VAR-SOM-MX6 Yocto NAND Recovery V60plus
From Variscite Wiki
Variscite provides a recovery SD card image that can be used to install the pre-built U-Boot, Linux kernel and the file system into the internal storage/s of the SOM.
Preparing a recovery SD card
- Download mx6-som-recovery-sd.vXX.img.gz (latest) which is available on Variscite's FTP:
- Plug-in the SD card to your Linux HOST PC, run dmesg and see which device is added (i.e. /dev/sdX or /dev/mmcblkX)
$ gunzip mx6-som-recovery-sd.vXX.img.gz $ sudo umount /dev/sdX* $ sudo dd if=mx6-som-recovery-sd.vXX.img of=/dev/sdX bs=1M (Replace /dev/sdX with your actual device)
Recover NAND Flash/eMMC
- Power-off the board.
- Insert the SD card into the SD card slot of the carrier board (DVK)
- Make sure the BOOT SELECT DIP switches are set to SD card: Setting the BOOT SELECT DIP switches
- Power up the board - it will boot into Linux from the SD card
Flash from GUI
Touch/Click on the appropriate icon:
- Install Yocto NAND flash: Flash Yocto to NAND flash
- Install Yocto eMMC: Flash Yocto to eMMC
Flash from command line
- Login as root (no password)
- From Linux command line, type one of flash options
$ - Flash Yocto into eMMC or NAND Flash (Follow instructions)
SD card image file tree
/opt/images/ └── Yocto ├── imx7d-var-som-emmc.dtb ├── imx7d-var-som-nand.dtb ├── rootfs.tar.bz2 ├── rootfs.ubi ├── u-boot.imx-nand ├── u-boot.imx-sd └── zImage