may not be needed if the bin folder already exists) $ curl http://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/git-repo-downloads/repo > ~/bin/repo $ chmod a+x ~/bin/repo $ export PATH=~/bin:$PATH
$ mkdir $ cd $ repo init -u -b $ repo sync -j4
Setup and build Yocto
Supported images
The following images are provided by Variscite for evaluation purpose
- fsl-image-gui: Default Variscite demo image with a GUI without any QT content. This image recipe works on all backends for X11,DirectFB, Frame Buffer and Wayland and the content is limited to fit 512MB NAND.
- fsl-image-qt5: Extends fsl-image-gui image with QT5.7.1 support and various QT samples for X11, Frame Buffer and Wayland backends
The following images are provided by FSL Community BSP:
- fsl-image-machine-test: A console-only image that includes gstreamer packages, Freescale’s multimedia packages (VPU and GPU), and test and benchmark applications.
- fsl-image-mfgtool-initramfs: Small image to be used with Manufacturing Tool (mfg-tool) in a production environment.
- fsl-image-multimedia/fsl-image-multimedia-full: A console-only image that includes gstreamer packages and Freescale’s multimedia packages (VPU and GPU)
See the list of Yocto Project’s reference images in Yocto Project Reference Manual
Supported distros
The following distros can be used:
- fslc-x11: Distro for X11 without wayland. This distro include x11 feature and doesn’ has wayland support.
- fslc-framebuffer: Distro for Framebuffer graphical backend. This distro doesn’t include x11 and wayland features.
- fslc-wayland: Distro for Wayland without X11. This distro include wayland feature but doesn’t has x11 support.
- fslc-xwayland: Distro for Wayland with X11. This distro include both wayland and x11 features.
Note: Also standard Poky distros can be used
Build X11 GUI demo image
Optional steps: local.conf customization
launch bitbake:
Without Qt content: $ bitbake fsl-image-gui Or with Qt content: $ bitbake fsl-image-qt5
Build console-only demo image
Optional steps: local.conf customization
Without Qt content: $ bitbake fsl-image-gui Or with Qt content: $ bitbake fsl-image-qt5
local.conf customization
Change the downloads directory
Create a /opt/yocto_downloads directory and set its permissions:
$ sudo mkdir /opt/yocto_downloads $ sudo chmod 777 /opt/yocto_downloads/
Direct downloads to it, by replacing 'DL_DIR ?= "${BSPDIR}/downloads/"' with 'DL_DIR = "/opt/yocto_downloads/"' in conf/local.conf:
$ sed -i 's/DL_DIR ?= "${BSPDIR}\/downloads/DL_DIR = "\/opt\/yocto_downloads/g' conf/local.conf
Add Eclipse debug and Qt creator support to your images
Append the following to the conf/local.conf file in your Yocto build directory, to add Eclipse debug and Qt creator support to your images:
EXTRA_IMAGE_FEATURES = " \ debug-tweaks \ tools-debug \ eclipse-debug \ " IMAGE_INSTALL_append = " \ tcf-agent \ openssh-sftp-server \ "
Use systemd instead of SysV init
Append the following to the conf/local.conf file in your Yocto build directory, to use systemd instead of SysV init in your images:
DISTRO_FEATURES_append = " systemd" VIRTUAL-RUNTIME_init_manager = "systemd" DISTRO_FEATURES_BACKFILL_CONSIDERED = "sysvinit" VIRTUAL-RUNTIME_initscripts = "" IMX_DEFAULT_DISTRO_FEATURES_append = " systemd"
Build Results
The resulted images are located in tmp/deploy/images/.
Image Name |
How to use |
fsl-image-gui-.sdcard | This image is for SD card boot. It can be flashed as-is on an SD card that can then be used to boot your system, according to the relevant startup-guide of your product (usually requires to press the boot select button, or toggle a DIP switch). For detailed information refer to the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
fsl-image-gui-.tar.bz2 | Tarball with rootfs files. Can be used to create an NFS root file system on the host. See the Yocto Setup TFTP/NFS section for more info. Also used to create our extended SD card. See the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
.ubi | A complete UBI image containing a UBIFS volume, for writing to NAND Flash. |
Linux kernel image, same binary for SD card or NAND Flash. | |
U-Boot built for NAND Flash. | |
U-Boot built for SD card boot or eMMC boot. | |
SPL built for SD card boot or eMMC boot. | |
SPL built for NAND Flash. |
Kirkstone 4.0
- Yocto Project Core - Kirkstone 4.0
Documentation is available from www.docs.yoctoproject.org
Hardknott 3.3
- Yocto Project Core - Hardknott 3.3
Documentation is available from www.docs.yoctoproject.org
Dunfell 3.1
- Yocto Project Core - Dunfell 3.1
Documentation is available from www.yoctoproject.org
Thud 2.6.2
- Yocto Project Core - Thud 2.6.2
Documentation is available from www.yoctoproject.org
Sumo 2.5
- Yocto Project Core - Sumo 2.5
Documentation is available from www.yoctoproject.org
Rocko 2.4.3
- Yocto Project Core - Rocko 2.4.3
Documentation is available from www.yoctoproject.org
Rocko 2.4.1
- Yocto Project Core - Rocko 2.4.1
Documentation is available from www.yoctoproject.org
Rocko 2.4
- Yocto Project Core - Rocko 2.4
Documentation is available from www.yoctoproject.org
Pyro 2.3.1
- Yocto Project Core - Pyro 2.3.1 (released on 07/21/2017)
Documentation is available from www.yoctoproject.org
Morty 2.2.1
- Yocto Project Core - Morty 2.2.1 (released on 02/24/2017)
Documentation is available from www.yoctoproject.org
- FSL Community BSP Release Notes 2.5 documentation
Documentation is available from http://freescale.github.io
- FSL Community BSP Release Notes 2.4 documentation
Documentation is available from http://freescale.github.io
- FSL Community BSP Release Notes 2.3 documentation
Documentation is available from http://freescale.github.io
- FSL Community BSP Release Notes 2.2 documentation
Documentation is available from http://freescale.github.io
FSL BSP L4.9.88_2.0.0-ga
- Kernel documentation from fsl-yocto-L4.9.88_2.0.0-ga release
Documentation is available for download from fsl-yocto-imx-4.9.88_2.0.0-docs
FSL BSP L4.9.11_1.0.0-ga
- Kernel documentation from fsl-yocto-L4.9.11_1.0.0-ga release
Documentation is available for download from fsl-yocto-imx-4.9.11_1.0.0-docs
FSL BSP L4.1.15_2.0.0-ga
- Kernel documentation from fsl-yocto-L4.1.15_2.0.0-ga release
Documentation is available for download from fsl-yocto-imx-4.1.15_2.0.0-docs
readonly PROGRAM="$1"
. /home/user/bin/var-sdk.conf
echo "Deploying to target"
# prevent "Host key verification failed"
ssh-keygen -f "${HOME}/.ssh/known_hosts" -R "${TARGET_IP}"
# delete old binary
ssh ${SSH_OPTIONS} root@${TARGET_IP} "sh -c 'rm -rf ${TARGET_DIR}/${PROGRAMNAME}'"
# send the program to the target
readonly PROGRAM="$1"
. /home/user/bin/var-sdk.conf
echo "Starting GDB Server on Target"
# kill gdbserver on target
ssh ${SSH_OPTIONS} root@${TARGET_IP} "sh -c '/usr/bin/killall -q gdbserver'"
# start gdbserver on target and fork
ssh ${SSH_OPTIONS} -t root@${TARGET_IP} "sh -c 'XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/0 gdbserver localhost:${TARGET_PORT} ${TARGET_DIR}/${PROGRAMNAME}'" &
Build Results
Image Name |
Description |
fsl-image-gui-. | This image is for SD card boot. It can be flashed as-is on an SD card that can then be used to boot your system, according to the relevant startup-guide of your product (usually requires to press the boot select button, or toggle a DIP switch). For detailed information refer to the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
fsl-image-gui-.tar.gz | Tarball with rootfs files. Can be used to create an NFS root file system on the host. See the Yocto Setup TFTP/NFS section for more info. Also used to create our extended SD card. See the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
fsl-image-gui-_128kbpeb.ubi | A complete UBI image containing a UBIFS volume, for writing to NAND flash with 128KiB PEB. |
fsl-image-gui-_256kbpeb.ubi | A complete UBI image containing a UBIFS volume, for writing to NAND flash with 256KiB PEB. |
Linux kernel image, same binary for SD card/eMMC or NAND flash. | |
SPL built for SD card boot or eMMC boot. | |
SPL built for NAND flash. | |
U-Boot built for SD card boot or eMMC boot. | |
U-Boot built for NAND flash. |
Device Tree Name |
SOM type |
Carrier Board type |
LCD Type |
Evaluation Kit name |
uImage-imx6q-var-som-cap.dtb | VAR-SOM-MX6_V2 (Quad / Dual) | VAR-MX6CustomBoard | Capacitive touch | VAR-DVK-MX6_V2-PRO VAR-STK-MX6_V2 |
uImage-imx6q-var-som-res.dtb | VAR-SOM-MX6_V2 (Quad / Dual) | VAR-MX6CustomBoard | Resistive touch | VAR-DVK-MX6_V2-PRO VAR-STK-MX6_V2 |
uImage-imx6q-var-som-vsc.dtb | VAR-SOM-MX6_V2 (Quad / Dual) | VAR-SOLOCustomBoard | Capacitive LVDS touch | N/A |
uImage-imx6dl-var-som-cap.dtb | VAR-SOM-MX6_V2 (DualLite / Solo) | VAR-MX6CustomBoard | Capacitive touch | N/A |
uImage-imx6dl-var-som-res.dtb | VAR-SOM-MX6_V2 (DualLite / Solo) | VAR-MX6CustomBoard | Resistive touch | N/A |
uImage-imx6dl-var-som-vsc.dtb | VAR-SOM-MX6_V2 (DualLite / Solo) | VAR-SOLOCustomBoard | Capacitive LVDS touch | N/A |
uImage-imx6qp-var-som-cap.dtb | VAR-SOM-MX6_V2 (QuadPlus / DualPlus) | VAR-MX6CustomBoard | Capacitive touch | N/A |
uImage-imx6qp-var-som-res.dtb | VAR-SOM-MX6_V2 (QuadPlus / DualPlus) | VAR-MX6CustomBoard | Resistive touch | N/A |
uImage-imx6qp-var-som-vsc.dtb | VAR-SOM-MX6_V2 (QuadPlus / DualPlus) | VAR-SOLOCustomBoard | Capacitive LVDS touch | N/A |
uImage-imx6dl-var-som-solo-cap.dtb | VAR-SOM-SOLO / VAR-SOM-DUAL | VAR-MX6CustomBoard | Capacitive touch | N/A |
uImage-imx6dl-var-som-solo-res.dtb | VAR-SOM-SOLO / VAR-SOM-DUAL | VAR-MX6CustomBoard | Resistive touch | N/A |
uImage-imx6dl-var-som-solo-vsc.dtb | VAR-SOM-SOLO / VAR-SOM-DUAL | VAR-SOLOCustomBoard | Capacitive LVDS touch | VAR-DVK-SOLO/DUAL VAR-STK-SOLO/DUAL |
uImage-imx6q-var-dart.dtb | DART-MX6 | VAR-DT6CustomBoard | Capacitive LVDS touch | VAR-DVK-DT6 VAR-STK-DT6 |
Device trees
Build individual device trees: Build the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX6 Dualite/Solo on VAR-MX6CustomBoard with capacitive touchscreen: $ make -j4 imx6dl-var-som-cap.dtb Build the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX6 Dualite/Solo on VAR-MX6CustomBoard with resistive touchscreen: $ make -j4 imx6dl-var-som-res.dtb Build the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX6 Dualite/Solo on VAR-SOLOCustomBoard: $ make -j4 imx6dl-var-som-vsc.dtb Build the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX6 Quad/Dual on VAR-MX6CustomBoard with capacitive touchscreen: $ make -j4 imx6q-var-som-cap.dtb Build the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX6 Quad/Dual on VAR-MX6CustomBoard with resistive touchscreen: $ make -j4 imx6q-var-som-res.dtb Build the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX6 Quad/Dual on VAR-SOLOCustomBoard: $ make -j4 imx6q-var-som-vsc.dtb Build the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX6 QuadPlus/DualPlus on VAR-MX6CustomBoard with capacitive touchscreen: $ make -j4 imx6qp-var-som-cap.dtb Build the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX6 QuadPlus/DualPlus on VAR-MX6CustomBoard with resistive touchscreen: $ make -j4 imx6qp-var-som-res.dtb Build the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX6 QuadPlus/DualPlus on VAR-SOLOCustomBoard: $ make -j4 imx6qp-var-som-vsc.dtb Build the device tree for VAR-SOM-SOLO on VAR-MX6CustomBoard with capacitive touchscreen: $ make -j4 imx6dl-var-som-solo-cap.dtb Build the device tree for VAR-SOM-SOLO on VAR-MX6CustomBoard with resistive touchscreen: $ make -j4 imx6dl-var-som-solo-res.dtb Build the device tree for VAR-SOM-SOLO on VAR-SOLOCustomBoard: $ make -j4 imx6dl-var-som-solo-vsc.dtb Build the device tree for DART-MX6: $ make -j4 imx6q-var-dart.dtb
Device trees with Symphony-Board
Build individual device trees: Build the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX6 Dualite/Solo on VAR-MX6CustomBoard with capacitive touchscreen: $ make -j4 imx6dl-var-som-cap.dtb Build the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX6 Dualite/Solo on VAR-MX6CustomBoard with resistive touchscreen: $ make -j4 imx6dl-var-som-res.dtb Build the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX6 Dualite/Solo on Symphony-Board: $ make -j4 imx6dl-var-som-symphony.dtb Build the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX6 Dualite/Solo on VAR-SOLOCustomBoard: $ make -j4 imx6dl-var-som-vsc.dtb Build the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX6 Quad/Dual on VAR-MX6CustomBoard with capacitive touchscreen: $ make -j4 imx6q-var-som-cap.dtb Build the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX6 Quad/Dual on VAR-MX6CustomBoard with resistive touchscreen: $ make -j4 imx6q-var-som-res.dtb Build the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX6 Quad/Dual on Symphony-Board: $ make -j4 imx6q-var-som-symphony.dtb Build the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX6 Quad/Dual on VAR-SOLOCustomBoard: $ make -j4 imx6q-var-som-vsc.dtb Build the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX6 QuadPlus/DualPlus on VAR-MX6CustomBoard with capacitive touchscreen: $ make -j4 imx6qp-var-som-cap.dtb Build the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX6 QuadPlus/DualPlus on VAR-MX6CustomBoard with resistive touchscreen: $ make -j4 imx6qp-var-som-res.dtb Build the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX6 QuadPlus/DualPlus on Symphony-Board: $ make -j4 imx6qp-var-som-symphony.dtb Build the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX6 QuadPlus/DualPlus on VAR-SOLOCustomBoard: $ make -j4 imx6qp-var-som-vsc.dtb Build the device tree for VAR-SOM-SOLO on VAR-MX6CustomBoard with capacitive touchscreen: $ make -j4 imx6dl-var-som-solo-cap.dtb Build the device tree for VAR-SOM-SOLO on VAR-MX6CustomBoard with resistive touchscreen: $ make -j4 imx6dl-var-som-solo-res.dtb Build the device tree for VAR-SOM-SOLO on VAR-SOLOCustomBoard: $ make -j4 imx6dl-var-som-solo-vsc.dtb Build the device tree for VAR-SOM-SOLO on Symphony-Board: $ make -j4 imx6dl-var-som-solo-symphony.dtb Build the device tree for DART-MX6: $ make -j4 imx6q-var-dart.dtb
SD card image file tree
/opt/images/ └── Yocto ├── SPL-nand ├── SPL-sd ├── imx6dl-var-som-cap.dtb ├── imx6dl-var-som-res.dtb ├── imx6dl-var-som-solo-cap.dtb ├── imx6dl-var-som-solo-res.dtb ├── imx6dl-var-som-solo-vsc.dtb ├── imx6dl-var-som-vsc.dtb ├── imx6q-var-dart.dtb ├── imx6q-var-som-cap.dtb ├── imx6q-var-som-res.dtb ├── imx6q-var-som-vsc.dtb ├── imx6qp-var-som-cap.dtb ├── imx6qp-var-som-res.dtb ├── imx6qp-var-som-vsc.dtb ├── rootfs.tar.gz ├── rootfs_128kbpeb.ubi ├── rootfs_256kbpeb.ubi ├── u-boot.img-nand ├── u-boot.img-sd └── uImage
SD card image file tree with Symphony-Board
/opt/images/ └── Yocto ├── SPL-nand ├── SPL-sd ├── imx6dl-var-som-cap.dtb ├── imx6dl-var-som-res.dtb ├── imx6dl-var-som-solo-cap.dtb ├── imx6dl-var-som-solo-res.dtb ├── imx6dl-var-som-solo-symphony.dtb ├── imx6dl-var-som-solo-vsc.dtb ├── imx6dl-var-som-vsc.dtb ├── imx6q-var-dart.dtb ├── imx6q-var-som-cap.dtb ├── imx6q-var-som-res.dtb ├── imx6q-var-som-symphony.dtb ├── imx6q-var-som-vsc.dtb ├── imx6qp-var-som-cap.dtb ├── imx6qp-var-som-res.dtb ├── imx6qp-var-som-symphony.dtb ├── imx6qp-var-som-vsc.dtb ├── rootfs.tar.gz ├── rootfs_128kbpeb.ubi ├── rootfs_256kbpeb.ubi ├── u-boot.img-nand ├── u-boot.img-sd └── uImage
Flash Recovery SD from GUI
Flash from GUI
- Install Yocto SOLOCB NAND: Flash Yocto on NAND flash, on VAR-SOLOCustomBoard
- Install Yocto SOLOCB eMMC: Flash Yocto on eMMC, on VAR-SOLOCustomBoard
- Install Yocto MX6CB Res NAND: Flash Yocto with Resistive touch panel support on NAND flash, on VAR-MX6CustomBoard
- Install Yocto MX6CB Cap NAND: Flash Yocto with Capacitive touch panel support on NAND flash, on VAR-MX6CustomBoard
- Install Yocto MX6CB Res eMMC: Flash Yocto with Resistive touch panel support on eMMC, on VAR-MX6CustomBoard
- Install Yocto MX6CB Cap eMMC: Flash Yocto with Capacitive touch panel support on eMMC, on VAR-MX6CustomBoard
- Install Yocto DART (eMMC): Flash Yocto on eMMC, on VAR-DT6CustomBoard
Flash from GUI
For this Yocto release, NXP/Vivante do no longer provide GPU accelerations for X11 native backend.
The default backend is now XWayland: Wayland accelerated backend with basic (not accelerated) X11 emulation.
Only "Flash from command line" is supported.
Setting the Boot Mode
Follow the instruction below according to the appropriate carrier board type:
Booting your MX6CustomBoard system from SD card requires pushing the middle button while powering up the system. See picture below.
To boot a board using an SD card, follow the steps below:
- Power-off the board.
- Insert the SD card into the SD/MMC slot of the carrier board (DVK)
- Push the middle button (Boot Select) and hold
- Power-up the board
- Release the middle button (Boot Select) after system starts to boot.
- The board will automatically boot into Linux from the SD card
Booting your system requires switching the relevant DIP switch to "Boot from MMC". See picture below.
To boot board with SD card, Follow the steps below:
- Power-off the board.
- Insert the SD card into the SD/MMC slot of the carrier board (DVK)
- Switch the relevant DIP switch to "Boot from MMC"
- Power-up board
- The board will automatically boot into Linux from SD card
Booting your system requires switching the relevant DIP switch to "Boot from SD card". See picture below.
To boot board with SD card, Follow the steps below:
- Power-off the board.
- Insert the SD card into the SD/MMC slot of the carrier board (DVK)
- Switch the relevant DIP switch to "Boot from SD card"
- Power-up board
- The board will automatically boot into Linux from SD card
Build Results
Image Name |
How to use |
fsl-image-gui-.sdcard | This image is for SD card boot. It can be flashed as-is on an SD card that can then be used to boot your system, according to the relevant startup-guide of your product (usually requires to press the boot select button, or toggle a DIP switch). For detailed information refer to the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
fsl-image-gui-.tar.gz | Tarball with rootfs files. Can be used to create an NFS root file system on the host. See the Yocto Setup TFTP/NFS section for more info. Also used to create our extended SD card. See the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
fsl-image-gui-.ubi | A complete UBI image containing a UBIFS volume, for writing to NAND flash. |
Linux kernel image, same binary for SD card/eMMC or NAND flash. | |
SPL built for SD card boot or eMMC boot. | |
SPL built for NAND flash. | |
U-Boot built for SD card boot or eMMC boot. | |
U-Boot built for NAND flash. |
File Name | Description |
zImage-imx6ul-var-dart-emmc_wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with eMMC & WI-FI enabled. (SD card & NAND disabled) |
zImage-imx6ul-var-dart-nand_wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with NAND flash & WI-FI enabled. (SD card & eMMC disabled) |
zImage-imx6ul-var-dart-sd_emmc.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with SD card & eMMC enabled (WIFI & NAND disabled) |
zImage-imx6ul-var-dart-sd_nand.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with SD card & NAND flash enabled (WIFI & eMMC disabled) |
zImage-imx6ull-var-dart-emmc_wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6ULL with eMMC & WI-FI enabled. (SD card & NAND disabled) |
zImage-imx6ull-var-dart-nand_wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6ULL with NAND flash & WI-FI enabled. (SD card & eMMC disabled) |
zImage-imx6ull-var-dart-sd_emmc.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6ULL with SD card & eMMC enabled (WIFI & NAND disabled) |
zImage-imx6ull-var-dart-sd_nand.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6ULL with SD card & NAND flash enabled (WIFI & eMMC disabled) |
Image Name |
How to use |
fsl-image-gui-.sdcard | This image is for SD card boot. It can be flashed as-is on an SD card that can then be used to boot your system, according to the relevant startup-guide of your product (usually requires to press the boot select button, or toggle a DIP switch). For detailed information refer to the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
fsl-image-gui-.tar.gz | Tarball with rootfs files. Can be used to create an NFS root file system on the host. See the Yocto Setup TFTP/NFS section for more info. Also used to create our extended SD card. See the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
fsl-image-gui-.ubi | A complete UBI image containing a UBIFS volume, for writing to NAND flash. |
Linux kernel image, same binary for SD card/eMMC or NAND flash. | |
SPL built for SD card boot or eMMC boot. | |
SPL built for NAND flash. | |
U-Boot built for SD card boot or eMMC boot. | |
U-Boot built for NAND flash. |
File Name | Description |
zImage-imx6ul-var-dart-emmc_wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with eMMC & WI-FI enabled. (SD card & NAND disabled) |
zImage-imx6ul-var-dart-emmc_wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with eMMC, WM8731 & WI-FI enabled. (SD card & NAND disabled) |
zImage-imx6ul-var-dart-nand_wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with NAND flash & WI-FI enabled. (SD card & eMMC disabled) |
zImage-imx6ul-var-dart-nand_wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with NAND flash, WM8731 & WI-FI enabled. (SD card & eMMC disabled) |
zImage-imx6ul-var-dart-sd_emmc.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with SD card & eMMC enabled (WIFI & NAND disabled) |
zImage-imx6ul-var-dart-sd_emmc-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with SD card & eMMC enabled, WM8731 (WIFI & NAND disabled) |
zImage-imx6ul-var-dart-sd_nand.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with SD card & NAND flash enabled (WIFI & eMMC disabled) |
zImage-imx6ul-var-dart-sd_nand-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with SD card & NAND flash enabled, WM8731 (WIFI & eMMC disabled) |
zImage-imx6ull-var-dart-emmc_wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6ULL with eMMC & WI-FI enabled. (SD card & NAND disabled) |
zImage-imx6ull-var-dart-emmc_wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6ULL with eMMC & WI-FI enabled, WM8731. (SD card & NAND disabled) |
zImage-imx6ull-var-dart-nand_wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6ULL with NAND flash & WI-FI enabled. (SD card & eMMC disabled) |
zImage-imx6ull-var-dart-nand_wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6ULL with NAND flash & WI-FI enabled, WM8731. (SD card & eMMC disabled) |
zImage-imx6ull-var-dart-sd_emmc.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6ULL with SD card & eMMC enabled (WIFI & NAND disabled) |
zImage-imx6ull-var-dart-sd_emmc-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6ULL with SD card & eMMC enabled, WM8731. (WIFI & NAND disabled) |
zImage-imx6ull-var-dart-sd_nand.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6ULL with SD card & NAND flash enabled (WIFI & eMMC disabled) |
zImage-imx6ull-var-dart-sd_nand-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6ULL with SD card & NAND flash enabled, WM8731. (WIFI & eMMC disabled) |
Image Name |
How to use |
fsl-image-gui-. | This image is for SD card boot. It can be flashed as-is on an SD card that can then be used to boot your system, according to the relevant startup-guide of your product (usually requires to press the boot select button, or toggle a DIP switch). For detailed information refer to the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
fsl-image-gui-.tar.gz | Tarball with rootfs files. Can be used to create an NFS root file system on the host. See the Yocto Setup TFTP/NFS section for more info. Also used to create our extended SD card. See the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
fsl-image-gui-_128kbpeb.ubi | A complete UBI image containing a UBIFS volume, for writing to NAND flash with 128KiB PEB |
fsl-image-gui-_256kbpeb.ubi | A complete UBI image containing a UBIFS volume, for writing to NAND flash with 256KiB PEB |
Linux kernel image, same binary for SD card/eMMC or NAND flash. | |
SPL built for SD card boot or eMMC boot. | |
SPL built for NAND flash. | |
U-Boot built for SD card boot or eMMC boot. | |
U-Boot built for NAND flash. |
File Name | Description |
zImage-imx6ul-var-dart-emmc_wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with eMMC & WI-FI enabled. (SD card & NAND disabled) |
zImage-imx6ul-var-dart-nand_wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with NAND flash & WI-FI enabled. (SD card & eMMC disabled) |
zImage-imx6ul-var-dart-5g-emmc_wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL-5G with eMMC & WI-FI enabled. (SD card & NAND disabled) |
zImage-imx6ul-var-dart-5g-nand_wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL-5G with NAND flash & WI-FI enabled. (SD card & eMMC disabled) |
zImage-imx6ul-var-dart-sd_emmc.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with SD card & eMMC enabled (WIFI & NAND disabled) |
zImage-imx6ul-var-dart-sd_nand.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with SD card & NAND flash enabled (WIFI & eMMC disabled) |
zImage-imx6ull-var-dart-emmc_wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6ULL with eMMC & WI-FI enabled. (SD card & NAND disabled) |
zImage-imx6ull-var-dart-nand_wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6ULL with NAND flash & WI-FI enabled. (SD card & eMMC disabled) |
zImage-imx6ull-var-dart-5g-emmc_wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6ULL-5G with eMMC & WI-FI enabled. (SD card & NAND disabled) |
zImage-imx6ull-var-dart-5g-nand_wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6ULL-5G with NAND flash & WI-FI enabled. (SD card & eMMC disabled) |
zImage-imx6ull-var-dart-sd_emmc.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6ULL with SD card & eMMC enabled (WIFI & NAND disabled) |
zImage-imx6ull-var-dart-sd_nand.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6ULL with SD card & NAND flash enabled (WIFI & eMMC disabled) |
Image Name |
How to use |
fsl-image-gui-. | This image is for SD card boot. It can be flashed as-is on an SD card that can then be used to boot your system, according to the relevant startup-guide of your product (usually requires to press the boot select button, or toggle a DIP switch). For detailed information refer to the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
fsl-image-gui-.tar.gz | Tarball with rootfs files. Can be used to create an NFS root file system on the host. See the Yocto Setup TFTP/NFS section for more info. Also used to create our extended SD card. See the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
fsl-image-gui-_128kbpeb.ubi | A complete UBI image containing a UBIFS volume, for writing to NAND flash with 128KiB PEB |
fsl-image-gui-_256kbpeb.ubi | A complete UBI image containing a UBIFS volume, for writing to NAND flash with 256KiB PEB |
Linux kernel image, same binary for SD card/eMMC or NAND flash. | |
SPL built for SD card boot or eMMC boot. | |
SPL built for NAND flash. | |
U-Boot built for SD card boot or eMMC boot. | |
U-Boot built for NAND flash. |
File Name | Description |
imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
Image Name |
How to use |
fsl-image-gui-. | This image is for SD card boot. It can be flashed as-is on an SD card that can then be used to boot your system, according to the relevant startup-guide of your product (usually requires to press the boot select button, or toggle a DIP switch). For detailed information refer to the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
fsl-image-gui-.tar.gz | Tarball with rootfs files. Can be used to create an NFS root file system on the host. See the Yocto Setup TFTP/NFS section for more info. Also used to create our extended SD card. See the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
fsl-image-gui-_128kbpeb.ubi | A complete UBI image containing a UBIFS volume, for writing to NAND flash with 128KiB PEB |
fsl-image-gui-_256kbpeb.ubi | A complete UBI image containing a UBIFS volume, for writing to NAND flash with 256KiB PEB |
Linux kernel image, same binary for SD card/eMMC or NAND flash. | |
SPL built for SD card boot or eMMC boot. | |
SPL built for NAND flash. | |
U-Boot built for SD card boot or eMMC boot. | |
U-Boot built for NAND flash. |
File Name | Description |
imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
Image Name |
How to use |
fsl-image-gui-. | This image is for SD card boot. It can be flashed as-is on an SD card that can then be used to boot your system, according to the relevant startup-guide of your product (usually requires to press the boot select button, or toggle a DIP switch). For detailed information refer to the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
fsl-image-gui-.tar.gz | Tarball with rootfs files. Can be used to create an NFS root file system on the host. See the Yocto Setup TFTP/NFS section for more info. Also used to create our extended SD card. See the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
fsl-image-gui-_128kbpeb.ubi | A complete UBI image containing a UBIFS volume, for writing to NAND flash with 128KiB PEB |
fsl-image-gui-_256kbpeb.ubi | A complete UBI image containing a UBIFS volume, for writing to NAND flash with 256KiB PEB |
Linux kernel image, same binary for SD card/eMMC or NAND flash. | |
SPL built for SD card boot or eMMC boot. | |
SPL built for NAND flash. | |
U-Boot built for SD card boot or eMMC boot. | |
U-Boot built for NAND flash. |
File Name | Description |
imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi-iw61x.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC & WiFi iw61x enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi-brcm.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC & WiFi BRCM enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi-brcm-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & WiFi BRCM enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi-iw61x.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash & WiFi iw61x enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi-brcm.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash & WiFi BRCM enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi-brcm-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & WiFi BRCM enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi-iw61x.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC & WiFi iw61x enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi-brcm.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC & WiFi BRCM enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi-brcm-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & WiFi BRCM enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi-iw61x.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash & WiFi iw61x enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi-brcm.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash & WiFi BRCM enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi-brcm-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & WiFi BRCM enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi-iw61x.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC & WiFi iw61x enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi-brcm.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC & WiFi BRCM enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi-brcm-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & WiFi BRCM enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi-iw61x.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash & WiFi iw61x enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi-brcm.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash & WiFi BRCM enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi-brcm-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & WiFi BRCM enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
Image Name |
How to use |
fsl-image-gui-. | This image is for SD card boot. It can be flashed as-is on an SD card that can then be used to boot your system, according to the relevant startup-guide of your product (usually requires to press the boot select button, or toggle a DIP switch). For detailed information refer to the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
fsl-image-gui-.tar.gz | Tarball with rootfs files. Can be used to create an NFS root file system on the host. See the Yocto Setup TFTP/NFS section for more info. Also used to create our extended SD card. See the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
fsl-image-gui-_128kbpeb.ubi | A complete UBI image containing a UBIFS volume, for writing to NAND flash with 128KiB PEB |
fsl-image-gui-_256kbpeb.ubi | A complete UBI image containing a UBIFS volume, for writing to NAND flash with 256KiB PEB |
Linux kernel image, same binary for SD card/eMMC or NAND flash. | |
SPL built for SD card boot or eMMC boot. | |
SPL built for NAND flash. | |
U-Boot built for SD card boot or eMMC boot. | |
U-Boot built for NAND flash. |
File Name | Description |
imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
Image Name |
How to use |
fsl-image-gui-. | This image is for SD card boot. It can be flashed as-is on an SD card that can then be used to boot your system, according to the relevant startup-guide of your product (usually requires to press the boot select button, or toggle a DIP switch). For detailed information refer to the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
fsl-image-gui-.tar.gz | Tarball with rootfs files. Can be used to create an NFS root file system on the host. See the Yocto Setup TFTP/NFS section for more info. Also used to create our extended SD card. See the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
fsl-image-gui-_128kbpeb.ubi | A complete UBI image containing a UBIFS volume, for writing to NAND flash with 128KiB PEB |
fsl-image-gui-_256kbpeb.ubi | A complete UBI image containing a UBIFS volume, for writing to NAND flash with 256KiB PEB |
Linux kernel image, same binary for SD card/eMMC or NAND flash. | |
SPL built for SD card boot or eMMC boot. | |
SPL built for NAND flash. | |
U-Boot built for SD card boot or eMMC boot. | |
U-Boot built for NAND flash. |
File Name | Description |
imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
Image Name |
How to use |
fsl-image-gui-. | This image is for SD card boot. It can be flashed as-is on an SD card that can then be used to boot your system, according to the relevant startup-guide of your product (usually requires to press the boot select button, or toggle a DIP switch). For detailed information refer to the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
fsl-image-gui-.tar.gz | Tarball with rootfs files. Can be used to create an NFS root file system on the host. See the Yocto Setup TFTP/NFS section for more info. Also used to create our extended SD card. See the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
fsl-image-gui-_128kbpeb.ubi | A complete UBI image containing a UBIFS volume, for writing to NAND flash with 128KiB PEB |
fsl-image-gui-_256kbpeb.ubi | A complete UBI image containing a UBIFS volume, for writing to NAND flash with 256KiB PEB |
Linux kernel image, same binary for SD card/eMMC or NAND flash. | |
SPL built for SD card boot or eMMC boot. | |
SPL built for NAND flash. | |
U-Boot built for SD card boot or eMMC boot. | |
U-Boot built for NAND flash. |
File Name | Description |
imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
Image Name |
How to use |
fsl-image-gui-. | This image is for SD card boot. It can be flashed as-is on an SD card that can then be used to boot your system, according to the relevant startup-guide of your product (usually requires to press the boot select button, or toggle a DIP switch). For detailed information refer to the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
fsl-image-gui-.tar.gz | Tarball with rootfs files. Can be used to create an NFS root file system on the host. See the Yocto Setup TFTP/NFS section for more info. Also used to create our extended SD card. See the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
fsl-image-gui-_128kbpeb.ubi | A complete UBI image containing a UBIFS volume, for writing to NAND flash with 128KiB PEB |
fsl-image-gui-_256kbpeb.ubi | A complete UBI image containing a UBIFS volume, for writing to NAND flash with 256KiB PEB |
Linux kernel image, same binary for SD card/eMMC or NAND flash. | |
SPL built for SD card boot or eMMC boot. | |
SPL built for NAND flash. | |
U-Boot built for SD card boot or eMMC boot. | |
U-Boot built for NAND flash. |
File Name | Description |
imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
Image Name |
How to use |
fsl-image-gui-. | This image is for SD card boot. It can be flashed as-is on an SD card that can then be used to boot your system, according to the relevant startup-guide of your product (usually requires to press the boot select button, or toggle a DIP switch). For detailed information refer to the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
fsl-image-gui-.tar.gz | Tarball with rootfs files. Can be used to create an NFS root file system on the host. See the Yocto Setup TFTP/NFS section for more info. Also used to create our extended SD card. See the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
fsl-image-gui-_128kbpeb.ubi | A complete UBI image containing a UBIFS volume, for writing to NAND flash with 128KiB PEB |
fsl-image-gui-_256kbpeb.ubi | A complete UBI image containing a UBIFS volume, for writing to NAND flash with 256KiB PEB |
Linux kernel image, same binary for SD card/eMMC or NAND flash. | |
SPL built for SD card boot or eMMC boot. | |
SPL built for NAND flash. | |
U-Boot built for SD card boot or eMMC boot. | |
U-Boot built for NAND flash. |
File Name | Description |
zImage-imx6ul-var-dart-emmc_wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with eMMC & WI-FI enabled. (SD card & NAND disabled) |
zImage-imx6ul-var-dart-emmc_wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with eMMC, WM8731 & WI-FI enabled. (SD card & NAND disabled) |
zImage-imx6ul-var-dart-nand_wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with NAND flash & WI-FI enabled. (SD card & eMMC disabled) |
zImage-imx6ul-var-dart-nand_wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with NAND flash, WM8731 & WI-FI enabled. (SD card & eMMC disabled) |
zImage-imx6ul-var-dart-5g-emmc_wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL-5G with eMMC & WI-FI enabled. (SD card & NAND disabled) |
zImage-imx6ul-var-dart-5g-emmc_wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL-5G with eMMC, WM8731 & WI-FI enabled. (SD card & NAND disabled) |
zImage-imx6ul-var-dart-5g-nand_wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL-5G with NAND flash & WI-FI enabled. (SD card & eMMC disabled) |
zImage-imx6ul-var-dart-5g-nand_wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL-5G with NAND flash, WM8731 & WI-FI enabled. (SD card & eMMC disabled) |
zImage-imx6ul-var-dart-sd_emmc.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with SD card & eMMC enabled (WIFI & NAND disabled) |
zImage-imx6ul-var-dart-sd_emmc-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with SD card & eMMC, WM8731 enabled (WIFI & NAND disabled) |
zImage-imx6ul-var-dart-sd_nand.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with SD card & NAND flash enabled (WIFI & eMMC disabled) |
zImage-imx6ul-var-dart-sd_nand-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with SD card & NAND flash, WM8731 enabled (WIFI & eMMC disabled) |
zImage-imx6ull-var-dart-emmc_wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6ULL with eMMC & WI-FI enabled. (SD card & NAND disabled) |
zImage-imx6ull-var-dart-emmc_wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6ULL with eMMC, WM8731 & WI-FI enabled. (SD card & NAND disabled) |
zImage-imx6ull-var-dart-nand_wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6ULL with NAND flash & WI-FI enabled. (SD card & eMMC disabled) |
zImage-imx6ull-var-dart-nand_wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6ULL with NAND flash, WM8731 & WI-FI enabled. (SD card & eMMC disabled) |
zImage-imx6ull-var-dart-5g-emmc_wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6ULL-5G with eMMC & WI-FI enabled. (SD card & NAND disabled) |
zImage-imx6ull-var-dart-5g-emmc_wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6ULL-5G with eMMC, WM8731 & WI-FI enabled. (SD card & NAND disabled) |
zImage-imx6ull-var-dart-5g-nand_wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6ULL-5G with NAND flash & WI-FI enabled. (SD card & eMMC disabled) |
zImage-imx6ull-var-dart-5g-nand_wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6ULL-5G with NAND flash, WM8731 & WI-FI enabled. (SD card & eMMC disabled) |
zImage-imx6ull-var-dart-sd_emmc.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6ULL with SD card & eMMC enabled (WIFI & NAND disabled) |
zImage-imx6ull-var-dart-sd_emmc-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6ULL with SD card & eMMC, WM8731 enabled (WIFI & NAND disabled) |
zImage-imx6ull-var-dart-sd_nand.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6ULL with SD card & NAND flash enabled (WIFI & eMMC disabled) |
zImage-imx6ull-var-dart-sd_nand-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6ULL with SD card & NAND flash, WM8731 enabled (WIFI & eMMC disabled) |
Image Name |
How to use |
fsl-image-gui-. | This image is for SD card boot. It can be flashed as-is on an SD card that can then be used to boot your system, according to the relevant startup-guide of your product (usually requires to press the boot select button, or toggle a DIP switch). For detailed information refer to the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
fsl-image-gui-.tar.gz | Tarball with rootfs files. Can be used to create an NFS root file system on the host. See the Yocto Setup TFTP/NFS section for more info. Also used to create our extended SD card. See the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
fsl-image-gui-_128kbpeb.ubi | A complete UBI image containing a UBIFS volume, for writing to NAND flash with 128KiB PEB |
fsl-image-gui-_256kbpeb.ubi | A complete UBI image containing a UBIFS volume, for writing to NAND flash with 256KiB PEB |
Linux kernel image, same binary for SD card/eMMC or NAND flash. | |
SPL built for SD card boot or eMMC boot. | |
SPL built for NAND flash. | |
U-Boot built for SD card boot or eMMC boot. | |
U-Boot built for NAND flash. |
File Name | Description |
zImage-imx6ul-var-dart-emmc_wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with eMMC & WI-FI enabled. (SD card & NAND disabled) |
zImage-imx6ul-var-dart-emmc_wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with eMMC, WM8731 & WI-FI enabled. (SD card & NAND disabled) |
zImage-imx6ul-var-dart-nand_wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with NAND flash & WI-FI enabled. (SD card & eMMC disabled) |
zImage-imx6ul-var-dart-nand_wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with NAND flash, WM8731 & WI-FI enabled. (SD card & eMMC disabled) |
zImage-imx6ul-var-dart-5g-emmc_wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL-5G with eMMC & WI-FI enabled. (SD card & NAND disabled) |
zImage-imx6ul-var-dart-5g-emmc_wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL-5G with eMMC, WM8731 & WI-FI enabled. (SD card & NAND disabled) |
zImage-imx6ul-var-dart-5g-nand_wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL-5G with NAND flash & WI-FI enabled. (SD card & eMMC disabled) |
zImage-imx6ul-var-dart-5g-nand_wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL-5G with NAND flash, WM8731 & WI-FI enabled. (SD card & eMMC disabled) |
zImage-imx6ul-var-dart-sd_emmc.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with SD card & eMMC enabled (WIFI & NAND disabled) |
zImage-imx6ul-var-dart-sd_emmc-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with SD card & eMMC, WM8731 enabled (WIFI & NAND disabled) |
zImage-imx6ul-var-dart-sd_nand.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with SD card & NAND flash enabled (WIFI & eMMC disabled) |
zImage-imx6ul-var-dart-sd_nand-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with SD card & NAND flash, WM8731 enabled (WIFI & eMMC disabled) |
zImage-imx6ull-var-dart-emmc_wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6ULL with eMMC & WI-FI enabled. (SD card & NAND disabled) |
zImage-imx6ull-var-dart-emmc_wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6ULL with eMMC, WM8731 & WI-FI enabled. (SD card & NAND disabled) |
zImage-imx6ull-var-dart-nand_wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6ULL with NAND flash & WI-FI enabled. (SD card & eMMC disabled) |
zImage-imx6ull-var-dart-nand_wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6ULL with NAND flash, WM8731 & WI-FI enabled. (SD card & eMMC disabled) |
zImage-imx6ull-var-dart-5g-emmc_wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6ULL-5G with eMMC & WI-FI enabled. (SD card & NAND disabled) |
zImage-imx6ull-var-dart-5g-emmc_wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6ULL-5G with eMMC, WM8731 & WI-FI enabled. (SD card & NAND disabled) |
zImage-imx6ull-var-dart-5g-nand_wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6ULL-5G with NAND flash & WI-FI enabled. (SD card & eMMC disabled) |
zImage-imx6ull-var-dart-5g-nand_wifi-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6ULL-5G with NAND flash, WM8731 & WI-FI enabled. (SD card & eMMC disabled) |
zImage-imx6ull-var-dart-sd_emmc.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6ULL with SD card & eMMC enabled (WIFI & NAND disabled) |
zImage-imx6ull-var-dart-sd_emmc-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6ULL with SD card & eMMC, WM8731 enabled (WIFI & NAND disabled) |
zImage-imx6ull-var-dart-sd_nand.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6ULL with SD card & NAND flash enabled (WIFI & eMMC disabled) |
zImage-imx6ull-var-dart-sd_nand-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6ULL with SD card & NAND flash, WM8731 enabled (WIFI & eMMC disabled) |
Image Name |
How to use |
fsl-image-gui-. | This image is for SD card boot. It can be flashed as-is on an SD card that can then be used to boot your system, according to the relevant startup-guide of your product (usually requires to press the boot select button, or toggle a DIP switch). For detailed information refer to the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
fsl-image-gui-.tar.gz | Tarball with rootfs files. Can be used to create an NFS root file system on the host. See the Yocto Setup TFTP/NFS section for more info. Also used to create our extended SD card. See the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
fsl-image-gui-_128kbpeb.ubi | A complete UBI image containing a UBIFS volume, for writing to NAND flash with 128KiB PEB |
fsl-image-gui-_256kbpeb.ubi | A complete UBI image containing a UBIFS volume, for writing to NAND flash with 256KiB PEB |
Linux kernel image, same binary for SD card/eMMC or NAND flash. | |
SPL built for SD card boot or eMMC boot. | |
SPL built for NAND flash. | |
U-Boot built for SD card boot or eMMC boot. | |
U-Boot built for NAND flash. |
File Name | Description |
imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC & SD card enabled. (NAND flash & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC & WiFi enabled. (NAND flash & SD card disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash & SD card enabled. (eMMC & WiFi disabled) |
imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash & WiFi enabled. (eMMC & SD card disabled) |
Device tree
Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-emmc_wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-sd_emmc.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-nand_wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-sd_nand.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-emmc_wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-sd_emmc.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-nand_wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-sd_nand.dtb
Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-emmc_wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-emmc_wifi-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-sd_emmc.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-sd_emmc-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-nand_wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-nand_wifi-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-sd_nand.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-sd_nand-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-emmc_wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-emmc_wifi-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-sd_emmc.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-sd_emmc-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-nand_wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-nand_wifi-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-sd_nand.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-sd_nand-wm8731.dtb
Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-emmc_wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL-5G with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-5g-emmc_wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-sd_emmc.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-nand_wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL-5G with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-5g-nand_wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-sd_nand.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-emmc_wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-sd_emmc.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL-5G with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-5g-emmc_wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-nand_wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL-5G with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-5g-nand_wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-sd_nand.dtb
Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi.dtb
Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi.dtb
Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC and WiFi iw61x: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi-iw61x.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC and WiFi BRCM: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi-brcm.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and WiFi BRCM: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi-brcm-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash and WiFi iw61x: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi-iw61x.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash and WiFi BRCM: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi-brcm.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and WiFi BRCM: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi-brcm-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC and WiFi iw61x: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi-iw61x.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC and WiFi BRCM: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi-brcm.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and WiFi BRCM: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi-brcm-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash and WiFi iw61x: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi-iw61x.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash and WiFi BRCM: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi-brcm.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and WiFi BRCM: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi-brcm-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC and WiFi iw61x: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi-iw61x.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC and WiFi BRCM: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi-brcm.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and WiFi BRCM: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi-brcm-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash and WiFi iw61x: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi-iw61x.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash and WiFi BRCM: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi-brcm.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and WiFi BRCM: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi-brcm-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb
Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb
Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb
Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb
Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb
Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-emmc_wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-emmc_wifi-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL-5G with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-5g-emmc_wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL-5G with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-5g-emmc_wifi-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-sd_emmc.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-sd_emmc-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-nand_wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-nand_wifi-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL-5G with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-5g-nand_wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL-5G with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-5g-nand_wifi-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-sd_nand.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-sd_nand-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-emmc_wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-emmc_wifi-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-sd_emmc.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-sd_emmc-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL-5G with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-5g-emmc_wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL-5G with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-5g-emmc_wifi-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-nand_wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-nand_wifi-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL-5G with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-5g-nand_wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL-5G with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-5g-nand_wifi-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-sd_nand.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-sd_nand-wm8731.dtb
Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-emmc_wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-emmc_wifi-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL-5G with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-5g-emmc_wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL-5G with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-5g-emmc_wifi-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-sd_emmc.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-sd_emmc-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-nand_wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-nand_wifi-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL-5G with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-5g-nand_wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL-5G with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-5g-nand_wifi-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-sd_nand.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-sd_nand-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-emmc_wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-emmc_wifi-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-sd_emmc.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-sd_emmc-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL-5G with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-5g-emmc_wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL-5G with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-5g-emmc_wifi-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-nand_wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-nand_wifi-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL-5G with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-5g-nand_wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL-5G with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-5g-nand_wifi-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-sd_nand.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash, WM8731 and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-sd_nand-wm8731.dtb
Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-6UL with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Concerto board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULL SOC, eMMC and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULL SOC, NAND flash and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6UL SOC, eMMC and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6UL SOC, NAND flash and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, eMMC and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash and SD card: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-6UL on Symphony board with i.MX6ULZ SOC, NAND flash and WiFi: $ make -j4 imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi.dtb
SD card image file tree
/opt/images/ └── Yocto ├── imx6ul-var-dart-emmc_wifi.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-dart-nand_wifi.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-dart-sd_emmc.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-dart-sd_nand.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-dart-emmc_wifi.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-dart-nand_wifi.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-dart-sd_emmc.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-dart-sd_nand.dtb ├── rootfs.tar.gz ├── rootfs.ubi ├── SPL-nand ├── SPL-sd ├── u-boot.img-nand ├── u-boot.img-sd └── zImage
/opt/images/ └── Yocto ├── imx6ul-var-dart-emmc_wifi.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-dart-nand_wifi.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-dart-sd_emmc.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-dart-sd_nand.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-dart-emmc_wifi.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-dart-nand_wifi.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-dart-sd_emmc.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-dart-sd_nand.dtb ├── rootfs.tar.gz ├── rootfs.ubi ├── SPL-nand ├── SPL-sd ├── u-boot.img-nand ├── u-boot.img-sd └── zImage
/opt/images/ └── Yocto ├── imx6ul-var-dart-5g-emmc_wifi.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-dart-5g-nand_wifi.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-dart-emmc_wifi.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-dart-nand_wifi.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-dart-sd_emmc.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-dart-sd_nand.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-dart-5g-emmc_wifi.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-dart-5g-nand_wifi.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-dart-emmc_wifi.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-dart-nand_wifi.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-dart-sd_emmc.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-dart-sd_nand.dtb ├── rootfs.tar.gz ├── rootfs.ubi ├── SPL-nand ├── SPL-sd ├── u-boot.img-nand ├── u-boot.img-sd └── zImage
/opt/images/ └── Yocto ├── imx6ul-var-dart-5g-emmc_wifi.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-dart-5g-nand_wifi.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-dart-emmc_wifi.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-dart-nand_wifi.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-dart-sd_emmc.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-dart-sd_nand.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-dart-5g-emmc_wifi.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-dart-5g-nand_wifi.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-dart-emmc_wifi.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-dart-nand_wifi.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-dart-sd_emmc.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-dart-sd_nand.dtb ├── rootfs.tar.gz ├── rootfs_128kbpeb.ubi ├── rootfs_256kbpeb.ubi ├── SPL-nand ├── SPL-sd ├── u-boot.img-nand ├── u-boot.img-sd └── zImage
/opt/images/ └── Yocto ├── imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi.dtb ├── rootfs_128kbpeb.ubi ├── rootfs_256kbpeb.ubi ├── rootfs.tar.gz ├── SPL-nand ├── SPL-sd ├── u-boot.img-nand ├── u-boot.img-sd └── zImage
/opt/images/ └── Yocto ├── imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi.dtb ├── rootfs_128kbpeb.ubi ├── rootfs_256kbpeb.ubi ├── rootfs.tar.gz ├── SPL-nand ├── SPL-sd ├── u-boot.img-nand ├── u-boot.img-sd └── zImage
/opt/images/ └── Yocto ├── imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi-iw61x.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi-brcm.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi-brcm-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi-iw61x.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi-brcm.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi-brcm-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi-iw61x.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi-brcm.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi-brcm-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi-iw61x.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi-brcm.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi-brcm-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi-iw61x.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi-brcm.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi-brcm-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi-iw61x.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi-brcm.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi-brcm-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb ├── rootfs_128kbpeb.ubi ├── rootfs_256kbpeb.ubi ├── rootfs.tar.gz ├── SPL-nand ├── SPL-sd ├── u-boot.img-nand ├── u-boot.img-sd └── zImage
/opt/images/ └── Yocto ├── imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb ├── rootfs_128kbpeb.ubi ├── rootfs_256kbpeb.ubi ├── rootfs.tar.gz ├── SPL-nand ├── SPL-sd ├── u-boot.img-nand ├── u-boot.img-sd └── zImage
/opt/images/ └── Yocto ├── imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb ├── rootfs_128kbpeb.ubi ├── rootfs_256kbpeb.ubi ├── rootfs.tar.gz ├── SPL-nand ├── SPL-sd ├── u-boot.img-nand ├── u-boot.img-sd └── zImage
/opt/images/ └── Yocto ├── imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb ├── rootfs_128kbpeb.ubi ├── rootfs_256kbpeb.ubi ├── rootfs.tar.gz ├── SPL-nand ├── SPL-sd ├── u-boot.img-nand ├── u-boot.img-sd └── zImage
/opt/images/ └── Yocto ├── imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi-wm8731.dtb ├── rootfs_128kbpeb.ubi ├── rootfs_256kbpeb.ubi ├── rootfs.tar.gz ├── SPL-nand ├── SPL-sd ├── u-boot.img-nand ├── u-boot.img-sd └── zImage
/opt/images/ └── Yocto ├── imx6ul-var-dart-5g-emmc_wifi.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-dart-5g-emmc_wifi-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-dart-5g-nand_wifi.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-dart-5g-nand_wifi-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-dart-emmc_wifi.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-dart-emmc_wifi-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-dart-nand_wifi.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-dart-nand_wifi-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-dart-sd_emmc.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-dart-sd_emmc-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-dart-sd_nand.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-dart-sd_nand-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-dart-5g-emmc_wifi.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-dart-5g-emmc_wifi-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-dart-5g-nand_wifi.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-dart-5g-nand_wifi-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-dart-emmc_wifi.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-dart-emmc_wifi-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-dart-nand_wifi.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-dart-nand_wifi-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-dart-sd_emmc.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-dart-sd_emmc-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-dart-sd_nand.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-dart-sd_nand-wm8731.dtb ├── rootfs.tar.gz ├── rootfs_128kbpeb.ubi ├── rootfs_256kbpeb.ubi ├── SPL-nand ├── SPL-sd ├── u-boot.img-nand ├── u-boot.img-sd └── zImage
/opt/images/ └── Yocto ├── imx6ul-var-dart-5g-emmc_wifi.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-dart-5g-emmc_wifi-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-dart-5g-nand_wifi.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-dart-5g-nand_wifi-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-dart-emmc_wifi.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-dart-emmc_wifi-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-dart-nand_wifi.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-dart-nand_wifi-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-dart-sd_emmc.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-dart-sd_emmc-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-dart-sd_nand.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-dart-sd_nand-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-dart-5g-emmc_wifi.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-dart-5g-emmc_wifi-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-dart-5g-nand_wifi.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-dart-5g-nand_wifi-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-dart-emmc_wifi.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-dart-emmc_wifi-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-dart-nand_wifi.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-dart-nand_wifi-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-dart-sd_emmc.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-dart-sd_emmc-wm8731.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-dart-sd_nand.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-dart-sd_nand-wm8731.dtb ├── rootfs.tar.gz ├── rootfs.ubi ├── SPL-nand ├── SPL-sd ├── u-boot.img-nand ├── u-boot.img-sd └── zImage
/opt/images/ └── Yocto ├── imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ull-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ul-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-emmc-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-dart-6ulcustomboard-nand-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-emmc-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-nand-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-som-concerto-board-nand-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-emmc-wifi.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-nand-sd-card.dtb ├── imx6ulz-var-som-symphony-board-nand-wifi.dtb ├── rootfs_128kbpeb.ubi ├── rootfs_256kbpeb.ubi ├── rootfs.tar.gz ├── SPL-nand ├── SPL-sd ├── u-boot.img-nand ├── u-boot.img-sd └── zImage
Flash Recovery SD from GUI
Flash from GUI
Touch/Click on the appropriate icon:
- Install Yocto NAND, WiFi: Flash Yocto with WiFi support to NAND flash
- Install Yocto NAND, SD card: Flash Yocto with SD card support to NAND flash
- Install Yocto eMMC (SD/WiFi) : Flash Yocto to eMMC (installs both SD card and WiFi dtbs to the BOOT partition and let U-Boot select between them at boot time)
Setting the Boot Mode
Booting your system from an SD card requires switching the Boot DIP switches. See picture below.
- "00" The current position in the picture will set the system to boot from SD card
- "01" Moving the right switch will set the system to boot from eMMC
- "10" Moving the left switch will set the system to boot from NAND flash
- "11" is illegal.
Booting your system from an SD card requires switching the Boot DIP switches. See picture below.
On the VAR-6ULCustomBoard (with a DART-6UL):
- "00" The current position in the picture will set the system to boot from SD card
- "01" Moving the right switch will set the system to boot from eMMC
- "10" Moving the left switch will set the system to boot from NAND flash
- "11" is illegal.
On the Concerto-Board (with a VAR-SOM-6UL):
- ON-EXT: Boot from the external storage (SD card) - the current position in the picture
- OFF-INT: Boot from the SOM's internal storage (eMMC/NAND flash)
Using only one Ethernet port
Apply the following patch to the Linux kernel source, for removing the second Ethernet port, in case your own custom carrier board only has one and doesn't have the second Ethernet phy:
diff --git a/arch/arm/boot/dts/imx6ul-imx6ull-var-dart-common.dtsi b/arch/arm/boot/dts/imx6ul-imx6ull-var-dart-common.dtsi
index f79a356..032ed00 100644
--- a/arch/arm/boot/dts/imx6ul-imx6ull-var-dart-common.dtsi
+++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/imx6ul-imx6ull-var-dart-common.dtsi
@@ -159,17 +159,6 @@
phy-handle = <ðphy0>;
status = "okay";
-&fec2 {
- pinctrl-names = "default";
- pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_enet2>;
- phy-mode = "rmii";
- phy-handle = <ðphy1>;
- phy-reset-gpios=<&gpio1 10 1>;
- phy-reset-duration=<100>;
- phy-reset-on-resume;
- status = "okay";
mdio {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
@@ -181,14 +170,6 @@
clock-names = "rmii-ref";
reg = <1>;
- ethphy1: ethernet-phy@3 {
- compatible = "ethernet-phy-ieee802.3-c22";
- micrel,rmii-reference-clock-select-25-mhz;
- clocks = <&rmii_ref_clk>;
- clock-names = "rmii-ref";
- reg = <3>;
- };
@@ -460,8 +441,8 @@
fsl,pins = <
MX6UL_PAD_CSI_HSYNC__GPIO4_IO20 0x1b0b0 /* User LED */
MX6UL_PAD_GPIO1_IO00__GPIO1_IO00 0x17059 /* User Button */
- MX6UL_PAD_GPIO1_IO07__ENET2_MDC 0x1b0b0
- MX6UL_PAD_GPIO1_IO06__ENET2_MDIO 0x1b0b0
+ MX6UL_PAD_GPIO1_IO07__ENET1_MDC 0x1b0b0
+ MX6UL_PAD_GPIO1_IO06__ENET1_MDIO 0x1b0b0
#ifdef WIFI
MX6UL_PAD_GPIO1_IO03__REF_CLK_32K 0x03029 /* WLAN Slow Clock */
@@ -481,20 +462,6 @@
- pinctrl_enet2: enet2grp {
- fsl,pins = <
- MX6UL_PAD_JTAG_MOD__GPIO1_IO10 0x1b0b0
- >;
- };
pinctrl_flexcan1: flexcan1grp{
fsl,pins = <
- You can follow the "Build Linux from source code" guide to get the Linux kernel source, apply the above patch, build only the device trees and copy them to your SD card.
- In older kernel releases where there is no imx6ul-imx6ull-var-dart-common.dtsi file, the relevant file to edit is called imx6ul-var-dart.dtsi
To remove the second Ethernet port, in case your own custom carrier board only has one and doesn't have the second Ethernet phy:
Edit the dtsi file of the reference carrier board in the Linux kernel source and remove the &fec1 and &fec2 nodes from it.
In case of the VAR-6ULCustomBoard (DART-6UL carrier), the file is arch/arm/boot/dts/imx6ul-imx6ull-var-dart-6ulcustomboard.dtsi.
In case of the Concerto-Board (VAR-SOM-6UL carrier), the file is arch/arm/boot/dts/imx6ul-imx6ull-var-som-concerto-board.dtsi.
The above will result in using the &fec1 node from the dtsi file of the SOM, as is (as the phy of the first Ethernet port is on the SOM), without adding the second port (which its phy is on the reference carrier board).
- You can follow the "Build Linux from source code" guide to get the Linux kernel source, apply the above patch, build only the device trees and copy them to your SD card.
Build Results
Image Name |
How to use |
fsl-image-gui-. | This image is for SD card boot. It can be flashed as-is on an SD card that can then be used to boot your system, according to the relevant startup-guide of your product (usually requires to press the boot select button, or toggle a DIP switch). For detailed information refer to the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
fsl-image-gui-.tar.gz | Tarball with rootfs files. Can be used to create an NFS root file system on the host. See the Yocto Setup TFTP/NFS section for more info. Also used to create our extended SD card. See the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
fsl-image-gui-_128kbpeb.ubi | A complete UBI image containing a UBIFS volume, for writing to NAND flash with 128KiB PEB |
fsl-image-gui-_256kbpeb.ubi | A complete UBI image containing a UBIFS volume, for writing to NAND flash with 256KiB PEB |
Linux kernel image, same binary for SD card/eMMC or NAND flash. | |
SPL built for SD card boot or eMMC boot. | |
SPL built for NAND flash. | |
U-Boot built for SD card boot or eMMC boot. | |
U-Boot built for NAND flash. |
File Name | Description |
imx7d-var-som-emmc.dtb | Device tree blob for SOMs with eMMC. |
imx7d-var-som-nand.dtb | Device tree blob for SOMs with NAND flash. |
imx7d-var-som-emmc-m4.dtb | Device tree blob for SOMs with eMMC and M4 support. |
imx7d-var-som-nand-m4.dtb | Device tree blob for SOMs with NAND flash and M4 support. |
Image Name |
How to use |
fsl-image-gui-. | This image is for SD card boot. It can be flashed as-is on an SD card that can then be used to boot your system, according to the relevant startup-guide of your product (usually requires to press the boot select button, or toggle a DIP switch). For detailed information refer to the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
fsl-image-gui-.tar.gz | Tarball with rootfs files. Can be used to create an NFS root file system on the host. See the Yocto Setup TFTP/NFS section for more info. Also used to create our extended SD card. See the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
fsl-image-gui-_128kbpeb.ubi | A complete UBI image containing a UBIFS volume, for writing to NAND flash with 128KiB PEB |
fsl-image-gui-_256kbpeb.ubi | A complete UBI image containing a UBIFS volume, for writing to NAND flash with 256KiB PEB |
Linux kernel image, same binary for SD card/eMMC or NAND flash. | |
SPL built for SD card boot or eMMC boot. | |
SPL built for NAND flash. | |
U-Boot built for SD card boot or eMMC boot. | |
U-Boot built for NAND flash. |
File Name | Description |
imx7d-var-som-emmc.dtb | Device tree blob for SOMs with eMMC. |
imx7d-var-som-emmc-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for SOMs with eMMC and WM8731. |
imx7d-var-som-nand.dtb | Device tree blob for SOMs with NAND flash. |
imx7d-var-som-nand-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for SOMs with NAND flash and WM8731. |
imx7d-var-som-emmc-m4.dtb | Device tree blob for SOMs with eMMC and M4 support. |
imx7d-var-som-emmc-m4-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for SOMs with eMMC, WM8731 and M4 support. |
imx7d-var-som-nand-m4.dtb | Device tree blob for SOMs with NAND flash and M4 support. |
imx7d-var-som-nand-m4-wm8731.dtb | Device tree blob for SOMs with NAND flash, WM8731 and M4 support. |
Device tree
Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX7 with eMMC: $ make -j4 imx7d-var-som-emmc.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX7 with NAND flash: $ make -j4 imx7d-var-som-nand.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX7 with eMMC and M4 support: $ make -j4 imx7d-var-som-emmc-m4.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX7 with NAND flash and M4 support: $ make -j4 imx7d-var-som-nand-m4.dtb
Device tree
Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX7 with eMMC: $ make -j4 imx7d-var-som-emmc.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX7 with eMMC and WM8731: $ make -j4 imx7d-var-som-emmc-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX7 with NAND flash: $ make -j4 imx7d-var-som-nand.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX7 with NAND flash and WM8731: $ make -j4 imx7d-var-som-nand-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX7 with eMMC and M4 support: $ make -j4 imx7d-var-som-emmc-m4.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX7 with eMMC, WM8731 and M4 support: $ make -j4 imx7d-var-som-emmc-m4-wm8731.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX7 with NAND flash and M4 support: $ make -j4 imx7d-var-som-nand-m4.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX7 with NAND flash, WM8731 and M4 support: $ make -j4 imx7d-var-som-nand-m4-wm8731.dtb
SD card image file tree
/opt/images/ └── Yocto ├── imx7d-var-som-emmc.dtb ├── imx7d-var-som-nand.dtb ├── imx7d-var-som-emmc-m4.dtb ├── imx7d-var-som-nand-m4.dtb ├── rootfs.tar.gz ├── rootfs.ubi ├── u-boot.imx-nand ├── u-boot.imx-sd └── zImage
SD card image file tree
/opt/images/ └── Yocto ├── imx7d-var-som-emmc.dtb ├── imx7d-var-som-emmc-wm8731.dtb ├── imx7d-var-som-nand.dtb ├── imx7d-var-som-nand-wm8731.dtb ├── imx7d-var-som-emmc-m4.dtb ├── imx7d-var-som-emmc-m4-wm8731.dtb ├── imx7d-var-som-nand-m4.dtb ├── imx7d-var-som-nand-m4-wm8731.dtb ├── rootfs.tar.gz ├── rootfs.ubi ├── u-boot.imx-nand ├── u-boot.imx-sd └── zImage
/opt/images/ └── Yocto ├── imx7d-var-som-emmc.dtb ├── imx7d-var-som-nand.dtb ├── imx7d-var-som-emmc-m4.dtb ├── imx7d-var-som-nand-m4.dtb ├── rootfs.tar.gz ├── rootfs.ubi ├── SPL-nand ├── SPL-sd ├── u-boot.img-nand ├── u-boot.img-sd └── zImage
/opt/images/ └── Yocto ├── imx7d-var-som-emmc.dtb ├── imx7d-var-som-emmc-wm8731.dtb ├── imx7d-var-som-nand.dtb ├── imx7d-var-som-nand-wm8731.dtb ├── imx7d-var-som-emmc-m4.dtb ├── imx7d-var-som-emmc-m4-wm8731.dtb ├── imx7d-var-som-nand-m4.dtb ├── imx7d-var-som-nand-m4-wm8731.dtb ├── rootfs.tar.gz ├── rootfs.ubi ├── SPL-nand ├── SPL-sd ├── u-boot.img-nand ├── u-boot.img-sd └── zImage
/opt/images/ └── Yocto ├── imx7d-var-som-emmc.dtb ├── imx7d-var-som-nand.dtb ├── imx7d-var-som-emmc-m4.dtb ├── imx7d-var-som-nand-m4.dtb ├── rootfs.tar.gz ├── rootfs_128kbpeb.ubi ├── rootfs_256kbpeb.ubi ├── SPL-nand ├── SPL-sd ├── u-boot.img-nand ├── u-boot.img-sd └── zImage
Flash Recovery SD from GUI
Flash from GUI
Touch/Click on the appropriate icon:
- Install Yocto NAND flash: Flash Yocto to NAND flash
- Install Yocto eMMC: Flash Yocto to eMMC
Setting the Boot Mode
Make sure the BOOT SELECT DIP switches on the carrier board are set correctly before you power on the board.
SW1-SW2 0 - 0 : Boot from SD card 1 - 0 : Boot from eMMC 0 - 1 : Boot from NAND flash 1 - 1 : Illegal
Build Results
Image Name |
How to use |
fsl-image-gui-.sdcard.gz | This image is for SD card boot. It can be flashed as-is on an SD card that can then be used to boot your system, according to the relevant startup-guide of your product (usually requires to press the boot select button, or toggle a DIP switch). For detailed information refer to the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
fsl-image-gui-.tar.gz | Tarball with rootfs files. Can be used to create an NFS root file system on the host. See the Yocto Setup TFTP/NFS section for more info. Also used to create our extended SD card. See the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
Linux kernel image, same binary for SD card and eMMC. | |
U-Boot built for SD card boot or eMMC boot. |
File Name |
Description |
Image.gz-imx8m-var-dart-emmc-wifi-hdmi.dtb | Device tree blob for eMMC, WIFI and HDMI display configuration. |
Image.gz-imx8m-var-dart-emmc-wifi-hdmi-4k.dtb | Device tree blob for eMMC, WIFI and HDMI 4K display configuration. |
Image.gz-imx8m-var-dart-emmc-wifi-dcss-lvds.dtb | Device tree blob for eMMC, WIFI and DCSS LVDS display configuration. |
Image.gz-imx8m-var-dart-emmc-wifi-lcdif-lvds.dtb | Device tree blob for eMMC, WIFI and LCDIF LVDS display configuration. |
Image.gz-imx8m-var-dart-emmc-wifi-dual-display.dtb | Device tree blob for eMMC, WIFI and dual LVDS+HDMI display configuration. |
Image.gz-imx8m-var-dart-sd-emmc-hdmi.dtb | Device tree blob for SD, eMMC and HDMI display configuration. |
Image.gz-imx8m-var-dart-sd-emmc-hdmi-4k.dtb | Device tree blob for SD, eMMC and HDMI 4K display configuration. |
Image.gz-imx8m-var-dart-sd-emmc-dcss-lvds.dtb | Device tree blob for SD, eMMC and DCSS LVDS display configuration. |
Image.gz-imx8m-var-dart-sd-emmc-lcdif-lvds.dtb | Device tree blob for SD, eMMC and LCDIF LVDS display configuration. |
Image.gz-imx8m-var-dart-sd-emmc-dual-display.dtb | Device tree blob for SD, eMMC and dual LVDS+HDMI display configuration. |
Image Name |
How to use |
fsl-image-gui-.sdcard.gz | This image is for SD card boot. It can be flashed as-is on an SD card that can then be used to boot your system, according to the relevant startup-guide of your product (usually requires to press the boot select button, or toggle a DIP switch). For detailed information refer to the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
fsl-image-gui-.tar.gz | Tarball with rootfs files. Can be used to create an NFS root file system on the host. See the Yocto Setup TFTP/NFS section for more info. Also used to create our extended SD card. See the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
Linux kernel image, same binary for SD card and eMMC. | |
U-Boot built for SD card boot or eMMC boot. |
File Name |
Description |
Image.gz-fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-emmc-wifi-hdmi.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M with WIFI and HDMI display support on carrier board revisions 1.3 and higher. |
Image.gz-fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-emmc-wifi-lvds.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M with WIFI and LVDS display support on carrier board revisions 1.3 and higher. |
Image.gz-fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-emmc-wifi-dual-display.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M with WIFI and dual LVDS+HDMI display support on carrier board revisions 1.3 and higher. |
Image.gz-fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-emmc-wifi-hdmi-cb12.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M with WIFI and HDMI display support on carrier board revisions 1.1 and 1.2. |
Image.gz-fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-emmc-wifi-lvds-cb12.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M with WIFI and LVDS display support on carrier board revisions 1.1 and 1.2. |
Image.gz-fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-emmc-wifi-dual-display-cb12.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M with WIFI and dual LVDS+HDMI display support on carrier board revisions 1.1 and 1.2. |
Image.gz-fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-emmc-hdmi.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M with SD card and HDMI display support on carrier board revisions 1.3 and higher. |
Image.gz-fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-emmc-lvds.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M with SD card and LCDIF LVDS display support on carrier board revisions 1.3 and higher. |
Image.gz-fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-emmc-dual-display.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M with SD card and dual LVDS+HDMI display support on carrier board revisions 1.3 and higher. |
Image.gz-fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-emmc-hdmi-cb12.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M with SD card and HDMI display support on carrier board revisions 1.1 and 1.2. |
Image.gz-fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-emmc-lvds-cb12.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M with SD card and LCDIF LVDS display support on carrier board revisions 1.1 and 1.2. |
Image.gz-fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-emmc-dual-display-cb12.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M with SD card and dual LVDS+HDMI display support on carrier board revisions 1.1 and 1.2. |
Image Name |
How to use |
fsl-image-gui-.sdcard.gz | This image is for SD card boot. It can be flashed as-is on an SD card that can then be used to boot your system, according to the relevant startup-guide of your product (usually requires to press the boot select button, or toggle a DIP switch). For detailed information refer to the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
fsl-image-gui-.tar.gz | Tarball with rootfs files. Can be used to create an NFS root file system on the host. See the Yocto Setup TFTP/NFS section for more info. Also used to create our extended SD card. See the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
Linux kernel image, same binary for SD card and eMMC. | |
U-Boot built for SD card boot or eMMC boot. |
File Name |
Description |
Image.gz-fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-dp.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M with SD card and DP display support on carrier board revisions 1.3 and higher. |
Image.gz-fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-hdmi.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M with SD card and HDMI display support on carrier board revisions 1.3 and higher. |
Image.gz-fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-lvds.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M with SD card and LVDS display support on carrier board revisions 1.3 and higher. |
Image.gz-fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-lvds-dp.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M with SD card and dual LVDS+DP display support on carrier board revisions 1.3 and higher. |
Image.gz-fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-lvds-hdmi.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M with SD card and dual LVDS+HDMI display support on carrier board revisions 1.3 and higher. |
Image.gz-fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-hdmi-cb12.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M with SD card and HDMI display support on carrier board revisions 1.1 and 1.2. |
Image.gz-fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-lvds-cb12.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M with SD card and LVDS display support on carrier board revisions 1.1 and 1.2. |
Image.gz-fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-lvds-hdmi-cb12.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M with SD card and dual LVDS+HDMI display support on carrier board revisions 1.1 and 1.2. |
Image.gz-fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-dp.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M with WIFI and DP display support on carrier board revisions 1.3 and higher. |
Image.gz-fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-hdmi.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M with WIFI and HDMI display support on carrier board revisions 1.3 and higher. |
Image.gz-fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-lvds.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M with WIFI and LVDS display support on carrier board revisions 1.3 and higher. |
Image.gz-fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-lvds-dp.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M with WIFI and dual LVDS+DP display support on carrier board revisions 1.3 and higher. |
Image.gz-fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-lvds-hdmi.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M with WIFI and dual LVDS+HDMI display support on carrier board revisions 1.3 and higher. |
Image.gz-fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-hdmi-cb12.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M with WIFI and HDMI display support on carrier board revisions 1.1 and 1.2. |
Image.gz-fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-lvds-cb12.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M with WIFI and LVDS display support on carrier board revisions 1.1 and 1.2. |
Image.gz-fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-lvds-hdmi-cb12.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M with WIFI and dual LVDS+HDMI display support on carrier board revisions 1.1 and 1.2. |
Image.gz-fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-m4-sd-dp.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M with M4, SD card and DP display support on carrier board revisions 1.3 and higher. |
Image.gz-fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-m4-sd-hdmi.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M with M4, SD card and HDMI display support on carrier board revisions 1.3 and higher. |
Image.gz-fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-m4-sd-lvds.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M with M4, SD card and LVDS display support on carrier board revisions 1.3 and higher. |
Image.gz-fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-m4-sd-lvds-dp.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M with M4, SD card and dual LVDS+DP display support on carrier board revisions 1.3 and higher. |
Image.gz-fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-m4-sd-lvds-hdmi.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M with M4, SD card and dual LVDS+HDMI display support on carrier board revisions 1.3 and higher. |
Image.gz-fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-m4-sd-hdmi-cb12.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M with M4, SD card and HDMI display support on carrier board revisions 1.1 and 1.2. |
Image.gz-fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-m4-sd-lvds-cb12.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M with M4, SD card and LVDS display support on carrier board revisions 1.1 and 1.2. |
Image.gz-fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-m4-sd-lvds-hdmi-cb12.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M with M4, SD card and dual LVDS+HDMI display support on carrier board revisions 1.1 and 1.2. |
Image.gz-fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-m4-wifi-dp.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M with M4, WIFI and DP display support on carrier board revisions 1.3 and higher. |
Image.gz-fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-m4-wifi-hdmi.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M with M4, WIFI and HDMI display support on carrier board revisions 1.3 and higher. |
Image.gz-fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-m4-wifi-lvds.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M with M4, WIFI and LVDS display support on carrier board revisions 1.3 and higher. |
Image.gz-fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-m4-wifi-lvds-dp.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M with M4, WIFI and dual LVDS+DP display support on carrier board revisions 1.3 and higher. |
Image.gz-fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-m4-wifi-lvds-hdmi.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M with M4, WIFI and dual LVDS+HDMI display support on carrier board revisions 1.3 and higher. |
Image.gz-fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-m4-wifi-hdmi-cb12.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M with M4, WIFI and HDMI display support on carrier board revisions 1.1 and 1.2. |
Image.gz-fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-m4-wifi-lvds-cb12.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M with M4, WIFI and LVDS display support on carrier board revisions 1.1 and 1.2. |
Image.gz-fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-m4-wifi-lvds-hdmi-cb12.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M with M4, WIFI and dual LVDS+HDMI display support on carrier board revisions 1.1 and 1.2. |
Image Name |
How to use |
fsl-image-gui-.wic.gz | This image is for SD card boot. It can be flashed as-is on an SD card that can then be used to boot your system, according to the relevant startup-guide of your product (usually requires to press the boot select button, or toggle a DIP switch). For detailed information refer to the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
fsl-image-gui-.tar.gz | Tarball with rootfs files. Can be used to create an NFS root file system on the host. See the Yocto Setup TFTP/NFS section for more info. Also used to create our extended SD card. See the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
Linux kernel image, same binary for SD card and eMMC. | |
U-Boot built for SD card boot or eMMC boot. |
File Name |
Description |
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-sd-hdmi.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V2.x and above with SD card and HDMI display. |
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-sd-lvds.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V2.x and above with SD card and LVDS display. |
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-sd-lvds-hdmi.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V2.x and above with SD card and dual LVDS+HDMI display. |
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-wifi-hdmi.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V2.x and above with WIFI and HDMI display. |
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-wifi-lvds.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V2.x and above with WIFI and LVDS display. |
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-wifi-lvds-hdmi.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V2.x and above with WIFI and dual LVDS+HDMI display. |
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4-sd-hdmi.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V2.x and above with M4, SD card and HDMI display. |
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4-sd-lvds.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V2.x and above with M4, SD card and LVDS display. |
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4-sd-lvds-hdmi.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V2.x and above with M4, SD card and dual LVDS+HDMI display. |
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4-wifi-hdmi.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V2.x and above with M4, WIFI and HDMI display. |
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4-wifi-lvds.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V2.x and above with M4, WIFI and LVDS display. |
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4-wifi-lvds-hdmi.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V2.x and above with M4, WIFI and dual LVDS+HDMI display. |
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-sd-dp.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V1.3/V1.4 with SD card and DP display. |
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-sd-hdmi.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V1.3/V1.4 with SD card and HDMI display. |
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-sd-lvds.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V1.3/V1.4 with SD card and LVDS display. |
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-sd-lvds-dp.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V1.3/V1.4 with SD card and dual LVDS+DP display. |
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-sd-lvds-hdmi.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V1.3/V1.4 with SD card and dual LVDS+HDMI display. |
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-wifi-dp.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V1.3/V1.4 with WIFI and DP display. |
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-wifi-hdmi.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V1.3/V1.4 with WIFI and HDMI display. |
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-wifi-lvds.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V1.3/V1.4 with WIFI and LVDS display. |
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-wifi-lvds-dp.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V1.3/V1.4 with WIFI and dual LVDS+DP display. |
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-wifi-lvds-hdmi.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V1.3/V1.4 with WIFI and dual LVDS+HDMI display. |
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4-sd-dp.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V1.3/V1.4 with M4, SD card and DP display. |
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4-sd-hdmi.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V1.3/V1.4 with M4, SD card and HDMI display. |
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4-sd-lvds.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V1.3/V1.4 with M4, SD card and LVDS display. |
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4-sd-lvds-dp.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V1.3/V1.4 with M4, SD card and dual LVDS+DP display. |
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4-sd-lvds-hdmi.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V1.3/V1.4 with M4, SD card and dual LVDS+HDMI display. |
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4-wifi-dp.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V1.3/V1.4 with M4, WIFI and DP display. |
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4-wifi-hdmi.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V1.3/V1.4 with M4, WIFI and HDMI display. |
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4-wifi-lvds.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V1.3/V1.4 with M4, WIFI and LVDS display. |
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4-wifi-lvds-dp.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V1.3/V1.4 with M4, WIFI and dual LVDS+DP display. |
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4-wifi-lvds-hdmi.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V1.3/V1.4 with M4, WIFI and dual LVDS+HDMI display. |
Image Name |
How to use |
fsl-image-gui-.wic.zst | This image is for SD card boot. It can be flashed as-is on an SD card that can then be used to boot your system, according to the relevant startup-guide of your product (usually requires to press the boot select button, or toggle a DIP switch). For detailed information refer to the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
fsl-image-gui-.tar.zst | Tarball with rootfs files. Can be used to create an NFS root file system on the host. See the Yocto Setup TFTP/NFS section for more info. Also used to create our extended SD card. See the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
Linux kernel image, same binary for SD card and eMMC. | |
U-Boot built for SD card boot or eMMC boot. |
File Name |
Description |
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-sd-hdmi.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard with SD card and HDMI display. |
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-sd-lvds.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard with SD card and LVDS display. |
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-sd-lvds-hdmi.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard with SD card and dual LVDS+HDMI display. |
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-wifi-hdmi.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard with WIFI and HDMI display. |
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-wifi-lvds.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard with WIFI and LVDS display. |
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-wifi-lvds-hdmi.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard with WIFI and dual LVDS+HDMI display. |
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4-sd-hdmi.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard with M4, SD card and HDMI display. |
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4-sd-lvds.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard with M4, SD card and LVDS display. |
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4-sd-lvds-hdmi.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard with M4, SD card and dual LVDS+HDMI display. |
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4-wifi-hdmi.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard with M4, WIFI and HDMI display. |
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4-wifi-lvds.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard with M4, WIFI and LVDS display. |
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4-wifi-lvds-hdmi.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard with M4, WIFI and dual LVDS+HDMI display. |
Basler Camera
IMAGE_INSTALL_append = " \ basler-camera-driver \ pylon \ python3-pypylon \ gentl-producer \ xauth \ " MACHINE_ESSENTIAL_EXTRA_RDEPENDS += "kernel-module-basler-camera-driver"
ACCEPT_BASLER_EULA = "1" IMAGE_INSTALL_append = "packagegroup-dart-bcon-mipi"
E-con Camera
IMAGE_INSTALL_append = " \ econ-camera-driver \ " MACHINE_ESSENTIAL_EXTRA_RDEPENDS += "kernel-module-econ-camera-driver"
Device tree
Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M with WIFI and HDMI display support: $ make -j4 imx8m-var-dart-emmc-wifi-hdmi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M with WIFI and HDMI 4K display support: $ make -j4 imx8m-var-dart-emmc-wifi-hdmi-4k.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M with WIFI and DCSS LVDS display support: $ make -j4 imx8m-var-dart-emmc-wifi-dcss-lvds.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M with WIFI and LCDIF LVDS display support: $ make -j4 imx8m-var-dart-emmc-wifi-lcdif-lvds.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M with WIFI and dual LVDS+HDMI display support: $ make -j4 imx8m-var-dart-emmc-wifi-dual-display.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M with SD, and HDMI display support: $ make -j4 imx8m-var-dart-sd-emmc-hdmi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M with SD, and HDMI 4K display support: $ make -j4 imx8m-var-dart-sd-emmc-hdmi-4k.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M with SD, and DCSS LVDS display support: $ make -j4 imx8m-var-dart-sd-emmc-dcss-lvds.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M with SD, and LCDIF LVDS display support: $ make -j4 imx8m-var-dart-sd-emmc-lcdif-lvds.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M with SD, and dual LVDS+HDMI display support: $ make -j4 imx8m-var-dart-sd-emmc-dual-display.dtb
Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M with WIFI and HDMI display support: $ make -j4 freescale/fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-emmc-wifi-hdmi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M with WIFI and LVDS display support: $ make -j4 freescale/fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-emmc-wifi-lvds.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M with WIFI and dual LVDS+HDMI display support: $ make -j4 freescale/fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-emmc-wifi-dual-display.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M with SD, and HDMI display support: $ make -j4 freescale/fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-emmc-hdmi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M with SD, and LVDS display support: $ make -j4 freescale/fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-emmc-lvds.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M with SD, and dual LVDS+HDMI display support: $ make -j4 freescale/fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-emmc-dual-display.dtb
Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M with SD and DP display support: $ make -j4 freescale/fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-dp.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M with SD and HDMI display support: $ make -j4 freescale/fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-hdmi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M with SD and LVDS display support: $ make -j4 freescale/fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-lvds.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M with SD and dual LVDS+DP display support: $ make -j4 freescale/fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-lvds-dp.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M with SD and dual LVDS+HDMI display support: $ make -j4 freescale/fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-lvds-hdmi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M with WIFI and DP display support: $ make -j4 freescale/fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-dp.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M with WIFI and HDMI display support: $ make -j4 freescale/fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-hdmi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M with WIFI and LVDS display support: $ make -j4 freescale/fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-lvds.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M with WIFI and dual LVDS+DP display support: $ make -j4 freescale/fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-lvds-dp.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M with WIFI and dual LVDS+HDMI display support: $ make -j4 freescale/fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-lvds-hdmi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M with M4, SD and DP display support: $ make -j4 freescale/fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-m4-sd-dp.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M with M4, SD and HDMI display support: $ make -j4 freescale/fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-m4-sd-hdmi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M with M4, SD and LVDS display support: $ make -j4 freescale/fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-m4-sd-lvds.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M with M4, SD and dual LVDS+DP display support: $ make -j4 freescale/fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-m4-sd-lvds-dp.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M with M4, SD and dual LVDS+HDMI display support: $ make -j4 freescale/fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-m4-sd-lvds-hdmi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M with M4, WIFI and DP display support: $ make -j4 freescale/fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-m4-wifi-dp.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M with M4, WIFI and HDMI display support: $ make -j4 freescale/fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-m4-wifi-hdmi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M with M4, WIFI and LVDS display support: $ make -j4 freescale/fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-m4-wifi-lvds.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M with M4, WIFI and dual LVDS+DP display support: $ make -j4 freescale/fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-m4-wifi-lvds-dp.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M with M4, WIFI and dual LVDS+HDMI display support: $ make -j4 freescale/fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-m4-wifi-lvds-hdmi.dtb
Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M with SD and DP display support: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mq-var-dart-sd-dp.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M with SD and HDMI display support: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mq-var-dart-sd-hdmi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M with SD and LVDS display support: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mq-var-dart-sd-lvds.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M with SD and dual LVDS+DP display support: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mq-var-dart-sd-lvds-dp.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M with SD and dual LVDS+HDMI display support: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mq-var-dart-sd-lvds-hdmi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M with WIFI and DP display support: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-dp.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M with WIFI and HDMI display support: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-hdmi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M with WIFI and LVDS display support: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-lvds.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M with WIFI and dual LVDS+DP display support: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-lvds-dp.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M with WIFI and dual LVDS+HDMI display support: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-lvds-hdmi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M with M4, SD and DP display support: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mq-var-dart-m4-sd-dp.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M with M4, SD and HDMI display support: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mq-var-dart-m4-sd-hdmi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M with M4, SD and LVDS display support: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mq-var-dart-m4-sd-lvds.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M with M4, SD and dual LVDS+DP display support: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mq-var-dart-m4-sd-lvds-dp.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M with M4, SD and dual LVDS+HDMI display support: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mq-var-dart-m4-sd-lvds-hdmi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M with M4, WIFI and DP display support: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mq-var-dart-m4-wifi-dp.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M with M4, WIFI and HDMI display support: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mq-var-dart-m4-wifi-hdmi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M with M4, WIFI and LVDS display support: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mq-var-dart-m4-wifi-lvds.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M with M4, WIFI and dual LVDS+DP display support: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mq-var-dart-m4-wifi-lvds-dp.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M with M4, WIFI and dual LVDS+HDMI display support: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mq-var-dart-m4-wifi-lvds-hdmi.dtb
Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M with SD and DP display support: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-sd-dp.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M with SD and HDMI display support: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-sd-hdmi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M with SD and LVDS display support: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-sd-lvds.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M with SD and dual LVDS+DP display support: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-sd-lvds-dp.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M with SD and dual LVDS+HDMI display support: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-sd-lvds-hdmi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M with WIFI and DP display support: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-wifi-dp.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M with WIFI and HDMI display support: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-wifi-hdmi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M with WIFI and LVDS display support: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-wifi-lvds.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M with WIFI and dual LVDS+DP display support: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-wifi-lvds-dp.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M with WIFI and dual LVDS+HDMI display support: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-wifi-lvds-hdmi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M with M4, SD and DP display support: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4-sd-dp.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M with M4, SD and HDMI display support: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4-sd-hdmi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M with M4, SD and LVDS display support: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4-sd-lvds.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M with M4, SD and dual LVDS+DP display support: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4-sd-lvds-dp.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M with M4, SD and dual LVDS+HDMI display support: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4-sd-lvds-hdmi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M with M4, WIFI and DP display support: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4-wifi-dp.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M with M4, WIFI and HDMI display support: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4-wifi-hdmi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M with M4, WIFI and LVDS display support: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4-wifi-lvds.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M with M4, WIFI and dual LVDS+DP display support: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4-wifi-lvds-dp.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M with M4, WIFI and dual LVDS+HDMI display support: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4-wifi-lvds-hdmi.dtb
Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V2.x and above with SD and HDMI display: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-sd-hdmi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V2.x and above with SD and LVDS display: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-sd-lvds.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V2.x and above with SD and dual LVDS+HDMI display: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-sd-lvds-hdmi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V2.x and above with WIFI and HDMI display: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-wifi-hdmi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V2.x and above with WIFI and LVDS display: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-wifi-lvds.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V2.x and above with WIFI and dual LVDS+HDMI display: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-wifi-lvds-hdmi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V2.x and above with M4, SD and HDMI display: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4-sd-hdmi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V2.x and above with M4, SD and dual LVDS+HDMI display: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4-sd-lvds-hdmi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V2.x and above with M4, WIFI and HDMI display: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4-wifi-hdmi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V2.x and above with M4, WIFI and LVDS display: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4-wifi-lvds.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V2.x and above with M4, WIFI and dual LVDS+HDMI display: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4-wifi-lvds-hdmi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V1.3/V1.4 with SD and DP display: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-sd-dp.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V1.3/V1.4 with SD and HDMI display: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-sd-hdmi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V1.3/V1.4 with SD and LVDS display: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-sd-lvds.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V1.3/V1.4 with SD and dual LVDS+DP display: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-sd-lvds-dp.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V1.3/V1.4 with SD and dual LVDS+HDMI display: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-sd-lvds-hdmi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V1.3/V1.4 with WIFI and DP display: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-wifi-dp.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V1.3/V1.4 with WIFI and HDMI display: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-wifi-hdmi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V1.3/V1.4 with WIFI and LVDS display: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-wifi-lvds.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V1.3/V1.4 with WIFI and dual LVDS+DP display: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-wifi-lvds-dp.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V1.3/V1.4 with WIFI and dual LVDS+HDMI display: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-wifi-lvds-hdmi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V1.3/V1.4 with M4, SD and DP display: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4-sd-dp.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V1.3/V1.4 with M4, SD and HDMI display: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4-sd-hdmi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V1.3/V1.4 with M4, SD and dual LVDS+DP display: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4-sd-lvds-dp.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V1.3/V1.4 with M4, SD and dual LVDS+HDMI display: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4-sd-lvds-hdmi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V1.3/V1.4 with M4, WIFI and DP display: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4-wifi-dp.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V1.3/V1.4 with M4, WIFI and HDMI display: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4-wifi-hdmi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V1.3/V1.4 with M4, WIFI and LVDS display: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4-wifi-lvds.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V1.3/V1.4 with M4, WIFI and dual LVDS+DP display: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4-wifi-lvds-dp.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V1.3/V1.4 with M4, WIFI and dual LVDS+HDMI display: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4-wifi-lvds-hdmi.dtb
Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard with SD and HDMI display: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-sd-hdmi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard with SD and LVDS display: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-sd-lvds.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard with SD and dual LVDS+HDMI display: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-sd-lvds-hdmi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard with WIFI and HDMI display: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-wifi-hdmi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard with WIFI and LVDS display: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-wifi-lvds.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard with WIFI and dual LVDS+HDMI display: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-wifi-lvds-hdmi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard with M4, SD and HDMI display: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4-sd-hdmi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard with M4, SD and dual LVDS+HDMI display: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4-sd-lvds-hdmi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard with M4, WIFI and HDMI display: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4-wifi-hdmi.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard with M4, WIFI and LVDS display: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4-wifi-lvds.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard with M4, WIFI and dual LVDS+HDMI display: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4-wifi-lvds-hdmi.dtb
SD card image file tree
/opt/images/ └── Yocto ├── imx-boot-sd.bin └── rootfs.tar.gz
SD card image file tree
/opt/images/ └── Yocto ├── imx-boot-imx8mq-var-dart-sd.bin-flash_dp_evk ├── imx-boot-imx8mq-var-dart-sd.bin-flash_evk ├── imx-boot-imx8mq-var-dart-sd.bin-flash_evk_no_hdmi ├── imx-boot-sd.bin -> imx-boot-imx8mq-var-dart-sd.bin-flash_evk └── rootfs.tar.gz
DTB File Name |
Description |
imx8m-var-dart-emmc-wifi-hdmi.dtb | Device tree blob for eMMC, WIFI and HDMI display configuration. SD card disabled. |
imx8m-var-dart-emmc-wifi-hdmi-4k.dtb | Device tree blob for eMMC, WIFI and HDMI 4K display configuration. SD card disabled. |
imx8m-var-dart-emmc-wifi-dcss-lvds.dtb | Device tree blob for eMMC, WIFI and DCSS LVDS display configuration. SD card disabled. |
imx8m-var-dart-emmc-wifi-lcdif-lvds.dtb | Device tree blob for eMMC, WIFI and LCDIF LVDS display configuration. SD card disabled. |
imx8m-var-dart-emmc-wifi-dual-display.dtb | Device tree blob for eMMC, WIFI and dual LVDS+HDMI display configuration. SD card disabled. |
imx8m-var-dart-sd-emmc-hdmi.dtb | Device tree blob for SD, eMMC and HDMI display configuration. WIFI disabled. |
imx8m-var-dart-sd-emmc-hdmi-4k.dtb | Device tree blob for SD, eMMC and HDMI 4K display configuration. WIFI disabled. |
imx8m-var-dart-sd-emmc-dcss-lvds.dtb | Device tree blob for SD, eMMC and DCSS LVDS display configuration. WIFI disabled. |
imx8m-var-dart-sd-emmc-lcdif-lvds.dtb | Device tree blob for SD, eMMC and LCDIF LVDS display configuration. WIFI disabled. |
imx8m-var-dart-sd-emmc-dual-display.dtb | Device tree blob for SD, eMMC and dual LVDS+HDMI display configuration. WIFI disabled. |
DTB File Name |
Description |
fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-emmc-wifi-hdmi.dtb | Device tree blob for eMMC, WIFI and HDMI display configuration. SD card disabled. |
fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-emmc-wifi-lvds.dtb | Device tree blob for eMMC, WIFI and LVDS display configuration. SD card disabled. |
fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-emmc-wifi-dual-display.dtb | Device tree blob for eMMC, WIFI and dual LVDS+HDMI display configuration. SD card disabled. |
fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-emmc-hdmi.dtb | Device tree blob for SD, eMMC and HDMI display configuration. WIFI disabled. |
fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-emmc-lvds.dtb | Device tree blob for SD, eMMC and LVDS display configuration. WIFI disabled. |
fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-emmc-dual-display.dtb | Device tree blob for SD, eMMC and dual LVDS+HDMI display configuration. WIFI disabled. |
DTB File Name |
Description |
fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-dp.dtb | Device tree blob for eMMC, SD and DP display configuration. WIFI disabled. |
fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-hdmi.dtb | Device tree blob for eMMC, SD and HDMI display configuration. WIFI disabled. |
fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-lvds.dtb | Device tree blob for eMMC, SD and LVDS display configuration. WIFI disabled. |
fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-lvds-dp.dtb | Device tree blob for eMMC, SD and dual LVDS+DP display configuration. WIFI disabled. |
fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-sd-lvds-hdmi.dtb | Device tree blob for eMMC, SD and dual LVDS+HDMI display configuration. WIFI disabled. |
fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-dp.dtb | Device tree blob for eMMC, WIFI and DP display configuration. SD card disabled. |
fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-hdmi.dtb | Device tree blob for eMMC, WIFI and HDMI display configuration. SD card disabled. |
fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-lvds.dtb | Device tree blob for eMMC, WIFI and LVDS display configuration. SD card disabled. |
fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-lvds-dp.dtb | Device tree blob for eMMC, WIFI and dual LVDS+DP display configuration. SD card disabled. |
fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-wifi-lvds-hdmi.dtb | Device tree blob for eMMC, WIFI and dual LVDS+HDMI display configuration. SD card disabled. |
fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-m4-sd-dp.dtb | Device tree blob for eMMC, SD and DP display configuration. WIFI disabled. |
fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-m4-sd-hdmi.dtb | Device tree blob for M4, eMMC, SD and HDMI display configuration. WIFI disabled. |
fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-m4-sd-lvds.dtb | Device tree blob for M4, eMMC, SD and LVDS display configuration. WIFI disabled. |
fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-m4-sd-lvds-dp.dtb | Device tree blob for M4, eMMC, SD and dual LVDS+DP display configuration. WIFI disabled. |
fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-m4-sd-lvds-hdmi.dtb | Device tree blob for M4, eMMC, SD and dual LVDS+HDMI display configuration. WIFI disabled. |
fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-m4-wifi-dp.dtb | Device tree blob for M4, eMMC, WIFI and DP display configuration. SD card disabled. |
fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-m4-wifi-hdmi.dtb | Device tree blob for M4, eMMC, WIFI and HDMI display configuration. SD card disabled. |
fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-m4-wifi-lvds.dtb | Device tree blob for M4, eMMC, WIFI and LVDS display configuration. SD card disabled. |
fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-m4-wifi-lvds-dp.dtb | Device tree blob for M4, eMMC, WIFI and dual LVDS+DP display configuration. SD card disabled. |
fsl-imx8mq-var-dart-m4-wifi-lvds-hdmi.dtb | Device tree blob for M4, eMMC, WIFI and dual LVDS+HDMI display configuration. SD card disabled. |
DTB File Name |
Description |
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-sd-hdmi.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V2.x and above with SD card and HDMI display. |
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-sd-lvds.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V2.x and above with SD card and LVDS display. |
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-sd-lvds-hdmi.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V2.x and above with SD card and dual LVDS+HDMI display. |
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-wifi-hdmi.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V2.x and above with WIFI and HDMI display. |
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-wifi-lvds.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V2.x and above with WIFI and LVDS display. |
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-wifi-lvds-hdmi.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V2.x and above with WIFI and dual LVDS+HDMI display. |
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4-sd-hdmi.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V2.x and above with M4, SD card and HDMI display. |
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4-sd-lvds.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V2.x and above with M4, SD card and LVDS display. |
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4-sd-lvds-hdmi.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V2.x and above with M4, SD card and dual LVDS+HDMI display. |
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4-wifi-hdmi.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V2.x and above with M4, WIFI and HDMI display. |
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4-wifi-lvds.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V2.x and above with M4, WIFI and LVDS display. |
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4-wifi-lvds-hdmi.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V2.x and above with M4, WIFI and dual LVDS+HDMI display. |
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-sd-dp.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V1.3/V1.4 with SD card and DP display. |
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-sd-hdmi.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V1.3/V1.4 with SD card and HDMI display. |
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-sd-lvds.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V1.3/V1.4 with SD card and LVDS display. |
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-sd-lvds-dp.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V1.3/V1.4 with SD card and dual LVDS+DP display. |
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-sd-lvds-hdmi.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V1.3/V1.4 with SD card and dual LVDS+HDMI display. |
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-wifi-dp.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V1.3/V1.4 with WIFI and DP display. |
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-wifi-hdmi.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V1.3/V1.4 with WIFI and HDMI display. |
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-wifi-lvds.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V1.3/V1.4 with WIFI and LVDS display. |
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-wifi-lvds-dp.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V1.3/V1.4 with WIFI and dual LVDS+DP display. |
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-wifi-lvds-hdmi.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V1.3/V1.4 with WIFI and dual LVDS+HDMI display. |
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4-sd-dp.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V1.3/V1.4 with M4, SD card and DP display. |
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4-sd-hdmi.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V1.3/V1.4 with M4, SD card and HDMI display. |
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4-sd-lvds.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V1.3/V1.4 with M4, SD card and LVDS display. |
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4-sd-lvds-dp.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V1.3/V1.4 with M4, SD card and dual LVDS+DP display. |
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4-sd-lvds-hdmi.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V1.3/V1.4 with M4, SD card and dual LVDS+HDMI display. |
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4-wifi-dp.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V1.3/V1.4 with M4, WIFI and DP display. |
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4-wifi-hdmi.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V1.3/V1.4 with M4, WIFI and HDMI display. |
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4-wifi-lvds.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V1.3/V1.4 with M4, WIFI and LVDS display. |
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4-wifi-lvds-dp.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V1.3/V1.4 with M4, WIFI and dual LVDS+DP display. |
imx8mq-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4-wifi-lvds-hdmi.dtb | DTB for DART-MX8M on DT8MCustomBoard V1.3/V1.4 with M4, WIFI and dual LVDS+HDMI display. |
Setting the Boot Mode
Make sure the BOOT SELECT DIP switch on the carrier board is set correctly before you power on the board.
SW7 0 : Boot from SD card 1 : Boot from eMMC
Build Results
Image Name |
How to use |
fsl-image-gui-.sdcard.gz | This image is for SD card boot. It can be flashed as-is on an SD card that can then be used to boot your system, according to the relevant startup-guide of your product (usually requires to press the boot select button, or toggle a DIP switch). For detailed information refer to the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
fsl-image-gui-.tar.gz | Tarball with rootfs files. Can be used to create an NFS root file system on the host. See the Yocto Setup TFTP/NFS section for more info. Also used to create our extended SD card. See the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
Linux kernel image, same binary for SD card and eMMC. | |
U-Boot built for SD card boot or eMMC boot. |
File Name |
Description |
fsl-imx8mm-var-dart.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-MX8M-MINI |
fsl-imx8mm-var-som.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI |
fsl-imx8mm-var-som-rev10.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI Rev 1.0 |
Image Name |
How to use |
fsl-image-gui-.sdcard.gz | This image is for SD card boot. It can be flashed as-is on an SD card that can then be used to boot your system, according to the relevant startup-guide of your product (usually requires to press the boot select button, or toggle a DIP switch). For detailed information refer to the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
fsl-image-gui-.tar.gz | Tarball with rootfs files. Can be used to create an NFS root file system on the host. See the Yocto Setup TFTP/NFS section for more info. Also used to create our extended SD card. See the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
Linux kernel image, same binary for SD card and eMMC. | |
U-Boot built for SD card boot or eMMC boot. |
File Name |
Description |
Expression error: Unexpected > operator. | Device tree blob for DART-MX8M-MINI V2.x on DT8MCustomBoard |
Expression error: Unexpected > operator. | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI V2.x on Symphony-Board |
Expression error: Unexpected > operator. | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI V1.0 on Symphony-Board |
Expression error: Unexpected > operator. | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI V1.x on Symphony-Board |
imx8mm-var-dart-1.x.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-MX8M-MINI V1.x on DT8MCustomBoard |
imx8mm-var-dart-1.x-m4.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-MX8M-MINI V1.x with Cortex-M4 on DT8MCustomBoard |
imx8mm-var-dart-m4.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-MX8M-MINI V2.x with Cortex-M4 on DT8MCustomBoard |
imx8mm-var-som-rev10-m4.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI V1.0 on Symphony-Board with Cortex-M4 |
imx8mm-var-som-1.x-m4.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI V1.x with Cortex-M4 on Symphony-Board |
imx8mm-var-som-m4.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI V2.x with Cortex-M4 on Symphony-Board |
Image Name |
How to use |
fsl-image-gui-.sdcard.gz | This image is for SD card boot. It can be flashed as-is on an SD card that can then be used to boot your system, according to the relevant startup-guide of your product (usually requires to press the boot select button, or toggle a DIP switch). For detailed information refer to the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
fsl-image-gui-.tar.gz | Tarball with rootfs files. Can be used to create an NFS root file system on the host. See the Yocto Setup TFTP/NFS section for more info. Also used to create our extended SD card. See the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
Linux kernel image, same binary for SD card and eMMC. | |
U-Boot built for SD card boot or eMMC boot. |
File Name |
Description |
imx8mm-var-dart-customboard.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-MX8M-MINI on DT8MCustomBoard |
imx8mm-var-dart-customboard-m4.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-MX8M-MINI with Cortex-M4 on DT8MCustomBoard |
imx8mm-var-som-symphony.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI on Symphony-Board V1.4A and above |
imx8mm-var-som-symphony-m4.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI with Cortex-M4 on Symphony-Board V1.4A and above |
imx8mm-var-som-symphony-legacy.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI on Symphony-Board V1.4 and below |
imx8mm-var-som-symphony-legacy-m4.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI with Cortex-M4 on Symphony-Board V1.4 and below |
Image Name |
How to use |
fsl-image-gui-.sdcard.gz | This image is for SD card boot. It can be flashed as-is on an SD card that can then be used to boot your system, according to the relevant startup-guide of your product (usually requires to press the boot select button, or toggle a DIP switch). For detailed information refer to the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
fsl-image-gui-.tar.gz | Tarball with rootfs files. Can be used to create an NFS root file system on the host. See the Yocto Setup TFTP/NFS section for more info. Also used to create our extended SD card. See the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
Linux kernel image, same binary for SD card and eMMC. | |
U-Boot built for SD card boot or eMMC boot. |
File Name |
Description |
imx8mm-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-MX8M-MINI on DT8MCustomBoard V2.x and above |
imx8mm-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-MX8M-MINI with Cortex-M4 on DT8MCustomBoard V2.x and above |
imx8mm-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-MX8M-MINI on DT8MCustomBoard V1.x |
imx8mm-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-MX8M-MINI with Cortex-M4 on DT8MCustomBoard V1.x |
imx8mm-var-som-symphony.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI on Symphony-Board V1.4A and above |
imx8mm-var-som-symphony-m4.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI with Cortex-M4 on Symphony-Board V1.4A and above |
imx8mm-var-som-symphony-legacy.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI on Symphony-Board V1.4 and below |
imx8mm-var-som-symphony-legacy-m4.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI with Cortex-M4 on Symphony-Board V1.4 and below |
Image Name |
How to use |
fsl-image-gui-.sdcard.gz | This image is for SD card boot. It can be flashed as-is on an SD card that can then be used to boot your system, according to the relevant startup-guide of your product (usually requires to press the boot select button, or toggle a DIP switch). For detailed information refer to the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
fsl-image-gui-.tar.gz | Tarball with rootfs files. Can be used to create an NFS root file system on the host. See the Yocto Setup TFTP/NFS section for more info. Also used to create our extended SD card. See the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
Linux kernel image, same binary for SD card and eMMC. | |
U-Boot built for SD card boot or eMMC boot. |
File Name |
Description |
imx8mm-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-MX8M-MINI on DT8MCustomBoard V2.x and above |
imx8mm-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-MX8M-MINI with Cortex-M4 on DT8MCustomBoard V2.x and above |
imx8mm-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-MX8M-MINI on DT8MCustomBoard V1.x |
imx8mm-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-MX8M-MINI with Cortex-M4 on DT8MCustomBoard V1.x |
imx8mm-var-som-symphony.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI on Symphony-Board |
imx8mm-var-som-symphony-m4.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI with Cortex-M4 on Symphony-Board |
Image Name |
How to use |
fsl-image-gui-.sdcard.gz | This image is for SD card boot. It can be flashed as-is on an SD card that can then be used to boot your system, according to the relevant startup-guide of your product (usually requires to press the boot select button, or toggle a DIP switch). For detailed information refer to the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
fsl-image-gui-.tar.zst | Tarball with rootfs files. Can be used to create an NFS root file system on the host. See the Yocto Setup TFTP/NFS section for more info. Also used to create our extended SD card. See the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
Linux kernel image, same binary for SD card and eMMC. | |
U-Boot built for SD card boot or eMMC boot. |
File Name |
Description |
imx8mm-var-dart-1.x-dt8mcustomboard.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-MX8M-MINI V1.x on DT8MCustomBoard |
imx8mm-var-dart-1.x-dt8mcustomboard-m4.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-MX8M-MINI V1.x with Cortex-M4 on DT8MCustomBoard |
imx8mm-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-MX8M-MINI V2.x on DT8MCustomBoard |
imx8mm-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-MX8M-MINI V2.x with Cortex-M4 on DT8MCustomBoard |
imx8mm-var-dart-wbe-dt8mcustomboard.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-MX8M-MINI V2.x with WBE on DT8MCustomBoard |
imx8mm-var-dart-wbe-dt8mcustomboard-m4.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-MX8M-MINI V2.x with Cortex-M4 and WBE on DT8MCustomBoard |
imx8mm-var-som-1.x-symphony.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI V1.x on Symphony-Board |
imx8mm-var-som-1.x-symphony-m4.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI V1.x with Cortex-M4 on Symphony-Board |
imx8mm-var-som-symphony.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI V2.x on Symphony-Board |
imx8mm-var-som-symphony-m4.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI V2.x with Cortex-M4 on Symphony-Board |
imx8mm-var-som-wbe-symphony.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI V2.x with WBE on Symphony-Board |
imx8mm-var-som-wbe-symphony-m4.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI V2.x with WBE and Cortex-M4 on Symphony-Board |
Device tree
Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M-MINI: $ make -j4 freescale/fsl-imx8mm-var-dart.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI: $ make -j4 freescale/fsl-imx8mm-var-var-som.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI Rev 1.0: $ make -j4 freescale/fsl-imx8mm-var-var-som-rev10.dtb
Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M-MINI V2.x on DT8MCustomBoard: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mm-var-dart.dtb Build only the device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI V2.x on Symphony-Board: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mm-var-som.dtb Build only the device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI V1.0 on Symphony-Board: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mm-var-som-rev10.dtb Build only the device tree blob for DART-MX8M-MINI V1.x on DT8MCustomBoard: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mm-var-dart-1.x.dtb Build only the device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI V1.x on Symphony-Board: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mm-var-som-1.x.dtb Build only the device tree blob for DART-MX8M-MINI V1.x with Cortex-M4 on DT8MCustomBoard: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mm-var-dart-1.x-m4.dtb Build only the device tree blob for DART-MX8M-MINI V2.x with Cortex-M4 on DT8MCustomBoard: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mm-var-dart-m4.dtb Build only the device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI V1.0 on Symphony-Board with Cortex-M4: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mm-var-som-rev10-m4.dtb Build only the device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI V1.x with Cortex-M4 on Symphony-Board: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mm-var-som-1.x-m4.dtb Build only the device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI V2.x with Cortex-M4 on Symphony-Board: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mm-var-som-m4.dtb
Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M-MINI: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mm-var-dart-customboard.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mm-var-som-symphony.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI Rev 1.0: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mm-var-som-rev10-symphony.dtb
Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M-MINI on DT8MCustomBoard: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mm-var-dart-customboard.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M-MINI with Cortex-M4 on DT8MCustomBoard: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mm-var-dart-customboard-m4.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI on Symphony-Board V1.4A and above: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mm-var-som-symphony.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI with Cortex-M4 on Symphony-Board V1.4A and above: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mm-var-som-symphony-m4.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI on Symphony-Board V1.4 and below: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mm-var-som-symphony-legacy.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI with Cortex-M4 on Symphony-Board V1.4 and below: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mm-var-som-symphony-legacy-m4.dtb
Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M-MINI on DT8MCustomBoard V2.x and above: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mm-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M-MINI on with Cortex-M4 DT8MCustomBoard V2.x and above: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mm-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M-MINI on DT8MCustomBoard V1.x: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mm-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M-MINI on with Cortex-M4 DT8MCustomBoard V1.x: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mm-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI on Symphony-Board V1.4A and above: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mm-var-som-symphony.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI with Cortex-M4 on Symphony-Board V1.4A and above: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mm-var-som-symphony-m4.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI on Symphony-Board V1.4 and below: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mm-var-som-symphony-legacy.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI with Cortex-M4 on Symphony-Board V1.4 and below: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mm-var-som-symphony-legacy-m4.dtb
Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M-MINI on DT8MCustomBoard V2.x and above: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mm-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M-MINI on with Cortex-M4 DT8MCustomBoard V2.x and above: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mm-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M-MINI on DT8MCustomBoard V1.x: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mm-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M-MINI on with Cortex-M4 DT8MCustomBoard V1.x: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mm-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m4.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI on Symphony-Board: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mm-var-som-symphony.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI with Cortex-M4 on Symphony-Board: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mm-var-som-symphony-m4.dtb
Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M-MINI V1.x and above on DT8MCustomBoard: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mm-var-dart-1.x-dt8mcustomboard.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M-MINI V1.x and above with Cortex-M4 on DT8MCustomBoard: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mm-var-dart-1.x-dt8mcustomboard-m4.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M-MINI V2.x and above on DT8MCustomBoard: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mm-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M-MINI V2.x and above with Cortex-M4 on DT8MCustomBoard: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mm-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m4.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M-MINI V2.x with WBE support on DT8MCustomBoard: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mm-var-dart-wbe-dt8mcustomboard.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M-MINI V2.x with Cortex-M4 and with WBE support on DT8MCustomBoard: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mm-var-dart-wbe-dt8mcustomboard-m4.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI V1.x on Symphony-Board: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mm-var-som-1.x-symphony.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI V1.x with Cortex-M4 on Symphony-Board: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mm-var-som-1.x-symphony-m4.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI V2.x on Symphony-Board: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mm-var-som-symphony.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI V2.x with Cortex-M4 on Symphony-Board: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mm-var-som-symphony-m4.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI V2.x with WBE on Symphony-Board: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mm-var-som-wbe-symphony.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI V2.x with WBE and Cortex-M4 on Symphony-Board: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mm-var-som-wbe-symphony-m4.dtb
SD card image file tree
/opt/images/ └── Yocto ├── imx-boot-sd.bin └── rootfs.tar.gz
Setting the Boot Mode
Make sure the BOOT SELECT DIP switch on the carrier board is set correctly before you power on the board.
SW7 0 : Boot from SD card 1 : Boot from eMMC
Build Results
Image Name |
How to use |
fsl-image-gui-.sdcard.gz | This image is for SD card boot. It can be flashed as-is on an SD card that can then be used to boot your system, according to the relevant startup-guide of your product (usually requires to press the boot select button, or toggle a DIP switch). For detailed information refer to the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
fsl-image-gui-.tar.gz | Tarball with rootfs files. Can be used to create an NFS root file system on the host. See the Yocto Setup TFTP/NFS section for more info. Also used to create our extended SD card. See the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
Linux kernel image, same binary for SD card and eMMC. | |
U-Boot built for SD card boot or eMMC boot. |
File Name |
Description |
imx93-var-som-symphony.dtb | Device tree for VAR-SOM-MX93 on Symphony-Board |
imx93-var-som-symphony-ld.dtb | Device tree for VAR-SOM-MX93 with Low Drive mode on Symphony-Board |
imx93-var-som-wbe-symphony.dtb | Device tree for VAR-SOM-MX93 with WBE support on Symphony-Board |
imx93-var-som-wbe-symphony-ld.dtb | Device tree for VAR-SOM-MX93 with Low Drive mode, and WBE support on Symphony-Board |
imx93-var-som-symphony-m33.dtb | Device tree for VAR-SOM-MX93 with Cortex-M33 on Symphony-Board |
Image Name |
How to use |
fsl-image-gui-.sdcard.gz | This image is for SD card boot. It can be flashed as-is on an SD card that can then be used to boot your system, according to the relevant startup-guide of your product (usually requires to press the boot select button, or toggle a DIP switch). For detailed information refer to the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
fsl-image-gui-.tar.gz | Tarball with rootfs files. Can be used to create an NFS root file system on the host. See the Yocto Setup TFTP/NFS section for more info. Also used to create our extended SD card. See the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
Linux kernel image, same binary for SD card and eMMC. | |
U-Boot built for SD card boot or eMMC boot. |
File Name |
Description |
imx93-var-som-symphony.dtb | Device tree for VAR-SOM-MX93 on Symphony-Board |
imx93-var-som-symphony-ld.dtb | Device tree for VAR-SOM-MX93 with Low Drive mode on Symphony-Board |
imx93-var-som-wbe-symphony.dtb | Device tree for VAR-SOM-MX93 with WBE support on Symphony-Board |
imx93-var-som-wbe-symphony-ld.dtb | Device tree for VAR-SOM-MX93 with Low Drive mode, and WBE support on Symphony-Board |
imx93-var-som-symphony-m33.dtb | Device tree for VAR-SOM-MX93 with Cortex-M33 on Symphony-Board |
imx93-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard.dtb | Device tree for DART-MX93 on DT8MCustomBoard |
imx93-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard.dtb | Device tree for DART-MX93 with Low Drive mode, and WBE support on DT8MCustomBoard |
Build Results
Image Name |
How to use |
fsl-image-gui-.sdcard.gz | This image is for SD card boot. It can be flashed as-is on an SD card that can then be used to boot your system, according to the relevant startup-guide of your product (usually requires to press the boot select button, or toggle a DIP switch). For detailed information refer to the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
fsl-image-gui-.tar.gz | Tarball with rootfs files. Can be used to create an NFS root file system on the host. See the Yocto Setup TFTP/NFS section for more info. Also used to create our extended SD card. See the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
Linux kernel image, same binary for SD card and eMMC. | |
U-Boot built for SD card boot or eMMC boot. |
File Name |
Description |
imx95-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard.dtb | Device tree for DART-MX95 on DT8MCustomBoard |
Image Name |
How to use |
fsl-image-gui-.sdcard.gz | This image is for SD card boot. It can be flashed as-is on an SD card that can then be used to boot your system, according to the relevant startup-guide of your product (usually requires to press the boot select button, or toggle a DIP switch). For detailed information refer to the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
fsl-image-gui-.tar.gz | Tarball with rootfs files. Can be used to create an NFS root file system on the host. See the Yocto Setup TFTP/NFS section for more info. Also used to create our extended SD card. See the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
Linux kernel image, same binary for SD card and eMMC. | |
U-Boot built for SD card boot or eMMC boot. |
File Name |
Description |
imx95-var-dart-1.0-dt8mcustomboard.dtb | Device tree for DART-MX95 V1.0 on DT8MCustomBoard |
imx95-var-dart-1.0-sonata.dtb | Device tree for DART-MX95 V1.0 on Sonata |
imx95-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard.dtb | Device tree for DART-MX95 > V1.0 on DT8MCustomBoard |
imx95-var-dart-sonata.dtb | Device tree for DART-MX95 > V1.0 on Sonata |
MX95 Device tree v1
Build only the device tree for DART-MX95 on DT8MCustomBoard: $ make -j4 freescale/imx95-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard.dtb
MX95 Device tree v2
Build only the device tree for DART-MX95 V1.0 on DT8MCustomBoard: $ make -j4 freescale/imx95-var-dart-1.0-dt8mcustomboard.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX95 V1.0 on Sonata: $ make -j4 freescale/imx95-var-dart-1.0-sonata.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX95 > V1.0 on DT8MCustomBoard: $ make -j4 freescale/imx95-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX95 > V1.0 on Sonata: $ make -j4 freescale/imx95-var-dart-sonata.dtb
Build Results
Image Name |
How to use |
fsl-image-gui-.sdcard.gz | This image is for SD card boot. It can be flashed as-is on an SD card that can then be used to boot your system, according to the relevant startup-guide of your product (usually requires to press the boot select button, or toggle a DIP switch). For detailed information refer to the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
fsl-image-gui-.tar.gz | Tarball with rootfs files. Can be used to create an NFS root file system on the host. See the Yocto Setup TFTP/NFS section for more info. Also used to create our extended SD card. See the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
Linux kernel image, same binary for SD card and eMMC. | |
U-Boot built for SD card boot or eMMC boot. |
File Name |
Description |
Image.gz-fsl-imx8mn-var-som.dtb | Device tree blob for SD, eMMC, WIFI and LVDS display configuration. |
Build Results v2
Image Name |
How to use |
fsl-image-gui-.sdcard.gz | This image is for SD card boot. It can be flashed as-is on an SD card that can then be used to boot your system, according to the relevant startup-guide of your product (usually requires to press the boot select button, or toggle a DIP switch). For detailed information refer to the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
fsl-image-gui-.tar.gz | Tarball with rootfs files. Can be used to create an NFS root file system on the host. See the Yocto Setup TFTP/NFS section for more info. Also used to create our extended SD card. See the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
Linux kernel image, same binary for SD card and eMMC. | |
U-Boot built for SD card boot or eMMC boot. |
File Name |
Description |
Image.gz-fsl-imx8mn-var-som.dtb | Device tree blob for SD, eMMC, WIFI and LVDS display configuration. |
Image.gz-fsl-imx8mn-var-som-rev10.dtb | Device tree blob for SD, eMMC, WIFI and LVDS display configuration rev 1.0. |
Image.gz-fsl-imx8mn-var-som-m7.dtb | Device tree blob for M7, SD, eMMC, WIFI and LVDS display configuration. |
Image.gz-fsl-imx8mn-var-som-rev10-m7.dtb | Device tree blob for M7, SD, eMMC, WIFI and LVDS display configuration rev 1.0. |
Build Results v3
Image Name |
How to use |
fsl-image-gui-.sdcard.gz | This image is for SD card boot. It can be flashed as-is on an SD card that can then be used to boot your system, according to the relevant startup-guide of your product (usually requires to press the boot select button, or toggle a DIP switch). For detailed information refer to the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
fsl-image-gui-.tar.gz | Tarball with rootfs files. Can be used to create an NFS root file system on the host. See the Yocto Setup TFTP/NFS section for more info. Also used to create our extended SD card. See the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
Linux kernel image, same binary for SD card and eMMC. | |
U-Boot built for SD card boot or eMMC boot. |
File Name |
Description |
imx8mn-var-som.dtb | Device tree blob for SD, eMMC, WIFI and LVDS display configuration. |
imx8mn-var-som.dtb | Device tree blob for SD, eMMC, WIFI and LVDS display configuration rev 1.0. |
Build Results v4
Image Name |
How to use |
fsl-image-gui-.sdcard.gz | This image is for SD card boot. It can be flashed as-is on an SD card that can then be used to boot your system, according to the relevant startup-guide of your product (usually requires to press the boot select button, or toggle a DIP switch). For detailed information refer to the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
fsl-image-gui-.tar.gz | Tarball with rootfs files. Can be used to create an NFS root file system on the host. See the Yocto Setup TFTP/NFS section for more info. Also used to create our extended SD card. See the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
Linux kernel image, same binary for SD card and eMMC. | |
U-Boot built for SD card boot or eMMC boot. |
File Name |
Description |
imx8mn-var-som-symphony.dtb | Device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI on Symphony-Board V1.4A and above |
imx8mn-var-som-symphony-m7.dtb | Device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI with Cortex-M7 on Symphony-Board V1.4A and above |
imx8mn-var-som-symphony-legacy.dtb | Device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI on Symphony-Board V1.4 and below |
imx8mn-var-som-symphony-legacy-m7.dtb | Device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-MINI with Cortex-M7 on Symphony-Board V1.4 and below |
Build Results v5
Image Name |
How to use |
fsl-image-gui-.sdcard.gz | This image is for SD card boot. It can be flashed as-is on an SD card that can then be used to boot your system, according to the relevant startup-guide of your product (usually requires to press the boot select button, or toggle a DIP switch). For detailed information refer to the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
fsl-image-gui-.tar.gz | Tarball with rootfs files. Can be used to create an NFS root file system on the host. See the Yocto Setup TFTP/NFS section for more info. Also used to create our extended SD card. See the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
Linux kernel image, same binary for SD card and eMMC. | |
U-Boot built for SD card boot or eMMC boot. |
File Name |
Description |
imx8mn-var-som-symphony.dtb | Device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-NANO on Symphony-Board |
imx8mn-var-som-symphony-m7.dtb | Device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-NANO with Cortex-M7 on Symphony-Board |
Device tree
Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-NANO: $ make -j4 freescale/fsl-imx8mn-var-som.dtb
Device tree v2
Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-NANO: $ make -j4 freescale/fsl-imx8mn-var-som.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-NANO rev 1.0: $ make -j4 freescale/fsl-imx8mn-var-som-rev10.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-NANO with Cortex-M7: $ make -j4 freescale/fsl-imx8mn-var-som-m7.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-NANO rev 1.0 with Cortex-M7: $ make -j4 freescale/fsl-imx8mn-var-som-rev10-m7.dtb
Device tree v3
Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-NANO: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mn-var-som.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-NANO rev 1.0: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mn-var-som-rev10.dtb
Device tree v4
Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-NANO: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mn-var-som-symphony.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-NANO rev 1.0: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mn-var-som-rev10-symphony.dtb
Device tree v5
Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-NANO on Symphony-Board V1.4A and above: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mn-var-som-symphony.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-NANO with Cortex-M7 on Symphony-Board V1.4A and above: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mn-var-som-symphony-m7.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-NANO on Symphony-Board V1.4 and below: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mn-var-som-symphony-legacy.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-NANO with Cortex-M7 on Symphony-Board V1.4 and below: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mn-var-som-symphony-legacy-m7.dtb
Device tree v6
Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-NANO on Symphony-Board: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mn-var-som-symphony.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-NANO with Cortex-M7 on Symphony-Board: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mn-var-som-symphony-m7.dtb
SD card image file tree
/opt/images/ └── Yocto ├── imx-boot-sd.bin └── rootfs.tar.gz
SD card image file tree AM62
/opt/images/ └── Yocto └── rootfs.tar.zst └── boot └── tiboot3.bin └── uEnv.txt └── tispl.bin └── u-boot.img
SD card image file tree AM33
/opt/images/ └── Yocto └── rootfs.ubi └── boot └── MLO-nand └── u-boot.img-nand └── var-som-am33.dtb └── zImage
Setting the Boot Mode
Make sure the BOOT SELECT DIP switch on the carrier board is set correctly before you power on the board.
SW3 0 : Boot from SD card 1 : Boot from eMMC
MX93 Device tree v1
Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX93 on Symphony-Board: $ make -j4 freescale/imx93-var-som-symphony.dtb
Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX93 on Symphony-Board: $ make -j4 freescale/imx93-var-som-symphony.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX93 with Low Drive mode on Symphony-Board: $ make -j4 freescale/imx93-var-som-symphony-ld.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX93 with WBE support on Symphony-Board: $ make -j4 freescale/imx93-var-som-wbe-symphony.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX93 with Low Drive mode, and WBE support on Symphony-Board: $ make -j4 freescale/imx93-var-som-wbe-symphony-ld.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX93 with Cortex-M33 on Symphony-Board: $ make -j4 freescale/imx93-var-som-symphony-m33.dtb
Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX93 on Symphony-Board: $ make -j4 freescale/imx93-var-som-symphony.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX93 with Low Drive mode on Symphony-Board: $ make -j4 freescale/imx93-var-som-symphony-ld.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX93 with WBE support on Symphony-Board: $ make -j4 freescale/imx93-var-som-wbe-symphony.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX93 with Low Drive mode, and WBE support on Symphony-Board: $ make -j4 freescale/imx93-var-som-wbe-symphony-ld.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX93 with Cortex-M33 on Symphony-Board: $ make -j4 freescale/imx93-var-som-symphony-m33.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX93 on DT8MCustomBoard: $ make -j4 freescale/imx93-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX93 with Low Drive mode on DT8MCustomBoard: $ make -j4 freescale/imx93-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-ld.dtb
Basler Camera
local.conf for Zeus 2.3.0
IMAGE_INSTALL_append = " \ basler-camera-driver \ pylon \ python3-pypylon \ gentl-producer \ kernel-module-isp-vvcam \ imx8mp-modprobe-config \ basler-camera \ isp-imx \ xauth \ " PREFERRED_VERSION_isp-imx = "" PREFERRED_VERSION_basler-camera = "" PREFERRED_VERSION_kernel-module-isp-vvcam = ""
local.conf for Zeus 2.3.2
IMAGE_INSTALL_append = " \ kernel-module-basler-camera \ pylon \ python3-pypylon \ gentl-producer \ kernel-module-isp-vvcam \ imx8mp-modprobe-config \ basler-camera \ isp-imx \ xauth \ " PREFERRED_VERSION_isp-imx = "" PREFERRED_VERSION_basler-camera = "" PREFERRED_VERSION_kernel-module-isp-vvcam = ""
local.conf for Hardknott
IMAGE_INSTALL_append = " \ pylon \ python3-pypylon \ gentl-producer \ xauth \ kernel-module-basler-camera \ " IMAGE_INSTALL_append_mx8mp = " \ imx8mp-modprobe-config \ kernel-module-isp-vvcam \ isp-imx \ basler-camera \ " PREFERRED_VERSION_isp-imx = "" PREFERRED_VERSION_basler-camera = "" PREFERRED_VERSION_kernel-module-isp-vvcam = ""
local.conf for Hardknott with NXP support
IMAGE_INSTALL_append_mx8mp = " \ kernel-module-isp-vvcam \ isp-imx \ basler-camera \ "
Gestreamer for Zeus 2.3.0
The following commands apply to VCAM-AR0821B (daA3840-mc) only.
Run the following command at the shell prompt:
$ gst-launch-1.0 -v v4l2src device=/dev/video0 ! waylandsink sync=false
Gestreamer for Zeus 2.3.2
The following commands apply to VCAM-AR0821B (daA3840-mc) only.
Run the following commands at the shell prompt:
- 1920x1080@30fps:
# gst-launch-1.0 -v v4l2src device=/dev/video0 ! "video/x-raw,format=YUY2,width=1920,height=1080" ! waylandsink sync=false
- 3840x2160@30fps:
# gst-launch-1.0 -v v4l2src device=/dev/video0 ! "video/x-raw,format=YUY2,width=3840,height=2160" ! waylandsink sync=false
Gestreamer for Kirkstone
Using the Basler gst-plugin-pylon plugin
Gstreamer is supported with Basler cameras by the Basler gst-plugin-pylon plugin.
This plugin is already installed in any Basler-compatible Yocto image, either prebuilt or built as described above.
To display the video stream run the following command at the shell prompt:
# gst-launch-1.0 pylonsrc ! videoconvert ! autovideosink
For further information, see: https://github.com/basler/gst-plugin-pylon
Using the v4l2-compatible video source
For VCAM-AR0821B (daA3840-mc) and VCAM-AR0521B (daA2500-60mc), a v4l2-compatible video source is also available.
To display the video stream in this mode, run the following commands at the shell prompt:
- 1920x1080@30fps:
# gst-launch-1.0 -v v4l2src device=/dev/video2 ! "video/x-raw,format=YUY2,width=1920,height=1080" ! waylandsink sync=false
- 3840x2160@30fps:
# gst-launch-1.0 -v v4l2src device=/dev/video2 ! "video/x-raw,format=YUY2,width=3840,height=2160" ! waylandsink sync=false
Gstreamer is supported with Basler cameras by the Basler gst-plugin-pylon plugin.
This plugin is already installed in any Basler-compatible Yocto image, either prebuilt or built as described above.
To display the video stream run the following command at the shell prompt:
# gst-launch-1.0 pylonsrc ! videoconvert ! autovideosink
For further information, see: https://github.com/basler/gst-plugin-pylon
Switch cameras for Hardknott
# cd /boot # ln -fs imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-basler-isp0.dtb imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard.dtb # ln -fs imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-basler-isp0.dtb imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy.dtb # ln -fs imx8mp-var-som-symphony-basler-isp0.dtb imx8mp-var-som-symphony.dtb
To switch back run the following commands at the shell prompt:
# cd /boot # ln -fs imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-basler-isi0.dtb imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard.dtb # ln -fs imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-basler-isi0.dtb imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy.dtb # ln -fs imx8mp-var-som-symphony-basler-isi0.dtb imx8mp-var-som-symphony.dtb
Switch cameras for Hardknott with NXP support
# cd /boot # mv imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard.dtb imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-ov5640.dtb # mv imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy.dtb imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-ov5640.dtb # mv imx8mp-var-som-symphony.dtb imx8mp-var-som-symphony-ov5640.dtb # ln -fs imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-basler-isp0.dtb imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard.dtb # ln -fs imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-basler-isp0.dtb imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy.dtb # ln -fs imx8mp-var-som-symphony-basler-isp0.dtb imx8mp-var-som-symphony.dtb
Switch cameras for Scarthgap with NXP support
# cd /boot # mv imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard.dtb imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-ov5640.dtb # mv imx8mp-var-dart-wbe-dt8mcustomboard.dtb imx8mp-var-dart-wbe-dt8mcustomboard-ov5640.dtb # mv imx8mp-var-dart-1.x-dt8mcustomboard.dtb imx8mp-var-dart-1.x-dt8mcustomboard-ov5640.dtb # mv imx8mp-var-som-symphony.dtb imx8mp-var-som-symphony-ov5640.dtb # mv imx8mp-var-som-wbe-symphony.dtb imx8mp-var-som-wbe-symphony-ov5640.dtb # mv imx8mp-var-som-1.x-symphony.dtb imx8mp-var-som-1.x-symphony-ov5640.dtb # ln -fs imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-basler-isp0.dtb imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard.dtb # ln -fs imx8mp-var-dart-wbe-dt8mcustomboard-basler-isp0.dtb imx8mp-var-dart-wbe-dt8mcustomboard.dtb # ln -fs imx8mp-var-dart-1.x-dt8mcustomboard-basler-isp0.dtb imx8mp-var-dart-1.x-dt8mcustomboard.dtb # ln -fs imx8mp-var-som-symphony-basler-isp0.dtb imx8mp-var-som-symphony.dtb # ln -fs imx8mp-var-som-wbe-symphony-basler-isp0.dtb imx8mp-var-som-wbe-symphony.dtb # ln -fs imx8mp-var-som-1.x-symphony-basler-isp0.dtb imx8mp-var-som-1.x-symphony.dtb
Gestreamer for Hardknott with NXP support
$ gst-launch-1.0 -v v4l2src device=/dev/video0 ! waylandsink
Gestreamer for Kirkstone with NXP support
$ gst-launch-1.0 -v v4l2src device=/dev/video2 ! waylandsink
Gestreamer for Kirkstone with NXP support and dual-camera enabled
# gst-launch-1.0 -v v4l2src device=/dev/video2 ! waylandsink
On boards with 2 cameras you can use the 2nd camera by replacing /dev/video2 with /dev/video3 in the above command. Dual camera currently can only work on VAR-DT8MCustomBoard due to hardware limitations of Symphony board.
The following command will simultaneously record two video streams from both cameras:
# gst-launch-1.0 v4l2src device=/dev/video2 num-buffers=100 ! video/x-raw,width=1920,height=1080 ! vpuenc_h264 ! avimux ! filesink location=./test0_h264.avi \ v4l2src device=/dev/video3 num-buffers=100 ! video/x-raw,width=1920,height=1080 ! vpuenc_h264 ! avimux ! filesink location=./test1_h264.avi
Build Results
Image Name |
How to use |
fsl-image-gui-.wic.gz | This image is for SD card boot. It can be flashed as-is on an SD card that can then be used to boot your system, according to the relevant startup-guide of your product (usually requires to press the boot select button, or toggle a DIP switch). For detailed information refer to the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
fsl-image-gui-.tar.gz | Tarball with rootfs files. Can be used to create an NFS root file system on the host. See the Yocto Setup TFTP/NFS section for more info. Also used to create our extended SD card. See the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
Linux kernel image, same binary for SD card and eMMC. | |
U-Boot built for SD card boot or eMMC boot. |
File Name |
Description |
imx8mp-var-dart.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-MX8M-PLUS |
imx8mp-var-som.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS |
imx8mp-var-som-ov5640.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS with a 2nd OV5640 camera |
Image Name |
How to use |
fsl-image-gui-.wic.gz | This image is for SD card boot. It can be flashed as-is on an SD card that can then be used to boot your system, according to the relevant startup-guide of your product (usually requires to press the boot select button, or toggle a DIP switch). For detailed information refer to the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
fsl-image-gui-.tar.gz | Tarball with rootfs files. Can be used to create an NFS root file system on the host. See the Yocto Setup TFTP/NFS section for more info. Also used to create our extended SD card. See the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
Linux kernel image, same binary for SD card and eMMC. | |
U-Boot built for SD card boot or eMMC boot. |
File Name |
Description |
imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-MX8M-PLUS on DT8MCustomBoard V2.x and above |
imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-MX8M-PLUS on DT8MCustomBoard V1.x |
imx8mp-var-som-symphony.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS on Symphony-Board |
imx8mp-var-som-symphony-2nd-ov5640.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS on Symphony-Board with a 2nd OV5640 camera |
imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m7.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-MX8M-PLUS with Cortex-M7 on DT8MCustomBoard V2.x and above |
imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy-m7.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-MX8M-PLUS with Cortex-M7 on DT8MCustomBoard V1.x |
imx8mp-var-som-symphony-m7.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS with Cortex-M7 on Symphony-Board |
imx8mp-var-som-symphony-2nd-ov5640-m7.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS with Cortex-M7 on Symphony-Board with a 2nd OV5640 camera |
Image Name |
How to use |
fsl-image-gui-.wic.gz | This image is for SD card boot. It can be flashed as-is on an SD card that can then be used to boot your system, according to the relevant startup-guide of your product (usually requires to press the boot select button, or toggle a DIP switch). For detailed information refer to the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
fsl-image-gui-.tar.gz | Tarball with rootfs files. Can be used to create an NFS root file system on the host. See the Yocto Setup TFTP/NFS section for more info. Also used to create our extended SD card. See the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
Linux kernel image, same binary for SD card and eMMC. | |
U-Boot built for SD card boot or eMMC boot. |
File Name |
Description |
imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-MX8M-PLUS V2.x with LVDS support on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x and above |
imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m7.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-MX8M-PLUS V2.x with LVDS and Cortex-M7 support on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x and above |
imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-basler-isi0.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-MX8M-PLUS V2.x with LVDS and Basler VCAM-AR1335B camera support on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x and above |
imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-basler-isi0-m7.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-MX8M-PLUS V2.x with LVDS, Basler VCAM-AR1335B camera and Cortex-M7 support on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x and above |
imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-basler-isp0.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-MX8M-PLUS V2.x with LVDS and Basler VCAM-AR0821B camera support on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x and above |
imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-basler-isp0-m7.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-MX8M-PLUS V2.x with LVDS, Basler VCAM-AR0821B camera and Cortex-M7 support on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x and above |
imx8mp-var-dart-wbe-dt8mcustomboard.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-MX8M-PLUS V2.x with WBE and LVDS support on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x and above |
imx8mp-var-dart-wbe-dt8mcustomboard-m7.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-MX8M-PLUS V2.x with WBE, LVDS and Cortex-M7 support on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x and above |
imx8mp-var-dart-wbe-dt8mcustomboard-basler-isi0.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-MX8M-PLUS V2.x with WBE, LVDS and Basler VCAM-AR1335B camera support on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x and above |
imx8mp-var-dart-wbe-dt8mcustomboard-basler-isi0-m7.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-MX8M-PLUS V2.x with WBE, LVDS, Basler VCAM-AR1335B camera and Cortex-M7 support on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x and above |
imx8mp-var-dart-wbe-dt8mcustomboard-basler-isp0.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-MX8M-PLUS V2.x with WBE, LVDS and Basler VCAM-AR0821B camera support on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x and above |
imx8mp-var-dart-wbe-dt8mcustomboard-basler-isp0-m7.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-MX8M-PLUS V2.x with WBE, LVDS, Basler VCAM-AR0821B camera and Cortex-M7 support on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x and above |
imx8mp-var-dart-1.x-dt8mcustomboard.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-MX8M-PLUS V1.x with LVDS support on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x and above |
imx8mp-var-dart-1.x-dt8mcustomboard-m7.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-MX8M-PLUS V1.x with LVDS and Cortex-M7 support on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x and above |
imx8mp-var-dart-1.x-dt8mcustomboard-basler-isi0.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-MX8M-PLUS V1.x with LVDS and Basler VCAM-AR1335B camera support on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x and above |
imx8mp-var-dart-1.x-dt8mcustomboard-basler-isi0-m7.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-MX8M-PLUS V1.x with LVDS, Basler VCAM-AR1335B camera and Cortex-M7 support on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x and above |
imx8mp-var-dart-1.x-dt8mcustomboard-basler-isp0.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-MX8M-PLUS V1.x with LVDS and Basler VCAM-AR0821B camera support on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x and above |
imx8mp-var-dart-1.x-dt8mcustomboard-basler-isp0-m7.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-MX8M-PLUS V1.x with LVDS, Basler VCAM-AR0821B camera and Cortex-M7 support on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x and above |
imx8mp-var-som-symphony.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V2.X with LVDS support on Symphony-Board |
imx8mp-var-som-symphony-m7.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V2.X with LVDS and Cortex-M7 support on Symphony-Board |
imx8mp-var-som-symphony-2nd-ov5640.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V2.x with LVDS and 2nd OV5640 support on Symphony-Board |
imx8mp-var-som-symphony-2nd-ov5640-m7 | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V2.x with LVDS, 2nd OV5640 and Cortex-M7 support on Symphony-Board |
imx8mp-var-som-symphony-basler-isi0.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V2.x with LVDS and Basler VCAM-AR1335B camera support on Symphony-Board |
imx8mp-var-som-symphony-basler-isi0-m7.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS v2.X with LVDS, Basler VCAM-AR1335B camera and Cortex-M7 support on Symphony-Board |
imx8mp-var-som-symphony-basler-isp0.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V2.x with LVDS and Basler VCAM-AR0821B camera support on Symphony-Board |
imx8mp-var-som-symphony-basler-isp0-m7.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V2.x with LVDS, Basler VCAM-AR0821B camera and Cortex-M7 supporton Symphony-Board |
imx8mp-var-som-wbe-symphony.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V2.x with WBE and LVDS support on Symphony-Board |
imx8mp-var-som-wbe-symphony-m7.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V2.x with WBE, LVDS and Cortex-M7 support on Symphony-Board |
imx8mp-var-som-wbe-symphony-2nd-ov5640.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V2.x with WBE, LVDS and 2nd OV5640 support on Symphony-Board |
imx8mp-var-som-wbe-symphony-2nd-ov5640-m7.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V2.X with WBE, LVDS, 2nd OV5640 and Cortex-M7 support on Symphony-Board |
imx8mp-var-som-wbe-symphony-basler-isi0.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V2.x with WBE, LVDS and Basler VCAM-AR1335B camera support on Symphony-Board |
imx8mp-var-som-wbe-symphony-basler-isi0-m7.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V2.x with WBE, LVDS, Basler VCAM-AR1335B camera and M7 support on Symphony-Board |
imx8mp-var-som-wbe-symphony-basler-isp0.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V2.x with WBE, LVDS and Basler VCAM-AR0821B camera support on Symphony-Board |
imx8mp-var-som-wbe-symphony-basler-isp0-m7.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V2.x with WBE, LVDS, Basler VCAM-AR0821B camera and Cortex-M7 support on Symphony-Board |
imx8mp-var-som-1.x-symphony.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V1.x with LVDS support on Symphony-Board |
imx8mp-var-som-1.x-symphony-m7.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V1.x with LVDS and Cortex-M7 support on Symphony-Board |
imx8mp-var-som-1.x-symphony-2nd-ov5640.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V1.x with LVDS and 2nd OV5640 support on Symphony-Board |
imx8mp-var-som-1.x-symphony-2nd-ov5640-m7.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V1.x with LVDS, 2nd OV5640 and Cortex-M7 support on Symphony-Board |
imx8mp-var-som-1.x-symphony-basler-isi0.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V1.x with LVDS and Basler VCAM-AR1335B camera support on Symphony-Board |
imx8mp-var-som-1.x-symphony-basler-isi0-m7.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V1.x with LVDS, Basler VCAM-AR1335B camera and Cortex-M7 support on Symphony-Board |
imx8mp-var-som-1.x-symphony-basler-isp0.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V1.x with LVDS and Basler VCAM-AR0821B camera support on Symphony-Board |
imx8mp-var-som-1.x-symphony-basler-isp0-m7.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V1.x with LVDS, Basler VCAM-AR0821B camera and Cortex-M7 support on Symphony-Board |
Device tree
Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M-PLUS: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mp-var-dart.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mp-var-som.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS with second OV5640 camera: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mp-var-som-ov5640.dtb
Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M-PLUS on DT8MCustomBoard V2.x and above: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M-PLUS on DT8MCustomBoard V1.x: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS on Symphony-Board: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mp-var-som-symphony.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS on Symphony-Board with a 2nd OV5640 camera: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mp-var-som-symphony-2nd-ov5640.dtb
Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M-PLUS V1.x on DT8MCustomBoard: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mp-var-dart-1.x-dt8mcustomboard.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M-PLUS V1.x on DT8MCustomBoard with Cortex-M7: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mp-var-dart-1.x-dt8mcustomboard-m7.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M-PLUS V1.x on DT8MCustomBoard with Basler camera on ISP0: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mp-var-dart-1.x-dt8mcustomboard-basler-isp0.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M-PLUS V2.x on DT8MCustomBoard: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M-PLUS V2.x on DT8MCustomBoard with Cortex-M7: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m7.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M-PLUS V2.x on DT8MCustomBoard with Basler camera on ISP0: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-basler-isp0 Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M-PLUS V2.x on DT8MCustomBoard with WBE support: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mp-var-dart-wbe-dt8mcustomboard.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M-PLUS V2.x on DT8MCustomBoard with WBE support and Cortex-M7: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mp-var-dart-wbe-dt8mcustomboard-m7.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M-PLUS V2.x on DT8MCustomBoard with WBE support and a Basler camera on ISP0: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mp-var-dart-wbe-dt8mcustomboard-basler-isp0.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V1.x on Symphony-Board: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mp-var-som-1.x-symphony.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V1.x on Symphony-Board with Cortex-M7: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mp-var-som-1.x-symphony-m7.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V1.x on Symphony-Board with a 2nd OV5640 camera: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mp-var-som-1.x-symphony-2nd-ov5640.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V1.x on Symphony-Board with Cortex-M7 and a 2nd OV5640 camera: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mp-var-som-1.x-symphony-2nd-ov5640-m7.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V1.x on Symphony-Board with Basler camera on ISI0: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mp-var-som-1.x-symphony-basler-isi0.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V1.x on Symphony-Board with Cortex-M7 and a Basler camera on ISI0: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mp-var-som-1.x-symphony-basler-isi0-m7.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V1.x on Symphony-Board with Basler camera on ISP0: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mp-var-som-1.x-symphony-basler-isp0.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V1.x on Symphony-Board with Cortex-M7 and a Basler camera on ISP0: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mp-var-som-1.x-symphony-basler-isp0-m7.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V2.x on Symphony-Board: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mp-var-som-symphony.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS 2.x on Symphony-Board with Cortex-M7: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mp-var-som-symphony-m7.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS 2.x on Symphony-Board with a 2nd OV5640 camera: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mp-var-som-symphony-2nd-ov5640.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS 2.x on Symphony-Board with Cortex-M7 and a 2nd OV5640 camera: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mp-var-som-symphony-2nd-ov5640-m7.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS 2.x on Symphony-Board with Basler camera on ISI0: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mp-var-som-symphony-basler-isi0.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS 2.x on Symphony-Board with Cortex-M7 and a Basler camera on ISI0: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mp-var-som-symphony-basler-isi0-m7.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS 2.x on Symphony-Board with Basler camera on ISP0: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mp-var-som-symphony-basler-isp0.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS 2.x on Symphony-Board with Cortex-M7 and a Basler camera on ISP0: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mp-var-som-symphony-basler-isp0-m7.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V2.x with WBE support on Symphony-Board: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mp-var-som-wbe-symphony.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V2.x with WBE support and Cortex-M7 on Symphony-Board: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mp-var-som-wbe-symphony-m7.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V2.x with WBE support on Symphony-Board with a 2nd OV5640 camera: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mp-var-som-wbe-symphony-2nd-ov5640.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V2.x with WBE support on Symphony-Board with Cortex-M7 and a 2nd OV5640 camera: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mp-var-som-wbe-symphony-2nd-ov5640-m7.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V2.x with WBE support on Symphony-Board with Basler camera on ISI0: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mp-var-som-wbe-symphony-basler-isi0.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V2.x with WBE support on Symphony-Board with Cortex-M7 and a Basler camera on ISI0: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mp-var-som-wbe-symphony-basler-isi0-m7.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V2.x with WBE support on Symphony-Board with Basler camera on ISP0: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mp-var-som-wbe-symphony-basler-isp0.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V2.x with WBE support on Symphony-Board with Cortex-M7 and a Basler camera on ISP0: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mp-var-som-wbe-symphony-basler-isp0-m7.dtb
Image Name |
How to use |
fsl-image-gui-.rootfs.wic.zst | This image is for SD card boot. It can be flashed as-is on an SD card that can then be used to boot your system, according to the relevant startup-guide of your product (usually requires to press the boot select button, or toggle a DIP switch). For detailed information refer to the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
fsl-image-gui-.rootfs.tar.zst | Tarball with rootfs files. Can be used to create an NFS root file system on the host. See the Yocto Setup TFTP/NFS section for more info. Also used to create our extended SD card. See the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
Linux kernel image, same binary for SD card and eMMC. | |
U-Boot built for SD card boot or eMMC boot. |
File Name |
Description |
imx8mp-var-dart-1.x-DT8MCustomBoard.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-MX8M-PLUS v1.x on DT8MCustomBoard |
imx8mp-var-dart-1.x-DT8MCustomBoard-m7.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-MX8M-PLUS v1.x on DT8MCustomBoard with Cortex-M7 |
imx8mp-var-dart-1.x-DT8MCustomBoard-basler-isp0.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-MX8M-PLUS v1.x on DT8MCustomBoard with Basler camera on ISP0 |
imx8mp-var-dart-DT8MCustomBoard.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-MX8M-PLUS v2.x on DT8MCustomBoard |
imx8mp-var-dart-DT8MCustomBoard-m7.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-MX8M-PLUS v2.x on DT8MCustomBoard with Cortex-M7 |
imx8mp-var-som-symphony-basler-isp0.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-MX8M-PLUS v2.x on DT8MCustomBoard with Basler camera on ISP0 |
imx8mp-var-dart-wbe-DT8MCustomBoard.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-MX8M-PLUS v2.x on DT8MCustomBoard with WBE support |
imx8mp-var-dart-wbe-DT8MCustomBoard-m7.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-MX8M-PLUS v2.x on DT8MCustomBoard with WBE support and Cortex-M7 |
imx8mp-var-dart-wbe-DT8MCustomBoard-basler-isp0.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-MX8M-PLUS v2.x on DT8MCustomBoard with WBE support and a Basler camera on ISP0 |
imx8mp-var-som-1.x-symphony.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS v1.x on Symphony-Board |
imx8mp-var-som-1.x-symphony-m7.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS v1.x on Symphony-Board with Cortex-M7 |
imx8mp-var-som-1.x-symphony-2nd-ov5640.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS v1.x on Symphony-Board with a 2nd OV5640 camera |
imx8mp-var-som-1.x-symphony-2nd-ov5640-m7.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS v1.x on Symphony-Board with Cortex-M7 and a 2nd OV5640 camera |
imx8mp-var-som-1.x-symphony-basler-isi0.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS v1.x on Symphony-Board with Basler camera on ISI0 |
imx8mp-var-som-1.x-symphony-basler-isi0-m7.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS v1.x on Symphony-Board with Cortex-M7 and a Basler camera on ISI0 |
imx8mp-var-som-1.x-symphony-basler-isp0.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS v1.x on Symphony-Board with Basler camera on ISP0 |
imx8mp-var-som-1.x-symphony-basler-isp0-m7.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS v1.x on Symphony-Board with Cortex-M7 and a Basler camera on ISP0 |
imx8mp-var-som-symphony.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS v2.x on Symphony-Board |
imx8mp-var-som-symphony-m7.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS v2.x on Symphony-Board with Cortex-M7 |
imx8mp-var-som-symphony-2nd-ov5640.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS v2.x on Symphony-Board with a 2nd OV5640 camera |
imx8mp-var-som-symphony-2nd-ov5640-m7.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS v2.x on Symphony-Board with Cortex-M7 and a 2nd OV5640 camera |
imx8mp-var-som-symphony-basler-isi0.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS v2.x on Symphony-Board with Basler camera on ISI0 |
imx8mp-var-som-symphony-basler-isi0-m7.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS v2.x on Symphony-Board with Cortex-M7 and a Basler camera on ISI0 |
imx8mp-var-som-symphony-basler-isp0.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS v2.x on Symphony-Board with Basler camera on ISP0 |
imx8mp-var-som-symphony-basler-isp0-m7.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS v2.x on Symphony-Board with Cortex-M7 and a Basler camera on ISP0 |
imx8mp-var-som-wbe-symphony.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS v2.x with WBE support on Symphony-Board |
imx8mp-var-som-wbe-symphony-m7.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS v2.x with WBE support and Cortex-M7 on Symphony-Board |
imx8mp-var-som-wbe-symphony-2nd-ov5640.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS v2.x with WBE support on Symphony-Board with a 2nd OV5640 camera |
imx8mp-var-som-wbe-symphony-2nd-ov5640-m7.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS v2.x with WBE support on Symphony-Board with Cortex-M7 and a 2nd OV5640 camera |
imx8mp-var-som-wbe-symphony-basler-isi0.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS v2.x with WBE support on Symphony-Board with Basler camera on ISI0 |
imx8mp-var-som-wbe-symphony-basler-isi0-m7.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS v2.x with WBE support on Symphony-Board with Cortex-M7 and a Basler camera on ISI0 |
imx8mp-var-som-wbe-symphony-basler-isp0.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS v2.x with WBE support on Symphony-Board with Basler camera on ISP0 |
imx8mp-var-som-wbe-symphony-basler-isp0-m7.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS v2.x with WBE support on Symphony-Board with Cortex-M7 and a Basler camera on ISP0 |
Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M-PLUS V2.x on DT8MCustomBoard V2.x and above: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M-PLUS V2.x on DT8MCustomBoard V1.x: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M-PLUS V1.x on DT8MCustomBoard V2.x and above: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mp-var-dart-1.x-dt8mcustomboard.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M-PLUS V1.x on DT8MCustomBoard V1.x: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mp-var-dart-1.x-dt8mcustomboard-legacy.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V2.x on Symphony-Board: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mp-var-som-symphony.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V2.x on Symphony-Board with a 2nd OV5640 camera: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mp-var-som-symphony-2nd-ov5640.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V1.x on Symphony-Board: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mp-var-som-1.x-symphony.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V1.x on Symphony-Board with a 2nd OV5640 camera: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mp-var-som-1.x-symphony-2nd-ov5640.dtb
Image Name |
How to use |
fsl-image-gui-.wic.gz | This image is for SD card boot. It can be flashed as-is on an SD card that can then be used to boot your system, according to the relevant startup-guide of your product (usually requires to press the boot select button, or toggle a DIP switch). For detailed information refer to the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
fsl-image-gui-.tar.gz | Tarball with rootfs files. Can be used to create an NFS root file system on the host. See the Yocto Setup TFTP/NFS section for more info. Also used to create our extended SD card. See the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
Linux kernel image, same binary for SD card and eMMC. | |
U-Boot built for SD card boot or eMMC boot. |
File Name |
Description |
imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-MX8M-PLUS V2.x on DT8MCustomBoard V2.x and above |
imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-legacy.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-MX8M-PLUS V2.x on DT8MCustomBoard V1.x |
imx8mp-var-dart-1.x-dt8mcustomboard.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-MX8M-PLUS V1.x on DT8MCustomBoard V2.x and above |
imx8mp-var-dart-1.x-dt8mcustomboard-legacy.dtb | Device tree blob for DART-MX8M-PLUS V1.x on DT8MCustomBoard V1.x |
imx8mp-var-som-symphony.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V2.x on Symphony-Board |
imx8mp-var-som-symphony-2nd-ov5640.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V2.x on Symphony-Board with a 2nd OV5640 camera |
imx8mp-var-som-1.x-symphony.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V1.x on Symphony-Board |
imx8mp-var-som-1.x-symphony-2nd-ov5640.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V1.x on Symphony-Board with a 2nd OV5640 camera |
Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M-PLUS V2.x with LVDS support on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x and above: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M-PLUS V2.x with LVDS and Cortex-M7 support on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x and above: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-m7.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M-PLUS V2.x with LVDS and Basler VCAM-AR1335B camera support on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x and above: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-basler-isi0.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M-PLUS V2.x with LVDS, Basler VCAM-AR1335B camera and Cortex-M7 support on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x and above: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-basler-isi0-m7.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M-PLUS V2.x with LVDS and Basler VCAM-AR0821B camera support on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x and above: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-basler-isp0.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M-PLUS V2.x with LVDS, Basler VCAM-AR0821B camera and Cortex-M7 support on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x and above: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mp-var-dart-dt8mcustomboard-basler-isp0-m7.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M-PLUS V2.x with WBE and LVDS support on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x and above: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mp-var-dart-wbe-dt8mcustomboard.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M-PLUS V2.x with WBE, LVDS and Cortex-M7 support on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x and above: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mp-var-dart-wbe-dt8mcustomboard-m7.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M-PLUS V2.x with WBE, LVDS and Basler VCAM-AR1335B camera support on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x and above: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mp-var-dart-wbe-dt8mcustomboard-basler-isi0.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M-PLUS V2.x with WBE, LVDS, Basler VCAM-AR1335B camera and Cortex-M7 support on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x and above: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mp-var-dart-wbe-dt8mcustomboard-basler-isi0-m7.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M-PLUS V2.x with WBE, LVDS and Basler VCAM-AR0821B camera support on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x and above: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mp-var-dart-wbe-dt8mcustomboard-basler-isp0.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M-PLUS V2.x with WBE, LVDS, Basler VCAM-AR0821B camera and Cortex-M7 support on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x and above: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mp-var-dart-wbe-dt8mcustomboard-basler-isp0-m7.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M-PLUS V1.x with LVDS support on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x and above: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mp-var-dart-1.x-dt8mcustomboard.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M-PLUS V1.x with LVDS and Cortex-M7 support on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x and above: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mp-var-dart-1.x-dt8mcustomboard-m7.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M-PLUS V1.x with LVDS and Basler VCAM-AR1335B camera support on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x and above: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mp-var-dart-1.x-dt8mcustomboard-basler-isi0.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M-PLUS V1.x with LVDS, Basler VCAM-AR1335B camera and Cortex-M7 support on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x and above: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mp-var-dart-1.x-dt8mcustomboard-basler-isi0-m7.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M-PLUS V1.x with LVDS and Basler VCAM-AR0821B camera support on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x and above: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mp-var-dart-1.x-dt8mcustomboard-basler-isp0.dtb Build only the device tree for DART-MX8M-PLUS V1.x with LVDS, Basler VCAM-AR0821B camera and Cortex-M7 support on DT8MCustomBoard 2.x and above: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mp-var-dart-1.x-dt8mcustomboard-basler-isp0-m7.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V2.X with LVDS support on Symphony-Board: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mp-var-som-symphony.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V2.X with LVDS and Cortex-M7 support on Symphony-Board: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mp-var-som-symphony-m7.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V2.x with LVDS and 2nd OV5640 support on Symphony-Board: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mp-var-som-symphony-2nd-ov5640.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V2.x with LVDS, 2nd OV5640 and Cortex-M7 support on Symphony-Board: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mp-var-som-symphony-2nd-ov5640-m7.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V2.x with LVDS and Basler VCAM-AR1335B camera support on Symphony-Board: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mp-var-som-symphony-basler-isi0.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS v2.X with LVDS, Basler VCAM-AR1335B camera and Cortex-M7 support on Symphony-Board: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mp-var-som-symphony-basler-isi0-m7.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V2.x with LVDS and Basler VCAM-AR0821B camera support on Symphony-Board: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mp-var-som-symphony-basler-isp0.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V2.x with LVDS, Basler VCAM-AR0821B camera and Cortex-M7 supporton Symphony-Board: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mp-var-som-symphony-basler-isp0-m7.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V2.x with WBE and LVDS support on Symphony-Board: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mp-var-som-wbe-symphony.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V2.x with WBE, LVDS and Cortex-M7 support on Symphony-Board: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mp-var-som-wbe-symphony-m7.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V2.x with WBE, LVDS and 2nd OV5640 support on Symphony-Board: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mp-var-som-wbe-symphony-2nd-ov5640.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V2.X with WBE, LVDS, 2nd OV5640 and Cortex-M7 support on Symphony-Board: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mp-var-som-wbe-symphony-2nd-ov5640-m7.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V2.x with WBE, LVDS and Basler VCAM-AR1335B camera support on Symphony-Board: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mp-var-som-wbe-symphony-basler-isi0.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V2.x with WBE, LVDS, Basler VCAM-AR1335B camera and M7 support on Symphony-Board: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mp-var-som-wbe-symphony-basler-isi0-m7.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V2.x with WBE, LVDS and Basler VCAM-AR0821B camera support on Symphony-Board: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mp-var-som-wbe-symphony-basler-isp0.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V2.x with WBE, LVDS, Basler VCAM-AR0821B camera and Cortex-M7 support on Symphony-Board: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mp-var-som-wbe-symphony-basler-isp0-m7.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V1.x with LVDS support on Symphony-Board: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mp-var-som-1.x-symphony.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V1.x with LVDS and Cortex-M7 support on Symphony-Board: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mp-var-som-1.x-symphony-m7.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V1.x with LVDS and 2nd OV5640 support on Symphony-Board: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mp-var-som-1.x-symphony-2nd-ov5640.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V1.x with LVDS, 2nd OV5640 and Cortex-M7 support on Symphony-Board: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mp-var-som-1.x-symphony-2nd-ov5640-m7.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V1.x with LVDS and Basler VCAM-AR1335B camera support on Symphony-Board: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mp-var-som-1.x-symphony-basler-isi0.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V1.x with LVDS, Basler VCAM-AR1335B camera and Cortex-M7 support on Symphony-Board: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mp-var-som-1.x-symphony-basler-isi0-m7.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V1.x with LVDS and Basler VCAM-AR0821B camera support on Symphony-Board: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mp-var-som-1.x-symphony-basler-isp0.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8M-PLUS V1.x with LVDS, Basler VCAM-AR0821B camera and Cortex-M7 support on Symphony-Board: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8mp-var-som-1.x-symphony-basler-isp0-m7.dtb
SD card image file tree
/opt/images/ └── Yocto ├── imx-boot-sd.bin └── rootfs.tar.gz
Setting the Boot Mode
Make sure the BOOT SELECT DIP switch on the carrier board is set correctly before you power on the board.
SW7 0 : Boot from SD card 1 : Boot from eMMC
Build Results
Image Name |
How to use |
fsl-image-gui-.sdcard.gz | This image is for SD card boot. It can be flashed as-is on an SD card that can then be used to boot your system, according to the relevant startup-guide of your product (usually requires to press the boot select button, or toggle a DIP switch). For detailed information refer to the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
fsl-image-gui-.tar.gz | Tarball with rootfs files. Can be used to create an NFS root file system on the host. See the Yocto Setup TFTP/NFS section for more info. Also used to create our extended SD card. See the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
Linux kernel image, same binary for SD card and eMMC. | |
U-Boot built for SD card boot or eMMC boot. |
DTB File Name |
Description |
fsl-imx8qxp-var-som-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for WIFI configuration. SD card disabled. |
fsl-imx8qxp-var-som-sd.dtb | Device tree blob for SD configuration. WIFI disabled. |
Image Name |
How to use |
fsl-image-gui-.sdcard.gz | This image is for SD card boot. It can be flashed as-is on an SD card that can then be used to boot your system, according to the relevant startup-guide of your product (usually requires to press the boot select button, or toggle a DIP switch). For detailed information refer to the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
fsl-image-gui-.tar.gz | Tarball with rootfs files. Can be used to create an NFS root file system on the host. See the Yocto Setup TFTP/NFS section for more info. Also used to create our extended SD card. See the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
Linux kernel image, same binary for SD card and eMMC. | |
U-Boot built for SD card boot or eMMC boot. |
DTB File Name |
Description |
imx8qxp-var-som-symphony-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for WIFI configuration. SD card disabled. |
imx8qxp-var-som-symphony-wifi-m4.dtb | Device tree blob for WIFI configuration, with Cortex-M4 support. SD card disabled. |
imx8qxp-var-som-symphony-sd.dtb | Device tree blob for SD configuration. WIFI disabled. |
imx8qxp-var-som-symphony-sd-m4.dtb | Device tree blob for SD configuration, with Cortex-M4 support. WIFI disabled. |
Image Name |
How to use |
fsl-image-gui-.sdcard.gz | This image is for SD card boot. It can be flashed as-is on an SD card that can then be used to boot your system, according to the relevant startup-guide of your product (usually requires to press the boot select button, or toggle a DIP switch). For detailed information refer to the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
fsl-image-gui-.tar.gz | Tarball with rootfs files. Can be used to create an NFS root file system on the host. See the Yocto Setup TFTP/NFS section for more info. Also used to create our extended SD card. See the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
Linux kernel image, same binary for SD card and eMMC. | |
U-Boot built for SD card boot or eMMC boot. |
DTB File Name |
Description |
fsl-imx8qxp-var-som-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for WIFI configuration. SD card disabled. |
fsl-imx8qxp-var-som-sd.dtb | Device tree blob for SD configuration. WIFI disabled. |
Image Name |
How to use |
fsl-image-gui-.sdcard.gz | This image is for SD card boot. It can be flashed as-is on an SD card that can then be used to boot your system, according to the relevant startup-guide of your product (usually requires to press the boot select button, or toggle a DIP switch). For detailed information refer to the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
fsl-image-gui-.tar.gz | Tarball with rootfs files. Can be used to create an NFS root file system on the host. See the Yocto Setup TFTP/NFS section for more info. Also used to create our extended SD card. See the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
Linux kernel image, same binary for SD card and eMMC. | |
U-Boot built for SD card boot or eMMC boot. |
DTB File Name |
Description |
imx8qxp-var-som-symphony-wifi.dtb | Device tree blob for WIFI configuration. SD card disabled. |
imx8qxp-var-som-symphony-wifi-m4.dtb | Device tree blob for WIFI configuration, with Cortex-M4 support. SD card disabled. |
imx8qxp-var-som-symphony-sd.dtb | Device tree blob for SD configuration. WIFI disabled. |
imx8qxp-var-som-symphony-sd-m4.dtb | Device tree blob for SD configuration, with Cortex-M4 support. WIFI disabled. |
Device tree
Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8X WIFI configuration: $ make -j4 freescale/fsl-imx8qxp-var-som-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8X SD configuration: $ make -j4 freescale/fsl-imx8qxp-var-som-sd.dtb
Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8X WIFI configuration: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8qxp-var-som-symphony-wifi.dtb Build only the device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8X SD configuration: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8qxp-var-som-symphony-sd.dtb
SD card image file tree
/opt/images/ └── Yocto ├── imx-boot-sd.bin └── rootfs.tar.gz
Setting the Boot Mode
Make sure the BOOT SELECT DIP switch on the carrier board is set correctly before you power on the board.
SW3 0 : Boot from SD card 1 : Boot from eMMC (Internal)
Build Results
Image Name |
How to use |
fsl-image-gui-.sdcard.gz | This image is for SD card boot. It can be flashed as-is on an SD card that can then be used to boot your system, according to the relevant startup-guide of your product (usually requires to press the boot select button, or toggle a DIP switch). For detailed information refer to the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
fsl-image-gui-.tar.gz | Tarball with rootfs files. Can be used to create an NFS root file system on the host. See the Yocto Setup TFTP/NFS section for more info. Also used to create our extended SD card. See the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
Linux kernel image, same binary for SD card and eMMC. | |
U-Boot built for SD card boot or eMMC boot. |
File Name |
Description |
Image.gz-fsl-imx8qm-var-som-dp.dtb | DTB file for VAR-SOM-MX8 with DP display |
Image.gz-fsl-imx8qm-var-som-hdmi.dtb | DTB file for VAR-SOM-MX8 with HDMI display |
Image.gz-fsl-imx8qm-var-som-lvds.dtb | DTB file for VAR-SOM-MX8 with LVDS display |
Image.gz-fsl-imx8qm-var-spear-dp.dtb | DTB file for SPEAR-MX8 with DP display |
Image.gz-fsl-imx8qm-var-spear-hdmi.dtb | DTB file for SPEAR-MX8 with HDMI display |
Image.gz-fsl-imx8qm-var-spear-lvds.dtb | DTB file for SPEAR-MX8 with LVDS display |
Similar device trees with "imx8qp-" instead of "imx8qm-" are also generated, for SOMs with the i.MX8QP variant of the SoC.
Build Results v2
Image Name |
How to use |
fsl-image-gui-.sdcard.gz | This image is for SD card boot. It can be flashed as-is on an SD card that can then be used to boot your system, according to the relevant startup-guide of your product (usually requires to press the boot select button, or toggle a DIP switch). For detailed information refer to the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
fsl-image-gui-.tar.gz | Tarball with rootfs files. Can be used to create an NFS root file system on the host. See the Yocto Setup TFTP/NFS section for more info. Also used to create our extended SD card. See the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
Linux kernel image, same binary for SD card and eMMC. | |
U-Boot built for SD card boot or eMMC boot. |
File Name |
Description |
imx8qm-var-som-dp.dtb | DTB file for VAR-SOM-MX8 with DP display |
imx8qm-var-som-hdmi.dtb | DTB file for VAR-SOM-MX8 with HDMI display |
imx8qm-var-som-lvds.dtb | DTB file for VAR-SOM-MX8 with LVDS display |
imx8qm-var-spear-dp.dtb | DTB file for SPEAR-MX8 with DP display |
imx8qm-var-spear-hdmi.dtb | DTB file for SPEAR-MX8 with HDMI display |
imx8qm-var-spear-lvds.dtb | DTB file for SPEAR-MX8 with LVDS display |
Similar device trees starting with "imx8qp-" are also generated, for SOMs with the i.MX8QP variant of the SoC.
Build Results v3
Image Name |
How to use |
fsl-image-gui-.sdcard.gz | This image is for SD card boot. It can be flashed as-is on an SD card that can then be used to boot your system, according to the relevant startup-guide of your product (usually requires to press the boot select button, or toggle a DIP switch). For detailed information refer to the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
fsl-image-gui-.tar.gz | Tarball with rootfs files. Can be used to create an NFS root file system on the host. See the Yocto Setup TFTP/NFS section for more info. Also used to create our extended SD card. See the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
Linux kernel image, same binary for SD card and eMMC. | |
U-Boot built for SD card boot or eMMC boot. |
File Name |
Description |
imx8qm-var-som-dp.dtb | DTB file for VAR-SOM-MX8 with DP display |
imx8qm-var-som-hdmi.dtb | DTB file for VAR-SOM-MX8 with HDMI display |
imx8qm-var-som-lvds.dtb | DTB file for VAR-SOM-MX8 with LVDS display |
imx8qm-var-spear-dp.dtb | DTB file for SPEAR-MX8 with DP display |
imx8qm-var-spear-hdmi.dtb | DTB file for SPEAR-MX8 with HDMI display |
imx8qm-var-spear-lvds.dtb | DTB file for SPEAR-MX8 with LVDS display |
Similar device trees starting with "imx8qp-" are also generated, for SOMs with the i.MX8QP variant of the SoC.
Build Results v4
Image Name |
How to use |
fsl-image-gui-.sdcard.gz | This image is for SD card boot. It can be flashed as-is on an SD card that can then be used to boot your system, according to the relevant startup-guide of your product (usually requires to press the boot select button, or toggle a DIP switch). For detailed information refer to the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
fsl-image-gui-.tar.gz | Tarball with rootfs files. Can be used to create an NFS root file system on the host. See the Yocto Setup TFTP/NFS section for more info. Also used to create our extended SD card. See the Create a bootable SD card section below. |
Linux kernel image, same binary for SD card and eMMC. | |
U-Boot built for SD card boot or eMMC boot. |
File Name |
Description |
imx8qm-var-som-symphony-dp.dtb | DTB file for VAR-SOM-MX8 with DP display on Symphony Board |
imx8qm-var-som-symphony-hdmi.dtb | DTB file for VAR-SOM-MX8 with HDMI display on Symphony Board |
imx8qm-var-som-symphony-lvds.dtb | DTB file for VAR-SOM-MX8 with LVDS display on Symphony Board |
imx8qm-var-som-symphony-dp-m4.dtb | DTB file for VAR-SOM-MX8 with DP display and Cortex-M4 on Symphony Board |
imx8qm-var-som-symphony-hdmi-m4.dtb | DTB file for VAR-SOM-MX8 with HDMI display and Cortex-M4 on Symphony Board |
imx8qm-var-som-symphony-lvds-m4.dtb | DTB file for VAR-SOM-MX8 with LVDS display and Cortex-M4 on Symphony Board |
imx8qm-var-spear-sp8customboard-dp.dtb | DTB file for SPEAR-MX8 with DP display on SP8CustomBoard |
imx8qm-var-spear-sp8customboard-hdmi.dtb | DTB file for SPEAR-MX8 with HDMI display on SP8CustomBoard |
imx8qm-var-spear-sp8customboard-lvds.dtb | DTB file for SPEAR-MX8 with LVDS display on SP8CustomBoard |
imx8qm-var-spear-sp8customboard-dp-m4.dtb | DTB file for SPEAR-MX8 with DP display and Cortex-M4 on SP8CustomBoard |
imx8qm-var-spear-sp8customboard-hdmi-m4.dtb | DTB file for SPEAR-MX8 with HDMI display and Cortex-M4 on SP8CustomBoard |
imx8qm-var-spear-sp8customboard-lvds.m4.dtb | DTB file for SPEAR-MX8 with LVDS display and Cortex-M4 on SP8CustomBoard |
Similar device trees starting with "imx8qp-" are also generated, for SOMs with the i.MX8QP variant of the SoC.
Device tree
Build device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8 with DP display: $ make -j4 freescale/fsl-imx8qm-var-som-db.dtb Build device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8 with HDMI display: $ make -j4 freescale/fsl-imx8qm-var-som-hdmi.dtb Build device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8 with LVDS display: $ make -j4 freescale/fsl-imx8qm-var-som-db.dtb Build device tree for SPEAR-MX8 with DP display: $ make -j4 freescale/fsl-imx8qm-var-spear-db.dtb Build device tree for SPEAR-MX8 with HDMI display: $ make -j4 freescale/fsl-imx8qm-var-spear-hdmi.dtb Build device tree for SPEAR-MX8 with LVDS display: $ make -j4 freescale/fsl-imx8qm-var-spear-lvds.dtb
Replace imx8qm with imx8qp to build the device trees for the i.MX8QP variant of the SoC.
Device tree v2
Build device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8 with DP display: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8qm-var-som-db.dtb Build device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8 with HDMI display: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8qm-var-som-hdmi.dtb Build device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8 with LVDS display: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8qm-var-som-db.dtb Build device tree for SPEAR-MX8 with DP display: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8qm-var-spear-db.dtb Build device tree for SPEAR-MX8 with HDMI display: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8qm-var-spear-hdmi.dtb Build device tree for SPEAR-MX8 with LVDS display: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8qm-var-spear-lvds.dtb
Replace imx8qm with imx8qp to build the device trees for the i.MX8QP variant of the SoC.
Device tree v3
Build device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8 with DP display on Symphony Board: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8qm-var-som-symphony-dp.dtb Build device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8 with HDMI display on Symphony Board: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8qm-var-som-symphony-hdmi.dtb Build device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8 with LVDS display on Symphony Board: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8qm-var-som-symphony-lvds.dtb Build device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8 with DP display and Cortex-M4 on Symphony Board: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8qm-var-som-symphony-dp-m4.dtb Build device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8 with HDMI display and Cortex-M4 on Symphony Board: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8qm-var-som-symphony-hdmi-m4.dtb Build device tree for VAR-SOM-MX8 with LVDS display and Cortex-M4 on Symphony Board: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8qm-var-som-symphony-lvds-m4.dtb Build device tree for SPEAR-MX8 with DP display on SP8CustomBoard: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8qm-var-spear-sp8customboard-dp.dtb Build device tree for SPEAR-MX8 with HDMI display on SP8CustomBoard: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8qm-var-spear-sp8customboard-hdmi.dtb Build device tree for SPEAR-MX8 with LVDS display on SP8CustomBoard: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8qm-var-spear-sp8customboard-lvds.dtb Build device tree for SPEAR-MX8 with DP display and Cortex-M4 on SP8CustomBoard: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8qm-var-spear-sp8customboard-dp-m4.dtb Build device tree for SPEAR-MX8 with HDMI display and Cortex-M4 on SP8CustomBoard: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8qm-var-spear-sp8customboard-hdmi-m4.dtb Build device tree for SPEAR-MX8 with LVDS display and Cortex-M4on SP8CustomBoard: $ make -j4 freescale/imx8qm-var-spear-sp8customboard-lvds-m4.dtb
Replace imx8qm with imx8qp to build the device trees for the i.MX8QP variant of the SoC.
SD card image file tree
/opt/images/ └── Yocto ├── imx-boot-sd.bin └── rootfs.tar.gz
DTB files table
DTB File Name |
Description |
fsl-imx8qm-var-som-dp.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8 with DP display |
fsl-imx8qm-var-som-hdmi.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8 with HDMI display |
fsl-imx8qm-var-som-lvds.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8 with LVDS display |
fsl-imx8qm-var-spear-dp.dtb | Device tree blob for SPEAR-MX8 with DP display |
fsl-imx8qm-var-spear-hdmi.dtb | Device tree blob for SPEAR-MX8 with HDMI display |
fsl-imx8qm-var-spear-lvds.dtb | Device tree blob for SPEAR-MX8 with LVDS display |
DTB files table v2
DTB File Name |
Description |
imx8qm-var-som-dp.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8 with DP display |
imx8qm-var-som-hdmi.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8 with HDMI display |
imx8qm-var-som-lvds.dtb | Device tree blob for VAR-SOM-MX8 with LVDS display |
imx8qm-var-spear-dp.dtb | Device tree blob for SPEAR-MX8 with DP display |
imx8qm-var-spear-hdmi.dtb | Device tree blob for SPEAR-MX8 with HDMI display |
imx8qm-var-spear-lvds.dtb | Device tree blob for SPEAR-MX8 with LVDS display |
Setting the Boot Mode
Make sure the BOOT SELECT DIP switch on the carrier board is set correctly before you power on the board.
SW3 on VAR-SOM-MX8, SW6 on SPEAR-MX8 0 : Boot from SD card 1 : Boot from eMMC (Internal)
Release Notes
Based on release | Yocto: Poky , BSP: NXP, Linux: [ ] |
Release tag | [/tree/ ] |
Release manifest | [/blob// ] |
Date | |
Supported platforms | |
SOM revision | |
File System build system | Yocto |
Recovery SD card link | [/ ] |
Relevant git Repositories
Source | Repository | Branch | Commit ID
Configuring RS485 Half-Duplex
Each UART can be configured for RS485 Half-Duplex mode by using a GPIO pin to drive the receive and transmit enable inputs. This can be configured in the device tree by making the following changes to the uart node and replacing X, Y & Z with the proper values:
&uartX { /* Add RS485 properties to uartX */ pinctrl-names = "default"; pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_uartX>, <&pinctrl_uartX_rs485>; /* Add RS485 GPIO pinctrl */ rts-gpios = <&gpioY Z GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>; /* Add rts-gpios property */ linux,rs485-enabled-at-boot-time; /* Enable RS485 at boot time to skip using TIOCSRS485 ioctl */ status = "okay"; };
Next, configure the RS485 GPIO pin by adding pinctrl_uartX_rs485
to iomuxc
. Replace X, GPIO_PIN_FUNCTION, and GPIO_PIN_SETTINGS with the proper values:
&iomuxc { pinctrl_uartX_rs485: uartXrs485 { fsl,pins = < GPIO_PIN_FUNCTION GPIO_PIN_SETTINGS >; }; };
Note: For more information about configuring pins, please see i.MX Device Tree Pinmux Settings Guide
After making these changes, RS485 mode will be enabled by default and can be verified from the console by running the commands below. Replace N with the proper value, which is typically X-1 relative to the device tree node uartX
# stty -F /dev/ttymxcN -echo -onlcr 115200 # echo hello > /dev/ttymxcN
The below logic analyzer capture shows the RS485 RX/TX enable line toggling when writing to the UART:
Please refer to the Linux device tree bindings for more RS485 configuration options.
Expression error: Unexpected > operator. Expression error: Unexpected >= operator. Expression error: Unexpected >= operator. $ cd $ MACHINE= DISTRO=
The above command is only mandatory for the very first build setup: whenever restarting a newer build session (from a different terminal or in a different time), you can skip the full setup and just run
$ cd $ source setup-environment
Platform Customizations
Create a bootable SD card
SD card structure
This is the structure of our Recovery/Extended SD card:
The SD card is divided into 3 sections as shown in the picture above:
- The first unallocated 4MiB are saved space for SPL and u-boot.img. They can be replaced with a dd command described in the Yocto Build U-Boot section.
- The first partition is a fat16 partition used for the device tree files and Linux uImage file. You can copy them as described in the Yocto Build Linux section.
- The second partition is an ext4 partition that contains the complete file system and modules.
The last unallocated area is not used. It is there so that the rootfs will fit on any 4GB SD card, as not all 4GB SD cards are really the same size. If you want, you can use a program such as GParted to resize the roofs partition and make it end at the end of your specific SD card (of course, you can also use SD cards with much bigger capacity than 4GB, and then it makes more sense to resize the partition).
Also, if you create the extended SD card yourself by following the Create an extended SD card section below, and you use the '-a' option, the rootfs partition will end at the end of your specific SD card automatically.
Yocto pre-built bootable SD card
The Yocto build products contains many files as explained in the Build Results section. For example, fsl-image-gui-imx95-var-dart.sdcard, depending on your build. This is a complete image to be flashed directly to an SD card.
Example usage:
$ sudo umount /dev/sdX* # For GUI-X11 & QT5-X11 $ cd ~/var-fsl-yocto/build_x11 Or # For QT5-FB $ cd ~/var-fsl-yocto/build_fb # For fsl-image-gui image (GUI-X11) $ sudo dd if=tmp/deploy/images/imx95-var-dart/fsl-image-gui-imx95-var-dart.sdcard of=/dev/sdX bs=1M && sync Or # For fsl-image-qt5 image (QT5-X11 & QT5-FB) $ sudo dd if=tmp/deploy/images/imx95-var-dart/fsl-image-qt5-imx95-var-dart.sdcard of=/dev/sdX bs=1M && sync
Replace sdX with the right device name. This can be obtained by "dmesg" command on your host Linux PC, after the SD card reader is inserted.
- Note: Booting your system from an SD card requires pressing the boot-select button, or switching the relevant DIP switch to "Boot from SD card", according to the relevant start-up guide of your system"
Drawbacks of the native .sdcard yocto-built image:
- The second partition size doesn't use the entire SD card.
- The second partition is not labeled as rootfs.
- The NAND and eMMC flashing scripts are not included.
Create an extended SD card
Variscite provides the var-create-yocto-sdcard.sh script which creates our NAND/eMMC recovery SD card - an SD card based on the fsl-image-gui filesystem, which copies the NAND flash burning scripts and relevant binaries for your convenience.
Later, you will be able to follow either the more automatic Yocto Recovery SD card guide or the more manual VAR-SOM-MX6 NAND flash burning guide to burn your images to NAND flash or eMMC.
This is essentially the same as our pre-built Recovery SD image, with the following main differences:
- The Android recovery (Android-eMMC) is only present on the pre-built SD image, and not on the SD card built from the Yocto script.
- The pre-built image's rootfs partition size is 3700MiB, which is also the default size when using the script, but the script also has an option to set the rootfs partition size to fill the whole free space of the used SD card. Anyway, you can always resize the partition later with an external tool such as gparted.
Naturally, the pre-built image is more straight forward and easier to use, while the script method is easier to customize.
- Follow the Setup and build Yocto guide, and bitbake fsl-image-gui.
- Plug-in the SD card to your Linux HOST PC, run dmesg and see which device is added (i.e. /dev/sdX or /dev/mmcblkX)
$ sudo MACHINE=imx95-var-dart ~/var-fsl-yocto/sources/meta-variscite-fslc/scripts/var_mk_yocto_sdcard/var-create-yocto-sdcard.sh <options> /dev/sdX (Replace /dev/sdX with your actual device)
options: -h Display help message -s Only show partition sizes to be written, without actually write them -a Automatically set the rootfs partition size to fill the SD card -r Select alternative rootfs for recovery images (default: build_x11/tmp/deploy/images/imx95-var-dart/fsl-image-gui-imx95-var-dart.*)
If you don't use the '-a' option, a default rootfs size of 3700MiB will be used The '-r' option allows you to create a bootable SD card with an alternative image for the installation to NAND flash or eMMC. Example: "-r tmp/deploy/images/imx95-var-dart/fsl-image-qt5-imx95-var-dart" -- selected the "Qt5 image with X11" recovery image
Boot the board with a bootable SD card
Make sure the BOOT SELECT DIP switch on the carrier board is set correctly before you power on the board.
SW7 0 : Boot from SD card 1 : Boot from eMMC
Flash images to NAND/eMMC
Please refer to Nand Flash Burning
Yocto Image Customization
Update Yocto Morty to Latest HEAD
From time to time we will post updates to meta-variscite that will include new features and bug fixes.
Follow the instructions below to update your tree:
$ cd ~/var-fsl-yocto $ repo init -b scarthgap $ repo sync
Update Yocto Morty to Release Tag
See the tag list at https://github.com/varigit
$ cd ~/var-fsl-yocto $ repo init -b refs/tags/"tag name" $ repo sync
Forcing Clean Build
In order to update the kernel, U-Boot and rootfs: $ bitbake -c cleanall u-boot-variscite linux-variscite kernel-module-imx-gpu-viv ti-compat-wireless-wl18xx wl18xx-firmware cryptodev-module for GUI image $ bitbake -c clean fsl-image-gui for Qt5 image $ bitbake -c clean fsl-image-qt5
QT5/Embedded environment variables
The QT5/Embedded require environment variables to run correctly. You need to have them avilable on the target. For example /etc/profile.d/tslib.sh can be edited.
export TSLIB_TSDEVICE=/dev/input/touchscreen0
export TSLIB_CALIBFILE=/etc/pointercal
export TSLIB_CONFFILE=/etc/ts.conf
export QT_QPA_GENERIC_PLUGINS=tslib:/dev/input/event0
export QT_QPA_PLATFORM=eglfs
By default we create ubifs image for 512MB NAND-flash size.
You can change the size by editing ~/var-fsl-yocto/sources/meta-variscite-fslc/conf/machine/imx95-var-dart.conf
and comment / uncomment the relevant section based on size.
DDR size and Contiguous Memory Allocator
By default Freescale allocates 256MB of RAM to the Contiguous Memory allocator. This is for proper operation of the IPU VPU, X11 etc. On VAR-SOM-SOLO with 256MB DDR RAM size, it will cause a kernel freeze during boot. Adding cma=32MB to the bootargs parameters is required to fix.