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VAR-SOM-AM62 - MCU-PLUS-SDK 08_06_00_18


MCU-PLUS-SDK 08_06_00_18 for for AM62X

This SDK contains examples, libraries and tools to develop RTOS and no-RTOS based applications for ARM M4F CPU, ARM R5F CPU and related peripherals.

MCU-PLUS-SDK-block diagram am62x.png.png

The examples and demos supported from TI are arranged as below

~/mcu-plus-sdk-am62x/examples/{optional component or module}/{optional sub-module or sub-component}/{example name}/{board on which this example can run}/{cpu}_{os}/{compiler toolchain}

For example referring to ipc_rpmsg_echo_linux for VAR-SOM-AM62

{optional component or module}: e.g. driver
{optional sub-module or sub-component}: e.g. ipc
{example name}: e.g. ipc_rpmsg_echo_linux
{board on which this example can run}: var-som-am62
{cpu}_{os}: e.g. m4fss0-0_freertos
{compiler toolchain}: ti-arm-clang

For more details please see TI Examples and Demos

To see the examples supported by Variscite, please look at the table Available demos:



Available online from TI AM62x MCU+ SDK

Locally starting documentation server
 "cd ~/mcu-plus-sdk-am62x"
 "python3 -m http.server 8080 &"
 open web browser to "http://<ip where documentation server is running>:8080/docs/api_guide_am62x/index.html"

Other useful informations


Before starting, prepare a Yocto boot SD.

Installing required packages

Download and install Sysconfig:

$ cd /tmp
$ wget
$ chmod +x
$ ./ and install to ~/ti/sysconfig_1.15.0
$ rm

Download and install TI CLANG Compiler Toolchain:

$ cd /tmp
$ wget
$ chmod +x ti_cgt_armllvm_2.1.2.LTS_linux-x64_installer.bin
$ ./ti_cgt_armllvm_2.1.2.LTS_linux-x64_installer.bin and install to ~/ti/ti-cgt-armllvm_2.1.2.LTS
$ rm ti_cgt_armllvm_2.1.2.LTS_linux-x64_installer.bin

Download MCU-PLUS-SDK for the SOM:

$ mkdir ~/mcu-plus-sdk-am62x
$ cd ~/mcu-plus-sdk-am62x
$ git clone -b mcu_plus_sdk_am62x_08_06_00_18_var01 ~/mcu-plus-sdk-am62x

Demos pins for M4F CPU

Default M4F pins used by the demos are:

Function SoC balls VAR-SOM-AM62 pins Symphony pins Notes
UART2 RXD/TXD R24/R25 J1.115/J1.171 J18.9 / J18.7 The UART2 is not an instance from the MCU domain so only the polling mode is supported.
To more details: Accessing main and wakeup domain peripherals from MCU domain

Don't use /dev/ttyS2 from linux while running M4F examples to avoid conflicts.

MCU_GPIO0_14 (Input) B3 J1.155 J13.16 (HDMI connector) HDMI to header connector adapter is required
MCU_GPIO0_13 (Output) D6 J1.157 J13.18 (HDMI connector) HDMI to header connector adapter is required
MCU_MCAN1 RX/TX D4/E5 J1.154/J1.156 J13.9/J13.11 (TTL levels, CAN transceiver not mounted!) HDMI to header connector adapter is required
MCU_SPI0 CLK/D0/D1/CS1 A7/D9/C9/B8 J1.150/J1.151/J1.152/J1.153 J13.17/J13.21/J13.15/J13.23 HDMI to header connector adapter is required
MCU_I2C0 SCL/SDA A8/D10 J1.146/J1.148 J13.22/J13.24 HDMI to header connector adapter is required

Demos pins for R5F CPU

Default R5F pins used by the demos are:

Function SoC balls VAR-SOM-AM62 pins Symphony pins Notes
WKUP_UART0 RXD/TXD B4/C5 J1.145/J1.147 JJ3.8/J3.9
MCU_GPIO0_14 (Input) B3 J1.155 J13.16 (HDMI connector) HDMI to header connector adapter is required
MCU_GPIO0_13 (Output) D6 J1.157 J13.18 (HDMI connector) HDMI to header connector adapter is required
MCAN0 RX/TX E15/C15 J1.46/J1.44 J16.18 / J16.20 (CANL/CANH levels, CAN transceiver mounted!)
MCU_SPI0 CLK/D0/D1/CS1 A7/D9/C9/B8 J1.150/J1.151/J1.152/J1.153 J13.17/J13.21/J13.15/J13.23 HDMI to header connector adapter is required
WKUP_I2C0 SCL/SDA B9/A9 J1.140/J1.141 J3.15/J3.5 HDMI to header connector adapter is required

Available demos

All of the Variscite examples are located under the following folders

~/mcu-plus-sdk-am62x/examples/{component or module}/{optional sub-module or sub-component}/{example name}/var-som-am62/{cpu}_{os}/{compiler toolchain}

The available demos for VAR-SOM-AM62 are:

  • drivers/gpio/gpio_input_interrupt
  • drivers/gpio/gpio_led_blink
  • drivers/i2c/i2c_led_blink
  • drivers/i2c/i2c_read
  • drivers/i2c/i2c_temperature
  • drivers/ipc/ipc_notify_echo
  • drivers/ipc/ipc_rpmsg_echo
  • drivers/ipc/ipc_rpmsg_echo_linux
  • drivers/mcan/mcan_loopback_interrupt
  • drivers/mcan/mcan_loopback_polling
  • drivers/mcspi/mcspi_loopback
  • drivers/mcspi/mcspi_performance_32bit
  • drivers/mcspi/mcspi_performance_8bit
  • drivers/sciclient/sciclient_get_version
  • drivers/uart/uart_echo
  • drivers/uart/uart_echo_low_latency_polling
  • drivers/udma/udma_chaining
  • drivers/udma/udma_memcpy_interrupt
  • drivers/udma/udma_memcpy_polling
  • drivers/udma/udma_sw_trigger
  • empty
  • hello_world
  • hello_world_cpp
  • kernel/dpl/dpl_demo
  • kernel/freertos/posix_demo
  • kernel/freertos/task_switch

The folders am62x-sk and am62x-sk-lp are related to the examples for TI Starter Kit.

You can build and run the demos following official TI documentation:

Building a demo using makefiles

Note: The Linux SDK provide an pre-built example (ipc_rpmsg_echo_linux) that on a target file system is soft linked by am62-mcu-m4f0_0-fw.

root@am62x-var-som:~# ls -l /lib/firmware
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 72 May 3 2023 am62-mcu-m4f0_0-fw -> /lib/firmware/pdk-ipc/ipc_echo_baremetal_test_mcu2_0_release_strip.xer5f

We will use ipc_rpmsg_echo_linux as example to explain building procedure.

Building ipc_rpmsg_echo_linux for M4F CPU

$ cd ~/mcu-plus-sdk-am62x
$ export PROJDIR=examples/drivers/ipc/ipc_rpmsg_echo_linux/var-som-am62/m4fss0-0_freertos/ti-arm-clang/
$ make -s -C ${PROJDIR} clean
$ make -s -C ${PROJDIR}
This produces the M4F binary ${PROJDIR}/am62-mcu-m4f0_0-fw for RTOS OS

Building ipc_rpmsg_echo_linux for R5F CPU

$ cd ~/mcu-plus-sdk-am62x
$ export PROJDIR=examples/drivers/ipc/ipc_rpmsg_echo_linux/var-som-am62/r5fss0-0_freertos/ti-arm-clang/
$ make -s -C ${PROJDIR} clean
$ make -s -C ${PROJDIR}
This produces the R5F binary ${PROJDIR}/am62-wkup-r5f0_0-fw for RTOS OS

Running a demo

Booting M4F CPU from linux user space using remoteproc

Note: The remoteproc driver is hard-coded to look for specific files (am62-mcu-m4f0_0-fw) when loading the M4F core.

Before to replace it with new M4F binary a copy is recommended:

root@am62x-var-som:~# cp /lib/firmware/pdk-ipc/ipc_echo_baremetal_test_mcu2_0_release_strip.xer5f /lib/firmware/pdk-ipc/ipc_echo_baremetal_test_mcu2_0_release_strip.xer5f.bk
$ cd ~/mcu-plus-sdk-am62x
$ scp ${PROJDIR}/am62-mcu-m4f0_0-fw root@<target ip>:/lib/firmware/am62-mcu-m4f0_0-fw
Run on the target:
$ echo stop > /sys/class/remoteproc/remoteproc0/state
$ echo start > /sys/class/remoteproc/remoteproc0/state

Flashing and booting R5F CPU through SBL

Attention!: Be very careful to use R5F for user app. It is recommended to use M4F instead.
Read TI discussion for more details


As the wake-up R5F is the device manager, it needs to be updated and started by the SBL. It can not be loaded through linux user space using remoteproc.
Building U-Boot is required. Please referring to Yocto Build U-Boot from source code guide

Flashing R5F CPU

$ cp ${PROJDIR}/am62-wkup-r5f0_0-fw  $DMFW_DIR/am62xx/ipc_echo_testb_mcu1_0_release_strip.xer5f
$ make -j8 ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-none-linux-gnu- ATF=$TFA_DIR/build/k3/lite/release/bl31.bin TEE=$OPTEE_DIR/out/arm-plat-k3/core/tee-pager_v2.bin DM=$DMFW_DIR/ipc_echo_testb_mcu1_0_release_strip.xer5f O=$UBOOT_DIR/out/a53
Update $UBOOT_DIR/out/a53/tispl.bin referring to Update U-Boot on running system guide

Booting R5F CPU

To boots the new flashed R5F firmware rebooting is need

$ reset command from U-Boot prompt
$ press RST key
$ power off/on cycle