VAR-SOM-MX6 Ubuntu Linaro Alip-20151215
Ubuntu Linaro ALIP is a small distribution used for bringing up ARM boards.The ALIP image emphasis is on small size, rebuildability, cross-buildability and enough packages to usefully exercise a new board, including graphics and media.
Currently ALIP is based on LXDE (Lubuntu), with lightdm, X11 and chromium as the default graphic applications.
Variscite extend the Linaro Ubuntu Alip to support our i.MX6 System On a Modules. Also we added accelerated graphics and GSTreamer with all Freescale/NXP i.MX6 extensions.
Build Ubuntu Linaro Alip, Linux and u-boot
HOW-TO Test and use an Interface
15/12/2015 - Variscite releases A new WIKI for the FIDO release
New update to the Fido R2 Wiki. Enjoy.