Static IP Address
From Variscite Wiki
Configuring Static IP Addresses
It is sometimes desirable to provide static IP configuration for network interface instead of relying on DHCP.
Using /etc/network/interfaces
Edit /etc/network/interfaces and add configuration sections for network interfaces. The example below configures eth0
auto eth0 iface eth0 inet static address netmask gateway
Configure connman interface blacklist
The default Yocto network manager is connman. It as service to manage network connections in embedded devices. To check if connman is running on your system execute the following command:
# ps ax | grep connman
Connman may override the settings in /etc/network/interfaces unless configured to ignore certain interfaces. For example, to instruct connman to ignore eth0 and eth1, create /etc/connman/main.conf and add the following:
[General] NetworkInterfaceBlacklist=eth0,eth1