Static IP Address
It is sometimes desirable to provide static IP configuration for network interface instead of relying on DHCP.
Using /etc/network/interfaces
Edit /etc/network/interfaces to add configuration sections for network interfaces. The example below configures eth0
auto eth0 iface eth0 inet static address netmask gateway dns-nameservers
Please note that /etc/network/interfaces is a configuration file of ifup/ifdown tools that do the actual interface setup work. In the SystemV init setup they are invoked by /etc/init.d/networking script during boot. If you're using systemd instead of SystemV init, /etc/init.d/networking is not available and you should create your own systemd service file that invokes "ifup -a" on boot.
Connman interaction with /etc/network/interfaces
The default Yocto network manager is connman. It is a service to manage network connections in embedded devices. Connman will override the settings in /etc/network/interfaces unless configured to blacklist certain interfaces. For example, after configuring eth0 and eth1 in /etc/network/interfaces, you should create /etc/connman/main.conf and add the following:
[General] NetworkInterfaceBlacklist=eth0,eth1
Configure static IP using connmanctl
Instead of using /etc/network/interfaces one can use connmanctl tool to configure static IP. To create initial configuration the relevant interface should be connected to the network.
To get the list of connections run
# connmanctl services
For example:
root@imx7-var-som:~# connmanctl services *AO Wired ethernet_0eb31468dcc9_cable
Wired Ethernet connection would be shown as ethernet_<mac_address>_cable.
To configure static IP, run
# connmanctl <service> --ipv4 manual <ip address> <netmask> <gateway> # connmanctl config <service> --nameservers <dns-addr>
For example:
# connmanctl ethernet_0eb31468dcc9_cable --ipv4 manual # connmanctl config ethernet_0eb31468dcc9_cable --nameservers
The configuration will be saved in /var/lib/connman/ethernet_0eb31468dcc9_cable/settings.
The downside of this method is the use of non-constant parameters (e.g. MAC address) to identify the connection, which makes it impossible to incorporate the configuration into Yocto image and use it on multiple devices.
NetworkManager interaction with /etc/network/interfaces
NetworkMananager is an alternative to connman. Both cannot coexist in the same Yocto image, so the image should be rebuilt after enabling NetworkManager. Interfaces configured via /etc/network/interfaces are automatically ignored by NetworkMananager, so nothing special should be done.
Configure static IP using nmcli
The NetworkManager command line tool, nmcli, can also be used create static IP configuration. In the example below a permanent static configuration is created for interface eth0.
# nmcli con add type ethernet ifname eth0 name static-eth0 ip4 gw4 # nmcli con mod static-eth0 ipv4.dns ","
The configuration will be saved in /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/static-eth0. Once generated it can be incorporated into Yocto image and used on multiple devices.