Debian Build Release
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Build by parts
Build bootloader
$ cd $ sudo -c bootloader
Expression error: Unexpected >= operator.
Build rootfs
Internet connection should be available
$ cd $ sudo -c rootfs
Pack rootfs
To create the root file system archive (rootfs.tar.gz) and UBI image (rootfs.ubi.img), run the following commands:
$ cd $ sudo -c rtar $ sudo -c rubi
Create boot SD card
- Follow the above steps for make rootfs, kernel, bootloader;
- Insert the SD card to card reader connected to a host system;
- Run the following commands (Caution! All data on the card will be destroyed):
$ cd $ sudo -c sdcard -d /dev/sdX
where '/dev/sdX' path to the block SD device in your system.
Create a boot SD card image using a loop device
It is also possible to use the "" script to create a boot SD card image, while using a loop device instead of attaching a real SD card.
Create an empty file using the following command:
$ dd if=/dev/zero of=-debian-sd.img bs=1M count=3720
The above command creates a 3700MiB file representing the SD card.
Attach the first available loop device to this file:
$ sudo losetup -Pf -debian-sd.img
To find the actual loop device being used, run:
$ losetup -a