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Configuring the USB OTG port under Linux

By default, the USB OTG port is configured as OTG in the device tree, and a USB type-C receptacle is assembled on the Symphony carrier board.
To use it as host only or peripheral only you need to change the value of the dr_mode property under the USB node in the device tree.
dr_mode: One of "host", "peripheral" or "otg". Defaults to "otg"

For example:
Follow either the "Build the Linux kernel from source code" or "Customizing the Linux kernel" Wiki pages and edit the following device tree file:

&usbotg3 {
-	dr_mode = "otg";
+	dr_mode = "host";
	extcon = <&typec_ptn5150>;
	status = "okay";

If you build the kernel manually from source code, you should build only the device trees and copy them to your SD card or eMMC.

Note: You can read the current dr_mode value on a running target, by executing the following command:

# cat /sys/firmware/devicetree/base/usb3@5b110000/dr_mode;

Using the USB OTG port under Linux

As host (default)

Refer to USB host

As peripheral

In order to use the board as a peripheral, an appropriate module needs to be loaded.
For example, there is an Ethernet gadget module called g_ether, a mass storage gadget called g_mass_storage, a serial gadget called g_serial, etc.

Example using the g_mass_storage module to expose the root partition on eMMC to a PC while booting from recovery SD card:
Connect a type-C plug to Standard-A plug cable between the board and a PC, and run the following on the board:

# umount /dev/mmcblk0p1
# modprobe g_mass_storage file=/dev/mmcblk0p1

The partition should be loaded on the PC as a mass storage device.


With OTG, the board can be either a host, or a peripheral.
In order to use it as a host and connect a peripheral (e.g. a USB flash drive) to it, either use a peripheral with type-C connector or use type-C to type-A adapter.
In order to use it as a peripheral and connect it to a PC, for example, a cable with a type-C plug on one end and a Standard-A plug on the other is needed.